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2015 Minutes




2015 December Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:16 pm.


Members Present: Adam, Mark, Mike R., Warren, Stefan, Ron, Dan, Cathy, Ken, Troy, Bob, Irene, Cal M. and Mike K. Guests: Holly Johanson, Kathy Piere, Terry Colwell, and Theresa Stevenson.




Minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance was $2,402.52. Since the last meeting, we've had the LBJ and Bastrop tournaments, collected and paid dues for 2016, reimbursed Mike R. for food, and bought bike helmets. Ending balance is $2,217.97 with $157.54 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Composition of the 20-member state team - The call is next Tuesday. After discussion amonst the club members, the consensus was that we will vote for Proposal 2.


Christmas Bikes: This year, we've been requested to fill out forms indicating who receives the bikes. Club members who receive bikes are to take these forms and send them back to Adam who will forward them on. The bikes were divided out to club members as follows:

Irene - 8
Ron - 2
Warren - 2
Mark - 4
Bob - 5
Adam - 5


Discussion of the Fish fry event was tabled.


New Business:


Meeting day/time. Mike K. to call BPS lady to see about 1st Tuesday of month for 2016.


2015 Club Officers: The voting results for 2016 club officers are as follows: President - Ken, Vice President - Mike Robbins, Secretary - Adam, Treasurer - Bob, Seargent at Arms -Ron. Members at Large - Troy and Dan. Tournament Committee - Mark (chariman) , Troy, Bob, Ken, and Mike R. Sportsman of the year - Mike Robbins


Plaques were discussed and the club decided to get plaques for Angler of the Year, Sportsman of the Year, and a Big Bass trophy that will be a "travelling trophy" that will have empty spaces for future years for the angler's name, year, and weight of the fish. Mike K. will get the plaques.


Tournament Director's Report:


3rd) 11.51 - Mark
2nd BB) 12.21 and 4.38 - Ken
1st) 14.38 - Troy


Bastrop -
BB) Chris - 3.71
3rd) 11.58 - Robert Divin
2nd) 14.23 - Mike. R.
1st) 16.68 - Mark/td>


Year-end results were presented. Big Bass of the year was 6.62, caught by Dave Barnes from Lake Austin in May. Final Club Standings -1) Mike R. 2) Mark 3) Ken 4) Bob 5) Warren 6) Ron


Meeting was adjourned at 8:06 pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson



2015 November Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:10


Members Present: Adam, Ken, Mike R., Warren, Ron, Mark, Troy, Mike K., Cal. Guests: Terry Colwell and Tom Wong


Minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report: Starting balance was $2,337.52 and the ending balance was $2,402.52 with $455.09 in the charity fund and $1,946.43 in the general fund.


Old Business:


Top 6 Lodging - Dewayne in Del Rio has the trailer leased out for a year, but Mike K. got a contact for another place which would accomodate us. Mark motioned and Ken seconded to spend $1,200 for lodging Wednesday - Sunday nights, coming back Monday. Vote passed.


Vote on composition of the 20-member State Team - We don't have the details for when the meeting is where the vote will be held. Members are again encouraged to look over the 3 proposals if they have not done so already.


The Fish Fry raffle event was tabled.


New Business:


Tom Wong was presented as a prospective member for the club and is looking to fish the LBJ tournament as a guest.


Officers nominations for the upcoming year:


President - Mark nominated Ken.
VP - Mike K. nominated Mike R.
Secretary - Ken nominated Adam.
Treasurer - Mike K. nominated Bob.
Seargent at Arms - Mark nominated Ron.


Christmas party - To be held at Adam's house on _Wednesday_ December 9 at 7:00. Mike R. will be cooking the meat. Everyone is to bring a side dish or desert. We will have a white elephant gift exchange and for those wishing to participate, the maximum amount to spend on a gift is $10. Adam will send out his address.


Hotel accomodations at LBJ were discussed in relation to where the weigh-ins will be held. The 2 that people are encouraged to pick from are the Quality Inn behind Whataburger on 281 and the Hill Country Inn (ask for a left-side room, the side that faces 281 - that side accomodates boat parking).


Adam to contact lady about bikes.


Adam motioned to reimburse Mike R. for the cost of the meat for the Christmas party. Ken seconded and the vote passed.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for tournament on Amistad
3rd) 8.21lbs - Mark
2nd) 8.79lbs - Irene
1st and BB) 14.60lbs with BB of 3.40lbs- Mike R.


