2021 December Minutes - Grady’s BBQ
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM.
Members Present: Geno, Mike K, Warren, Shad, Mark, Bob, Jesse, Will, Jon Enciso, Jason and Ron. Guests: Terry, Laura, Karen, Kelly, Zach
Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginning Balance $3,444.46 Ending Balance $5,886.56. Charity Fund Balance $1,484.11. General Fund Balance $4,402.45. The raffle brought in $6,575.00, and payouts to Sons of Liberty in the amount of $3,262.25, brought in a net profit of $3,312.75. The charity fund received $662.55, and the general fund received $2,650.20. Other expenditures included national dues of $690.00, state dues of $690.00 + $28.30 for online payment service fee, Plaques, two (2) tournament payouts, and deposit for Grady’s BBQ (Christmas Party). Bringing the ending balance to $5,886.56.
Old Business:
Revisit tournament Jersey’s requests still coming in.
New Business:
Discussion held to provide the SA Food Bank with donation of $500.00 from the charity Fund. Motion made and accepted.
Member address to be collected and added to the members only page.
2022 Club Officers Ballots were taken and tallied.
Tournament Director's Report:
Buchanan: 3rd Place Brandon King; 2nd Place Jesse Boggs; 1st Place Geno Littlewood. Bastrop: 3rd Place Bob Meder; 2nd Place John Enciso; 1st Place Jesse Boggs. Big Bass for the Year – Lyle Crawford
Top 10 Year End Standings
Meeting adjourned at 8:04.
Respectfully submitted, Warren Colwell
2021 November Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:05
Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Mark, Curt, Mike K., Geno, Fletch, Bob, Gary, Shad, Jason, Jesse, Eli, Chris, Robert
Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginning balance $2149.64 / Ending balance $3444.64 (Aug. and Sept. Tourneys need to be paid from this balance)
Old Business:
Raffle sales just over 5,000.00. If more tickets needed please see Mark. Ron is getting invoice from Sons of Liberty for Bob to pay. Raffle drawing will be at My House Lounge on Nov. 13th at 5:00PM.
If any members need jerseys, please see Warren and provide sizes and styles. Mark will send out general email with charts for jerseys.
Please pay dues to Bob, he will be at tourney this weekend and at raffle drawing. Make sure your B.A.S.S. membership is not expired!
New Business:
Mark suggested sending in dates of April 23rd or 30th for the upcoming C.A.S.T. event. Ron will submit these dates.
Discussion held on adding people to club bank account and having a backup credit card. Motion was made and accepted.
Nominations for executive board members was made. Bob -vice President… Geno Vice President (declined would consider treasurer) …Fletch declined nomination this year. Will – Secretary …. Chris for Sargeant At Arms… Mark Declined President nomination- would resume Tournament Director role. Votes made at December meeting.
Curt suggested and Club agreed and voted to pay for Lyle's dues this year.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for October Choke tournament: 3rd place…Craig (18.05 lbs.) 2nd place…Brandon (18.88 lbs.) 1st place…John E. (22.43 lbs.) Jesse had Big Bass w/ 4.49 lbs.
Fishing time for Buchanon: Sat. 7:30am to 3:00pm Sun. 6:30am to 1:00pm (daylight savings ends). Launch: Llano County Ramp
Meeting adjourned at 8:05.
Respectfully submitted, William Covington
2021 October Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:03.
Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Mark, Shad, Craig, Jesse, Bob, Gary, Jason, Marvin, Brandon, Fletch, Dan, Geno, John C., Butch, Bob, Mike, Ruben, Robert, Rick, Brodie.
Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
NO REPORT: Ron trying to reach out to Jennifer to get account info and books from Lyle.
Old Business:
Any raffle tickets needed, Shad has extra.
Ron gave plaque to Larry at South Region. He was very appreciative.
Dues are coming due, need to be in bye Dec 1. Dues are now $65.00. Motions made to put second member on account for access. Also, Bob made a motion to pay cash out to catch up payouts of tournaments.
