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2020 Minutes



2020 December Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:08.


Members Present: Craig, Lyle, Troy, Mark, Mike K., Ron, Butch, Warren, Mike R., Geno, Chris, Brandon,Curt, Ruben, Fletch, Eric, Will




Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


After collecting tournament entry fees for Conroe, membership dues and money collected from the fundraiser, and payouts for Conroe, state and national dues, and raffle prizes, the ending balance of the General Fund is $8,470.84 and the ending balance of the Charity Fund is $1,735.56 for and ending balance of 9510.24. Treasurer's report was amended to reflect 20% of raffle proceeds going to the charity fund, vice all raffle proceeds.


Old Business:


The jersey order arrived and is being distributed.


Craig provided an update to the San Antonio Foodbank donations. The philanthropy coordinator would like to get an opportunity to present a token of their appreciation to QBC. Craig will work details.


Lyle updated that the Venmo account was cancelled due to restrictions from Venmo. He is working on a possible paypal account, ensuring that we can have an account with no charges. He will send info out to the club as it becomes available. All payments that were made to the Venmo account were processed.


New Business:


Mark started discussion on the club purchasing portable digital scales. This would save us from having to get with TPWD to coordinate use of their scales. The tournament director would keep, maintain, calibrate, and distribute the scales for paper tournaments. Craig would be able to purchase the scales at about $11 per unit. After the discussion, Mark made a motion to purchase 10 scales from BPS. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. Craig will purchase the scales and be reimbursed by theclub.


Mark distributed ballots electronically. The votes were tallied and the results were: President - Ron Stevenson; V.P. – Warren Colwell; Treasurer – Lyle Crawford; Secretary – Will Covington; Sergeant At Arms – Chris Piatt; Members at Large – Ruben Arvalos, Geno Littlewood; Tournament Director – Craig Musselman; Tournament Committee – Craig, Mark, Ken, Bob, Troy; Sportsman of the Year – Craig Musselman.


Steve Fletcher will bring information to the LBJ tournament regarding COVID travel restrictions for Active Duty clubmembers to be considered at the Tournament Committee meeting.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Conroe - 3rd) 4.01lbs - Ruben; 2nd) 4.45lbs - Bob; 1st) 7.18lbs w/ 3.80 BB - Craig.


Fishing times for LBJ will be Sat - 6:45 - 3:00 weigh in McNair Park , Sun - 6:45 - 1:00 - Dam Ramp.


Meeting adjourned at 8:02.


Respectfully submitted,

Ron Stevenson



2020 November Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:12


Members Present: Rubin, Mark, Troy, Mike K., Mike R., Butch, Ron, Lyle, Will, Warren, Brandon, Geno, Bob, Craig, Chris, Brodie and Steven.




Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $6037.31, and after ordering jerseys, tournament payouts and donating to the San Antonio Food Bank, the ending balance in the general fund is $3217.18 and charity fund $696.16, leaving an ending balance of $3913.34.


Old Business:


Warren updated that the jerseys are in production, expect delivery soonest.


Craig is planning on delivering the checks to San Antonio Foodbank this Thursday; $300 for Thanksgiving and $300 for Christmas..


New Business:


Lyle made a motion to create a QBC Venmo account, enabling members to pay dues, tournament fees etc. and conduct club financial transactions online. The motion was seconded, and voted unanimously. Account is Bass Club Venmo : @quailty-bassclub.


Mark brought up discussion for the December meeting/holiday party, and club elections. The motion was made and voted unanimously to hold the meeting virtually. There will not be a party this year due to COVID concerns.


Mike Kinchen made a motion that the current slate of officers be reelected by acclamation. The current officers all accepted to remain in their current position. The motion was seconded, and voted unanimously. The reelection will be formalized by online voting at the December meeting. Mark will have online voting available at the December meeting for Sportsman of the Year.


