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Texas B.A.S.S. Nation



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2023 Minutes




2023 December Minutes


Meeting called to order at 5:01.


Members Present: Curt, Brandon E, Fletch, Bob, Mike K., Troy, Cal, Mark L., Ron, Chris P., Butch. Guests: many spouses and friends.




Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved as editted. Shad - Vice President should read Brandon E. - Vice President.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $1517.18 / Ending balance $1770.82 / charity fund $1.02


Old Business:


Fletch dropped off the donation to the Food Bank.


Proposed change to the tournament rules to raise the entry to $40 - motion passed.


Voting for the 2024 Club Officers, Members at Large, Spoortsman of the Year, Tournament Committee were held. Results: President - Bob Vice President - Brandon E. Secretary - Brandon K. Treasurer - Fletch Sergeant at Arms - Chris Members at Large - Troy and Shad Tournament Committee - Mark (TD), Brandon E, Fletch, Troy, Shad Ruben Arevalos Sportsman of the Year - Mark L


New Business:


C.A.S.T. - Ron made a mition to go forward with.


Texas Bass Nation South Region schedule has been posted for the Team ann Individual events. Bass Nation Club membership is not required to fish the Team trail. Solo trail you must be a member in good standing with a TXBN club.


Raffle - There was some discussion about the raffle and if we want to continue with it. There was no decision made but please think about your ability to participate in the selling of raffle tickets. We will need to discuss more in Jan.


Next club tournament - The TXBN South region team and solo trail conflicts with the club Tourney scheduled for Jan 2024. After some discussion a motion was made and passed to move the tourney to Jan 20- 21 on Lake Austin.


Plaques - Ron will get the Plaques made for BB ( Tom ) , Sportsman ( Mark L. ) , Angler ( Mark L.)


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for the final 2 tournaments of the 2023 season were announced. Fayette Day 1 - 3rd: Geno , 2nd: Curt , 1st w/ BB: Brandon E.
Fayette Day 2 - 3rd: Fletch , 2nd: Curt , 1st : Brandon E. , BB - Butch


2023 Final standings:

  1. Lachenauer, Mark
  2. Edmiston, Brandon
  3. Scarborough, Ken
  4. Covey, Curt
  5. Stevenson, Ron
  6. Hargroder, Troy
  7. O'Rourke, Shad
  8. Fletcher, Steven
  9. Meder, Bob
  10. Littlewood, Geno
BB - Tom Nilssen - 13.31


Meeting adjourned at 5:47.


Respectfully submitted,
Mark Lachenaurer



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2023 November Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01


Members Present:: Fletch, Troy, Brandon K., Brandon E., Mark, Bob, Ron, Mike K., Chris P., Eli, Shad, Randy, Butch




Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


October Ending Balance: $1457.18. November Beginning Balance: $1517.18. Charity fund $380.28.


Old Business:


There were 17 responses to the club survey, with 64% in favor of virtual meetings, 17% maybe. Other highlights included more members expressing interest in fishing the state championship, a strong favor of raising tournament fees to $40. 58% favored raising club dues, and 87.5% favored continuing charity events such as C.A.S.T. for kids. 100% of respondents favored NOT fishing in the months of July & August.


New Business:


One guest (Randy Lee) introduced himself and decided to join. Members voted and welcomed Randy into the club.


Texas Bass Nation South Region will have the upcoming schedule posted by this weekend for the Team and solo events. Bass Nation Club membership is not required to fish the Team Trail. Steps were taken to send more anglers forward to compete at the next levels. Ryan Watkins gave up his spot to fish the Super Regional, and Matt Barnes will take his place.


December meeting will occur at Bob's house on 9 Dec starting at 3pm. A motion was made & approved to use club funds to purchase the brisket. Start thinking about a side dish to bring!


The following individuals were nominated for club positions and accepted the nomination
Bob - president
Shad - Vice President
Brandon K. - Secretary
Fletch - Treasury
Chris - Sargeant of Arms
Votes cast at December meeting.


