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2014 Minutes



2014 December Minutes


Meeting called to order at 9:00PM after enjoying a delicious dinner at the Bass Pro Shops Islamorada restaurant.


Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Bob, Ken, Cal and Lyla, Dan and Cathy, Stefen, Irene and George. Guests Kathy Piere, Tiffany Lachenaur, Kay Brooks, Tandi Stroud, Keegan Stroud, Cal Miller and Jeanette and Dan Miller.




The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved as read, motion by Mark, seconded by Bob.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current ending balance is $2941.02 with $296.49 in the charity fund leaving $2644.53 in the general fund. Bob announced that he had submitted the required forms to the IRS as required.


Old Business:


Fisher House Event: Remains OPEN as planning continues for our next event. OPEN


Christmas Bikes: Adam acquired the bicycles and purchased helmets for members to donate to their respective charitable organizations and toy drives. CLOSED


Metro League of Bass Clubs: Item remains OPEN until Troy organizes a speaker to address the club. OPEN


New Business:


Proposed new members. Tandi and Keegan Stroud expressed their interest in joining and the vote passed. CLOSED


George presented an overview of the Texas Federation Nation's new tournament format, fees and prizes. FYI


Youth Club: Bob said he would investigate organizing a sanctioned youth club for South Texas. He will also put together next year's club membership form and points sheet and submit to George for review and forwarding to State. OPEN


2015 Club Officers: The results of the voting were announced: President Stefen Brooks, Vice President Mike Robbins, Secretary Adam Johanson, Treasurer Bob Meder and Sergeant at Arms Irene Robbins. Members at Large are Cal Bienhoff and Mike Kinchen. Tournament Committee consists of Mike Robbins, Troy, Bob, Ken and Tournament Director is Mark Lachenaurer. Sportsman of the Year is Bob Meder.


Top Six: Mark investigated lodging options for the Top Six tournament on Texoma. Mike K said he would check into possibly using the Sheppard AFB Annex on the lake. OPEN


Tournament Director's Report:


Results of the November tournament on Amistad were announced: Mark third, Ken second and Stefen first with big bass. The results of the December tournament on Bastrop were announced: Stefen third, Mike R second and Ken first with big bass.


Mark announced the Angler of the Year and Top Six. They are Stefen Brooks Angler of the Year, Mike Robbins second, Mark third, Ken fourth, Bob fifth and Troy sixth. Big bass for the year went to Stefen for a 7.74 at O.H. Ivie in August.


Mike K volunteered to donate/purchase plaques for the Top Six, Big Bass and Sportsman of the Year.


The club participated in a "White Elephant" gift exchange.


Mark motioned and Bob seconded to adjourn meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:52PM.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary



2014 November Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.


Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Bob, Ken, Cal, Lyla, Dan, Cathy, Mike R., Troy, Warren, and Stefen. Guests Terry Colwell, Tandi Stroud, Keegan Stroud, Jacob Somerville and Christian Somerville.




The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved as read; motion by Mark and seconded by Warren.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $3350.67 with $806.14 in the charity fund leaving $2,544.53 in the general fund.


Old Business:


Bikes: Adam has been unable to contact the lady with the free bicycles but will keep trying. Mark mentioned that scooters were a popular item with the kids. Purchasing helmets was also discussed. Mark motioned and Dan seconded that Adam purchase thirty helmets if he is able to get 30 bikes from the SAPD source and/or expend up to $400.00 for scooters and helmets if unable to contact the SAPD contact. The vote passed. OPEN


Fisher House: Mike K contacted the Volunteer rep at the Fisher House and she said they are receptive to any date that we come up with for the barbecue for residents and volunteers. We want to wait for nicer weather, so will reconnect with them after the new year. OPEN


Metro: Troy will have a representative from Metro come to address the club but he wanted to wait until after the new year. OPEN


New Business:


Prospective New Members: Troy introduced Tandi and Keegan Stroud who are currently fishing a high school tournament trail but expressed interest in broadening Keegan's experience by joining a bass club. They will fish the December tournament on Bastrop as guests and make a final decicion on joining Quality Bass Club later. Also present as prospective new members were Jacob and Christian Somerville. They too wanted to wait before committing to join. OPEN