New Business:
No new business.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Belton September Tournament: 3rd place…Gary w/ 11.14 lbs. 2nd place…Brandon w/ 11.28 lbs. 1st place…Fletch w/ 13.23 lbs. Big Bass - Brandon w/ 3.46 lbs.
Fishing times for Choke on October 9th and 10th are as follows: 7:00 - 3:00 on Saturday and 7:00 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at Calliham Unit. Five fish limit.
Meeting adjourned at 7:42.
Respectfully submitted,
2021 September Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00.
Members Present: Will, Mike K, John E, Jason Lahti, Gary, Shad, Ron, Jesse, Mark L, Warren, Butch, Chris, Geno, Jon C, Ruben, Bob, Dan, Craig, Marvin, Brandon, Fletch. New member... Robert McAvay
Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
No Treasurer's report provided this month.
Old Business:
If tickets needed for raffle some members still have extra.
Ron mentioned state dues available for online pay. Please make sure your dues and B.A.S.S. membership is up to date. Also remember your fishing license expiration.
New Business:
Robert McAvay presented himself for membership as a boater for the club. All voted in favor. Welcome Robert.
Ron updated Lyle’s status. His oxygen is back up, seems to be good signs. He was able to lay on his back for a while. Shad and Ron will give any more updates. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.
Bob mentioned club paying for a lunch for care givers at the hospital. There is also a go fund me for Lyle’s family.
Mike K. reserved a room for Christmas party at Grady’s BBQ on Bandera Rd. December 10th will be Friday night. This will be club meeting and party. More details to come.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Choke August Tournament: 3rd place… Mark w/ 8.53 lbs. and BB of 4.08; 2nd place… Fletch w/ 8.76 lbs; 1st place… Butch w/ 9.92 lbs.
We will have a 5 limit for this weekend. Club scales will be used. Please weigh in one member at a time. Please social distance and wear face covering.
Fishing time: Sat. 6:45am to 3:00pm and Sun. 6:45am to 1:00pm. Ramp: Temple Lake Park North
Meeting adjourned at 8:00.
Respectfully submitted, William Covington
2021 August Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00.
Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Mark, Shad, Craig, Brodie, Jesse, Chris, Lyle, Eli, Bob, Gary, Jason and Mike K. Guests: Rick Fandrey and Jon Craig.
Minutes: Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report: Lyle reported the beginning balance is $2360.98, the charity fund is $821.56, the general fund is $1033.08 and the ending balance is $1854.64.
Old Business:
Ron still owes plaques and letters for C.A.S.T. event. Please continue to find sponsors for C.A.S.T.
Lyle is working on getting to Jamie’s Ranch to give Donation and get pictures taken with them.
Mark has raffle tickets if more needed.
New Business:
Ron spoke with Larry about State guidelines to get all clubs on same page and standardize clubs. We will begin to see minutes of State meetings. Warren was at meeting says B.A.S.S. will now have a kayak tournament. Also, Academy is getting back with us on state level. Possible State dues increase of $5.00 being discussed. State Championship set for March 29th to April 2nd.
Guests Rick and Jon both presented themselves for membership and all voted in favor. Welcome Rick and Jon.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Belton July Tournament: 3rd place…Curt (10.80 lbs.) 2nd place…Ruben ( 12.24lbs.) 1st place…Mark ( 13.30lbs.) Big Bass was 5.44lbs.
August Choke Tournament: 7th and 8th launch ramp is @ Calliham Unit. We will have a 3 fish limit for this weekend. If a courtesy weigh in is needed call Craig. 11:00 to 11:15. Fishing time: Sat. 6:30am to 3:00pm Sun. 6:30am to 1:00pm
Meeting adjourned at 7:45.
Respectfully submitted, William Covington
2021 July Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM
Members Present: Warren, Craig, Mark L., Jesse, Shad, Mike, Cal, Gary, Lyle, Curt, Geno, Chris, Will, Ron, Jason, George B, Eli, Butch, Brodie.
Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Lyle reported. Beginning balance was $2245.98. the charity fund is $1321.56, the general fund is $1039.42 and the ending balance after credits, Choke payouts is $2360.98.