Mark Proposed a change to the bylaws (Tournament Rule Changes). Below is the current vs. proposed change breakdown.
2. REGISTRATION: A registration fee of $30.00, $25.00 tournament fee and $5.00 (mandatory) Big Bass, will be collected from each contestant fishing the tournament. It is strongly encouraged that these fees be paid at the club meeting prior to the tournament; however, they should be paid prior to weigh‐in. If a tournament is cancelled, each of the pre‐paid competitors will receive a refund. The Director will rule upon a personal request for a refund prior to the start of the tournament.
2. REGISTRATION: A registration fee of $40.00, $35.00 tournament fee and $5.00 (mandatory) Big Bass, will be collected from each contestant fishing the tournament. It is strongly encouraged that these fees be paid at the club meeting prior to the tournament; however, they should be paid prior to weigh‐in. If a tournament is cancelled, each of the pre‐paid competitors will receive a refund. The Director will rule upon a personal request for a refund prior to the start of the tournament.
9. AWARDS: The top three positions will be awarded a cash percentage of the total tournament fees as follows: the club will get $5.00 off the top to be placed in the club treasury; 1st place will receive 50% of the remainder with 2nd and 3rd places receiving 30% and 20% respectively. The club will retain un‐awarded/unclaimed prizes if not claimed by a winner for sixty (60) days following award of the prize. Guests may participate for Big Bass only. In case of a tie for 1st place, 1st and 2nd place monies will be split. In case of a tie for 2nd place, 2nd and 3rd place monies will be split. In case of a tie for 3rd place, 3rd place money will be split.
9. AWARDS: The top three positions will be awarded a cash percentage of the total tournament fees as follows: the club will get $10.00 off the top to be placed in the club treasury($5 general fund, $5 charity fund); 1st place will receive 50% of the remainder with 2nd and 3rd places receiving 30% and 20% respectively. The club will retain un‐awarded/unclaimed prizes if not claimed by a winner for sixty (60) days following award of the prize. Guests may participate for Big Bass only. In case of a tie for 1st place, 1st and 2nd place monies will be split. In case of a tie for 2nd place, 2nd and 3rd place monies will be split. In case of a tie for 3rd place, 3rd place money will be split.,/p>


Tournament Director's Report:


October Tournament - Bastrop
Day 1 Tournament (July makeup)
1st - Brandon E.
2nd - Tie between Mark & Troy (BB)

Day 2 Tournament (October regular event)
1st - Brandon E.
2nd - Bob (BB)
3rd - Jason L.


Mark motioned to move the November tournament from Lake Buchannan to Lake Bastrop, and the motion was approved.


Lake Bastrop (South Shore Ramp). 11 Nov - Sat: 630 - 3pm. 12 Nov - Sun: 630- 1pm


Meeting adjourned at 8:07.


Respectfully submitted,

Brandon King



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2023 October Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:05PM (Bass Pro Shops).


Members Present: Brandon, Troy, Jason L., Mark L, Bob, Eli, Ron, Norm.




Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved..


Treasurer's Report:


Sept beginning balance - General: $1422.18, Charity: $380.28 - Sept ending balance - General: $1457.18, Charity: $380.28 .


Old Business:


No old business.


New Business:


Please pay your dues so that we can get out roster in to State / National - Same as last year - 30 State , 30 Nantional , 5 Club - total $65.


Please check your email and fill out the survey.


Fundraiser for Kendall this Saturday - - Get with Ron if you want to attend and need tickets.


TX Bass Nation South region had their championship on LBJ this past weekend. 7 boaters - 6 non-boaters. 1st place boater Trevor Rogge, 1st place non - Cliff Martinez . 4 people from South region have now qualified for Super Regional - Boaters - Ryan Watkins ( AYO ) , Trevor Rogge ( Region Championship) Non-Boaters Cliff Martinez, and Glenn Hahn ( 1st and 2nd Region Championship ).


TX Bass Nation State Champ - April 12 - 13 , 2024 Cedar Creek..


Tournament Director's Report:


After some discussion there was a motion made to move to Bastrop this weekend. Vote was 5 - 2 in favor of moving.


This weekend Oct 7 - 8 on Lake Bastrop , We will be using South Shore Park. Paper tournaments, get with Mark if you need a scale and/or to get yours calibrated. Mark will be at the Ramp early both days. If you leave early please text Mark your weight slip.


Fishing times Sat - 7:00 - 3 and Sun - 7:00 - 1. This will be 2 - 1 day tournaments..


Meeting adjourned at 7:32.


Respectfully submitted,
Mark Lachenaurer



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2023 September Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:05PM (Bass Pro Shops)


Members Present: Brandon, Mike K, Jason L., Mark L, Bob, Eli




Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Aug beginning balance - General: $1250.18, Charity: $337.28. Aug ending balance - General: $1422.18, Charity: $380.28.


Old Business:


Club Raffle: Raffle made $215 in profit. $43 was added to the charity fund, $172 to the general fund.


New Business:


Reminder - Fishing Licenses expired on 8-31, get your new one before going out fishing.