Election of Officers: Adam opened the floor for nominees for election of officers. Nominations were President- Stefen Brooks, Vice President- Mike Robbins, Treasurer- Bob Meder, Secretary- Adam Johanson and Sergeant at Arms- Irene Robbins. All members will be on the ballot for Sportsman of the Year, Tournament Committee/Tournament Director and Members at Large. Election of Officers for 2015 will be at the December club meeting. OPEN


December Meeting/Christmas Party: Adam will check with the Bass Pro Shops restaraunt about catering our December meeting. He'll investigate both a full sit down meal or finger foods. Arrangements will have to be finalized via email. OPEN


Mike announced that he took out the visiting Italian fisherman and they enjoyed a day of fishing on Bastrop. It was a nice expression of ambassadorship for our visiting friend. FYI


Stefen announced his work place would have a Toys for Tots event on Dec 3rd from 5:30-7:30 and everyone is invited. He will send out a flyer via email. FYI


Tournament Director's Report:


Results of the October tournament on Dunlap were announced. Mike R had big bass, Ken was third, Stefen second and Bob was first.


Tournament times for the November tournament on Amistad were announced. Saturday 6:45-3:00 with weigh in at Box Canyon and Sunday 6:45-1:00 with weigh in at Black Brush.


Tournament times were announced for the December tournament on Bastrop. Saturday 7:00-3:00 and Sunday 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at the South Shore Park ramp. This will be a paper tournament and draw. Pairings are:

Saturday    Sunday
Warren  Colton    Mike R  Ron
Stefen  Bob    Troy  Bob
Mark  Cal M    Warren  Cal M
Mike R  Keegan    Tandi   Tim
Troy  Ron    Stefen  Keegan
Tandi  Mike K    Ken  Colton
Ken  Tim    Mark  Mike K


Bob conducted the "goodie bag" draw and Warren won.


Mike R motioned and Bob seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:55pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary



top of page



2014 October Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:06


Members Present: Adam, Troy, Ken, Stefen, Mike K, Mike R, Mark




The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Troy.


Treasurer’s Report:


The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Current balance is $3,310.67 with $806.14 in the charity fund leaving $2,504.53 in the general fund.


Old Business:


State Championship Tournament Rules: Mike Robbins reported that there was a state meeting and they received the club’s recommended changes and the board will make some changes. Also, Mike said that they announced the next state tournament will be on Lake Texhoma. CLOSED.


Fishing for Freedom Event: Mike Kinchen reported that he contacted Dwayne Hopkins at the Lackland Fisher House and they would like for us to come back again; they recommended the first Saturday in November. There was some discussion and club members said that they believe that the club needs more time to prepare and suggested that we have after the holidays and early next year in Jan or Feb. Mike said that he would make the recommendations to Fisher House for a weekend that does not conflict with our tournament schedule. OPEN.


Bicycles for Christmas Donations: Adam is still researching. OPEN.


Quality to join Metro: There was some discussion about the club joining but there was not enough information about cost to club. Troy will investigate further. OPEN.


No New Business.


Tournament Director’s Report:


Results of the September tournament on Lake Austin were announced. Robert D was third with 19.93; Mike R was second with 27.71; and Troy was first with 30.2. Ken had big bass at 6.74. Note: All top four finishers weighed in a bass over six pounds.


Tournament times were announced for the October tournament on Lake Dunlap, Oct 25 & 26. Saturday and Sunday 7:15-3:00 with weigh in at I-35 bridge ramp.


Mark motioned and Mike R seconded to adjourn meeting at 7:37 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,
Mike Kinchen, Acting Secretary



2014 September Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01PM.


Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Cal, Lyla, Mike R, Irene, Bob, Ron, Warren, George, Ken and Stefen. Guest speaker Michelle Baker, American Income Life




The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Ken.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $3368.55 with $806.14 in the charity fund leaving $2562.41 in the general fund.