November tournament will be on LBJ. Weigh-in at Wirtz Dam Park both days. Fishing times for Saturday are 6:45 - 3:00 and 6:45 - 1:00 on Sunday.


December tournament will be a draw on December 5 and 6. Fishing times are 6:50 - 3:00 on Saturday and 6:50 - 1:00 on Sunday. Weigh-in both days is at the South Shore ramp.


Draw Parings for Saturday -

Stefan  Ken
Troy   Todd L. (Mark's brother)
Warren   Tom
Ron   Mike R.
Robert  Bob
Mark   Chris


Draw pairings for Sunday -

Mike R.   Todd
Warren   Ken
Robert  Tom
Chris   Troy
Stefan   Bob
Mark   Ron


Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson



top of page



2015 October Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01


Members Present: Adam, Ken, Bob, Warren, George, Cal, Mike K., Mark, Rob, Mike R., and Irene. Guests: Terry Colwell


Minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


The beginning balance was $2,292.52. After the Falcon tournament, the ending balance is $2,337.52 with $455.09 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Survey for old members - We received 2 survey results, both of which involved the members leaving due to logistics. One person didn't have time for tournaments and another person moved. CLOSED.


Sweat shirts - Items closed since we did not meet the minimum order requirement of 10. CLOSED.


Hats - A vote was taken to give a hat to new members for free when they join the club. Vote passed. Item CLOSED.


Presidents' Meeting - The club has to pay its dues by December 1st, so the club members need to have our dues for next year paid by the November meeting. The total dues will be $60/person again.


New Business:


The Top 6 tournament next year will be on Amistad at the end of February. Mike K. will contact Dewayne in Del Rio to see about renting the trailer for our use. OPEN.


Recent changes make the number of people on the State Team now 20 people. There are 3 proposals on the table for how to come up with this team of 20. Quality Bass Club will have a vote on which proposal we prefer. Members of the club are encouraged to read through proposals for new formats for choosing the State Team by looking through them here:


The full presentation for the annual Presidents' Meeting.


The 3 proposals:

Proposal 1

Proposal 2

Proposal 3


Fish fry auction ideas. Mark got advice from some VFW folks who do big-ticket auctions and they mentioned staying away from guns or things that have to be personalized. Things they suggested were electronic items like iPads, guided fishing trips, Yeti coolers, etc. People are encouraged to think of raffle ideas and possibly price them out to bring to the information to the November meeting. It was mentioned limiting the number of items raffled off to 3 or 4.


Tournament Director's Report:


September tournament was on Falcon.

3rd) 5.44 lbs - Chris Divin

2nd) 8.03 lbs - Robert Divin

1st) 10.48 and Big Bass of 3.39 - Mike Robbins


This weekend's tournament will be on Amistad. Saturday's fishing times are 7:30-3:00 with weigh-in at Box Canyon. 7:30 - 1:00 on Sunday with weigh-in at Blackbrush.


Meeting adjourned at 7:44.


Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson



top of page



2015 September Minutes


The meeting was called to order at 7:03 pm by Mike Robbins, VP.


Members Present: Bob, Mike and Irene Robbins, Mark, Warren, and Ron.


Minutes from the July meeting were read by Irene. Mark moved to accept the minutes, Warren seconded the motion, Motion passed.


Treasurer's Report


Currently there is $455.09 in the Charity Fund, and $1837.43 in the General Fund. The Fish Fry/Auction raised $1793.00.


Old Business:


Survey of Members - since Dan was not in attendance this item remains OPEN


Sweat Shirts - OPEN


Hats - Bob had the club hats available for purchase for $10 each. OPEN


Fish Fry - results of the Fish Fry event were reviewed during the Treasurer's Report. Members present agreed that Leo and Carolyn and their daughter and son-in-law should be commended for their contributions and on-going support (banana puddings, beans, etc). In addition, Tiffany and Kathy were instrumental in the success of the event. Discussion followed addressing changing the format of the event (ideas included a "big ticket" raffle and tournaments). OPEN


New Business:


There will be a Presidents Meeting Sept 12 in Waco (information only) to address the new tournament format. Stefan will not be able to attend. Mike and Bob will get the information from Larry, Region Director, at the Federation Championship the following weekend and relay it to the club at the October meeting.


Bob reported he has 2 Large size club shirts and 1 XL size available for sale.


Tournament Report:


At the Coleto tournament Chase Brooks had Big Bass of 6.29 lbs. Mark came in third with a 7.84 lbs bag, Troy took second with 7.93 lbs, and Robert D. was the first place finisher with 9.52 lbs.