Reminder - Need to make sure the IRS 990 is submitted, Bob will check with Fletch on this.


Tournament Director's Report:


This weekend Sept 9 - 10 on Lake LBJ , We will be using McNair park. Paper tournament, get with Mark if you need a scale and/or to get yours calibrated. Mark will be at the Ramp early both days. If you leave early please text Mark your weight slip.


Fishing times Sat - 6:45 - 3 and Sun - 6:45 - 1.


Meeting adjourned 7:34PM

Respectfully submitted,
Mark Lachenauer



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2023 August Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM (Bass Pro Shops)


Members Present: Warren, Ron, Brandon, Curt, Troy, Chris, Mike K, Mark L, Eli




Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


July ending balance - General: $1250.18, Charity: $337.28. Raffle Fund: $640.00


Old Business:


C.A.S.T Morgan's Wonderland: Plaques and Letters are ready for sponsors, if you had a sponsor please get with Ron.


Club Raffle: Please remember to get your tickets from Mark if you haven't already done so or if you need more. Drawing will take place on Aug 12, 2023. Drawing around 4pm, please get there by 3pm. If you won't make it please get with Mark to get them turned in.


New Business:


Sept Tourney - Currently TBD, Motion made and approved to hold the Sept 9-10 on Lake LBJ.


Tournament Director's Report:


June Tournament: Lake Amistad
1st place : Brandon 17.91 lbs
2nd place : Geno 17.39 lbs w/ BB 7.54
3rd place: Butch 17.20lbs


Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM


Respectfully submitted,
Mark Lachenauer


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2023 July Minutes


No meeting conducted

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2023 June Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM (Bass Pro Shops)


Members Present: Warren, Ron, Bob, Matt, Brandon, George, Fletch, Jason Lahti, Norman, Tom, Jason LaQuay, Troy, Chris




Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


May ending balance - General: 1985.18, Charity: 337.28. June balance - General: 744.99, Charity: 337.28. Raffle Fund: $410.00.


Old Business:


C.A.S.T Morgan's Wonderland: Successful event enjoyed by both the children, parents and volunteers. Club covered fees for 83 attendees. Thanks Ron, and all who joined the effort to give back and make a special day for these families.


Club Raffle: Please remember to get your tickets from Mark if you haven't already done so or if you need more. Drawing will take place on Aug 12, 2023.


Jerseys: Nothing Significant To Report


New Business:


No new business


Tournament Director's Report:


May Tournament: Lake Amistad
1st place : 11.88 lbs Butch /BB 3.73 lbs
2nd place 8.34 lbs Mark
3rd place 5.03 lbs Geno.


June Tournament: Choke Canyon (10 & 11 June)
Ramp: Calliham - 3-Fish limit both days.
Saturday 0600 - 3 pm (1100 courtesy weigh-in).
Sunday 0600 - 1pm (No courtesy weigh-in).


Meeting adjourned at 7:18M


Respectfully submitted,
Brandon King


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2023 May Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01PM.


Members Present: Daniel, Warren, Fletch, Jeremie, Mark L, Jason LaQuay, Chris, Ron, Mark V, Eli




Minutes were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $3595.21 / Ending balance $2267.46 /charity fund $337.28/general fund $1930.18.


Old Business:


C.A.S.T. for Kids Event - ***May28*** Volunteers sign up now! - make sure you go to sign up as a shore volunteer. Please get registered ASAP. We have 40 kids signed up with a wait list. Butch - Ice, Chris, Warren - Water , Mark - Hotdogs , Ron/Craig - Tackle, Ron - Photo printer, Tiff/Theresa/Terry - Will take/print photos. We need Everyone there at 7am to get set up.


State Tournament - Everyone had a good time.


Quality Fundraiser - Tickets have been printed. If you did not get tickets from Mark yet, get with him to get your tickets.


Club Jerseys - Still no response from the jersey company, Mark has a website he is going to see about getting a mock up before next meeting.


New Business:


No new business


Tournament Director's Report:


April Tournament - Results: 3rd Bob - 9.07lbs , 2nd w/ BB Shad - 9.95lbs , BB of 3.10lbs, 1st Mark - 12.44lbs


May Tournament - Amistad - Diablo East both days Sat - 6:30 - 3:00 , Sun 6:30 to 1:00


Meeting adjourned at 7:22.


Respectfully submitted,
Mark Lachenauer


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2023 April Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01PM.


Members Present: Fletch, Jeremie, Mike K, Mark L, Jason Lahti, Jason LaQuay, Bob, Butch, Ron, Mark V, Norm, Eli , guest: Daniel Buchheit.