Before the general meeting occurred, Michelle Baker from American Income Life made a presentation to the club about the benefits offered by her company which are free to members because we are members of BASS and BASS Federation Nation. Benefits include $3500 accidental death and dismemberment, a health discount card, a child safe kit and an important document guide. FYI


Old Business:


Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction: Special thanks to Irene and Mark for organizing this sucessful event. Mark and Irene thanked everyone for their participation and support. Bob announced the total raised was over $3000. Special thanks again this year to Carolyn Pauley and Teresa Keller for their outstanding support even though they are not club members. Mike Kinchen thought the club should provide them with an expression of the club's appreciation. Irene will follow up. Mark said next year the club should purchase 40 pounds of fish. Also some feedback about the breading indicated the cajun spices were a bit too much. CLOSED


State Championship Tournament Rules: Still no word on a date for the State meeting. OPEN


Club members voted on the proposed changes to the tournament rules and more than a 2/3 majority of members present was received. CLOSED


New Business:


Fishing for Freedom Event: Adam asked for ideas for a Fishing for Freedom type event for 2014. Mike Kinchen mentioned there was a children's home off of Highway 90 that we could do a casting kids event. Ken and Irene both expressed their opinion that last year's Fisher House event was successful and we should pursue conducting another. Mike K will contact Dwayne Hopkins, Executive Director of Fisher House, to see if there is a date in November that we can hold an event for them. OPEN


Mark mentioned that it may be time to arrange for bicycles for Christmas donations. Adam will research. OPEN


Troy mentioned that Metro will be having its annual tournament the first weekend in October and asked why Quality isn't a member of Metro. Consensus was not enough is known (fees and affiliations). Troy will investigate further. OPEN


Tournament Director's Report:


Results of the August tournament on Ivie were announced. Mark was third, Warren was second and Stefen was first with big bass.


Tournament times were announced for the September tournament on Lakr Austin on September 27th and 28th. Saturday 7:00-3:00 and Sunday 7:00-2:00 with weigh in at the Highway 360 bridge ramp.


Irene conducted the draw for a $20 gift certificate from Red Robin. Bob won. Michelle Baker also provided a goodie bag (jerky and Gatorade) and Irene drew Mike R as the winner.


Irene motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn meeting at 8:06pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page



2014 August Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02PM.


Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Cal, Lyla, Mike R, Irene, Bob, Ron, Warren, George, Ken and Stefen.  Guest Dave Barnes  




The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Bob.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $323.40 with $204.89 in the charity fund leaving $32.11 in the general fund.


Old Business:


Jerseys: Dan delivered the jerseys that were ordered and took an order for additional jerseys. CLOSED


State Championship Tournament Rules: Still no word on a date for the State meeting. OPEN


Fish Fry: Mark misplaced previous assignments and assigned individual tasks and responsibilities. Will need 30 lbs of fish which Adam will acquire and Cathy's company will pay for, Teresa Keller will do beans, Lyla will do cole slaw and Ken will provide potato salad. Carolyn Pauley again volunteered to provide banana pudding for auction and individual servings as deserts. Everyone was asked to bring desserts. Irene will do iced tea. Irene has raffle tickets available for sale. Tickets will be $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 or 15 for $10.00 Request cookers show up 2:00 to begin cooking. OPEN


Tournament Entry Fees and Payouts. Mark presented a spreadsheet of possible changes to entry fees and payouts. After some discussion the club decided to raise the entry fee to $30.00 and instead of the club keeping a percentage, the club would keep a flat $5.00 for the club and increase big bass entry from $3.00 to $5.00. That leaves $20.00 entry fees to be split as currently established (50% for first, 30% for second and 20% for third). Mark wrote the proposed tournament rule changes and submitted to the club so they can be voted on at the next meeting. Proposed changes are:

[Current]2. REGISTRATION: A registration fee of $20.00, $17.00 tournament fee and $3.00 (mandatory) Big Bass, will be collected from each contestant fishing the tournament.[Current]

[Propsed]2. REGISTRATION: A registration fee of $30.00, $25.00 tournament fee and $5.00 (mandatory) Big Bass, will be collected from each contestant fishing the tournament.[Propsed]

[Current]9. AWARDS: The top three positions will be awarded a cash percentage of the total tournament fees as follows: the club will get 10% off the top to be placed in the club treasury; 1st place will receive 50% of the remainder with 2nd and 3rd places receiving 30% and 20% respectively.[Current]

[Proposed]9. AWARDS: The top three positions will be awarded a cash percentage of the total tournament fees as follows: the club will get $5.00 off the top to be placed in the club treasury; 1st place will receive 50% of the remainder with 2nd and 3rd places receiving 30% and 20% respectively.[Proposed]


New Business:


Dan presented an email from an individual from Italy, Alberto Gobbi, who will be in San Antonio in October and would like to go out fishing. Mike Robbins volunteered to be an Ambassador of our club and take him out. FYI


Dave Barnes expressed interested in becoming a member. After a brief intro, Bob motioned and Mark seconded to allow membership. The vote passed.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results of the July tournament on Richland-Chambers were announced. Randy third, Mike R second and Stefen first with big bass.