The September tournament will be at Falcon Lake Sept 12-13. Logistics: Saturday 7am-2pm from the State Park, and Sunday 7am-noon at the County ramp.


Mark moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:35pm, Bob seconded the motion. Motion passed.



Respectfully submitted,
Irene Robbins


top of page



2015 August Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02.


Members Present: George, Ron, Ken, Adam, Mike R., Irene, Dan, Cal, Mike K., Troy, Mark, and Stefan.


Minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report: The treasurer's report for July was read and its beginning balance was $890.02 with $96.49 in the charity fund. After the Amistad tournament and $200 to the Wimberely Volunteer Fire Department, the ending balance was $735.02 with $96.49 in the charity fund.


The beginning balance for August was $735.02. After the Choke Canyon tournament, the ending balance is $855.02 with $96.49 in the charity fund. There is $80 from the Choke tournament rolling over into the next tournament's payout.


Old Business:


Survey for previous members - Dan will check the results of the surveys and report back next month. OPEN.


Fish Fry - Irene mentioned folks getting items for the raffle so that they can be put on the tickets and the tickets printed. She will have them printed and available for folks to pick up at the Coleto tournament. Mike K. threw in two $50 Ruth's Chris gift cards, a $112 Minn Kota gift card, and some other goodies. Mark motioned and Dan seconded for the club to spend $50 for scratch off Lotto tickets and the vote passed.


The following items were divided up for folks to bring:
Mike R. - Awning
George - PA
Bob - Cooking supplies, including breading. He'll also bring the tea/lemonade jugs.
Stefan and Mark - Propane
Ken - Potato salad
Mark - Hush puppies
Ron - Cole slaw
Adam - Iced tea, lemonade, fish
Cal - 5 loaves of bread along with condiments (ketchup, tarter sauce, and cocktail sauce)
Troy - Redi whip
Everyone is to bring a desert


New Business:


Dan mentioned that he checked into club sweatshirts. We have to have at least 20 to satisfy the minimum order size requirement. The price is $26.80 with the club's logo on it. OPEN.


Dan also checked into club hats. We can get 25 for $193, or $7.74 each. We can also get 50 hats for $255.50, or $5.11 each. Irene motioned and Mike K. seconded for the club to spend the $255.50 and order 50 hats for purchase by new members. OPEN.


Mike and Irene were able to get 10 children's bike helmets for $25 while on a recent trip.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results of the August tournament on Choke were announced.
1st and Big Bass) 1.44 lbs - Stefan >>See "Big Bass Trophy"
2nd) Everyone else.
$80 from the tournament payout (the rest of the prize money) will roll over to the payouts for the August tournament.


Mike mentioned that for the September tournament on Falcon, the Amigo Inn (956) 765-3095is a good place to stay.


The August tournament will be on Coleto. Fishing times will be 6:30 - 11:00 with an optional afternoon fishing time whose weigh-in will be at 3:00. The daily bag limit will reset for the optional afternoon time, with the exception of dead fish in the morning which will count against the afternoon's bag limit. Sunday's fishing times will be 6:30 - 1:00.


Meeting adjourned at 7:49.



Respectfully submitted, Adam Johanson


top of page



2015 July Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:11


Members Present: Mike R., Ken, Mike, Troy, Adam, Mike K., & Warren. Guests: Cal Miller and Terry Colwell




Minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


In Bob's absence, there was not a treasurer's report.


Old Business:


Troy took the $200 from our charity fund to the assistant chief of the Wimberley VFD and it was much appreciated.


Fish Fry: Adam will get the fish from Groomer's again. He will be getting 40lbs. this year. Ken will bring potato salad. Mark emphasized that in order to make the Fish Fry a success, we need raffle and auction items.


New Business:


Mike K. presented Cal Miller to re-join the club and the vote passed.


Mike R. mentioned that he had been talking with Dan about folks who have previously participated with the club but stopped for one reason or another. It was discussed sending these folks a questionnaire to see what, if anything, could have been done to keep them with the club. We could even make it anonymous by including an address where they could mail it back.


Dave mentioned structuring tournament times for Saturday evening and Sunday morning. This would allow people to avoid having a hotel on Friday night and also get in on the evening bite. Dave also mentioned doing something along the lines of a garage sale between members for getting new tackle and equipment.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results of the June tournament on Amistad were announced: 1st) 10.50lbs - Mike R. 2rd) 9.71lbs - Irene 3rd) 5.42 - Mark Big Bass - Mark


The July tournament will be on Choke on the 18th and 19th. Fishing times on Saturday are 6:15 - 3:00 and 6:15 - 1:00 on Sunday. The weigh-in both days will be at Callihan.