Treasurer's Report: Beginning balance $4471.73 / Ending balance $3595.21/charity fund $337.28/general fund $3257.93.


Old Business:


C.A.S.T. for Kids Event - ***May28*** Children And Volunteers can sign up now! - make sure you go to sign up as a shore volunteer and send Ron your T-Shirt size via text. If you have a past sponsor, please get with them to see about sponsoring again - - Please get registered and text Ron shirt Size, ASAP.


State Tournament - April 13 -14 , Practice Days 11 –12 on Lake Ray Roberts - Mark, Ron, Warren, and Bob are going, $2800 total was voted on and allotted for this event. As per tournament Rules. $600 entry fee, $200 For boaters ($100 to each Mark and Warren). Each Member going will get $300 per diem, so we are spending a total of $2000 out of the allotted $2800.


Quality Fundraiser - Drawing Date will be Aug 12, Checking to see if we can still use My House Lounge on Culebra for the Drawing location. Sample ticket was shown, we have the hunt, 3 SOL guns, and 1 guided trip on Canyon. Ron mentioned that Danny may be willing to donate another trip, Mark will reach out and see if that is still the case and will get the tickets updated and a final proof out to the club officers asap. Hope to print and bring them to the May meeting.


Club Jerseys - Tabled to see what Warren and Branon found out. Also by waiting till May we should have the final list of CAST sponsors so we can have an up to date jersey.


Plaques for the 2022 Season - Plaque for Sportsman of the Year was presented to Mark. Other plaques will be presented to Brandon at a later time.


New Business:


Prospective new member: Daniel Buchheit was introduced and decided to join. Members voted and welcomed Daniel.


Tournament Director's Report:


March Tournament - Results: 1st w/ BB - Jeremie 20.27lbs , w/ 8.55 BB - 2. Geno - 17.91lbs 3. Jason LaQuay 17.79 lbs


April Tournament - O.H. Ivie - April 29 - 30 , Sat 6:30- 3 , Sun 6:30 -1. Weight-in Concho Park. Paper tournament, if you need a scale or weight slip get with Mark ( he will be driving up Friday early afternoon and will be at the Ramp around 6:00 ) **** Due to known tournaments on the lake Sat you have until 4pm to get Mark your weight slip, but you must be at your ramp preparing to load up by 3pm ****


Meeting adjourned at 7:39.


Respectfully submitted,
Mark Lachenauer


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2023 March Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02PM.


Members Present: Warren, Curt, Brandon E, Fletch, Troy, Brandon K, Mark L, Jason Lahti, Jason LaQuay, Butch, Ron, Mark V and Guests Norm Weakland and Marvin Seale.




Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $4436.73 / Ending balance $4471.73/charity fund $337.28/general fund $4134.45.


Old Business:


C.A.S.T. for Kids Event - ***May28*** Note date change -> Ron and Fletch paid Morgans and finalized the contract. Children can sign up now! - make sure you go to sign up as a shore volunteer and send Ron your T-Shirt size via text. Ron is also working on the swag for the event. If you have a past sponsor, please get with them to see about sponsoring again -


State Tournament - April 13 -14 , Practice Days 11 –12 on Lake Ray Roberts - So far Mark, Warren, Ron want to go.


Quality Fundraiser - Additional prize was added for the drawing, a 1 day guided fishing trip was donated. We would like to get things finalized by the April meeting so the tickets can be printed, and we can start selling in May for an Aug Drawing Date.


Club Jerseys - Discussion on price and material took place and was tabled for the April meeting. Brandon has a place in Castroville; he will talk to them.


Plaques for the 2022 Season - Ron ordered the plaques, awaiting completion.


New Business:


Two guests (Marvin and Norm) introduced themselves and decided to join. Members voted and welcome Marvin and Norm.


Tournament Director's Report:


Feb - Falcon: 1st - Mark 7.84 & BB 4.65, 2nd - Butch 5.76, 3rd - Curt 3.66


March Tournament - Canyon Lake (Potters Creek Ramp) Sat: 630 - 3pm, Sun: 730- 2pm.


Meeting adjourned at 7:42..


Respectfully submitted,

Brandon King


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2023 February Minutes


Meeting called to order 6:58PM.


Members Present: Warren, Curt, Fletch, Troy, Brandon, Mark, Jason Lahti, Jason LaQuay, Tom, Butch, Ron.


