Called to order by George Barnes at 7:04 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Leo, Carolyn, Cal B, Lyla, Steve R, Bill M, Cecil, Mike R, George, Robert Dunlop, William, Cal M, Mark, Steve C, Bob R, Tim and Clint. Guests Carlito Silvania and Robert Richards
Read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. We have $200 in the charitable kitty. Balance in the treasury is $3307.23.
Old Business:
New Business:
Bill M talked about the Mathis Christmas Tree project to sink old Christmas trees. Project does not need volunteers to help sink the trees but needs funds to buy cinder blocks and materials. Cal B made a motion for the club to donate $24 from club funds, seconded by Carolyn - motion passed.
Dan brought up the need to expend funds to purchase plaques for annual award winners. Carolyn volunteered to purchase the plaques. Club authorized $175-200 for plaques.
Dan introduced Carlito Silvania as a prospective new member. Carlito introduced himself to the club. Cal seconded the motion to accept Carlito into the club - Carlito was voted in.
Mike R introduced Robert Richards as a guest and possible new member. Robert said he was just interested in observing for now.
Cal announced a CAST tournament on Bastrop April 9th and solicited boaters. He also announced plans to organize a CAST event in the South region this year. Cal plans to organize two Casting Kids events this year - one in the spring and one in the fall. He is also looking into hosting a Junior BASS Masters Tournament. A Cast For Kids event will also be organized in the Region by Jim Beacon. More to follow.
Bill motioned that the club provide $100 to Cal to support kid's events. Cathy seconded - motion passed.
Clint announced that the PVA will have an event on Lake Conroe April 1st. Volunteers are needed as boat captains.
Mike R brought up two tournament rule changes suggested by Mike K. The minimum length of Guadalupe bass is not specified in the rules. The club set 12" as the minimum length when the state law changed to no minimum length but this change was never incorporated into the rules. The rules on the web will be updated to reflect the 12" minimum. The rule regarding fishing within 100yds of the weigh in site were thought to be ambiguous. The members discussed possible changes, but determined that the current wording is sufficient.
Tournament Director's Report:
New Tournament Schedule was presented and voted on. Two changes to the proposed schedule were to change the January tournament to Jan 22nd (based on forecasted severe weather) and to swap the two-day tournament in Mar on Choke to a one-day and the one-day tournament on Choke in Oct to a two-day. The schedule was voted on and passed as amended.
Leo announced the draw tournament times on Fayette (Saturday, Jan 22nd) as 7:00 to 2:30.
Draw results:
Leo - Lyla
Mike R - Robert Divin
William - Dan
George - Tim
Bob R - Carolyn
Carlito - Cal
Mike K - Steve R
Lyla won the draw.
Cal motioned to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Cecil, meeting adjourned at 7:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order by George Barnes at 7:05 PM
Members present:
Dan, Leo, Carolyn, Cal B, Lyla, Steve R, Bill M, Cecil, Mike R, George, Robert Dunlop, William, Carlito, Mike K, Steve C, Tim and Clint. Guests Chris
Read and approved. Motioned by Lyla, seconded by Mike K.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. We have $200 in the charitable kitty. Balance in the treasury is $2631.35.
Old Business:
Carolyn purchased the trophies and Mike R. handed them out.
New Business:
Cal stated that the hotel room for the Top Six team would cost $1066. He also motioned that the per diem be set at $20/day for each member. Dan seconded and the vote passed.
Cal announced that Academy had agreed to host two events this year, one at the Military and 410 store and one at the SW Military location. Cal is looking at May and October for prospective dates.
Bill raised a concern that the club isn't expending full effort to contribute all available funds to charities.
Mike K suggested that the club pick one particular charity to benefit from club funds. Carolyn pointed out that the club still donates bikes to the Gillespie Ford Angel Tree project, $150 to the Autistic Center (Pest Control Association project) as well as other efforts when they are brought up.. Mike reminded everyone to think about and nominate other projects for the club to support.
Tim suggested the club support our troops overseas.
Dan reminded everyone about the Members Only page on the QBC Web Site where e-mail addresses and phone numbers are kept.
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the draw tournament results on Fayette: Steve R. third, Mike R. second and Cal first with big bass.
Leo announced fishing times for Falcon: Sat 7:15 to 3:15 with weigh in at State Park and Sunday 7:15 to 1:15 with weigh in at the County ramp.
Carolyn won the draw.
Leo announced fishing times for Choke on March 6th (tournament will be prior to the next club meeting). Times will be 7:00 to 3:00 with weigh in at Calliham unit.