Tournament times were announced for the August tournament on Ivie on August 16th and 17th. Saturday times will be 6:45-2:00 and Sunday 6:45-1:00 with weigh in at Elm Creek ramp. Mark will send out an email with the unique restrictions for Ivie.


Lyla won a tackle pack in the door prize drawing.


Mark motioned and Cal seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 8:18pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page



2014 July Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:03PM.


Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Cal, Lyla, Mike R, Irene, Bob, Randy, Warren, George and Stefen.  Guest Ron Stevenson.  




The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Cal.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $323.40 with $204.89 in the charity fund leaving $118.51 in the general fund.


Old Business:


Jerseys: The vendor agreed to all changes so Dan submitted the order for jerseys. Manufacturing and shipping times (due to customs) are unknown. Dan requests payment as soon as possible. OPEN


State Championship Tournament Rules: The State Federation Nation President has not advised when the next meeting will take place so George asked Bob to provide him with our proposal and he will present if necessary. If we're notified of the meeting date Adam and/or Bob intend to attend. OPEN


Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction: Mark and Irene went over needed supplies and sundries for the Fish Fry. Dan and Cathy will ask Teresa Keller if she'll do beans and Carolyn Pauley if she'll do a banana pudding. We still haven't heard from Robert about hush puppies. Mark suggested purchasing premade breading and perhaps hush puppy mix if needed. Cathy said her company (C&B Realty) will purchase the fish and breading. Everyone was encouraged to bring deserts and reminded about bringing items for raffle and auction. Irene is still working on making the raffle tickets which have to meet certain restrictions now that we qualify as a 501(c)(7) as a Sports and Recreation organization. She motioned that the club expend $100 from the treasury to purchase gift cards for the raffle and auction. Seconded by Cal, the vote passed. Irened also asked members to have items by July 31st so she can print up the tickets. OPEN


New Business:


Prospective new member: Warren introduced Ron Stevenson as a prospective new member. After a brief intro, Irene motioned and Cathy seconded to allow Ron membership. The vote passed. CLOSED


September Tournament: Mark brought up a conflict with the date of the September tournament and after some discussion it was motioned by Mark and seconded by Dan to change the date to 27-28 September on Lake Austin. The vote passed. CLOSED


August Tournament: Mark reminded everyone of the lake rules and restrictions on Ivie and will bring a recap to the next meeting. FYI


Tournament Entry Fees and Payouts: Dan asked Mark if he still had the different tournament entry fees and payout scenarios for the club to see and perhaps vote on changes. Mark said he would update the info he put together in 2010 and present at the next meeting. OPEN


Tournament Director's Report:


Results of the June tournament on Belton were announced. Mark third, Mike K second with big bass and Stefen first.


Tournament times were announced for the July tournament on Richland-Chamber on July 12th and 13th. Saturday will be 6:00-3:00 and Sunday 6:00-1:00 with weigh in at Oak Cove Marina both days.


Irene conducted a goodie bag draw. Bob won an assorted tackle pack.


Irene motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn meeting at 7:53pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page




2014 June Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:05PM


Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Mike R, Irene, Troy, Stefen, Bob and Ken.  




The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved; motion by Irene and seconded by Mark.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $306.40 with $204.89 in the charity fund leaving $101.51 in the general fund.


Old Business:


Jerseys: Dan found a supplier online that can provide custom jerseys for $24.00 each (for a minimum order of 15). He provided a graphic representation of what the jerseys would look like and the membership requested some changes and asked some questions, Dan will check with the supplier on shipping costs and ask if the requested changes (such as making the jersey long sleeve, adding our web site address to the sleeve and changing the piping color from gold to dark green). Adam asked that the feedback from the committee created to investigate sponsors be TABLED until Dan comes back with the change info. Seeking sponsors may not be necessary if we go this route. OPEN


Fish Fry/Fund Raiser: Irene reminded members that the event is sneaking up on us pretty fast. The question of who will cook the hush puppies now that the member who traditionally cooks them is no longer affiliated with us came up. Mike Kinchen volunteered if necessary and Mark said he would ask Robert Dunlap if he would still help us. OPEN


