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Pictures from Fishing for Freedom II Event

October 29, 2005, Choke Canyon Reservoir

(Click on thumbnail to open picture in larger window

prize_table.jpg (88089 bytes)
Prize Table
jeff_sportsmans_melanie_valero.jpg (74808 bytes)
Sportsman's Warehouse and Valero Sponsor Reps
ncoa_sponsor_rep.jpg (81767 bytes)
NCOA Representative
tpwd.jpg (103899 bytes)
TPWD Contingent
youth_winners.jpg (106224 bytes)
Youth Winners
topfinishers.jpg (83659 bytes)
Soldier Top Winners
topboaters.jpg (84327 bytes)
in_pavilion.jpg (88179 bytes)
Wrapping Up
Group Photo




Quality Bass Club

San Antonio, TX

B.A.S.S. Federation Affiliated