Meeting adjourned at 7:56 pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson


top of page




2015 June Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:07


Members Present: Warren, Bob, Troy, Dave, Ken, Cal, Adam, Ron, Stefan, Mark, Cathy, Dan, Mike, Irene, and Lyla. Guests: Terry Colwell




Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance was $845.02. After the Lake Austin tournament and paying the state and national dues, the ending balance is $890.02 with $296.49 remaining in the charity fund.


Old Business:


QBC joining the Metro League of Bass Clubs. Tabled


Youth Club. Not much for us to do until there is interest shown in kids joining.


Meeting place. We're good with meeting at Bass Pro Shops through December for 7:00


Fish Fry. Letters have been posted to the website under "Events." The club was reminded to keep the Fish Fry in mind and asking for donations when we visit places like restaurants, golf courses, etc.


New Business:


Recent damages due to flooding were discussed. Mark montioned and Ken seconded to send $200 to the Wimberly VFD for flood relief and the vote passed. Troy will take the money to Wimberly.


Irene brought flyers about Zebra mussels for folks' perusal.


Tournament Director's Report:


We'll be leaving July tournament on Choke Canyon as it's expected to rise another 4-6 feet.


Results from Lake Austin:


Big Bass of 6.62lbs - Dave Barnes

3rd) 13.45lbs - Trevor Rogge

2nd) 14.89lbs - Adam Johanson

1st) 16.74lbs - Troy Hargroder


Amistad in June. Saturday weight-in is at Box Canyon, fishing times are 6:30 - 3:00. Sunday's weigh-in will be at Blackbrush, 6:30 - 1:00.


Meeting adjourned at 7:32.



Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson


top of page




2015 May Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02PM


Members Present: Adam, Cal, Lyla, Mark, Troy, Bob, Ron, Warren, and eventually Ken.




Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


Beginning balance before the Coleto Creek tournament was $795.02. The ending balance is $845.02 with $548.53 in the General Fund and $296.49 in the Charity Fund.


Old Business:


The Fisher House event went well and everyone was thanked for their participation.


So far, there hasn't been much interest in kids joining the youth club, so not much was discussed.


QBC joining Metro League of Bass Clubs is still open.


Meeting place. A vote was taken to move the club meetings to the first Tuesday of every month at Bass Pro Shops, still at 7:00. The vote passed unanimously and we will begin meeting there for the June meeting.


New Business:


Fish Fry. Dan to get a beg letter up that contains our Tax ID number. Adam will check with Academy for donations. Bob will be in charge of the food and Irene in charge of the raffle and auction items. The date for the Fish Fry will be August 22nd.


Trevor presented to the club mentioning a fishing day on Dunlap to raise money for him and Felix as the South Region qualifiers to go to Mississippi for the BASS Regional event. He will be sending out the details.


Trevor mentioned that he was interested in re-joining QBC. Mark motioned to vote Trevor back into the club and the vote passed.


Tournament Director's Report:


Tournament Director's Report on Coleto: 3rd) 11.36lbs - Mike Robbins 2nd and BB) 4.58 and 11.40lbs - Robert Divin 1st) 18.54lbs - Troy


The gate at the Emma Long ramp doesn't open until 7:00, so we will be weighing in at the 360 Ramp both days. Fishing times are 6:45 - 3:00 on Saturday and 6:45 - 1:00 on Sunday.


Cal motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:41.


Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson


top of page




2015 April Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:02 at J. Anthony's Seafood Restaurant


Members Present: Mike K., Lyla, Cal, Bob M., Adam, Mike R., Irene, Mark, Warren, Tandi, Keegan, Ken, Troy, and Stefan. Guests: Warren's wife Terry and Bob's Dad Charlie




The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved.


Treasurer's Report:


The beginning balance before the Top 6 lodging expense was $2,300.02. Top 6 lodging was $1,755, we had the $250 lodging deposit returned, and the ending balance is $795.02 with $296.49 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Fisher House: We will be eating at noon and folks are to show up at 10:00 at Lackland. Mike K. to bring rods, reels, and hula hoops and Mike R. will get main entree food and sides. Everyone else will bring a side. Mike K. will submit list of the membership for entry at the gate. Dennis Lala is on board to bring prizes. Mike K. will make sure they have gas and if not, he will bring it.


Youth Club: Talked to Nick (NE Youth Director) at the State Tournament. We sponsor a youth club. Each high school has to have at least 2 students on their team. Bob volunteered to be the director for the South Region Youth Club and we need to have 6 kids total. The age requirement is 18 and under for youth club. Bob will be working with Tandi to drum up interest.


QBC joining the Metro League of Bass Clubs: Still open.


Meeting place: Adam briefed club on places that cannot host us but is waiting for call backs from Sports Authority and Academy at 1604/NW Military. It was discussed having the club meetings on a new date and Mike K. is checking with BPS on their availability for some different days. In the mean time, we will meet at J. Anthony's next month.


New Business:


Texas Association of Bass Clubs presented to the club asking for new members. The benefits included having representation at the State level with TP&W and a yearly tournament which this year will be held at Falcon Lake the last weekend in September. Individual yearly membership is $20, family is $30. Last year, the tournament consisted of 24 clubs with the top club earning around $1,700. Their website is


The recent top 6 State tournament was discussed with its cold water and tough fishing. The trials and tribulations of Stefan at the tournament were also discussed.


Tournament Director's Report:


The April tournament will be on Coleto. Fishing times are 6:45 - 3:00 on Saturday and 6:45 - 1:00 on Sunday.


Stefan motioned and Ken seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:06 pm.



Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson


top of page



2015 March Meeting Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:03PM


Members Present: Adam, George, Stefen, Mike R., Bob, Irene, Mark, Dan, Mike K.




Minutes of the February 2015 meeting were read. Mark motioned and Irene seconded to accept the minutes as read.


Treasurer's Report:


There was a beginning balance of $2,880.02 before the Dunlap tournament and paying the Top 6 entry fee. The ending balance is $2,300.02 with $296.49 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


The Fisher House event at Lackland will be on May 2 at noon. OPEN


Youth club - Each HS is its own club, not affiliated with a club. Just 2 people can constitute a high school team. Youth club has to be 6 members. OPEN


The prospect of us joining the Metro league of Bass Clubs remains open in Troy's absence. OPEN


J. Anthony's is agreeable to us meeting there with the understanding that they would appreciate it if we ordered food while there. We will meet at J. Anthony's for the April meeting. Adam will check with Dick's Sporting Goods at the Rim to see if they would be willing to let us meet there. OPEN


New Business:


Mike K. brought up an article in B.A.S.S. Times regarding Patriot Fishing Days and recommended us contributing to their cause to support spouses of people who have died or become disabled while serving in the military. Mike K. will follow up regarding what percentage of the donated money goes for the cause. OPEN


There will not be a Per Diem for the top 6 anglers.


Tournament Director's Report:


Results for the March tournament on Dunlap were announced. 3rd) Ken - 3.42 lbs. 2nd and BB) Mike R. - 4.35 lbs. with BB of 4.35 lbs. 1st) Bob - 5.96 lbs.


Mark motioned and Dan seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:39. Vote passed.


Respectfully submitted,

Adam Johanson


top of page



2015 February Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:03.


Members Present - Adam, Warren, Mark, (guest), Mike R., Irene, Troy, Bob, Scott, Cal and Lyla, Mike Kinchen Guests - Terry


The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved. Mark motioned and Irene seconded.


The Treasurer's Report was read and approved. After 2 tournament and paying for the 2015 plaques the ending balance is $2,880.02 with $296.49 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Mike K. has an email response from a lady at the Fisher House regarding a date that he will forward to club memebers. OPEN


There are no updates on the youth as Chad is not answering emails. Bob did mention that the old bylaws might not work because of changes to the Roster Management System and the registration process for the club. OPEN


Troy got email from a contact with Metro League of Bsss Club and she will come to one of our meetings to talk to us about joining.


After a bit of discussion about the club's meeting place, it was decided that some club members would talk to various businesses about us meeting there. Other places will be looked at, but a couple of places mentioned were that Mark will talk with the Academy at 410 and Vance Jackson and Adam will speak with Dick's Sporting Goods at the Rim. For the next meeting, we will be at Stefan's office which is at 1604 and Northwest Military. He will send the address.


New Business:


The top 6 roster was discussed as Troy who finished in 6th and Mike K. who finished 7th will not be able to go. Irene Robbins will round out the team.