State Championship Tournament Rules: Bob presented proposed changes to the State rules and recommended we present them at the next State meeting. After some discussion and a suggested change, Mike K motioned and Ken seconded to submit the proposed changes as amended in advance via email to the State President, Secretary and Tournament Director so it can be added to the meeting agenda and then presented on the floor of the meeting. It was suggested a courtesy copy of the rules change and the thread of the initial email raising our concerns be sent to B.A.S.S. OPEN


August Tournament on Choke: Troy motioned that the August tournament be changed from Choke to O.H. Ivie. Mark seconded. The vote passed. CLOSED


New Business:


Dan presented material from an organization called Boatxtreme. They have a club alliance program. Consensus was to join the program. CLOSED


Tournament Director's Report:


Results of the May tournament on Falcon were announced. Troy had big bass, Bob third, Robert Divin second and Mike Robbins first.


Tournament times for the June tournament on Belton on June 21st and 22nd are Saturday 6:00-3:00 and Sunday 6:00-1:00 with weigh in both days at Temple Park.


Irene conducted a draw and Mark won a Bass Pro gift card.


Stefen motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:54pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page




2014 May Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:03PM


Members Present: Cal, Lyla, Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Troy, Stefen, Ken, Mike R, and Irene.




The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved: motion by Mark and seconded by Ken.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $292.80 with $204.89 in the charity fund leaving $87.91 in the general fund.


Old Business:


Fishing Jersies and Sponsorships: Bob put together a power point presentation suggesting some ways to go about getting sponsors to offset the cost of fishing jersies. The discussion centered around the lifecycle of sponsors (1-4 years), exclusivity of sponsors and costs. After some discussion the President established a Jersey Committee to investigate further and bring some options to the next meeting. The Committee consists of Bob, Mark and Troy. OPEN


Fishing Jersies: As an alternative or interim solution until the jersey and sponsorship situation is resolved, Dan found an online shop that will customize our attire with our logo. They don't currently have the bicycle jersey style we're looking for but they have t-shirts, polo shirts, sweat shirts, hats and accessories. They also rebate money to the club based on sales and that money can be provided back to individual club members who make purchases. CLOSED


Fish Fry/Fund Raiser: Mark and Irene will co-chair the event again this year. The beg letter and flyer are available for download from the QBC website. OPEN


New Business:


Choke Tournament: Troy asked whether it would make sense to change the scheduled August tournament on Choke to another lake because of the lake level of Choke. It was decided to wait another month to see if the level changes. TABLED


Tournament Director's Report:


Last tournament on Amistad results announced. Cal third, Mark second and Mike Robbins first. Dan had big bass.


Times for the May tournament on Falcon were announced as Saturday 6:30-3:00 and Sunday 6:30-1:00 with weigh in both days at county ramp.


Irene conducted the draw and Mike K. won. He got a $20 gift certificate to Bass Pro.


Cal motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn meeting at 8:00pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page




2014 April Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01PM


Members Present: Cal, Lyla, Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Bob, Ken, Mike R, Irene, Cory, Stefen, Troy, Randy, and George. Guests Pat and Keith Rogers.




The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved: motion by Bob and seconded by George


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $270.70 with $204.89 in the charity fund leaving $65.81 in the general fund.


Old Business:




New Business:


Prospective new members Pat Rogers and his son Keith attended the meeting to meet club members and decide if they wanted to join. After a brief introduction and a little info about themselves they decided to wait a while before committing to join. TABLED


Mike R informed everyone that Power Pole is a BASS sponsor now and club members can purchase one at a 10% discount. Club officers and Federation Nation officers get additional discounts. FYI


Adam presented Irene with an Amazon gift card as a token of appreciation from the other members of the Top 6 team. FYI


There was some discussion about the controversy at Top 6 and the way it was handled by the State President. The club wants to present a formal clarification of eligibility for the State tournament. OPEN


It was announced that August 23rd will be the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Dan will prepare the "beg letter" and post it online for download. OPEN


Bob mentioned that there were nice jersies worn by other teams and thought the club might be interested in purchasing some. He will investigate further. OPEN


Tournament Director's Report:


Next tournament will be Amistad. Sat will be out of Box Canyon with fishing times 7-3. Sun out of Blackbrush with fishing times 7-1.


Irene won the draw.


