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2022 Meeting Minutes




2022 Minutes




2022 December Minutes


Meeting called to order.


Members Present: Bob, Warren, Chris, Steven, Mike K., Mark, Troy, Cal, Shad, Butch. Guests: Jason LaQuey, Kendall Colwell, and many other spouses and friends.




Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $5094.66 / Ending balance $ / charity fund $837.28


Old Business:


Fletch will drop off the donation to the Food Bank before Christmas.


New Business:


Perspective new members - Jason and Kendall presented themselves for membership, and both were voted into the club.


Results for the 2023 voting -

  • President - Warren Colwell
  • Vice President - Troy Hargroder
  • Secretary - Brandon King
  • Treasurer - Steven Fletcher
  • Sergeant at Arms - Chris Piatt
  • Members at Large: Shad O'Rourke, Cal Miller
  • Tournament Director - Mark Lachenauer
  • Tournament Committee: Bob, Troy, Curt, Butch
  • Ruben Arevalos Sportsman of the Year - Mark Lachenauer
  • Lyle Crawford Big Bass of the Year Award - Brandon King


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for March Makeup LBJ tournament: 3rd - Troy Hargroder 2.02lbs; 2nd – Brandon King 2.16lbs; 1st – Warren Colwell 2.17lbs. Big Bass – Warren 2.17lbs.


Results for November LBJ tournament: 3rd - Troy Hargroder 2.76lbs; 2nd – Shad o'Rourke 5.14lbs; 1st - Brandon King 6.44lbs; Big Bass – Shad 3.16lbs.


Results for December Fayette tournament: 3rd - Steven Fletcher 16.50lbs; 2nd – Bob Meder 19.57lbs; 1st - Tom Nilssen 24.31lbs; Big Bass – Fletch 5.00lbs.


Club voted to have the Jan - TBD tournament on O.H. Ivie on Jan 13 -14, 2023.


Meeting adjourned.




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2022 November Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02


Members Present:: Bob Meder, Ron Stevenson, Warren Colwell, Chris Piatt, Steven Fletcher, Eli Vecchio, Mike Kinchen, Mark Lachenaurer, Brandon King




Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $2349.53 / Ending balance $5094.66 / charity fund $837.28


Old Business:


Remember to get your dues turned in.


Raffle - 654 tickets sold, $2,765.85 profit, $553.17 contributed to the Charity Fund Winners 1. Robert Brieden 2. Thane Bishop 3. Tom Nilssen 4. Jason Schneider 5. Bob Meder


Reminder that the December Meeting will be held at Bob Meder’s garage on Dec 10th, 2022. Mark will send out an email for dish sign up. Bob will be making the brisket. Motion was made to reimburse Bob for the brisket, motion passed unanimously. Mark will pick up turkey @ Rudy’s. White elephant gift of no more than $25.00.


New Business:


Motion to donate a holiday gift of $500.00 to the food bank was made, motion passed unanimously. Fletch will drop off the donation.


Nomination for 2023 Officers President – Warren Colwell, accepted Vice President – Troy Hargroder, accepted Secretary – Brandon King, accepted Treasurer – Steven Fletcher, accepted Sargent in Arms - Chris Piatt, accepted Votes cast at December meeting.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for October Coleto tournament: 3rd - Troy Hargroder 6.61lbs' 2nd – Brandon King 9.99lbs; 1st – Bob Meder 10.23lbs. Big Bass – Troy Hargroder 4.11lbs.


Fishing time for LBJ: Sat. 7:30am to 3:00pm Sun. 6:30am to 2:00pm (daylight savings ends). Launch/Weigh in: McNair Park


Fishing time for December 3-4 tournament on Fayette (Digital tourney, get with Mark for scales or to have your scales checked): Sat. 6:45am to 3:00pm Sun. 6:450am to 1:00pm. Launch/Weigh in: Park Prairie Park


Meeting adjourned at 7:42.


Respectfully submitted,

Warren Colwell



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2022 October Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01.


Members Present: Torrey, Charles, Steven, Troy, Brandon, Mark, Jason, Bob, Ron, Eli and Jeremy.




Minutes of the September meeting were read.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $2324.53 and the ending balance $2349.53 - Currently have $2690 in Raffle monies not included in the $2349.53.


Old Business:


Reminder about raffle tickets. If you need more tickets please get with Mark. Raffle drawing is Oct 29 at MyHouse Lounge. If you are going to be unable to attend, get with a club member to get your tickets and money in.


New Business:


Dec Meeting - Club voted to Move meeting to Dec 10th (Saturday) at Bob's garage.


Dues - Please bring your 2023 dues to the November Meeting $65.