Leo won the draw.
Leo brought up that some members cannot fish the one-day Saturday tournaments because of their work schedule. A motion was made and seconded that all one-day tournaments be changed to Sundays. The vote did not pass. Leo motioned and Tim seconded that the one-day tournaments be changed to half Saturdays and half Sundays. The vote passed. The schedule will be amended and posted on the web site.
Carolyn motioned to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Mike K. Meeting adjourned at 7:45pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order by George Barnes at 7:00 PM
Members present:
Dan, Leo, Carolyn, Cal B, Steve R, Bill M, Steve C. , Mike R, George, Carlito, Mike K, Tim and Clint. Guests Michael Corwin, Robert Haase, Chris Clark and Al Cervantes.
As posted on QBC web site.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. We have $200 in the charitable kitty. Balance in the treasury is $1958.23.
Old Business:
Tim provided information on the "Bassin' With BAMC" event.
Cal motioned, and George seconded, that the club donate $300 towards the event. The motion passed.
New Business:
Mike R. brought up that South Park Mall will hold an event to support our "Bassin' With BAMC" event. They will have a fishing tank that's "stocked" with gift certificates from mall stores, and all proceeds from this effort will go towards our event.
ABA (American Bass Anglers) is planning another event to help returning soldiers. More info to follow.
Carolyn motioned, and George seconded, that the April tournament weekend on Amistad be changed to April 23-24. The club can assist the Federation with weigh in at their tournament. The motion passed.
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the tournament results on Falcon: Mike R. third, Steve C. second and Steve R. first. Steve C. had big bass (4.42).
Leo announced tournament results on Choke: Steve C. third, Steve R. second and Mike R. first. Leo had big bass (5.00).
Carolyn motioned to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Mike K. Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order by George Barnes at 7:09 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Leo, Carolyn, Cal B, Lyla, Steve R, Bill M, Steve C. , Mike R, George, Carlito, Mike K, Tim, Mike C., Robert H, and Chris.
Read and approved as amended (motion by Steve R./seconded by Mike C.)
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury after paying Top 6 expenditures is $759.57.
Old Business:
Cathy reminded the club that the San Antonio Pest Control Association Open Tournament is May 15th, and the club owes them $150 sponsorship money. For information only.
Bill and Tim provided a recap of the "Fishing for Freedom" event.
Bill mentioned that Quality did not receive the MinnKota club of the year award. A club in East Texas won. He stated that he would suggest to the awards committee to break the competition into two categories - large organizations and small ones. For information only.
Mike C. announced that Fisher House thanked the club for our efforts supporting the troops.
New Business:
Dan mentioned that the club received notice to renew their domain name ( The current plan includes domain name and hosting, but we do not use the hosting and the renewal fee would be $52.50 for two years. Carolyn motioned and Lyla seconded that Dan research alternative registrars and change if cheaper. The motion passed.
Cal recapped the State Tournament. He said it was a very well organized event. The club finished 21st out of 40+ clubs. Next year's State Tournament will be on Amistad. For information only.
Cal announced a Casting Kids event will be held May 21st at the Academy Sports and Outdoors at 410 and Military.
Bill discussed the potential conflict between the Pest Control tournament and Federation tournament held on the same day at Choke. Fishermen that may want to compete in both have two conflicts - Pest Control tournament is a team tournament and the two events will have separate scales for weigh in. Bill will further research if these conflicts can be resolved for those wishing to fish both tournaments.
Mike R. introduced a prospective new member, Stephen Brooks. Mike motioned to accept Stephen for membership and Tim seconded. The motion passed.
The subject of tournament scheduling was discussed. Some members prefer one day tournaments on Saturday and some on Sunday. Leo motioned and Robert H seconded to make all tournament two day tournaments. Members can fish one or both days. The motion passed. All tournaments will be two day from now on.
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the tournament times on Amistad will be 7-3:00 Saturday with weigh in at Black Brush and 7-2:00 on Sunday with weigh in at Diablo East. The club is also asked to help with the Federation weigh in.
Stephen won the draw.
Steve R. motioned to adjourn meeting, 2nd by George. Meeting adjourned at 8:00pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order by George Barnes at 7:04 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Cal B, Lyla, Steve R, Bill M, William, Steve C. , George, Clint, Carlito, Mike K, Stephen, Mike C., Robert H, and Chris.
Read and approved (motion by Mike C./seconded by George.)
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $500.07.