The raffle was drawn with Ron, Warren, Mark, Lyle and Chris present. All tickets were drawn by Terri Colwell. The winners:mGrand Prize, a 2 1/2 day guided hunt in Biglake, provided by Sunset Outfitters, was Jason Hoch; Second Prize, an M4-76 built and provided by Sons Of Liberty Gunworks, was Jason Schneider; Third prize, an M4 EXO 2, built and provided by Sons of Liberty GunWorks, was Stefen Brooks; Fourth prize, a Patrol SL-16, built and provided by Sons of Liberty Gunworks, was also Stefen Brooks; Fifth prize, a half day guided fishing trip on Choke Canyon, was Warren Colwell; and Sixth prize, a custom fishing rod, built and provided by Adam Johanson, was Hector Hernandez.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Buchanan - 3rd) 7.07lbs - Mark L.; 2nd) 11.12lbs - Geno; 1st) 12.57lbs - Mike R. Geno also had BB with 5.27.


Results for Travis ( July Makeup) - 3rd) 12.18lbs - Jesse; 2nd) 13.60lbs - Mike R; 1st) 15.73lbs - Gary. Gary also had BB with 2.68.


Fishing times for Conroe will be 6:30 - 3:00 , 6:30 - 1:00, weigh in both days at 830 boat ramp


The club voted to change the December tournament from Falson to Lake LBJ.


Fishing times and weigh in location for LBJ will be announced at the December meeting.


Meeting adjourned at 8:00.


Respectfully submitted,

Ron Stevenson



top of page



2020 October Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00.


Members Present: Ruben, Jesse, Warren, Curt, Will, Lyle, Steven, Mike K. Brandon, Mark L., Geno, Bob, Eric, Craig, Chris, Mike R. Butch, Ron, Brodie. Guest Kevin Fowler.




Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


After receiving Choke and Amistad tournament fees and jersey orders and paying out the Choke and Amistad tournaments, the ending balance of the General Fund is $4,741.16 and the ending balance of the Charity Fund is $1,296.16 for an ending balance of $6,037,31.


Old Business:


Warren working with the vendor on the last details of the shirt order. Shirts should be in production now.


Mark with reminders for the raffle. Drawing on 3 November.


New Business:


Kevin Fowler as prospective new member. Will fish Buchanan as a guest, and join for the new season.


Mike Kitchens made a motion to provide the San Antonio Food Bank with $300 for Thanksgiving and $300 for Christmas. The motion passed unanimously. Craig Mussleman will coordinate with Lyle to get checks and make the donations.


Mark reminded everyone to get dues paid for the new season soonest. .


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Choke (April tournament make up) - 3rd) 13.28lbs- Butch; 2nd) 13.17lbs - Brandon.; 1st) 15.99lbs - Craig. Guest Bill Marion had BB with 7.40.


Results for September tournament on Anistad - 3rd) 11.78lbs - Geno; 2nd) 18.39lbs - Mike R.; 1st) 19.48lbs - Craig. Geno had BB with 4.13.


Fishing times for Buchanan on October 10th and 11th are as follows: 7:00 - 3:00 on Saturday and 7:00 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at Llano County Park.


Fishing time for Lake Travis on October 17th and 18th (make up tournament for July) are 7:00 - 3:00 on Saturday and 7:00 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at Mansfield Dam Park.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45.


Respectfully submitted,



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2020 September Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:05.


Members Present: Jesse, Warren, Curt, Lyle, Steven, Troy, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Bob, Craig, Chris, Mike R, Butch, Ron, Eric




Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance $4896.31 and after credits for the Choke tournament and membership dues and debits for Choke payout, paying new member national and state fee and website fees, the ending balance in the General Fund is $4931.31 with the ending balance of the Charity Fund $1296.16.


Old Business:


CAST Event - Unfortunately one of the prospective sponsors turned down our financial request. Still have a couple more in the works.


Fund raiser - Tickets are printed and will be available at the next tournaments


Jerseys - Leo's memorial added. Irene Robbins (on behalf of Mike) motioned to purchase "souvenir" jerseys for Carolyn and Lyla, seconded and vote passed.


New Business:


Prospective new member Eric Merriss presented himself for membership into the club and was voted in.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Choke - 3rd) Mike R.; 2nd and big bass) Brandon; 1st) Craig.


Fishing times for Choke on Sep 12th 6:45-3:00 and September 13th 6:45-1:00. Five fish limit and courtesy weigh in can be requested and the September tournament on Medina was changed to Amistad, with fishing times September 26th 7:00-3:00 with weigh in at Box Canyon and September 27th 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at Air Force Marina.


Larry Nors needs the club's input for State President. The club voted to support Randy Fleeman. Ron will pass onto Larry.