Minutes: Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report: Beginning balance $4783.13 / Ending balance $44436.73 / charity fund $337.28. $4099.45 in General Fund.


Old Business:


CAST - ***May28*** Note date change -> Ron and Fletch paid Morgans and finalize the contract. Signups will be coming out soon - If you have a past sponsor please get with them to see about sponsoring again - We currently have enough left over from last year, donations to a fundraiser by Ruben's GF (Jessica), and some new sponsorship money.


South Region - 8 Teams fished the first team tournament, and 28 individuals fished the solo trial. See Texas BASS Nation web page for schedules and more information.


State tournament - April 13 -14 , Practice Days 11 –12 on Lake Ray Roberts - If you are eligible to attend, Please get with Mark so we can get a count and get the paperwork started. So far Mark, Warren, Ron want to go.


Quality Fundraiser - Ron checked with SOL Gun works and we are able to continue that relationship. Butch will donate a hunt once again, Thanks Butch. If you have some other ideas on more prizes or places to possibly get donations of prizes please bring that info to the next meeting. Would like to get things finalized by the April meeting so the tickets can be printed and we can start selling in May for an Aug drawing date.


Club Jerseys - Mark is waiting to hear back from 5ivehole. He will look at some other companies, Brandon has a place in Castroville he will talk to them.


New Business:


Plaques for the 2022 Season - Ron will contact his resource and see about getting this ordered.


Tournament Director's Report:


Jan - O.H. Ivie, 3rd - Shad , 2nd Brandon E., 1st with BB Tom ( new CLub record and 1st Sharelunker of the 2023 Season)


Feb - 11-12 - Falcon - Sat 7-3 , Sun 7-1 , County Ramp both days.


Meeting adjourned 7:29PM.


Respectfully Submitted:
Mark Lachenauer



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2023 January Minutes


Meeting called to order 7:00


Members Present: Curt, Jeremie, Troy, Mark, Jason Lahti, Jason LaQuay, Bob, Shad, Chris, Ron. Guests: Mark Valdez, Brandon Edmiston


Minutes: Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved as amended, Update days for Jan tournament to be 14-15.


Treasurer's Report: Beginning balance $5094.66 / Ending balance $4783.13 / charity fund $337.28. $4445.85 in General Fund.


Old Business:


Fletch dropped off the donation to the Food Bank see picture on website


New Business:


Perspective new members - Mark and Brandon presented themselves for membership, and both were voted into the club.


CAST - April 2nd -> Ron will get with Fletch to pay Morgans and finalize the contract. Signups will be coming out soon - watch for an email. If you have a past sponsor please get with them to see about sponsoring again.


South Region - New Team Trail - Fish 3 of the events in the State ( don't all have to be with the same region) to qualify for the State Team Champ (1 team in every 20 at State Champ will get to go fish National Team Champ). See Texas BASS Nation web page for schedules and more information.


South Region - Solo trail will be following team events this year, See Texas BASS Nation web page for schedules and more information.


State tournament - April 13 -14 , Practice Days 11 –12 on Lake Ray Roberts - If you are eligible to attend, please be ready to say if you will be attending or not at the February meeting, so we can get a count and get the paperwork started. If you cannot make the meeting, please email Mark your status for the State Championship.


Tournament Committee: Presented the Proposed 2023 Schedule - Motion was made to accept the schedule , vote passed. Schedule is below.

  • Feb 11-12 Falcon
  • March 11-12 Canyon
  • April 29-30 Ivie
  • May 20-21 Amistad
  • June 10-11 Choke
  • July OFF
  • August OFF
  • September 9-10 TBD
  • October 7-8 Choke 2 - 1 Day
  • November 11-12 Buchanan
  • December 2-3 Fayette 2 - 1 Day
  • Jan 2024 13-14 O.H. Ivie


Quality Fundraiser - Looking to move drawing back to Aug. Please bring ideas for other prizes to the Feb meeting, Ron will check with SOL Gunworks to be sure we are able to continue that relationship.


Club Jerseys - Mark has made contact with a company to get new jerseys for the club, he will work with the vendor - 5ivehole to get a mock up and break points.


Tournament Director's Report:


Jan - O.H. Ivie on Jan 13 -14, 2023. Sat - 7-3 , Sun 7-1, Elm Creek (Kennedy Park Boat ramp) both days. Paper tournament if you need a scale or to have yours calibrated, get with Mark.


Meeting adjourned 7:42


Respectfully Submitted:
Mark Lachenauer








Quality Bass Club

San Antonio, TX

B.A.S.S. Nation Affiliated

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