There is a C.A.S.T event at Live Oak Park in UC this weekend - They are understaffed if you would like to help sign up - This conflicts with the club tournament on Coleto.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Travis September Tournament: 3rd place… Butch w/ 7.37 lbs; 2nd place… Bob w/ 9.19 lbs; 1st place… Torrey w/ 13.61 and big bass 4.61 lbs..


Fishing times for Coleto: Saturday 7:00-3:00 and Sunday 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at Coleto Creek Park.


Meeting adjourned at 7:22.


Respectfully submitted,
Mark Lachenaurer



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2022 September Minutes


Meeting called to order


Members Present: Warren, Curt, Steve, Brandon, Mark, Shad, Chris, Matt, Ron, Danny and Eli.




Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $2119.38 and the ending balance $2324.53.


Old Business:


Reminder about raffle tickets.


New Business:


Danny Uribe showed club Trika Rods.


Club voted to move Nov tournament to LBJ (this will be 2 - 1day tournaments to make up for the March tourney).


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Choke August Tournament: 3rd place… Curt w/ 25.63 lbs; 2nd place… Brandon w/ 28.75 lbs; 1st place… Matt w/ 38.57 and big bass 8.44lbs.


Fishing times for Travis Sep 24-25: Saturday 7:00-3:00 and Sunday 7:00-1:00 with weign in at Mansfield Dam.


Meeting adjourned



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2022 August Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00.


Members Present: Warren, Ron, Mark, Shad, Curt, Steven, Jeremie, Troy, Brandon, Bob, Ken, Matt and Jeremy. Guest: Torrey Aiken


Minutes:  Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:  Beginning balance $2194.53 and the ending balance $2119.38.


Old Business:


Reminder about raffle tickets.


New Business:


Guest Torrey presented himself for membership and all voted in favor.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Amistad July Tournament: 3rd place…Ron (16.14 lbs.) 2nd place…Brandon (21.69 lbs.) 1st place…Matt (25.50 lbs.). Jeremy had Big Bass 5.70lbs.


August Choke Tournament: 6th and 7th launch ramp is @ Calliham Unit. Fishing time: Sat. 6:30am to 3:00pm and Sun. 6:30am to 1:00pm. Five fish limit using hand scales.


Meeting adjourned.



Respectfully submitted,

Warren Colwell


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2022 July Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:03PM


Members Present: Curt Covey, Steven Fletcher, Mike Kinchen, Brandon King, Mark Lachenauer, Bob Meder, Cal Miller, Tom Nilssen Ron Stevenson, Eli Vecchio, Charles Childress, Jeremy Zaleski, Matt Spencer Guest: Kevin Doan.




Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved as amended.


Treasurer's Report:


The beginning balance was $1106.53. The ending balance is $2194.53. - This included monies that were just transferred from the Wells Fargo account.


Old Business:


Raffle – Tickets have been printed, Please get with Mark to get yours, We are asking that every member try and sell 26 tickets, if we can all do this we should be able to sell out this year.


New Business:


The following guest was introduced, Kevin Doan, He is going to try and fish as a guest before deciding to join.


Tournament Director's Report:


Choke Canyon Tournament - June: 3rd Place 15.95 lbs Brandon King; 2nd Place 16.39 lbs Matt Spencer; 1st Place - 20.78 lbs Curt Covey. Big Bass 6.94 lbs Curt Covey.


Amistad Tournament - June: Sat 6:30am – 2:30 pm and Sun 6:30 am – 12:30 pm. These are stop fishing times. This will be a paper tourney using hand held scales. I will be at Exon from 3 -4 on Sat and 1 -2 on Sunday (I will have a note on my window and the window slightly down to put Sunday weight in if you leave early. Please text me if you do this. Get with Mark to see about getting a scale and weight slip (if you have your own scale we will calibrate it at Exon on Sat.)


Respectfully submitted,

Mark Lachenauer


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2022 June Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM


Members Present: Matt Barnes, Jesse Boggs, Warren Colwell, Curt Covey, Steven Fletcher, Jeremie Gibson, Troy Hargroder, Mike Kinchen, Brandon King, Mark Lachenauer, Jason Lahti, Bob Meder, Cal Miller, Ron Stevenson, Eli Vecchio, Guests: Charles Childress, Jeremy Zaleski, Matt Spencer




Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


The beginning balance was $1,051.53. The ending balance is $1106.53.


Old Business:


Raffle – To be held at My House Lounge (8075 Culebra Rd) 10/29/2022. Tickets will be $10.00/each, 800 tickets to be printed. Prize #1 – 2-1/2 day Guided Deer Hunt, Big Lake, Texas #3495.00; Prize #2 – Sons of Liberty M4-76 $1224.00; Prize #3 – Sons of Liberty M4-EXO $1024.00; Prize #4 – Sons of Liberty Patrol Rifle $924.00; Prize #5 – Fuel Card (Valued at $500.00). Mark is getting ready for the next raffle and looking into printing tickets a bit earlier this year.