Meeting adjourned at 7:45.


Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach


top of page




2020 August Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:05.


Members Present: Ruben, Jesse, Warren, Curt, Lyle, Steven, Troy, Kendall, Mike K., Brandon, Mark L., Dan, Bob, Craig, Chris, Mike R., Butch, Ron. Guests: Brdie Stoddard and Eric Merriss


Minutes:  Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:  No activity/no change. The balance of the General Fund is $3287.15, balance of the Charity Fund is $1296.16 for an ending balance $4583.31.


Old Business:


New Jerseys - Still in final coordination but coming together. See a mock up of the new design at club jerseys page.


CAST Event - Walmart request for for support still under review. Will continue to follow as event gets closer.


Raffle - Got guided hunting trip from Butch, three AR rifles from Sons of Liberty, and Yeti cooler. Still checking on final items. The club decided to keep the number of tickets and price the same as last year - 700 tickets at $15 each. The drawing will be held at he November club meeting on November 3.


New Business:


Prospective new member Brodie Stoddard was "officially" voted into the club. Unfortunately prospective new member Eric Merriss had to leave the meeting prior to being introduced to the club.


Chris Piatt addressed the club concerning the health of his brother and asking for bone marrow donors. Anyone interested is asked to fill out a donor form and contact Chris at 210 601-4241.


Tournament Director's Report:


No July tournament, so no results.


The August tournament on Falcon was changed to Choke. Fishing times for Choke are as follows: 6:45 - 3:00 on Saturday with a courtesy weigh-in at 11:00 at Calliham. 6:45 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at Calliham. This will be a 3-fish tournament.


Dates were reserved for make-up dates for tournaments canceled and postponed due to COVID19. September 12-13 at Choke and October 17-18 at a lake to be determined.


Meeting adjourned at 7:56.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach


top of page



2020 July Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01PM


Members Present: Warren, Curt, Troy, Mike K., Mark L., Dan, Geno, Craig, Mike R., Chris, and Ron. Guests: Jesse and Vanessa Boggs




Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


After the Choke tournament, the balance of the General Fund is $3287.15, balance of the Charity Fund is $1296.16 for an ending balance $4583.31.


Old Business:


Warren and Mark continue to work on the new jerseys. Mark has not been able to get TPWD to respond/provide their logo. Warren will provide updates from the manufacturer soonest.


Ron continues to work issues for the C.A.S.T. event scheduled for April 2021. There are 3 Wal-Mart requests for $1000 each that were submitted, and are currently under review.


New Business:


Jesse Boggs and Vanessa Boggs presented themselves for membership. They were both unanimously accepted.


Mark made a motion to have the yearly raffle without having the yearly fund raising event. The motion was seconded and approved unanimously.
- Warren volunteered and will chair the raffle. He will identif dates and coordinate with Mark to print tickets.
- Discussion on items to be raffled included a hunt donated by Butch, weapons from Sons of Liberty Gun Works (Ron is working with SOLGW to come up with how many), Craig is working with guide that will provide a fishing trip, a cooler and custom fishing rod from Adam Johansen (Ron will contact Adam to see if this is possible). Mike Kinchen will investigate a Falcon guided fishing trip.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Choke: 3rd) 14.59lbs - Mike R.; 2nd) 15.71bs - Craig; 1st) 17.79lbs - Ken. Guest Jesse Boggs had BB with a 4.25.


Amistad tournament is postponed.


Meeting adjourned at 7:37PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Ron, Mark and Dan


top of page




2020 June Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:05PM


Members Present: All members were given meeting points because of technical difficulties with Google Meeting. Guest Brodie Stoddard.




Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


After the Canyon tournament, the balance of the General Fund is $3080.15, balance of the Charity Fund is $1296.16 for an ending balance $4376.31.


Old Business:


CAST event - Morgan's Wonderland is closed for the season, so after some discussion on ways to go, Ron motioned and it was seconded to postpone this year's event until April 2021. The motion passed.


Warren provided an update on club jerseys. Still coordinating with vendor.


New Business:


Brodie Stoddard presented himself for membership. He will fish as a guest this month and decide about joining later.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for Canyon -3rd) Bob; 2nd) Will; 1st) Butch. Will had BB with a 6.55.


Fishing times for Choke are as follows: 6:15 - 3:00 on Saturday and 6:15 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at Calliham Unit.

Meeting adjourned at 7:38.


Respectfully submitted,

Dan, Ron and Will


top of page




2020 May Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00


Members Present: William, Warren, Ron, Mark, Mike R., Lyle, Curt, Dan, Rueben, Troy, Mike K. Adam, Geno, Fletch, Brandon, Kendell, Craig, Bob




Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


No change after Amistad. The beginning balance was $7,181.31. The charity fund is $1,296.16. The general fund is $2,950.15. The ending balance is $4,246.31.


Old Business:


Warren updated jersey layout and logos. Mark asked that Gateway logo be taken off. Haws Boys logo to be corrected. Dan mentioned white background in logo blocks, Warren has addressed this and hopefully it will be removed and cleaned up.


New Business:


Ron mentioned no update to report on 2020 C.A.S.T. event. C.A.S.T. did mention they will be practicing social distancing protocol for all 2020 events. Adam requested a volunteer for a new C.A.S.T. register coordinator. Warren accepted and will take over that position.


Dan suggested a plaque for Adam to say thank you for all he has done for the club and good luck. Motion was made and all members in favor. Thank you Adam!!


Tournament Director's Report:


No April tournament.


May tournament- Canyon Lake- launch at ramp 23 Cranes Mill. Saturday time: 6:20 am- 3:00pm Sunday time: 6:20am-1:00pm


Reminder: There is very little light at this ramp. Get to ramp early, the lake has been very crowded lately. Weigh in will be one at a time with next person at the ready. Mark will call you up when he is ready for the next person. Social distancing practices will apply.


Meeting adjourned at 7:35.


Respectfully submitted,

William Covington


top of page




2020 April Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00 via Zoom.


Members Present: Mike K., Adam, Mark, Mike R., Curt, Geno, Warren, Troy, Will, Butch, Chris, Cal, Craig, Lyle, Fletch, Ruben, Kendall, Ron, Brandon




Not provided


Treasurer's Report:


Not provided


Old Business:


Jerseys - Warren presented new jerseys will be ordering them with some minor corrections that were mentioned. Ron motioned, Mark seconded, and the vote passed.


C.A.S.T. - Ron has contacted people who have registered, informing them that thedate has been moved to October 4. We have 40 kids signed up.


Secretary - Will accepted the position and will commence in turnover activities.


New Business:




Tournament Director's Report:


State and national parks are now temporarily closed. For this month's tournament on Choke, Warren motioned to postpone the April tournament until it is clearer when restrictions regarding social distancing are lifted. Lyle seconded and the vote passed.


Meeting adjourned at 7:37.



Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson


top of page



2020 March Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM


Members Present: Adam, Bob, Will, Chris, Ron, Warren, Mark, Lyle, Mike K., Mike R., Ruben, Geno, Craig, Cal. Guests: Joseph Brown and Clayton Glover.




Minutes of the February meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


After the Falcon tournament, Wells Fargo getting things straightened out with Adam's check from the fundraiser, paying the State Championship fees, CAST pavillion rental, and plaques, the ending balance of the General Fund is $5,885.15 and the ending balance of the Charity Fund is $1,296.16.


Old Business:


Jerseys - Warren presented a re-designed jersey for the club's consideration. There was a one-time $60 setup fee with the vendor. The price per jersey depends on how many are ordered, but will be somewhere around $45 each. Mark motioned and Craig seconded for this to be our new club jersey. Vote passed. Warren will send out an email asking for folks' orders.


CAST for Kids - We've paid for the pavillion. Ron re-iterated the need for sponsors. In addition to the financial aspect of it, we need to get this lined out for the T-shirts. Fortiline has stepped up again and will be donating $1,000. Warren needs a W-9 for this. Here is the link for folks to donate to the event: donate. Everyone needs to go sign up as a Shore Volunteer for the event. Here is the link: sign up. We currently have 26 kids signed up, and the event is capped at 40. Adam is to contact kids from last year's waiting list. Fortiline is good for $1,000. Day of the event logistics: Bait - Adam; Plaques, t-shirts, tackle boxes - Bob; Tackle - Craig.


New Business:


Adam mentioned that he will be moving to the Plano area for a new job, so will have to step down as club secretary. Will was volunteered and will be considering the opportunity.


Prospective new members Joseph Brown, Clayton Glover discussed joining the club and will fish a tournament as guests to see if they would like to join.


Tournament Director's Report:


State Championship next week on Amistad: Everyone (boaters and non-boaters) must have Mexican fishing license and present it on Thursday night at the registration meeting. Wednesday and Thursday are official practice days and the fishing times for Wednesday are those bound by safe light. On Thursday, the hours are safe light to 4:00 pm. Boat must be on the trailer at 4:00. There will be no pre-tournament boat inspection, but random boat checks will occur each tournament day. Every club is required to bring a raffle item valued at $50 or more. Craig will pick up the item and bring it to the tournament this weekend.


Per-diem for State: A $4,000 per-diem was motioned and voted on and the vote passed. The breakout of the per-diem is in the Tournament Rules on the website.


Results for Falcon: (1-day, as day 2 was cancelled). 3rd) 2.97lbs - Craig; 2nd) 4.21lbs - Warren; 1st) 9.38lbs - Ruben. Ruben had BB with a 4.31.


Fishing times for Amistad are as follows: 6:45 - 3:00 on Saturday with weigh-in at Box Canyon. 7:45 - 2:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at Blackbrush. Don't forget the time change on Sunday morning.


Meeting adjourned at 7:54.


Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson


top of page



2020 February Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00.


Members Present: Adam, Ron, Chris, Geno, Craig, Mark, Ruben, Craig, Lyle, Troy, Mike R., Will, Warren, Cal, Mike K., Butch. Guests: Brandon King, Steven Fletcher, and Kendall Kidd.


Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report: After the Fayette tournament, the ending balance of the General Fund is $7,475.79 and the ending balance of the Charity Fund is $1,296.16.


Old Business:


Plaques - Ron presented Curt's cousin Jason with a plaque of thanks for doing the cooking for our fundraiser. Butch was also presented with a plaque of thanks for the donation of our biggest ticket item for the fundraiser, the deer hunt. Mike Robbins was also presented with the 2019 Big Bass plaque.


CAST for Kids event - Registrations have started rolling in. Ron motioned to spend $175 for the event fee and $175 for the pavillion fee. Mike K. seconded and vote passed. Ron motioned to spend money for the food for the catering at Morgan's Wonderland. Last year, this cost was reimbursed by CAST as Texas Farm Bureau wound up covering it. Curt seconded and the vote passed. Ron also mentioned that there is no charge for children to enjoy the park after the event. However, parents and sponsors would have to pay the admission fee. We have $900 left in our CAST account from last year and last year's admission cost was $828. $1,300 total expenses (bait, sponsor admission, etc.). Ron motioned for us to cover this admission expense, Mark seonded, and vote passed. We hope for sponsors to cover the $3,500 fee to CAST. We need to get the donors identified soon so that we can get their logos on the merchandise, such as T-shirts.


Dan Leach is home from the hospital, but has a bit of a recovery ahead of him.


New Business:


Shirt / jersey orders - Warren reached out to Dan about an order and will be sending an email out with information such as the prices.


Troy mentioned QBC joining the Metro Legaue of Bass Clubs. They meet 2nd Wednesday of month and the cost is $30 for club to join. This is the cost for the entire club, not per club member. There are yearly tournaments where we compete as a club against other clubs in the city where there are many prize categories. The main tournament this year is on Falcon October 5-6 and currently coincides with our Buchanan tournament. Mark motioned to join Metro, Troy seconded, and the vote passed. Troy will attend their next meeting on behalf of QBC.


Bob and Lyle had a very difficult time getting Treasurer turned over at Wells Fargo. They spent 4 hrs at the bank trying to get it setup and the only outcome was that Wells Fargo needed an official letter from QBC that listed the current club officers. Bob also had a terrible time trying to get a check deposited from the fund raiser when their check-reading machine added an extra "2" to an account number and they never did get it straightened out. In turning over the Treasurer role, Bob mentioned that there are currently extra duties that are currently done by the Treasurer that could be distributed elsewhere in the club. In the coming months, expect to see a proposed change to the by-laws to help distribute these duties around. Some of these duties include managing the club roster and paperwork associated with the State Championship.


Ron mentioned having a "keeper" plaque for big bass for individuals to keep when they return the travelling Big Bass plaque at the end of the year. Ron will bring design considerations and prices to the next meeting.