Tournament Director's Report:


Fayette - 3rd) 9.46 lbs - Mike R. 2nd) 19.54 lbs, 5.09 lb big bass - Stefan 1st) 19.98 lbs - Mark


Falcon - BB - 6.41 - Warren. Watermelon red brush hog 3rd) 7.24 lbs - Scott. Caught them on spinnerbaits and and lipless crankbait 2nd) 10.01 lbs - Mike R. Caught his fish on a Lizard 1st) 19.06 lbs - Stefan. Caught his fish on a Watermelon candy brush hog.


The March tournament is on 7th and 8th on Dunlap. Weigh-in both days under the I-35 bridge. 6:45 - 3:00 on Saturday with folks meeting at Bob's house afterwards for food and drink. Times for Sunday are 7:45 - 3:00. Note that the Spring-Forward time change is Sunday morning.


Cal motioned to adjourn the meeting and Mike K. seconded. Vote passed.


Adam Johanson, Secretary



top of page




2015 January Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:01 immediately before we were kicked out of the normal meeting room to accommodate the Elite Bass Club. Meeting reconvened in the old "Fine Gun Room."


Members present: Adam, Mike R., Irene, Tandi, Keegan, George, Warren, Dan, Mark, Ken, Mike K., Bob


Minutes: The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved as read, motion by Mark, seconded by Dan.


Treasure's Report: The treasure's report was read and approved. Past month's activity included getting 2015 membership dues and paying state dues, federal dues, and a $250 deposit for Top 6 lodging. Current ending balance $2,776.02 with $296.49 in the charity fund leaving $2,479,53 in the general fund.


Old Business:


The Fisher House is waiting on a date for us. Preliminary discussion included possibly doing April 25 or May 2 and Mike R. mentioned pitching both dates to them and seeing if they had a preference. Mike K. to follow up with them. OPEN


Tandi and Bob have been working on gathering requirements for a youth club and asked other club members if they knew other young people who would be interested. It sounds like the youth club will need at least 6 people on the roster. There is no minimum age and the maximum age is 18, or has graduated high school. Tandi has been trying to get a hold of Chad from the state level to see what all has to be done to get the youth club going. OPEN


Mark mentioned that he has found the most cost effective and closest lodging for the Top 6 tournament on Texoma. The place is called the Fish Shack and will cost about $1,500 plus a $50 cleaning fee. OPEN


There is no update on the status of us joining Metro as Troy was MIA from the meeting.


New Business:


Mike K. to investigate the meeting room situation and which room we will meet in going forward. OPEN


Prospective new member Scott Depew introduced himself and the club unanimously voted him in.


George reminded folks fishing the Top 6 to have all of their boat paperwork in order and current as well as all safety features of their boats working. They will also need an Oklahoma fishing license, but it was also mentioned that a Texoma-only license can be obtained for $12. He mentioned that he will also be stepping down as the South Region director for health reasons and Larris Norris will be the acting director.


Plaques were handed out for last year's Top 6 anglers, sportsman of the year, and big bass of the year.


Warren mentioned that Boys Town who received some of our Christmas bikes, was interested in any Casting-Kids type event that we might host.


The 2015 tournament schedule was presented to the club and it passed. It is as follows:


  • February 7-8 Falcon
  • March 7-8 Dunlap
  • April 18-19 LBJ
  • May 16-17 Austin
  • June 13-14 Amistad
  • July 18-19 Choke
  • August 15-16 Coleto
  • September 12-13 Falcon
  • October 10-11 Amistad
  • November 14-15 LBJ
  • December 5-6 Bastrop
  • January 16-17, 2016 Fayette


Tournament Director's Report:


This weekend's tournament will be on Fayette with weigh-in at Oak Thicket both days. 7:15-3:00 on Saturday and 7:15-1:00 on Sunday.


Saturday's parings are as follows:

Stefan / Bob Mike K. / Robert Divin Ken / Keegan Mike R. / Scott Mark / Chris Divin & Ron Warren / Cal Miller


Sunday's pairings:

Ken / Ron Mike K. / Scott Warren / Bob Mike R. / Keegan Stefan / Cal Miller Mark by himself


February's tournament will be on the 7th and 8th at Falcon. Saturday 7:00 - 3:00, weigh in at the State Park and Sunday 7:00 - 1:00, weigh in at the County Ramp.


Keegan won the door prize drawing.


Mark motioned and Warren seconded to adjourn the meeting



Adam Johanson, Secretary


top of page






Quality Bass Club

San Antonio, TX

B.A.S.S. Federation Nation Affiliated

A Charter Member









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