New Business:


Motion was made to rename our Sportsman of the Year award to the “Ruben Arevalos” Sportsman of the year Award. The motion was unanimously approved.


The following guests were introduced and accepted into the club as members. Charles Childress, Jeremy Zaleski, Matt Spencer


Ron brought up that the state championship will be on Lake Ray Roberts in 2023. There are no weekends available for the State Championship Venue, so the state asked the clubs to vote on a either a 2-day (Thurs, Fri) or a 3-day (Wed, Thurs, Fri) tournament. The membership elected for a 3-day tournament. Ron will forward the results to the state.


(State Meetings) Ron updated that the financial records will be made public, and that the minutes will be put out to the clubs when they are approved. (South Region) Tournament will be Sunday 6:15am – 2:00pm, 3 fish limit. Registration and number draw will be Saturday evening at the Oyo Hotel, in Three Rivers, Texas. 5pm – 6pm. An email will be sent out to all that qualify for the South Region Championship. Dates will be Sept. 17-18, lake is to be determined.


Tournament Director's Report:


Choke Canyon Tournament - May: 3rd Place 18.18 lbs Jon Enciso; 2nd Place 26.51 lbs Matt Barnes; 1st Place - 29.84 lbs Brandon King. Big Bass 8.15 lbs Brandon King.


Choke Canyon Tournament - June: Sat 6:15am – 2:00 pm and Sun 6:15am – 2:00 pm. There will be an 11:30 courteously weigh in. *** three fish limit***


Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM


Respectfully submitted,

Warren Colwell


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2022 May Minutes


Meeting called to order


Members Present: Matt, Jesse, Warren, Will, John, Fletch, Troy, Brandon, Mark, Bob, Robert, Shad, Chris, Butch, Ron




Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


The beginning balance was $2191.53. The ending balance is $1051.53.


Old Business:


CAST for Kids Event: Ron reported the C.A.S.T. event was a big success and went very smooth and everyone was pleased and ready for next year. He did mention the possibility of two events per year to be looked at.


New Business:


We are looking for a new place to hold our club meetings and a few members are looking into options.


Mark is getting ready for the next raffle and looking into printing tickets a bit earlier this year.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for April tournament: 3rd place… Matt with 12.37 lbs. 2nd place… Bob with 12.62 lbs. and 1st place… Mark with 12.87 lbs. John had Big Bass of 2.57 lbs.


Next Club Tournament- Choke May 21st & 22nd, Sunday in conjunction with South Region. Sat 6:30-3:00 and Sun 6:30-3:00 with weigh in at Calliham Unit.


Meeting adjourned.


Respectfully submitted,

William Covington


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2022 April Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02.


Members Present: William, Brandon, Chris, Warren, Ron, Bob, Fletch, Dan, Mark L, Shad, Jesse, Troy, Jeremy, David, Mike, Robert, GUEST : Matt Barnes




Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $5046.53 / Ending balance $2191.53.


Old Business:


C.A.S.T. Ron mentioned $5525.00 was raised. Everything is on order and set for April 24th. We still need to payfor the admissions. Chris suppling ice chest and ice. Tiffany will do photos. Craig suppling tackle. Mark suppling hot dogs for bait. Will bringing sound system. Please show up @ 7am. Fish time 8am – 11am then lunch and plaque handouts.


Warren and Mark working to get Lyle and Carolyn on jerseys.


New Business:


Our guest Matt Barnes presented himself to the club and was accepted and voted in. Welcome Matt! Mark explained some rules for the club and tournaments.


Ron mentioned South Region both days out of Diablo East. We will weigh both clubs at same time and fish 7-3 both days.


Mark went over some results for the State tournament on Lake Belton.



Mark updated the club on Ruben’s condition, please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.


Tournament Director's Report:


No report this month.


Next Club Tournament- Amistad on April 9th & 10th both dates in conjunction with South Region.


Meeting adjourned at 7:40 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

William Covington



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2022 March Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.


Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Bob, Fletch, Mark L, Shad, Jesse, Tom, Troy, Geno. Guest: Jeremie Gibson.




Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $5591.56 / with payouts, deposit to Morgan’s Wonderland and club hats the Ending balance $5,046.53.


Old Business:


C.A.S.T. Event down payment has been paid. Please continue to reach out for donations. Shad mentioned he will reach out to Billy Bob’s. All volunteers must be registered and vetted.


Warren did buy hats for new members from Lids. For any hat or jersey needs please see Warren.


State Tournament paperwork was filled out and t-shirt money collected. $2800 voted to go towards State fees and per diem.


New Business:


The meeting room for the club will be changing. Next month’s meeting will be at Troy’s shop on Grissom Rd.


Ron mentioned lodging for April @ Amistad. Please act quickly places are limited.