Old Business:
Dan acquired a registrar and registered the name for five years for $40. Currently the hosting company costs $54/year, but next year we will look to find a cheaper host. Cal motioned to accept the new registrar and hosting company. Lyla seconded and the vote passed.
Cal reminded everyone of the Casting Kids event to be held May 21st at the Academy Sports and Outdoors at 410 and SW Military. The event will be from 11:00-2:00. Volunteers are asked to show up at 10:30.
Bill clarified how to resolve the conflict between the Pest Control tournament and Federation tournament held on the same day at Choke. Fishermen wishing to fish both tournaments must enter both tournaments as a single boater. The same scales will be used by both events, so if you weigh in an hourly big bass in the Pest Control tournament, that weigh slip will be honored/accepted by the Federation. For information only.
Bill asked the club to donate $150 to the C.A.S.T. (Catch A Special Thrill) event on Braunig. It was decided that the unused money ear marked for the Fishing for Freedom event will be used towards this event.
New Business:
A discussion ensued about the tournament rules, specifically dropping two tournaments a year. After a brief explanation and discussion, the group came to the consensus the current rules should stand. For info only
The annual fish fry, raffle, and auction is scheduled for August 20th. Cathy will chair the event committee again this year and get "beg letters" and tickets to everyone.
Tournament Director's Report:
Steve passed out checks for the April tournament on Amistad. Dan had big bass (8.16#), Steve was third, Mike Robbins second and Cal first.
Tournament times for the Lake LBJ event were announced: Saturday 6:30-3:00 and Sunday 6:30-1:00. Weigh in will be at the Wirtz Dam launch area.
Everyone was reminded about the 12" length allowance for Guadalupe bass on LBJ.
Cathy won the draw.
Cathy motioned to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Stephen. Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order by George Barnes at 7:03 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Cal B, Lyla, Leo, Carolyn, George, Clint, Carlito, Mike R, Stephen, Cecil, and Robert H.
Read and approved (motion by Cecil/seconded by George)
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $564.57.
Old Business:
Cathy reminded everyone about the upcoming Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction fund raiser. Beg letters and tickets will be available at the next tournament. Everyone was encouraged to get out and beat the bushes for sponsors.
The C.A.S.T. event on Braunig apparently had some hiccups - the net did not retain the catfish for the young fishermen.
New Business:
The winner of Casting Kids in the 7-10 age group, Colton Brooks, was presented his fishing pole and first place medal. The winner of the 11-14 age group will be contacted separately . For info only.
Mike R. announced that Clint placed third in the PVA Event in Illinois. For info only.
Mike R. and Cal B. qualified as boaters for the South Region championships. FYI
The Central Division tournament will be in Oklahoma next year. The Texas team placed 4th in this year's event. FYI
Next year's State tournament may change dates due to a conflict. More info to follow. FYI
There will be a B.A.S.S. event in Texas this year and anglers interested in participating as a co-angler with a B.A.S.S. pro can sign up. Federation members have first shot. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo passed out checks for the May tournament on LBJ. George was third, Dan second and Mike Cowin was first and had big bass.
Tournament times for the Mathis event were announced: Saturday 6:15 to 3:00 and Sunday 6:15 to 1:00. Weigh in will be at the State Park fish cleaning station.
George won the draw.
Cathy motioned to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Robert H. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order at 7:04 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Cal B, Lyla, Clint, Steve, Mike R, Stefen, Mike K, Cal M, Cecil, Robert D, Chris and Robert H.
Read and approved (motion by Clint/seconded by Cal)
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $604.57.
Old Business:
Cathy reminded everyone about the upcoming Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction fund raiser. Beg letters were handed out.
The C.A.S.T. for Kids Foundation presented Quality Bass Club with a very nice plaque for the Club's support of the C.A.S.T. event on Braunig.
The club was also presented a Certificate of Appreciation from the BAMC Soldier and Family Assistance Center for the Fishing for Freedom event.
New Business:
Mike K brought in a copy of the BASS Times article about the Fishing for Freedom event. FYI
Mike R. announced the Top Six event (State Championship) will be conducted on Amistad Feb 26-Mar 3. Cal B will make reservations for the club. FYI
Mike R. suggested Quality Bass Club organize and support a Youth Fishing Club. This is a new program BASS and the Federation has initiated. Cal B. will get further information from Federation Director Charles Harkless and provide more information to the club. Open
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal announced winners and passed out checks for the June tournament on Mathis. Stefen was third, Dan second and Cecil was first and had big bass.