Old Business:
Warren is distributing the remaining hats. Ron is finishing plaques and thank you letters for sponsors.
The guns for the raffle from Sons of Liberty are a go. The 2-person guided fishing trip and the hunt from Butch are also good to go. Mark will make flyers for the raffle and drawing for club. We will stay with the Nov. 13th date for drawing.
Ron asked for club to start looking for sponsors for next year’s C.A.S.T. event.
New Business:
Ron passed around the finished plaque for Larry and plans to present it to him in September.
Mark made a motion to donate $500.00 to Jamie’s Ranch which provides outdoor recreation for special needs kids, disabled vets, foster children etc.… all voted in favor.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Choke: 3rd place – Lyle with 17.47 lbs. and Big Bass – 9.13 lbs. 2nd place – Butch with 17.84 lbs. 1st place – Mark with 18.92 lbs.
July 10th and 11th Belton Tournament: Saturday: 6:20am to 3:00 pm and Sunday: 6:20am to 1:00pm **** please be aware of possible storms this weened. *** Ramp: Temple Lake Park North Ramp, $5.00 fee.
South Region Championship will be held on September 18th and 19th on Lake Belton (Cedar Ridge).
Respectfully submitted, William Covington
2021 June Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:05PM
Members Present: Warren, Craig, Mark L., Jesse, Shad, Mike K., Cal, Gary, Lyle, Mark V., Diego, Geno, Chris, Will, Ron, Fletch and Rueben. Guest : Marvin Seal
Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Lyle reported. Beginning balance was $2584.98. the charity fund is $1321.56, the general fund is $924.42 and the ending balance after credits, Choke payouts and C.A.S.T. entry fees is $2245.98.
Old Business:
Warren is distributing the remaining hats and jerseys. Ron let everyone know about the link to the Lids site for discount on hats and extras. This is on the members only page. Please keep this code for club members only.
Thank you to everyone on the C.A.S.T. event, sponsors and volunteers. Ron is getting plaques together for sponsors. As far as the date for next year, our goal is to get back in the April time frame.
New Business:
Warren mentioned the meeting room was available if needed. Thank you to Terry for getting this set up for the club. A motion was made to have our meetings in person pending any problems or changes in protocols. Motion approved.
Guest Marvin Seal introduced himself as a prospective member and motion to accept was approved. Craig explained dues and procedures.
Mark started discussion on this years Raffle and Fund Raiser. Location and items for raffle to be determined. We have agreed to a date of November 13th. Members please communicate any ideas to the club so we can organize this event and get the tickets printed for raffle.
Tournament Director's Report:
May Choke results: 3rd place – Jesse with 18.82 lbs; 2nd place – Curt with 21.81 lbs; 1st place – Lyle with 30.22 lbs and Big Bass – 6.66 lbs.
June 5th and 6th Choke Tournament - Saturday: 6:15am to 3:00 pm (South Region scales for weigh in) and Sunday: 6:15am to 1:00pm (club scales) **** please be aware of possible storms this weened.***
Respectfully submitted, William Covington
2021 May Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:13
Members Present: Ruben, Jesse, Warren, Gary, Curt, Will, Lyle, Fletch, Troy, Kendall, Mike, Brandon, Mark L, Dan, Geno, Bob, Craig, Shad, Chris, Ron, Diego, and Mark V. Guest Jason Lahti.
Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The beginning balance was $6,931.02. The charity fund is $1,735.56. The general fund is $849.42. The ending balance is $2,584.98.
Old Business:
Please make sure to sign up to volunteer for C.A.S.T. if not already signed up. Curt reached out to KENS 5 about covering the event. Ron asked for any volunteers for photo work. Mark mentioned Tiffany helping, any others please let us know.
Ron has club ball caps, and will give to someone to hand out at Choke tournament. Ron will get Dan info for LIDS website link for members to take advantage of discounts.
New Business:
Warren made a motion to get a plaque made for Larry Nors. It is his last year as South Region Director. All voted in favor.
Welcome to new member Jason Lahti. Jason introduced and presented himself for membership. A motion was made and all voted in favor. Craig explained dues, fees, and general club process.
