2016 December Minutes
After a good Christmas dinner, the meeting was called to order at 8:08 pm.
Members Present: Adam, Ron, Mike R., Mike K., Dan S., Mark, Bob, Warren, Cal, Ken, and Curt. Guests: Jason LaQuey and various spouses.
Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginning balance was $5008.68. After the LBJ and Fayette tournaments, membership dues, shirt sales, National dues, State dues, bike helmets, and meat for the Christmas party, there is $4,069.53 in the general fund and $679.75 in the Charity fund.
Old Business:
Bikes - We received 12 bikes from our usual source and a gift card from Target in the amount of $112 which let us purchase 6 Razor scooters. Adam will continue to try get more items donated in order to fill out the remaining few helmets that we purchased. The bikes and Razors were divied out as follows:
Medina Lake Conservation Effort - Publishing the coordinates for the location of the artificial brush piles was discussed and it was decided to send them to TP&W to get them published on their website. Ron motioned for this, Adam seconded, and the vote passed.
New Business:
Youth club - The youth club has been approved by the state. We have 5 youth members who have all paid their dues. Bob filed our tax exempt status with the IRS. Larry Nors called Bob Meder. The state has asked that each region have a youth coordinator. Bob was also tapped for being the youth director for the South region.
Jason LaQuey presented himself for membership back into the club and the vote passed.
Meeting place - We have the meeting room at BPS booked for all first Tuesdays in 2017 except for February where the tenative plan is to meet in the restaurant.
Mike R. mentioned that Irene knows of a special needs student who needs long sleeve shirts, size Large.
Election of officers for 2017 -
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for LBJ -3rd) 17.96 - Ruben; 2nd) 18.86 - Bob; 1st) 29.10 - Mark. Ron had BB with a 9.80.
Results for Fayette -3rd) 26.21 - Mark; 2nd) 26.79 - Mike R.; 1st) 29.25 - Dan S. Dan S. had BB with a 5.93.
Year-end results: Ron had Big Bass with his 9.80 at LBJ
Year end standings for who will be representing us at the Top 6 tournament: 1) Mike R (boater); 2) Mark - (not going to top 6 because he has already qualified for the State Team); 3) Bob (boater); 4) Ken (boater); 5) Troy (NB); 6) Cal (not going); 7) Warren (NB); 8) Mike K (not going); 9) Ruben (NB); 10) Ron - alt.
Ron has partnered with a guy in a woodshop in Hondo and can make tropies in the future. The trophies to make are trophies for the top 6, angler of the year, and sportsman of the year.
Meeting adjourned at 8:53.
Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson
2016 November Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00
Members Present: Bob, Adam, George, Ron, Mark, Mike K., Mike R., Cal, Ken, Dave,Troy, Levi, Eli. Guest: Dave Perez
Due to a error on the Secretary's part, the minutes of the October meeting were not read.
: Beginning balance was $3,872.68. After the Coleto Creek tournament, shirt sales, and some membership dues, the ending balance is $5,008.68 with $982.15 of that in the charity fund.
Old Business:
A change to the tournament rules that was proposed at last month's meeting was voted on and approved. The change will be to Section 10 of the Tournament Rules.The term "calendar year" will be replaced with, "tournament year, where the tournament year is in accordance with the Texas BASS Federation year.
Bikes - Adam has emailed our contact about getting bikes and has not yet heard back from her. However, helmets are cheap right now ($14 as opposed to the normal price of $20), so Bob motioned and Mark seconded for the club to buy 20 helmets while the price is low. Vote passed. Adam will purchase the helmets
Medina Lake Conservation Effort - It was decided that we will plant artificial structures. Available and willing club members will meet at Troy's shop (DuMor on Grissom) on November 12 to assemble the structures and plant them in Lake Medina on November19. We will be able to use the County Ramp to stage the structures before they're planted.
New Business:
This year's December meeting and Christmas party will be at Adam's house in Bulverde. He will send his address. Ron will be smoking a brisket and Mike R. will be smoking a turkey. A motion was made to reimburse Ron for the brisket andthe vote passed. Everyone else is encouraged to bring a side or desert. There will also be an optional White Elephant gift exchange to be held after dinner. Those wishing to participate should bring a gift not to exceed $20 in value.
Dave Perez presented himself as a prospective member and was informed of the general activies of the club.
There has been some good progress made in getting Quality Youth Bass Club up andgoing again. Five juniors from Clemens high school came to the meeting and some logistics were discussed around getting the club off the ground.
Officers nominations for the upcoming year:
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Coleto -3rd) Ken - 16.15lbs 2nd) Mike R. - 24.18lbs 1st) Dan S. - 28.58. Bob had BB with 5.56lbs
This weekend's tournament will be on lake LBJ. Fishing times are 7:30 - 3:00 on Saturday and 6:30 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at the Lake LBJ Yacht Club and Marina. Note the time changes Sunday morning.
December's draw tournament will be on the 3rd and 4th at Fayette. Fishing times are 6:45 - 3:00 on Saturday and 6:45 - 1:00 on Sunday.
Draw Parings for Saturday:
Draw pairings for Sunday:
Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson
2016 October Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:01
Members Present: Adam, Levi, Troy, Ron, Mark, Warren, Bob, Ken, Dan S., Dan L, Dave, George, Cal, Mike K., Mike R., Curt. Guests: Terry Colwell.
Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginnning balance was $4,691.63. After the Falcon tournament, club shirts and associated set-up fee, the ending balance of the general fund is $2,890.48 and the $982.15 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Adam to contact lady about bikes.
George passed out information in regards to more volunteering opporunities with the Audie Murphy hospital.
Points accumulation - We have to have our 6-man team figured out by August. Section 10 (calendar year be replaced with "tournament year in accordance with the Texas BASS Federation year"). OPEN
Prospective new youth club - Eli from Samuel Clemons High School. Approached us about a youth program. We can't sponsor a HS team, but can sponsor a youth club. Get Eli connected with the by-lawsBob was nominated as the official youth club coordinator, seconded and vote passed.
New Business:
Jerseys - They had a $45 setup fee. Motion was made for the club to pay this expense and the vote passed.
Mike Robbins got 3 rooms reserved for the state tournament at Falcon and they'rebooked for Feb 14-19.
Levi mentioned the Medina lake conservation effort. People are to bring details plans and resources they would take to the November meeting.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Falcon - 3rd) 18.44 - Mike R. 2nd) 19.61 - Dan S. 1st) 25.98 - Bob. Adam had Big Bass with a 7.04
For this weekend's tournament on Coleto, fishing times are 7:00-3:00 on Saturday and 7:00-1:00 on Sunday.
Meeting adjourned at 7:57. Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson
2016 September Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00
Members Present: Adam, Mike K., Cal Miller, Dan S., Ken, Bob, George, Warren, Dan L., Dave, Curt, Levi, Ron, Mark, Troy. Guests: Terry Colwell
Minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginning balance was $508.56. After the Amistad tournament and a successful Raffle & Auction, the ending balance is $4,691.63 which is $3,709.48 for the General Fund and $982.15 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
State Federatoin Nation meeting: George was unable to attend due to family issues. David Glezman is the new president. State tournament next year is at Falcon with the date officially TBD, but they're looking at weekend of February 18. There will be 6 regions, each having their own championships and qualifications will be made based on the boater/non-boater designation. The 20-person state team will be made up of 1 boater and 1 non-boater from each region and then 4 boaters and 4 non-boaters which qualify/compete against all others in the state, meaning that they don't qualify through a specific region. Adam is to forward email with meeting minutes to club members.
Club jerseys: We met the minimum order quantity of 12 for the smaller price bracket. Future orders can be for quantities 1 and 2, but they will be more expensive.
Raffle / auction: We did great, but left 80 tickets unsold which left $800 on the table.
With the State Championship moving to the fall, a change in how points are accumulated was discussed. Ron motioned and Bob seconded for people to bring options to the October meeting for possibly changing the points accumulation process. Vote passed.
New Business:
Mike K. has been in contact with an American Legion post which does an angel tree and suggested that we could buy bikes for kids on their angel tree. Adam is to look into getting bikes again. OPEN.
George brought up a community service effort for chauferring people by driving golf carts at the Audie Murphy VA hospital to/from their vehicles and the front door.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Amistad - 3rd) Mike Robbins - 15.00lbs, 2nd) Bob Meder - 16.21lbs, 1st) Dan S - 26.17lbs and had BB with 4.70.
Fishing times for Falcon on 9/17 and 9/18 with weigh-in at the County Ramp both days: Saturday: 7:00 - 3:00 and Sunday: 7:00 - 1:00.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45.
Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson
2016 August Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00.
Members Present: George, Ron, Ken, Mike R., Bob, Dan L., Cal, Mike K., Troy, Mark, Dan S., Eli, Dave and Levi.
Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved as read.
Treasurer's Report: The beginning balance for August was $428.56. After the Mathis tournament, the ending balance is $508.56 with $157.54 in the charity fund, leaving $351.02 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fund Raiser -Tickets need to be sold. FYI
Silent Auction - No items have been offered up for a silent auction, so the evening will consist of a regular auction, pie in the face auction and then the high value raffle drawing as the finale. Ron motioned to start the auctions at 7:00 and end with the drawing around 9:00. Dan L. seconded and the vote passed. Members are asked to be at My House Lounge starting at 5:00. CLOSED
New Business:
Curt Covey presented himself for membership. After a brief personal recap, Dan L. motioned and Ron seconded to accept Curt into the club. The vote passed. CLOSED
The State Federation Nation is going to have a meeting at Belton during our fishing weekend. George volunteered to go and represent the club. OPEN.
Dan L. said he is investigating a source for club jerseys that, while a little more expensive, allows small quanitity ordering. There are still some questions to settle. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the August tournament on Mathis were announced. Logan Smith had big bass (5.18lb), Dan Snyder was third with 17.90lb, Mike Robbins second with 18.34lb and Robert Divin was first with 23.30lb.
Mark announced times for the August tournament on Amistad. Saturday times out of Box Canyon will be 6:30-3:30 with a 11:00 courtesy weigh in and Sunday out of Black Brush will be 6:30-1:00.
Mark motioned and Cal seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:40.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach
2016 July Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM
Members Present: Troy, Mark, Mike K., Levi, Ron, Bob, Ken, Warren, and Mike R. Guests: Terry Colwell, Logan Smith, and Dan Snyder
Minutes: Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report: Beginning balance was $388.56. After the Coleto tournament, the ending balance in the general fund is $271.02 and $157.54 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Lake Medina conservation effort - Tabled any more discussion for cooler weather.
Fund raiser - More Raffle tickets were passed out; there are still approximately 80 tickets yet to be passedout. They go for $10 each and people are to turn them in and give their money to Bob as they sell them. Folks do not need to be present to win. Drawing to be held August 20 at My House Lounge. Keep selling, if you need more please contact Bob. – OPEN
Silent Auction - Cal Miller and Mike K. are organizing the silent auction portion of the fundraiser event to be held at My House Lounge on August 20th. If you have items for the silent auction, contact them soonest.
Fish Care - reminder to all during warmer months and when you are near the ramps, it is best to set your live wells to always on and in re-circulation mode. The shallower water combined with all the boats spewing oil and gas near the ramps when concentrated to the confines of the livewell is very toxic to the fish and they can die quickly. Another tip mentioned was to put your life jacket or a wet towel over the live well lids to help keep some of the heat off the fish.
New Business:
Troy made a motion to keep the October tournament at Coleto (not move to Canyon). The vote passed unanimously.
Troy will make reservations for the cabins across from the park.
Logan Smith and Dan Snyder both introduced themselves and asked to join the club. Both were accepted unanimously.
Tournament Director's Report:
Coleto results - 3rd) Ken – 13.54 lbs; 2nd) Mike – 14.61 lbs; 1st) Mark – 16.34 lbs. Troy had big bass with 4.68 lbs.
July tournament will be on Mathis. Fishing times for Saturday are 6:30 - 3:00 with a courtesy weigh-in at 11:00, and 6:15 - 3:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at the ramp across from the Divin’s house both days. Address: 106 Lakewood Drive Mathis TX 78368
Meeting adjourned at 7:55.
Respectfully submitted, Ron Stevenson
2016 June Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM
Members Present: George, Troy, Mark, Mike K., Cal, Levi, Ron, Bob, Ken, Warren, Eli, and Mike R. Guests: Terry Colwell
Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginning balance was $308.56. After the Coleto tournament and State & National dues for 1 person, the ending balance in the general fund is $231.02 and $157.54 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Lake Medina conservation effort - Ron discussed a location that would be able to supply the brush, we would only need to show up with trucks and trailers, this company even offered to load it in the trailers. As it would be best to do this in a cooler-weather month and it might be a 2-day effort with 1 day cutting the brush and getting it to the lake and on the second day actually putting the piles in the lake. - Tabled any more discussion for cooler weather.
Fund raiser - More Raffle tickets were passed out. They go for $10 each and people are to turn them in and give their money to Bob as they sell them. Folks do not need to be present to win. Drawing to be held August 20 at My House Lounge. Keep selling, if you need more please contact Bob. - OPEN
New Business:
As per the text message chain that we sent out. The June tournament is moved to Coleto b/c of high water and at canyon. There was talk about moving the October Coleto tournament to Canyon, this was tabled in the event this rain even fills up another lake that is fishing very will at that time.
Silent Auction - Cal Miller and Mike K. will organize the silent auction portion of the fundraiser event to be held at My House Lounge on August 20th.
Fish Care - reminder to all during warmer months and when you are near the ramps, it is best to set your live wells to always on and in re-circulation mode. The shallower water combined with all the boats spewing oil and gas near the ramps when concentrated to the confines of the livewell is very toxic to the fish and they can die quickly. Another tip mentioned was to put your life jacket or a wet towel over the live well lids to help keep some of the heat off the fish.
Tournament Director's Report:
Coleto results - 3rd) Ken - 19.44 lbs; 2nd) Bob - 24.15 lbs; 1st) Ruben - 29.99 lbs. Ruben had big bass with 8.27 lbs.
June tournament will be on Coleto. Fishing times for Saturday are 6:15 - 3:00 and 6:15 - 3:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at the park ramp both days.
Meeting adjourned at 7:20.
Respectfully submitted, Mark Lachenauer
2016 May Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:01PM
Members Present: Adam, Troy, Mark, Mike K., Cal, Levi, Dave V., Dan, Ron, Bob, Ken, Warren, Eli, and Mike R. Guests: Terry Colwell
Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginning balance was $848.56. After the LBJ tournament and per diems for the Central Divisional anglers, the ending balance in the general fund is $151.02 and $157.54 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Lake Medina conservation effort - Ron, Levi, and Adam discussed the details of a conference call they had with Randy Myers from TP&W. The highlights were that we're to gather the brush and stage it, preferrably somewhere at the lake. It would be best to do this in a cooler-weather month and it might be a 2-day effort with 1 day cutting the brush and getting it to the lake and on the second day actually putting the piles in the lake.
Fund raiser - Raffle tickets were passed out. They go for $10 each and people are to turn them in and give their money to Bob as they sell them. Folks do not need to be present to win. Drawing to be held August 20 at My House Lounge.
New Business:
The Central Divisonal anglers gave a report on their time at Lake Guntersville and a good time was had by all.
Levi mentioned the Medina River cleanup effort. If folks are interested, meet at the Bandera City Park at 9:00 am Saturday morning.
Tournament Director's Report:
LBJ results - 3rd) Troy - 12.42 lbs; 2nd) Mark - 18.64 lbs; 1st) Adam - 21.44 lbs. Adam had big bass with 7.31 lbs.
May tournament will be on Coleto. Fishing times for Saturday are 6:15 - 3:00 and 6:15 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at the park ramp both days.
Meeting adjourned at 7:41.
Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson
2016 April Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:06.
Members Present: Adam, Ken, Bob, Ron, Dan, George, Troy, Cal, Mike R., Mark, Mike K, Levi, Warren. Guests: Terry Colwell and prospective members Bailey and Eli.
Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
Beginning balance was $713.56. After the Amistad tournament and additional members, the ending balance was $848.56 with $691.02 in the general fund and $157.54 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Fund raiser - The big items we're looking at raffling off are a Yeti, a 55" TV, and an iPad. The date for the drawing (and a silent auction) is August 20 at My House Lounge.
Medina Lake Conservation Effort -Adam has contacted Randy Myers (District Fisheries Biologist for TP&W) who is interested in helping us plant brush piles. Adam and Ron will continue to work with him to get details, set a date, etc. OPEN.
New Business:
Levi mentioned a CAST (Catch A Special Thrill) event in Bandera coming up on June 11. This will take place on the river in the town of Bandera and is a chance for club members to help children with disabilities enjoy some fishing time.
Prospective members Bailey and Eli presented for membership and were voted in.
We have 3 club members (Bob, Ken, and Mike R.) who have advanced to the Central Divisional tournament on Lake Guntersville. Mark motioned and Ron seconded to provide each of the 3 members with $200 each for a per-diem and the vote passed.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Amistad -3rd) 5.05 lbs - Cal Miller2nd) 6.81 lbs - Ruben1st) 10.43 - Mark. Ruben had BB with 4.88.
LBJ this weekend. Fishing times are 6:45 - 3:00 on Saturday and 6:45 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in on both days at Wirtz park.
Meeting adjourned at 7:46.
Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson
2016 March Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:07PM
Members Present: Cal, Troy, George, Dan, Mike R., Bob, Luis, Ken, Ron, Mark, and Mike K. Guests Levi Sparks and Ruben Arevalos.
Minutes of the February meeting were read. Mark motioned and Bob seconded to accept the minutes as amended (changed wording of third proposed tournament rules option and added ending balance to Treasurer's report).
Treasurer's Report:
There was a beginning balance of $1528.61 before paying the Falcon tournament winners, paying Top 6 lodging and website hosting. The ending balance is $713.556 with $157.54 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Fund Raiser. The committee formed to organize a high-end raffle came up with selling 400 tickets at $10.00 each to raise a gross of $4000. After deducting the amount for the items the net amount to the club should meet our needs. Several individuals and companies have offered to donate towards purchasing the items, so that should mitigate expenses even more. Mark asked that everyone have donors commit their money by the April meeting so tickets can be printed and handed out to members at the May meeting. Each member is asked to sell twenty tickets. Items to raffle may include a flat screen TV, an IPad and other items. Instead of a Fish Fry we will advertise the raffle drawing and also conduct a silent auction at My House Lounge on August 20th. OPEN
New Business:
Mark presented a former member who has returned to San Antonio for membership to the club, seconded by Dan. Ruben Arevalos was voted on and the vote passed. CLOSED
Dan presented Levi Sparks for membership, seconded by Bob. The vote passed. CLOSED
Mark and members of the QBC Top Six team reported on their experiences at this year's State tournament. Fishing was tough. Highlight for the club was Ken advanced to Regionals by qualifying as the high South Texas angler. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the February tournament on Falcon were announced: 3rd) Ron; 2nd) Cal; 1st and BB) Mike R.
Mark announced times for the March tournament on Amistad: Saturday 6:45-3:00 with weigh in at Box Canyon and Sunday (daylight savings begin) 7:45-2:00 with weigh in at Black Brush.
Mark motioned and Cal seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:04. Vote passed.
Respectfully submitted, for Adam Johanson Dan Leach
2016 February Minutes
Meeting called to order at 6:58
Members Present: George, Mike R., Bob, Ron, Warren, Dave, Mike K., Cal, Dan, Mark, Ken, Adam, Robert and Chris. Guests: Terry Colwell
Minutes of the January meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report: After the Fayette tournament, the plaques for last year, and paying the top 6 entry fee, the ending balance of the general fund is $1,371.07 and $157.54 in the charity fund leaving an ending balance of $1528.61.
Old Business:
Fundraiser - tabled.
Community Service Effort - Levi Sparks with BCRA, who controls 60% of the lake and they're looking for conservation ideas. Things that were discussed were lake cleanup, planting vegetation, and planting brush piles with help from TP&W. Adam will research feasibility of brush piles with TP&W.
New Business:
Perspective member Luis Navarro Jr. from Del Rio was presented for membership and voted in.
Mark presented change to tournament rules for draw tournaments. There was much discussion around the two proposals presented and they will be voted on and the next club meeting. A third option will be that we
Tournament Director's Report:
Results for Fayette -Ron had BB with 4.33; 3rd) Bob Meder - 19.27 lbs; 2nd) Mike Robbins - 23.64 lbs; 1st) Robert Divin - 26.09 lbs.
This weekend's tournament will be on Falcon. Fishing times on Saturday are 7:00 - 3:00 with weigh-in at the State Park, Sunday 7:00 - 1:00 with weigh-in at the County Ramp.
Meeting adjourned at 8:01.
Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson
2016 January Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 pm.
Members Present: George, Adam, Bob, Warren, Troy, Mark, Ken, Mike R., Mike K., Cal, Dan, Ron, Robert, and Chris. Guests: Terry Colwell.
Minutes of the December meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report: There was no activity for the month, so the beginning and ending balance is $2,217.97 with $157.54 in the Charity Fund.
Old Business:
20-member State Team: Bob called into the meeting and the result of the vote for the 6 regions tied at 3 votes each for Proposal #1 and #3. More news to come on the State's next steps. One thing that our Region Director (Larry) mentioned was having a call-in meeting with all clubs in the South region once a quarter that we'll participate in.
Fundraiser: There was some general discussion about possible items to raffle off and an expectation of how many tickets we should strive to sell. A committee was appointed to come up with the details for how we'll do the fundraiser and present its recommendations to the club. Mark was appointed chairman of the committee.
Plaques: By the February meeting, Mike K. will have plaques for the Top 6, Sportsman of the Year, and the new "Travelling trophy" for Big Bass.
New Business:
Bastrop Community Service Effort (formerly Fishing for Freedom): Ken is heading up an effort to look into supporting the Bandera County River Authority who will now control Medina Lake. They have previously contacted the club mentioning putting on a fishing tournament to raise funds for improvements around the lake.
New member Dave Vitale presented himself to the club for membership. A vote was taken to vote him in and it passed unanimously.
State Tournament: Mark found a cheaper alternative for lodging which will be booked.
For going to the State tournament, the boaters are Mark, Ken, and Troy. The non-boaters are Robert, Chris, and Ron. Adam is the alternate.
The 2016 Tournament Schedule was presented to the club. Robert motioned to have it approved, Adam seconded and the vote passed with a single vote for "Nay" cast by Warren. The schedule is as follows:
Tournament Director's Report:
No tournament since the December meeting. January's tournament will be on Fayette which will be a draw with weigh-in at Park Prarie Park. Fishing times for Saturday are 7:00 - 3:00 and 7:00 - 1:00 on Sunday.
Draw Parings for Saturday -
Draw pairings for Sunday -
Meeting adjourned at 8:11.
Respectfully submitted,
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