Tournament times for the Medina event were announced: Saturday 6:15 to 12:00 and Sunday 6:15 to 12:00. Weigh in will be at County Park.
Steve won the draw.
Cal B motioned to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Robert D. Meeting adjourned at 7:26 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order at 7:06 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cal B, Lyla, Mike R, Mike K, Mike C, George, Leo, Carolyn, Bill, Carlito, Cecil, Robert D, Chris and Robert H. Guests: Alidor and Evelyn Thienpoint, Joe Hernandez, Dave Prince, Don Bacon, Gilbert and Adrian Fernandez, Ron Coulter and Jeff Barnes
Read and approved (motion by Carolyn/seconded by Carlito
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $642.27.
Old Business:
Mike R made a final reminder about the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction to be held 20 Aug. He recapped some of the prospective sponsors who have replied (Grady's, Arcadiana, Fatso's, Maui Jim and others). Luhr Jensen offered the club a deal on lure purchases. If the club ordered $250 worth of lures, Luhr Jensen would rebate $125 and send the club a deep fryer valued at approximately $75. Robert Divin motioned and Leo seconded to expend $250 of club funds to immediately purchase the lures and then sell them to recoup the funds. The vote passed. CLOSED
Cal B made reservations for the 2006 State Top 6 tournament and provided the confirmation paperwork to the club. CLOSED
Mike R provided more information on the Youth BASS Club. As a minimum, two adults and six youth are required to organize a club. The club will have competition categories in two age groups: 11-14 and 15-18. More info to follow. OPEN
New Business:
Dan introduced two prospective new members, Gilbert and Adrian Fernandez. Dan motioned to accept them into the club, Mike Cowin seconded and the vote passed. CLOSED
Carolyn introduced two prospective new members, Don Bacon and David Prince. Carolyn motioned to accept them into the club, Lyla seconded and the vote passed. CLOSED
Chris C and Robert H introduced two prospective new members, Ron Coulter and Jeff Barnes. Mike C motioned to accept them into the club, Carlito seconded and the vote passed. CLOSED
Bill Marion announced the proposed date for the Fishing for Freedom II event on Choke. October 29th is targeted. Jay Yelas is scheduled to make a celebrity appearance. Also, a follow-up tournament is planned on Choke the following day. More info to follow. OPEN
Bill provided some Federation news: The Federation is planning on sponsoring more anglers in the Central Division tourney this year; next year's Federation dues are to be paid to the South Texas Region instead of directly to the State; Texas has a new Federation Director - Charles Harkless; the club was asked to handle the weigh in 1-2 October on Amistad for the STX Championship; Cal Bienhoff is stepping down as Youth Director. Bill also provided preliminary info on the BASS event to be held on Amistad the week before the State Championship. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced winners and passed out checks for the July tournament on Medina. Cal Miller was third, George second with big bass and Mike Kinchen was first.
Tournament times for the Amistad event were announced: Saturday will be a split with two weigh ins: 6:30 to 12:00 and 4:00 to 8:00. Sunday will be 6:30 to 1:00. Weigh in will be at Diablo East.
Mike R. won the draw.
Mike C motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Chris. Meeting adjourned at 8:06 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order at 7:07 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Cal B, Lyla, Mike R, Mike K, Mike C, George, Leo, Carolyn, Bill, Carlito, Cecil, Cal M. Robert Dunlap, Chris H, Chris C Jeff, Steve, Clint and Robert H. Guest: Sandy Barnes
Read and approved (motion by Mike C/seconded by George
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. The Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction made over $2300. Balance in the treasury is $2864.87. There is $491.04 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Cathy reminded everyone to provide names of contributing sponsors for Thank You letters. She also said San Antonio Pest Control Association is sending a check for $100. CLOSED
Mike R provided more information on the Youth BASS Club. As a minimum, two adults and six youth are required to organize a club and there are only 4 youths at this time. OPEN
New Business:
Jeff introduced a prospective new member, his wife, Sandy. Dan motioned to accept her into the club, Mike Cowin seconded and the vote passed. CLOSED
Bill Marion provided an update on the Fishing for Freedom II event on Choke. October 29th is confirmed. Jay Yelas is confirmed to make a celebrity appearance. We are again receiving tremendous sponsor support, but need club members to volunteer to help in several areas. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced winners and passed out checks for the July tournament on Amistad. Stefen was third, Mike R second and Steve was first. Carlito had big bass.
Dan motioned and Leo seconded that the tournament rules be amended to include the rule that "Participants must fish from a boat". The vote passed.