Tournament Director's Report:
Amistad tournament results: 1st Bob Meder 17.47; 2nd Lyle Crawford 17.42; 3rd Brandon King 15.79. Big Bass was Lyle Crawford's 3.58.
Choke Canyon 15-16 May Calliham Ramp, Sat 6:20am-3pm, Sun 6:20am-1pm.
Members voted to dissolve split lake tournaments. Jul 10-11 tournament will now be held at Belton both days. Nov 6-7 tournament will be at Buchanan both days.
The Sep 11-12 tournament on Decker Lake will have a venue change. The club voted to wait until the South region championship is announced in order to make a lake determination.
Meeting adjourned at 7:55.
Respectfully submitted, William Covington
2021 April Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:10 via Zoom.
Members Present: Shad, Ruben, Mark L, Troy, Lyle, Bob, Jesse, Curt, Butch, Ron, Mike, Dan, Brandon, Geno, Gary, Will, Craig, John, Fletch, Chris. Guest: Kyle (prospective member???)
Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The beginning balance was $7,141.68, the charity fund is $1,735.56, general fund is $5195.46 and after the Travis/Austin tournament payout, State championship VRBO rental fee and jersey order payment, the ending balance is $6931.02.
Old Business:
Proposed Tournament Rules Change - Members present voted on the proposed rules change that Mark presented last month. The vote passed.
C.A.S.T. - .
Club Hats -
New Business:
Tournament Director's Report:
Winners of the March tournament split between Lake Travis and Lake Austin were: Mark third with 11.11, Jesse second with 11.76 and Gary first with 13.80. Ken had big bass (4.42).
April tournament - Amistad - launch and weigh in at Diablo East. Saturday time: 6:50am-3:00pm and Sunday time: 6:50am-3:00pm.
Discussion on changing tournament venues for July and November. Members not in favor of split locations and want to change tournaments back to a single lake. Tabled until May meeting.
Meeting adjourned at ??.
2021 March Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Mark V., Lyle, Chris P., Dan, Mike K., Geno, Fletch, Curtis, Jesse, Craig, Bob M., Diego, Brodie, Mark L., Gary C., Shad O’Rourke, and John.
Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The beginning balance was $8781.68. The charity fund is $1,735.56. The general fund is $4,057.53. The ending balance is $7,141.68.
Old Business:
Ron has award plaques and will bring to this weekend’s tournament to present them.
State packages have been sent and received and good to go.
Ron presented a sample hat for the club. Ron and Lyle will go over the money and update the club with the next step in ordering the hats. Hats will probably run between $11.00 to $25.00 depending on amount of logos on them.
CAST for Kids -Cast for Kids Event volunteers will need to pay admission to park. Ron will get info on meals from Jim and let club know. Warren is handling registration, please contact him with any needs or questions.
If you need a jersey or hoodies, please contact Warren. We would like to get money in this weekend for the order.
New Business:
Mark brought up life vest safety rules and presented a change. Change under 5. SAFETY: "Life vests must be worn and fastened when the outboard engine is in use." To fall in line with Texas Bass Nations wording to be less ambiguous. New wording: "Each person in the boat must wear a Coast Guard approved chest type life preserver anytime the combustion engine is in operation. This preserver must be strapped, snapped or zippered securely, and maintained in that condition until the combustion engine is shut off."
Tournament Director's Report:
Tournament results for February Canyon Lake… 3rd place was Rueben with 5.02lbs. and Big Bass of 3.33 lbs. 2nd place was John E. with 7.59 lbs. 1st place was Geno with 7.66 lbs.
March Split Tournament- - Lake Travis Saturday launch @ Mansfield Dam / Lake Austin Sunday launch @ 360 Bridge ramp. Saturday time: 6:30 am- 3:00pm. Sunday time: 6:30am-1:00pm.
Ron mentioned to please make sure everything is in good working condition on your boat. Running lights, live wells, etc.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45.