Prospective new members - Kendall Kidd, Brandon King, and Steven Fletcher (aka "Fletch") presented themselves for membership into the club and all votes passed.


Tournament Director's Report:


State Championship tournament - The State has again changed the rules for club participation back to the 60% rule where we can only send up to 60% of our members (rather than sending however many people want to go). This means that we can only send 10 people. The entry fee has also gone up to $135 for boaters and $85 for non-boaters. Non-penetrating cull tags must be used.


Results for Fayette - 3rd) 15.75lbs - Ruben; 2nd) 20.75 lbs - Mike R.; 1st) 21.25lbs - Troy. Troy had BB with a 7.50.


This weekend's tournament at Falcon: The Veleño bridge is currently a hazard, with the lake being 37ft low. It might be marked, but boaters are advised to exercise caution if not familiar with how to navigate out of the Veleño.


Mike K. currently has the house rented by Amigo that we've stayed at before. A few meal ideas were discussed and Troy and Ron will bring meat, Adam will bring potato salad, Mark will bring chips and dip, and other folks can bring whatever they would like to contribute.


Fishing times are as follows: 7:00 - 3:00 on Saturday with weigh-in at County Ramp and 7:00 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at County Ramp. 5-fish limits both days, and traditional weigh-in.


Meeting adjourned at 8:11.


Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson



top of page




2020 January Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.


Members Present: Bob, Will, George, Gary, Mike K., Mark, Chris, Troy, Ron, Craig, Warren, Lyle, Curt, Ruben, Mike R.. Guests: Bella.


Minutes: Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report: After the Christmas donation and meat for the Christmas party, the ending balance of the General Fund is $7,551.54 and the ending balance of the Charity Fund is $1,296.16.


Old Business:


Plaques - Ron will have them next meeting.


CAST for Kids - Date is April 26. We anticipate that spots will fill quickly, so folks are encouraged to reach out to kids they know who might be interested in participating. Preliminary logistics were discussed and Chris volunteered for coolers and ice. Folks who had contacts for sponsors were encouraged to reach out to them for support this year. For printing photos, Warren will test the club's photo printer from the Fishing for Freedom events with the intention of using it for the event.


Craig brought a letter of thanks from the San Antonio / New Braunfels Food Bank.Our $400 donation helped to produce meals for 2,800 people.


New Business:


Craig has looked into lodging for the State Championship at Amistad at the Air Force marina. The cost is $215/week (total) or $50/night. There are up to 4 cabins available for rent and each cabin can sleep at least 4 people.


Dan Leach, a charter member of our club, had a recent health scare but is recovering and expected to return home in the next few days. He is currently at BAMC and we're told that he can take visitors and phone calls.


Tournament Section:


There was no tournament since the previous meeting.


State Championship on March 13-14 at Amistad:People will have to commit by the next meeting if they are planning on fishing. Possible boaters should bring a copy of the Declarations page of their insuranceto the next meeting.


The proposed 2020 tournament schedule was presented. After some discussion, it was voted on and passed.


2020 Schedule

Feb 8-9:   Falcon
Mar 7-8:   Amistad
Apr 18-19:   Choke
May 16-17:   Canyon
Jun 6-7:   Choke
July 11-12:   Amistad
Aug 8-9:   Falcon
Sep 26-27:   Medina
Oct 10-11:   Buchanan
Nov 7-8:   Conroe
Dec 5-6:   Falcon
Jan 9-10, 2021:   Fayette (Draw)


The May and June tournaments coincide with South Region tournaments.


Fishing times and pairings for Fayette are as follows: 7:00 - 3:00 on Saturday with weigh-in at Park Prairie. 7:00 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at Park Prairie.


Pairings for this weekend are listed with the boater first: Saturday: Warren & Will; Geno & Mark; Mike R. & Chris; Bob & Gary; Troy & Ron; Craig & Ruben. Sunday:Bob & Ron; Geno & Will; Warren & Chris; Craig & Ruben; Mike R. & Mark; Troy & Gary. The format of the tournament will be catch, weigh, and release, using the TP&W scales.


Meeting adjourned at 7:44.



Respectfully submitted,
Adam Johanson


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Quality Bass Club

San Antonio, TX

B.A.S.S. Nation Affiliated

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