Dan motioned and Leo seconded to amend the tournament rules to state "All members must weigh in on the same scales except in an emergency at the discretion of the Tournament Director. This will align our rules to cover a situation such as happened at Amistad (scales breaking). The vote passed. The club also consented to purchasing a backup scales. This will be investigated by Mike R.
The club voted to change the tournament location for September from Falcon to Choke. Tournament times will be 7:00 to 2:30 Saturday and 7:00 to 1:00 Sunday. Weigh in will be at the Calliham Unit.
Carlito won the draw.
A discussion ensued regarding the club's meeting place. The new Sportsman's Warehouse at 410 and 151 has offered a meeting room. Mike R will investigate further with them and have the club vote on possibly moving the monthly meeting location to their facility.
Mike C motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Robert Dunlap. Meeting adjourned at 8:13 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order at 7:08 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Cal B, Lyla, Mike R, Mike K, Mike C, George, Leo, Carolyn, Bill, Carlito, Cecil, Cal M. Robert Dunlap, Chris C, Jeff, Sandy, Steve, Clint and Robert H. Guests: Jeff Piil, Mike Sinon and Ed Lessard
Read and approved as amended (motion by Mike C/seconded by George)
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $3416.54. There is $504.04 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Mike R reminded everyone of the Youth BASS Club. As a minimum, two adults and six youth are required to organize a club and there are only 4 youths at this time. OPEN
Jeff Piil, Fishing Manager for Sportsman's Warehouse, addressed the club and offered their facilities for club meeting use. He offered club member discounts, sponsorship support and corporate cooperation. Carolyn motioned and Carlito seconded to move the meeting location from My House Lounge to Sportsman's Warehouse. The vote passed. CLOSED
Bill discussed the progress for organizing the Fishing For Freedom II event. We are on track to conduct another successful outting for the BAMC soldiers. He confirmed Jay Yelas' appearance, reviewed sponsors who have committed and showed the t-shirt logo. A meeting of representatives charged with different functions of the event was called for after the club meeting. CLOSED
Mike showed the back-up scales purchased for the club. Leo reported on repair fees for the club scales. Robert Dunlap motioned and Carlito seconded to reimburse Mike and Leo for their outlays. The vote passed. CLOSED
New Business:
Mike announced that Clint placed 4th overall in the PVA Grand Nationals. The event will be televised in January on OLN. FYI
Bill announced that Quality was awarded South Texas region Club of the Year for 2005. A plaque was presented at the Regional Championships at Amistad. He also announced that Mike placed fourth and Cal placed fifth in the Championship tournament. FYI
Dan brought up that TABC (Texas Association of Bass Clubs) had invited Quality to join their organization. After discussing the pros and cons, the club decided not accept their offer. Affiliation with METRO was also discussed, but the club felt the B.A.S.S. affiliation was sufficient. CLOSED
Chris Clark introduced a prospective new member, Mike Sinon. Chris motioned to accept him into the club, George seconded and the vote passed. Carolyn recommended free membership for the remaining months in the year and all agreed. CLOSED
Mike reminded the club that nominations for nest year's officers will be made next meeting. He also reminded everyone about 2006 dues. The December meeting will be held at Cal Miller's residence (map to follow). FYI
Robert motioned that the November tournament be changed from Belton/Stillhouse to Amistad. Steve Chafin seconded. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced winners and passed out checks for the September tournament on Choke. Cal B. was third, Mike R second and Chris Heinning was first and had big bass.
Leo announced times for the October tournament on Choke. Saturday will be 7:15-3:00 and Sunday will be 7:15-1:00 with weigh in at the Calliham Unit.
George won the draw.
A second draw was held to give away a tackle pack. Carolyn won.