Respectfully submitted, William Covington
2021 February Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00.
Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Mark V, Lyle, Chris P., Dan, Rueben, Troy, Mike K. , Geno, Fletch, Brandon, Jesse, Craig, Bob M., Butch, Brodie, Mark l., Gary C., Eric M, and GUESTS: Shad O’Rourke and Diego Valdez.
Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report: The beginning balance was $9456.54. The charity fund is $1,735.56. The general fund is $7,046.12. The ending balance is $8781.68.
Old Business:
Plaques - Ron has award plaques and will have this weekend for Craig or Troy to give out.
CAST for Kids event - Ron spoke with Danielle at Morgan’s Wonderland and will coordinate with her on the date of May 23rd voted on for the event.
Mike Kinchen updated the club on how Cal and his family are doing.
Anyone needing jerseys or hoodies please contact or email Warren for orders.
New Business:
Lyle needs any monies for the house at the State Championship and anyone who still needs to take care of dues to the club please get with him.
Ron proposed to get new ball caps for good standing members and some to give new members when joining. He mentioned with bulk orders the hats will be 50% off and discussed the extra fees for embroidery and logos. Warren made a motion to get a proof done and move forward with the hats which was voted all in favor. Ron will move forward and update the club.
Shad O’Rourke and Diego Valdez were presented for membership. Motion was made for membership and voted all in favor.
Tournament Director's Report:
January Fayette Tournament results… 3rd place was Craig with 10.63 lbs. 2nd place was Bob Meder with 13.38 lbs. 1st place was Mark L. with 20.07 lbs. and Big Bass of 4.94 lbs.
February Tournament- Canyon Lake - launch at Potters Creek Ramp # 21 Saturday time: 6:45 am- 3:00pm Sunday time: 6:45am-1:00pm
Geno will give out packets to those going to State Tourney. Please make sure and get paperwork filled out and copies of insurance for boaters.
State Tournament Funds: funds were discussed for the State Tourney…$ 5, 000 will go towards the Tournament this year. The club voted on an additional $ 800.00 for per diem to go to the bottom four members. ($200 each) for a complete breakdown of fees, please contact Craig.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10.
Respectfully submitted, William Covington
2021 January Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.
Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Mark, Curt, Dan, Rueben, Troy, Mike K. Geno, Fletch, Brandon, Craig, Bob, Dan, Mark V, Brodie, Eric M, Gary, Butch. GUEST: John Enciso
Minutes: Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report: Beginning balance $9510.24. After credits from receiving LBJ tournament fees and debits from purchasing scales and LBJ tournament payout, the ending balance in the general fund is $7720.98 and charity fund $1735.56, leaving an ending balance of $9456.54.
Old Business:
Ron has ordered plaques and a travel plaque. Ron is also working with Morgan’s Wonderland for next C.A.S.T event.
New Business:
Dan and Troy mentioned additional jerseys as well as Warren and members asking about Hoodies. Please get with Warren to see how many needed and cost based on quantity of order.
Mike K. mentioned that member Cal Miller’s mother passed away. He will pass on our condolences. Ron made a motion for the club to purchase a gift or an arrangement for the family, Mike will let us know. Guest John Enciso introduced himself and was presented for membership. Ron made a motion to approve and all voted in favor. Welcome John!
Tournament Section:
Results for LBJ December tournament: 3rd place Geno (7.51 lbs.); 2nd place Troy (8.66 lbs.); 1st place Jesse (14.78 lbs.). Jesse also had Big Bass over 3 lbs.
Discussion: Craig went over schedule for 2021. Paper Tournaments will be digital on scales bought by club or member scales that are calibrated. Travel restrictions for Military members also discussed. We will have some split tournaments this year as well, boaters will need to adhere to guidelines for Drain/ Clean/ Dry process to prevent transfer of Zebra Mussels during these split tournaments. Also, Decker Lake is undecided pending details and further discussion.
January Fayette Tournament: Fishing time: Sat. 7:00am to 3:00pm and Sun. 7:00am to 1:00pm. Launch: Park Prairie Ramp
Please be early for scale handout!! Craig will arrive around 5:30am
Meeting adjourned at 7:42.
Respectfully submitted,
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