Mark mentioned Mrs. Pauley passed away recently. The club will donate $60 to American Hearts in lieu of flowers.


The viewing for Lyle is on Friday and services on Saturday. Please see info sent out by Ron. The club has voted to donate $60 to Lyle’s children’s college fund.


Troy made a motion to rename the Big Bass of The Year Award in honor of Lyle. Motion accepted and we will discuss details for Ron to put in place.


Our guest Jeremie Gibson presented himself to the club for membership. Motion made to accept and voted in favor. Thank you for your service and welcome to the club Jeremy!


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for February Falcon tournament: 3rd place…Jesse with 1.88 lbs. 2nd place…Tom with 7.77 lbs. and 1st place…Brandon with 13.44 lbs. Brandon also had Big Bass of 10.08 lbs.


No tournament for March. Next Club Tournament- Amistad on April 9th & 10th both dates in conjunction with South Region. Times and details TBD next meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00.


Respectfully submitted,

William Covington


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2022 February Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02.


Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Bob, Fletch, Mark L, Shad, Jesse, Eli, George, Tom. Guests: Roscoe Harris, Xavier Ramirez, Danny Uribe, and David Esman.


Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report: Beginning balance $5386.56 / payouts $375.00 / W/ Dues in the Ending balance $ 5,591.56.


Old Business:


C.A.S.T. event confirmed date of April 24th. Ron and Bob will get check to Morgan’s Wonderland. Ron will send link for sponsors and registration. Ron explained the event to our guests.


Warren gave update on jerseys. Jersey company running behind on orders.


Update on Lyle, he is now in a rehab facility.


New Business:


Geno has stepped down from position of Treasurer. Fletch has stepped up to fill the position.


Ron went over results of South Region Tourney @ Choke.


Our four Guest presented themselves to the club and all voted in as new members. Welcome to the club! Mark explained dues, rules and procedures.


Mark mentioned State Championship forms, please have these filled out and ready for next meeting. Also, shirt sale forms fill out and bring money to meeting. Boaters need to turn in Insurance info also.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for January Fayette tournament: 3rd place…John Ensico w/ 24.695 lbs. share of Big Bass @ 3.81 lbs. 2nd place…Tom w/ 27.50 lbs. and share of Big Bass and 1st place…Jesse w/ 29.19 lbs.


February Tournament- Falcon Lake - launch at County Ramp Saturday time: 7:00 am- 3:00pm Sunday time: 7:00am-1:00pm


Meeting adjourned at 7:56.


Respectfully submitted,

William Covington



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2022 January Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.


Members Present: Jesse, Warren, Gary, Fletch, Mike K, Brandon, Mark, Robert, Bob, and Ron. Guests: Tom Nilssen and Dietrich Olguin.


Minutes: Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved with amendment “Ron Stevenson was in attendance at the December meeting.”


Treasurer's Report:


Treasurer’s Report: Beginning Balance $5,886.56. Charity Fund Balance $984.11 after $500.00 donation to Food Bank. General Fund Balance $4,402.45. Ending Balance $5,386.56.


Old Business:


CAST for Kids: Ron Stevenson to serve as coordinator. Warren Colwell to serve as Registration coordinator. Ron reported that the fee from CAST for Kids has risen from $3500.00 to $3800.00. Ron has been in contact with Morgan’s Wonderland and is trying to confirm our date for the event as Sunday April 24th, 2022. He also conveyed that there will be expenditures to Morgan’s Wonderland for Entry fees (approximately $800.00 based on last year’s numbers) for the families for the participants, and that they are welcomed to stay and enjoy the facilities once the event is concluded. It was also stated that it is now time to start working on getting the sponsorship together for the event, so please reach out to your contacts and past sponsors. Motion was made to accept the date of Sunday April 24th, 2022, was voted and passed.


New Business:


Guests Tom Nilssen and Dietrich Olguin were introduced and voted in as new members. “Welcome to the Club!”


Ron updated the club on the status of improvement for Lyle Crawford. Ron visited Lyle at the hospital and presented him with the Big Bass Plaque for the 2021 season. Lyle is available to see 1 guest at a time in his room #715.


Tournament Director's Report:


2022 Tournament Schedule was presented. Mike Kinchen brought up OH Ivie for discussion. No motion was made to add OH Ivie to the schedule. The 2022 schedule was voted and approved as recommended by the tournament committee.


January Fayette Tournament: Fishing times: Sat. 7:00am to 3:00pm and Sun. 7:00am to 1:00pm. Launch/Weigh-in: Park Prairie Ramp. Mark will have scales and weight slips available Friday night at the hotel and Saturday morning at the ramp.


Meeting adjourned at 7:52PM.



Respectfully submitted,
Warren Colwell


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Quality Bass Club

San Antonio, TX

B.A.S.S. Nation Affiliated

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