Mark motioned and Cal seconded to adjourn meeting at 7:52pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page



2014 March Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02 PM


Members Present: Mark, Bob M, Adam, Mike R & Irene R, Dan, Cathy, Stefen, Jason and Cory




The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved, motion by Mark and seconded by Bob.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $1770.70 with $203.89 in the charity fund leaving $1565.81 in the general fund. $900 for lodging for Top 6 team needs to be taken out this month. That will leave $665.81.


Old Business: No old business.


New Business:


Per Diem for Top Six: After general discussion, it was determined that based upon the balance in the treasury, the per diem can be $100 per team member for six days for 2014. Mark made the proposal and Stefen seconded to expend $600 from the treasury; the motion carried. CLOSED


Stefen asked about pictures on the web site. Dan said recent pictures were added thanks to Chris Divin, but we don't get a lot of pictures at tournaments. We need to take more for posting. CLOSED


Tournament Director's Report:


Mark announced winners of the February and March tournaments. On Falcon: Ken was third, Bob second and Mark was first with big bass. On Amistad: Randy was third and had big bass, Stefen was second and Bob was first.


Mark made motion to close meeting, second by Mile R; motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:19PM.



Respectfully submitted,


Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page



2014 February Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM


Members present: Ken, Mike K, Cal & Lyla, Randy, Stefen, Corey, Troy, Bob, Adam, and Mark




The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Ken.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current ending balance is $2,399.75 with $204.89 in the charity fund leaving $2,194.86 in the general fund; motion by Mark and seconded by Cal.


Old Business:


Cal presented five new weigh bags to the club. CLOSED


Lyla purchased the 2013 plaques and delivered to the meeting, Adam presented the plaques. CLOSED


New Business:


No new business.


Tournament Director's Report:


The Tournament Director announced the winners of the Fayette Tournament: 1st place with 17.96 lbs, Troy (new guy luck); 2nd place with 15.09 lbs, Ken (with no surprise – spinner bait); 3rd place with 12.72 lbs, Mike R; and big bass honors were shared by Mike R and Irene R, both catching 3.66 pounders (big whoop!)


Mark announced that the times for the Falcon Tournament would be Sat 6:45 – 3:00 (weigh in at State Park ramp) and Sun 6:45 – 1:00 (weigh in at County ramp)


Mark announced the time for Amistad Tournament: Sat 6:30 – 3:00 (weight in at Box Canyon ramp) and Sun 7:30 – 1:00 (weigh in at Black Brush ramp) Note: DST change on Sunday.


Mark motioned and Cal seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:15PM. (Possible Club Record)


With the greatest of humility, and with due respect to Dan,
submitted, Mike Kinchen, Acting Secty



top of page



2014 January Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02PM


Members present: George, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Cal, Lyla, Mike R, Ken, Bob, Stefen, Randy, Cory, Jason and guest Troy Hargroder.




The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Cal.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current ending balance is $2244.05 with $204.89 in the charity fund leaving $2039.16 in the general fund.


Old Business:


Mike K presented a hand written thank you letter from the youngsters who received our bikes during the Christmas holiday. FYI


Cal mentioned the weigh bags had to be ordered so it would be February before he got them. He will purchase five bags. OPEN


Lyla announced the plaques were ordered and cost roughly $48.00. She will bring to the next meeting. OPEN


New Business:


Prospective New Member. Troy Hargroder presented himself for membership. After a brief self-introduction, Mike motioned and Dan seconded to vote Troy into the club and the vote was unanimous. CLOSED 



George announced that the 2014 BASS Central Open will be held on Amistad 6-8 February and individuals are needed to support the event. Fifteen boaters are needed and will be paid $100/day. Please contact George if interested. FYI


Tournament Director's Report:


The 2014 tournament schedule was presented to the membership for vote. The vote passed. See the 2014 schedule on the club's schedule page. CLOSED


The Tournament Director conducted the draw for the January tournament on Fayette. He announced times as 7:00-3:00 Saturday and 7:00-1:00 Sunday with weigh in at Park Praire Park ramp. Pairings are:

Mike KChris
Stefen Randy
Mike R George
Robert D Irene
Mike RCal
Mike KBob
Robert D Cory


Mike R asked Mike K if he was interested in fishing the Top 6 and Mike deferred his position to Adam. 


Mark motioned and Cal seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:49PM.



Respectfully submitted,


Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page






Quality Bass Club

San Antonio, TX

B.A.S.S. Federation Nation Affiliated

A Charter Member









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