Mike C motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Robert Haase. Meeting adjourned at 8:07 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order at 7:10 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Cal B, Lyla, Mike R, Mike K, Mike C, George, Leo, Carolyn, Bill, Carlito, Robert Dunlap, Chris C, Jeff, Sandy, Steve and Robert H. Guests: Dwayne Winn, Al and Travis Williams and Mike Altes
Bill motioned and Robert Dunlap seconded that the minutes be approved as posted on the Quality Bass Club web site. The vote passed.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $3597.34. There remains $504.04 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
This was the first meeting held at the Sportsman's Warehouse. Our gracious hosts provided each member with a discount card and welcomed us to their facility. FYI
Mike R announced that he had the names of individuals interested in organizing a youth club. He said he will submit them. CLOSED
Bill thanked everyone for their efforts to make Fishing for Freedom II another outstanding event. The many sponsors were also recognized and thanked. We hope to continue to organize and hold these events. CLOSED
Everyone was reminded to pay 2006 dues. Dues increased to $43.00 (plus B.A.S.S. membership). CLOSED
New Business:
Dan reminded everyone that December's meeting will be held at Cal Miller's house and everyone should bring a covered dish. Dan motioned and Robert H seconded that the club spend $50 towards the purchase of the main entree (turkey and ham). The vote passed. Directions to Cal's house will be posted on the Quality web site. CLOSED
Cal reminded everyone that we need to be more careful when releasing our bass at club tournaments. Other people noticed some inappropriate actions during the Choke tourney and brought their concerns to Cal's attention. Club members acknowledged they need to be more atuned to proper handling during catch & release. FYI
Mike K coordinated with Sportsman's Warehouse for hanging club plaques in the meeting room. Plaques were hung after the meeting. CLOSED
The club voted to spend $200 on bicycles to support Gillespie Ford's Angel Tree project again this year. Carolyn will purchase. OPEN
Four prospective new members were introduced to the club. Dwayne Winn, father and son Al and Travis Williams and Fishing for Freedom participant Mike Altes. All were voted in. CLOSED
Nominations for 2006 officers was started. Mike K motioned and Mike C seconded that all 2005 officers be nominated for a second term. None of the officers declined so it was put to a vote. The vote passed. The election ballot at the December meeting will only include Tournament Committee members and Sportsman of the Year. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced winners and passed out checks for the October tournament on Choke. George was third and had big bass, Jeff second and Cal was first.
Leo announced times for the November tournament on Amistad. Saturday will be 6:30-3:00 and Sunday will be 6:30-1:00 with weigh in at the Diablo East release chute.
Mike K won the draw.
Because the December tournament will be held before the club meeting, Leo also announced times for the tournament on Coleto Creek; Saturday will be 6:30-3:00 and Sunday will be 6:30-1:00 with weigh in at the park ramp.
Cathy motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Dan. Meeting adjourned at 8:02 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order at 8:25 PM after enjoying the annual Christmas feast, this year hosted at Cal Miller's house.
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Cal B, Lyla, Mike R, Mike K, Mike R, George, Leo, Carolyn, Bill, Carlito, Robert Dunlap, Chris C, Jeff, Steve, Robert H, Mike A and Cecil.
The minutes were read and approved as amended. Motioned by Cal B and seconded by Carlito.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $3191.78. There remains $504.04 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Carolyn announced that the bicycles and helmets came to $261.60. The club had voted to expend $200. Cal B motioned and Carlito seconded to reimburse Carolyn the additional $61.60. The vote passed. CLOSED
New Business:
Cal requested that the annual fish fry, raffle and auction "beg letters" be sent out early this year. He volunteered to assist with this effort as Cathy announced she could not give it attention at this time of year. OPEN
Cal also recommended starting the MinnKota Club of the Year nomination package immediately and putting extra effort into this year's submission. He said he would assist with this effort also. OPEN
Robert H asked about club hats and shirts. The club has made arrangements for members to purchase these items in the past, but not recently. Mike R said he would investigate sources and prices. OPEN
Mike R. commended the club on its camaraderie, cohesiveness and teamwork throughout the past year and urged everyone to continue to make Quality Bass Club the outstanding fishing club that it is. FYI
Bill recapped current Federation news and happenings. FYI
Results of annual elections were announced. Carolyn was voted Sportsperson of the Year and Jeff Barnes, Steve Chafin, Chris Clark and Carlito Silvania were elected to the Tournament Committee. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced winners and passed out checks for the November tournament on Amistad. Mike R was third, George second and Bill was first with big bass.
Leo announced winners and passed out checks for the December tournament on Coleto Creek. Robert H was third, Chris second and Robert Divin was first. Steve Chafin had big bass.
Leo announced the 2005 Top Six: Mike Robbins first, Cal Bienhoff second, Dan Leach third, George Barnes fourth, Lyla Bienhoff fifth and Carlito Silvania finished sixth after a tie breaker for that position with Mike Kinchen. Carolyn said she would get the plaques. Dan Leach's 8.16 pound bass was big bass of the year.
Mike R mentioned that the Bassmasters Trail will be on Amistad in early March and they need assistance with weigh in and boaters for taking out cameramen. More info will follow. FYI
Robert Dunlap motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Cecil. Meeting adjourned at 9:11 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary