2013 December Minutes
Meeting called to order at 8:04PM after enjoying a delicious dinner.
Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Bob, Ken, Cal and Lyla, Dan and Cathy, Stefen, Irene and Mike R. Guests Cathy Piere, Tiffany Lachenaur, Corey Perry, Jason Zurovec and Cal Miller.
The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved as amended, motion by Mark, seconded by Cathy.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current ending balance is $2329.05 with $204.89 in the charity fund leaving $2124.16 in the general fund. See Financial Report.
Old Business:
Fisher House Event: The club received a thank you letter and thank you emails from both Dwayne Hopkins, Executive Director and Sarah Richardson-Paniagua, Volunteer Coordinator Lackland Fisher House Inc. CLOSED
Christmas Bikes: Adam mentioned that there are 5 helmets that will be kept until next year because he made a supplemental purchase of 5 toddler size helmets. Irene donated 6 bikes to deserving families, Bob donated 10 to an Angel Tree at his work, Cathy donated 4 to Toys for Tots, Mike K. found a home for 6 with his son's church's program and Ken donated 3 to House of Neighborly Service. CLOSED
The tabled item concerning Warren's 15 year old son and his eligibility to fish with the club remained tabled. Irene will research. Cal found information that specified 16 as the cut off date for individuals fishing as adults. Our club rules say youth will pay a $2.00 entry and fish for trophies only. Bob mentioned he is interested in determining if the South region has enough interest in fielding a youth division to compete at State because the South is the only region not represented there. TABLED
New Business:
Proposed new members. Corey Perry and Jason Zurovec were introduced by Mike K on behalf of Randy and expressed interest in joining the club. After a brief self-introduction by each they were voted on and approved for membership. Bob announced that Robert and Chris Diven expressed interest in rejoining the club and asked if they could be voted on without being present. It was agreed that as former members they could be represented by Bob. The club voted on membership for Robert and Chris and the vote passed. CLOSED
Mike K suggested the club buy new weigh in bags and Cal stated he would purchase and donate the bags to the club. CLOSED
2014 Club Officers: The results of the voting were announced: President Adam Johanson, Vice President Mike Robbins, Secretary Dan Leach, Treasurer Bob Meder and Sergeant at Arms Irene Robbins. Members at Large are Cal Bienhoff and Cathy Leach. Tournament Committee consists of Mike Robbins, Adam, Bob, Ken Piere and Tournament Director is Mark Lachenaur. Sportsman of the Year is Mark.
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the November tournament on Coleto were announced: Stefen third, Mike R. second and Randy first with big bass. The results of the December tournament on Bastrop were announced: Bob third, Stefen second and Ken first with big bass.
Mark announced the Angler of the Year and Top Six. They are Mike Robbins Angler of the Year, Ken second, Bob third, Mark fourth, Mike K fifth and Irene sixth. Big bass for the year went to Mark for a 7.74 at Falcon in February.
Lyla volunteered to purchase plaques for the top six, big bass and sportsman of the year and Irene motioned, with Bob seconding, to authorized Lyla up to $200 for the purchase. The vote passed.
Mark motioned to move the January tournament date from the 18th-19th to the 25th-26th due to a conflict with the scheduled CAST event. Irene seconded the motion. The vote passed
Mike K confirmed with Outdoor World that Quality Bass Club has the meeting room reserved for its use the second Tuesday of each month of 2014. FYI
Dan motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:54PM. Following the meeting club members participated in a white elephant gift exchange.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 November Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:03PM.
Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Bob, Ken, Cal, Lyla, Dan, Cathy, Mike R., Irene, Warren, Stefen and Randy. Guest Terry Colwell.
The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved as read; motion by Mark and seconded by Irene.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $3013.60 with $873.64 in the charity fund leaving $2,139.96 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fisher House: Because the holiday weekend conflicted with our initial planned date, the Fisher House staff asked to change it and they accepted November 23rd as the event date. This did not work for the Valero Volunteers, so they will not be assisting this year but expressed interest in supporting future endeavors. Mike estimates a total of 40 people will be served, so Adam and Mike R. have used this number for food planning. Club members were asked to be at the Luke Street gate at 9:00 on the 23rd to be signed in and start setting up for the 11:00 event. OPEN
Angel Tree: Adam said the lady at SAPD is more than willing to provide bikes. The club decided to ask for 30 bicyles and Irene motioned and Cal seconded to buy 30 helmets with club funds. The vote passed. Adam will purchase the helmets online and will coordinate for the bicycle pick up. Mike K pointed out that this purchase should be reflected as charity fund funds for accounting purposes. OPEN
New Business:
Annual Dues: Bob reminded members that club membership dues ($60) must be paid by next meeting. He also stated that he has filed this year's forms with IRS. OPEN
Election of Officers: Adam opened the floor for election of officers and after some discussion the general consensus was to reelect the incumbents with the exception of Sergeant at Arms. The proposed slate for 2014 is Adam for President; Mike R for Vice President; Dan for Secretary; Bob for Treasurer; and Irene for Sergeant at Arms. Election of Officers for 2014 will be at the December club meeting. OPEN
Christmas Party: Cathy offered to host the December club meeting and Christmas party at the Leaches. She asked everyone to coordinate with her to bring a side. Dan motioned and Mark seconded to allow Cathy to purchase a turkey and ham to prepare for the club and submit receipts for reimbursement from club funds. The vote passed. OPEN
Mike announced that there will be a benefit tournament for Jimmy Johnson's family on December 7th. Jimmy was shot dead in Mississippi while pre-fishing a BASS tournament. Efforts are underway to raise money to help his surviving spouse. Mark motioned and Cathy seconded that the club donate $100 from the charity fund. The vote passed. CLOSED
Warren asked about membership for his 15 year old son. After some discussion on what State and national rules about youth programs the issue was tabled. (TABLED)
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the October tournament on Dunlap were announced. Stefen third, Mike R. second and Ken first with big bass.
Tournament times for the November tournament on Coleto Creek were announced. Saturday 6:30-3:00 and Sunday 6:30-1:00 with weigh in at the park ramp.
Tournament times were announced for the December tournament on Bastrop. Saturday 6:45-3:00 and Sunday 6:45-1:00 with weigh in at the South Shore Park ramp. This will be a paper tournament and draw. Pairings are:
Irene conducted the "goodie bag" draw and Stefen won. He was asked to defer bringing the next meeting's item and bring an item for the January meeting.
Cal motioned and Warren seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:14pm.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 October Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Bob, Dan, Ken, Randy and Stefen.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Ken.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $2998.30 with $873.64 in the charity fund leaving $2124.66 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fisher House: Mike K. talked to Dwayne Hopkins, Executive Director of Fisher House, and suggested the appreciation event for Fisher House volunteers be postponed and held on a weekend instead of a week day. He was amenable and Mike suggested November 9th but wanted to have club members confirm their availability for the change. After bringing it up at the meeting everyone agreed on the date. Mike contacted the Valero volunteers and told them of the potential date change and told them he would get back with more information once the date was firmed up. It was decided Quality would purchase burgers, dogs, potato salad, beans and all the fixin's for a barbeque. Adam will be in charge of the food. Mike K will organize the Valaro volunteers, coordinate with Dwayne, get a list of individuals who need access to the base, the kids' fishing activities and other aspects. Because this event will be held prior to our next meeting a lot of coordination will have to be conducted via email. OPEN
Adam tried but couldn't contact the lady at SAPD who has the bikes. OPEN
Mike K made arrangements at Amaistad for lodging for the week of the Top Six tournament and the total was $900. CLOSED
New Business:
Mark brought up the fact that zebra mussels are a problem at Belton Lake and everyone needs to drain their boats, live wells and hot wash their boats. Ken reminded members to put the motor all the way down to drain water from the bottom of the motor. Mark also announced that because of the government shut down all Army Corps of Engineer ramps are closed and the only ramp open is the Fort Hood rec area. After some discussion Bob motioned and Mark seconded to change the October tournament lake to Dunlap both Saturday and Sunday with weigh in at the I35 ramp. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the September tournament on Amistad were announced. Adam had big bass, Stefen was third, Mark second and Mike Robbins was first.
Tournament times were announced for the October tournament on Dunlap. Times will be 7:15-3:00 on Saturday and 7:15-2:00 on Sunday with weigh in at the I35 ramp.
Mark conducted the goodie bag draw and Dan won three packages of soft plastic baits. He was reminded to bring next month's goodie bag for the draw.
Mark motioned and Mike K seconded to adjourn meeting at 7:38pm.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 September Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:01PM.
Members Present: Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Adam, Randy, Mike R, Irene, Bob, Stefen and Ken. Guests Tiffany Lachenaur and Danny Hanke.
The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved; motion by Irene and seconded by Mark.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $2978.26 with $873.64 in the charity fund leaving $2104.62 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction: Special thanks to Irene and Mark for organizing this sucessful event. Mark and Irene thanked everyone for their participation and support. Bob announced the total raised was $2520.50. Special thanks again this year to Carolyn Pauley and Teresa Keller for their outstanding support even though they are not club members. For the record, Mike Robbins said at the meeting "I didn't get a chance to taste a pie." CLOSED
Fisher House: Mike K wasn't able to contact Dwayne Hopkins but will check with him before the next meeting. Cathy mentioned that a representative from the Valero volunteers contacted her asking about Fishing for Freedom and Cathy mentioned we wern't doing that but helping Fisher House conduct an appreciation event for their volunteers. Mike K will contact the Valero volunteers to see if they want to help. OPEN
New Business:
Mike K suggested having the winner of one month's grab bag draw bring a gift for the next month's draw. After some discussion there was no firm committment except Ken was asked (and accepted) to bring next month's item. CLOSED
Irene annouced that Boerne Marine is having a Fishing Expo and Customer Appreciation night 4-9PM on Monday, Septemer 16th. FYI
Adam introduced a prospective new member, Danny Hanke. He provided some background information and said he would decide about joining the club later. TABLED
Adam and Mark both brought up that it's time to contact the lady at SAPD about procuring more bikes for this year's Angel Tree project(s). Mark motioned in any case the club should purchase helmets to go along with the bikes. Irene seconded and the vote passed. OPEN
Adam announced the State Federation Nation has announced dates and location for the 2014 Top 6 tournament - March 17-21 on Amistad. Mike K will check on accomodations and Mark motioned that Mike K be authorized to confirm reservations spending up to $1200. Ken seconded and the vote passed. OPEN
Randy announced that Red McCombs Toyota is having a tournament on Amistad on November 2nd in support of Fisher House. Entry is $100 per team and your take off time is based upon when you sign up, so sign up early for an early take off. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the August tournament on Fayette were announced. Adam was third and had big bass, Mike Robbins was second and Randy was first.
Tournament times were announced for the September tournament on Amistad. Saturday 7:00-3:00 and Sunday 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at Box Canyon both days.
Irene conducted the draw for a $100 gift certificate for taxidermy work. Adam won.
Mark motioned and Irene seconded to adjourn meeting at 7:45pm.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 August Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
Members Present: Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Cal, Lyla, George, Adam, Randy, Mike R, Irene, Bob, Mary Ellen and Ken.
The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Bob.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $442.46 with $369.54 in the charity fund leaving $72.92 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fisher House Appreciation Event: Mike K purchased some closed face, push button reels and rods along with some hula hoops for a casting kids type event. Mike R. said Dennis Lala would provide items for prizes and give-aways. The event will be held October 15th. OPEN
Fish Fry: Mark assigned individual tasks and responsibilities. Will need 30 lbs of fish which Adam will acquire, Teresa Keller will do beans, Robert will do hushpuppies, Mark will get flour and cornmeal, Lyla will do cole slaw and Ken will provide potato salad. Cal will get the condiments and Adam will get five loaves of bread. Carolyn Pauley volunteered to provide banana pudding for auction and individual servings as deserts. Everyone was asked to bring desserts. Irene will do iced tea. George will provide the PA system. Irene has raffle tickets available for sale. Request cookers show up 2:30 to begin cooking. OPEN
New Business:
A representative from Livingston lures dropped by before the meeting started and informed the club that they were looking for individuals to work at a call center to promote Livingston lures to retailers and other organizations. Irene has phone number if anyone is interested. FYI
Mike K and Randy provided information on cabins available at Fayette. Probably too late for this trip but info for future reference. FYI
Mike R wanted to recognize the support to the club of prior members who are not previously active members but provide outstanding support, specifically the Pauleys. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the July tournament on Amistad were announced. Ken third, Mike R second and Bob first with big bass.
Tournament times were announced for the August tournament on Fayette on August 17th and 18th. Saturday times will be 6:30-1:00 and Sunday 6:30-12:00 with weigh in at Park Praire Park. This will be a draw and paper tournament. Pairings are:
Ken won a $20 Bass Pro gift certificate in the door prize drawing.
Mark motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:51pm.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 July Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:06PM.
Members Present: Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Mike R, Irene, Bob and Ken. Guests Randy Burgess and Tiffany Lachenaur.
The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Ken.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $425.56 with $369.54 in the charity fund leaving $56.02 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fishing for Freedom/Fisher House: Mike K advised NCOA that we won't be taking the wounded warriors fishing this year so we won't need their generous contribution. He explained we will participate in an appreciation event at the Lackland Fisher Houses and left the door open if the NCOA would like to contribute to that effort. Mark still needs to check with Stefen about the banners and Casting Kids supplies. Mike R still needs to let Dennis Lala know our plans. OPEN
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction: Mark and Irene went over needed supplies and sundries for the Fish Fry. Cathy will ask Teresa Keller if she'll do beans and Carolyn Pauley if she'll do a banana pudding. Robert will do hush puppies, need to check with Lyla to see if she'll do cole slaw and Ken said he'll provide potato salad. Everyone was encouraged to bring deserts and reminded about bringing items for raffle and auction. Irene is still working on making the raffle tickets which have to meet certain restrictions now that we qualify as a 501(c)(7) as a Sports and Recreation organization. OPEN
New Business:
Prospective new member: Mike K introduced Randy Burgess to the club. Randy has fished with us several times as a guest but expressed interest in joining. After a brief intro Bob motioned and Irene seconded to allow Randy membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the June tournament on Falcon were announced. Mike Robbins 1st with big bass, Ken 2nd, and Bob 3rd.
Tournament times were announced for the July tournament on Amistad on July 13th and 14th. Saturday will be a split with times 6:30-11:00 and 5:45-8:45 and Sunday 6:30-1:00 with weigh in at Diablo East both days.
Irene conducted a goodie bag draw. Dan won one which was baits and Cathy won the other which was a cake.
Mark motioned and Mike R. seconded to adjourn meeting at 7:40pm.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 June Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:07PM
Members Present: Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Mike R, Irene, Bob and Ken. Guest Dwayne Hopkins.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved; motion by Irene and seconded by Bob
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $413.66 with $369.54 in the charity fund leaving $44.12 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fishing for Freedom/Fisher House: Dwayne Hopkins, Executive Director, Lackland Fisher Houses addressed the club and provided information on what the Fisher Houses do and how Quality Bass Club could become involved. An appreciation event for house guests and Fisher House volunteers is scheduled for Tuesday, October 15th with a barbeque and fun events. Because many club members work, club participation may be impacted. Irene motioned and Bob seconded that Quality Bass Club support the October 15th event however they can. The vote passed. Mike K will organize a casting event. Mike K will also inform NCOA that this year's Fishing for Freedom event will not be conducted so their generous contribution towards that cause is not necessary. Mike R will contact Dennis Lala to let him know the club's plans. OPEN
Fish Fry/Fund Raiser: Mark checked with Traders Village and in order to sell from a booth the club would have to get a sales tax permit. Irene recommended that the club press with plans to conduct the annual Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. We will not offer McCombs Ford West lunch plates, which will cut down on the amount of time and effort cooking. Everyone is highly encouraged to seek sponsorship donations or bring nice items for raffle and auction so the club can make money. Irene and Mark will co-chair the event. It is scheduled for August 24th. See sponsor request letter. OPEN
Meeting Location: Mike K coordinated with Outdoor World to use their meeting room for monthly meetings. The second Tuesday of each month was available except for November. Mike motioned and Ken seconded that the club hold its meetings at Outdoor World the second Tuesday of each month except November 2013 when it will be held on the second Wednesday. The vote passed. CLOSED
New Business:
Tournament Director's Report:
Results of the May tournament on Dunlap/Placid were announced. Bob third, Mike K second and Ken first with big bass.
Tournament times for the June tournament on Falcon on June 15th and 16th are Saturday 6:30-3:00 and Sunday 6:30-1:00 with weigh in both days at county ramp.
Irene conducted a goodie bag draw and Mike Kinchen won.
Mark motioned and Bob seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:15pm.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 May Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:01PM
Members Present: Cal, Lyla, Robert D., Warren, Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, George, Ken, Mike R, and Irene. Guests Terry Colwell and Jason Stein.
The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved: motion by Mark and seconded by Lyla.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $399.76 with $369.54 in the charity fund leaving $30.22 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fishing for Freedom/Fisher House: Dwayne Hopkins could not make the May meeting but will speak at the June meeting. OPEN
Fish Fry/Fund Raiser: Mark contacted Academy about holding a bake sale in front of one of their locations but was given a long bureaucratic process to get approval. He will check with Trader's Village about cost of renting a booth. He'll also check to see if vendors have to pay for parking. Dan mentioned that the club could purchase a popcorn machine and sell bags of popcorn at different locations to raise funds. George proposed a 50-50 raffle as a possible fund raiser. OPEN
New Business:
Meeting Location: The club just found out that Casa Real had closed with a sign on the door indicating they are moving locations, thus the May meeting was conducted at the Acadiana Cafe. Mike K said he checked with Outdoor World and they had a meeting room we could use. Irene mentioned that Jay Anthony's at 410 & Culebra had an area that might be used for a club meeting. Dan suggested Golden Corral. We also need to check with Casa Real to see if their new location is available and suitable. Other locations need to be investigated and then club members will be notified via email and the web site where the next meeting will be conducted (Acadiana is not available for June). OPEN
Mark informed the club that a 13 year old had expressed interest in joining the club. Both Mark and Dan informed the young man via email that the youth club was no longer in existence. Club members don't want to dampen this young man's enthusiasm about bass fishing, so Mark will ask him to have his parent contact the club and perhaps arrangements can be made to take him to a fishing tournament. OPEN
Jason Stein visted the meeting and asked that he and his grandmother, Evelyn Thienpoint (who was a previous club member) could fish this weekend's tournament on Dunlap. They were warmly welcomed to fish as guests. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Last tournament on Amistad results announced. Mike K third, Mark second with big bass and Mike Robbins first.
Times for the May tournament lakes were announced as Saturday 6:15-3:00 on Dunlap with weigh in at the I35 bridge ramp and Sunday 6:15-2:00 on Placid with weigh in at the I10 bridge ramp.
Irene conducted a draw for a "goodie bag" and Dan won. He got a package of plastic baits and a $25 gift certificate to Cracker Barrel.
Cal motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn meeting at 7:44pm.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 April Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00
Members Present: Cal, Lyla, Robert D., Travis, Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Bob, Ken, Mike R, Irene
The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved as amended (corrected March tournament results): motion by Adam and seconded by Cal
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $384.46 with $369.54 in the charity fund leaving $14.92 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fishing for Freedom/Fisher House Event: Mike Kinchen briefed that he had contacted Dwayne Hopkins at the Lackland Fisher House to determine if they had Wounded Warriors that the club could put on an event for. He indicated that not only would the Wounded Warriors appreciate an event but volunteers who assist the Wounded Warriors would appreciate and enjoy a recognition event. Mike will invite Mr Hopkins to speak at a club meeting and we will try to determine how best to put on an event for everyone. OPEN
New Business:
Fund Raising Event: Mark suggested investigating an alternative fund raising event to our Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Among the possibilities were abake sales at Academy or a Garage Sale or renting a booth at one of the local Flea Markets (Highway 16 or Traders Village). Robert Dunlap expressed his concern for totally giving up the Fish Fry. After some discussion, Mark said he would check with Academy to see if they would mind us holding an event at one of their stores. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Mark provided a run down on the Top Six results. Next tournament will be Amistad. Sat will be out of Box Canyon with fishing times 7-3. Sun out of Diablo East with fishing times 7-1.
Both Mike Kinchen and Irene brought "goodie bags" for a draw. Cathy won the beef jerky that Mike brought and Mike Robbins won the Chili's gift card that Irene brought.
Cathy motioned and Mark 2nd to adjourn meeting at 7:42pm.
Irene announced a fund raising fishing tournament to be held April 21st on Lake LBJ supporting the Blanco High School. Entry fees are $90 and $10 big bass pot. FYI
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 March Meeting Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:13 PM
Members Present: Mike K, Mark, Bob M, Adam, Ken, Mike R & Irene R
The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved, motion by Mark and seconded by Ken.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $379.87 with $369.54 in the charity fund leaving $749.41 in the general fund.
Old Business: No old business.
New Business:
Per Diem for Top Six: After general discussion, it was determined that due to low funds in the treasury the per diem should be reduced from previous year's level to $50 per team member for 2013. Mike K made the proposal and Mike R seconded it, motion carried. (Closed)
Fishing for Freedom: After general discussion, it was determined that the club would select an alternative way of helping wounded warriors and their families other than the annual fishing tournament at Choke Canyon. Irene suggested Fisher House and the members discussed possibly holding an event that would include participation by the families staying there. Mike K said that he would contact the Fisher House at Joint Base San Antonio Lackland and see if they are interested. After the club determines the plan for this year and estimated expenses, Mike K will advise NCOA (Open)
Tournament Director's Report:
Mark announced winners of the February and March tournaments. On Falcon: Mark had big bass, Irene was third, Mark second and Mike R was first. On LBJ: Mark had big bass, Bob was third, Irene was second, and Mike R was first.
Next tournament will be Amistad, April 13-14; details will be discussed at the April meeting.
There was a door prize drawing and Mark won a bag O' stuff (lure, float, talking croaker) donated by Mike and Irene Robbins.
Mike K made motion to close meeting, second by Mark; motion carried and the meeting was terminated at 1935 hours.
Respectfully submitted,
Mike Kinchen, Secretary Pro Tem
2013 February Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM
Members Present: George, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Bob M, Adam, Ken and Rober Dunlap.
The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved as amended, motion by Mark and seconded by Adam.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $1353.91 with $369.54 in the charity fund leaving $984.37 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Angel Tree: Adam sent a thank you letter to the SAPD POC (Marisa) expressing our thanks for her support and telling her we look forward to working with her in the future in hopes of using her as a source of bicycles this coming Christmas season. CLOSED
Top Six Tournament Reservations: Mark was able to secure a house on the lake for the Top 6 team and Bob already committed club funds to pay for it. CLOSED
2012 Trophies: Mark handed out Top 6 trophies, Big Bass and Sportsman of the Year plaques. CLOSED
New Business:
George announced that the South region of the Texas BASS Nation was hosting the Elite series March 21-24. He asked for volunteers to help with media boats, weigh in and other necessary support. FYI
Mark said he planned on ordering embroidered shirts from a source that Ruben had used in the past. He told anyone that wanted to have a shirt done to contact him. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Mark announced winners of the January tournament on Fayette: Ruben had big bass, Ken was third, Robert Dunlap second and Mike Robbins was first.
Next tournament will be Falcon Feb 16th-17th. Times will be Saturday 7:15-3:00 with weigh in at State Park and Sunday 7:15-1:00 with weigh in at County ramp.
The March tournament will be held prior to the March club meeting. Times for the March tournament on Lake LBJ, March 9th and 10th will be Saturday 7:00-3:00 with weigh in at Kingsland Community Park and Sunday 6:00 (because of daylight savings time taking affect) to 1:00 with weigh in at Wirtz Dam.
Two door prize drawings were conducted because Cathy brough something and Irene sent something. Cathy won the first door prize of jams, jellies and sauces provided by Irene and Mike K won the second drawing of a box of chocolate candy.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
2013 January Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM
Members present: George, Adam, Mike K, Mark, Dan, Cathy, Mike R, Irene, Ken, Robert Dunlap and guest Stefen Brooks.
The minutes of the December meeting were read and approved as amended: motion by Mark and seconded by Mike R.
Treasurer's Report:
No treasurer's report was provided because the Treasurer was not present. The club sends condolenses to Bob and his family for their loss.
Old Business:
Angel Tree: Cathy provided background on the source of the free bicycles. The Police Department has a program to collect new bikes and we tagged onto their program. Irene relayed her and Mike's experience delivering bikes to a family and the joy it brought to the kids. Cathy had two extra bikes and Irene will take them to give to a deserving family. Cathy will keep in contact with the SAPD POC so we might take advantage of the opportunity to get bikes next year. Mike K. suggested the club send a thank you letter to the SAPD POC. Adam said he would do that if Cathy provides contact info. OPEN
Top Six Tournament Reservations: Mark said he would contact within the next couple of weeks. The item remains tabled. OPEN
Cal and Lyla could not attend the meeting due to illness but sent word that the plaques were ordered and cost $163.94. They will bring to the next meeting. OPEN
New Business:
Prospective New Member. Stefen Brooks, a former member of the club, expressed interest in rejoining the club. The vote was unanimous. CLOSED
The 2013 tournament schedule was presented to the membership for vote. The vote passed. See the 2013 schedule on the club's schedule page. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
The Tournament Director conducted the draw for the January tournament on Fayette. He announced times as 7:15-3:00 Saturday and 7:15-1:00 Sunday with weigh in at Park Praire Park ramp.
Irene brought "goodies" for a door prize raffle. Dan won some beef jerky, hand warmer packets and a package of sports beans.
Mark motioned and Adam seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
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