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2011 December Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:25
Members present:Lyla and Cal, Dan and Cathy, Ruben, Warren, George, Adam, Mark, Bob M, Mike R, Mike K, Trevor and Travis. Guests: parents, spouses and old friends.
The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark and seconded by Mike R.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $3322.06 with $429.87 in the charity fund leaving $2892.19 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fishing for Freedom. Cal announced that the bus had been reserved for the event on October 13, 2012. Warren volunteered to head up the project with Cal and George's assistance. OPEN
Mark purchased and delivered the six bikes with helmets for the McCombs Ford West Angel Tree. CLOSED
The results of the voting: President: Adam; Vice President: Mike R; Secretary: Trevor; Treasurer: Bob; Tournament Director: Mark; Tournament Committee: Bob, Trevor, Mike and Ruben; Members at Large: Ruben and Cal; Sportsman of the Year: Trevor. CLOSED
New Business:
George announced the tournament headquarters for the March South Texas Region tournament that Quality Bass Club is hosting will be Amistad Lodge. Bob mentioned that the South Region will do team competition to vie regional clubs against each other. FYI
Bob motioned and Dan seconded to expend club funds to purchase trophies for the 2011 winners. The vote passed. Lyla said she would order and pick up the trophies. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report
Mark announced the winners of the November tournament on Bastrop: Ruben had big bass, Mark was third, Mike Robbins second and Trevor first.
Mark announced the winners of the December tournament on Coleto: Mark was third, Mike Robbins second with big bass and Trevor first.
Mark motioned and Travis seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 7:50.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 November Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present: Lyla and Cal, Dan, Ruben, George, Adam, Robert D, Mark, Bob M, Mike R, Mike K, Trevor and Joe. Guest James Garnand.
The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mark seconded by Joe.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $3758.73. There is currently $898.84 in the charity fund leaving $2859.89 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Mark checked into prospective organization to contribute to in support of the Bastrop fire relief. After discussing the Red Cross, local Boy Scout troop and local volunteer fire department, Cal motioned and George seconded to donate our money to the local volunteer fire department. The vote passed. CLOSED
Cal thanked everyone for their support of the Fishing for Freedom event. He said 13 Oct 2012 has already been placed on the Parks and Wildlife calendar for Fishing for Freedom IX. He requested someone pick up the reins and lead next year's event, although he would be available to assist. OPEN
New Business:
Mark contact McCombs Ford West and they will provide names from their Angel Tree for six bikes. OPEN
George discussed the new South Texas region tournament schedule and changes made to the tournament trail, including reducing the entry to $50 but removing the guaranteed first place money. Quality Bass Club will be the host club for the March tournament on Amistad. CLOSED
Nominations were taken for 2012 club officers: President, Adam; Vice President, Mike Robbins; Secretary, Trevor; Treasurer, Bob; Sergeant at Arms, Travis. Tournament Committee, Tournament Director, Members at Large and Sportsman of the Year will be voted upon from the entire club membership at the December meeting. OPEN
Mike K. checked with the Casa Real management and the club decided to have the December meeting and Christmas party at the restaurant. Mike K motioned and Bob seconded the motion. The vote passed. CLOSED
Dan introduced James Garnand, a prospective new (although former) member. After a brief introduction Dan motioned and Cal seconded to allow James membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Bob reminded everyone that 2012 dues are due by 31 December, so please pay at the December meeting ($20 State, $30 National, $5 club for a total of $55). BASS membership is also required and is the responsibility of the club member. FYI
Tournament Director's Report
Mark announded the results of the October tournament on Choke: Mike R. third, Bob second with big bass, and Trevor first.
Partners were drawn for the November paper tournament on Bastrop:
Bastrop times are 6:30-3:00 Saturday and 6:30-1:00 Sunday with weigh in at South Shore.
Mark announced times for the December tournament on Coleto Creek which will be prior to the December club meeting: Saturday 6:30-3:00 and Sunday 6:30-1:00 with weigh in at Coleto Creek park.
Mark motioned and Cal seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 October Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present: Lyla and Cal, Dan & Cathy, Ruben, George, Adam, Robert D, Travis, Mark, Warren, Bob M, Mike R, Mike K, Trevor and Richard. Guests Wanda and Richard Oswalt, Terry Colwell, Larry Rubio and Walt Simpson.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. Motion by Bob and seconded by Mark.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $3973.23. There is currently $1148.84 in the charity fund leaving $2824.39 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Dan had suggested a charitable contribution opportunity at the last meeting and the club asked for additional information. Dan presented Wanda Oswalt who is heading up the effort to address the club. She explained her project to present soldiers at the Wounded Warrior center Mary Kay products in a gift package and showed the men's and women's samples. After her presentation, Mike K motioned and Travis seconded to expend $250.00 to support the project. The vote passed. CLOSED
A previous item from the last meeting was to provide support to victims of the Bastrop fires. Travis motioned and Bob seconded to expend $250.00 in club funds to support that effort. The vote passed. Mark will investigate what organization is accepting donations to directly support the fire victims and will donate the money in the club's name. OPEN
Cal went over preparations for Fishing for Freedom, including work assignments. He wants breakfast workers to arrive at 6:00AM and everyone else in place at 7:00AM. OPEN
New Business:
Two prospective new members presented themselves to the club for membership. Walt Simpson, a former member, and Larry Rubio provided a brief introduction of themselves and then the club voted - the vote passed. CLOSED
Trevor mentioned he brought some popcorn to sell on behalf of his son's school project. FYI
George announced that he will become the new South Region Bass Federation Nation director beginning January 2012. He mentioned that he's looking for ways to get the regional clubs more active in the region trail. One of the ideas is for a club to sponsor a regional event for points and possibly money. After much discussion the item was tabled. George will be unable to attend the Fishing for Freedom event because there is a regional director's meeting at the State Federation Nation president's house in Spring, TX. TABLED
Tournament Director's Report
Mark announced the results of the September tournament on Falcon: Robert Dunlap 3rd, Ruben 2nd and Trevor first with big bass. Trevor also broke the old club record for one day and two day heavy strings.
Mark announced times for the one-day tournament on Choke on Sunday, October 17th as 7:00 to 2:00 with weigh in at Calliham.
Mark reminded everyone that the November tournament on Bastrop will be a draw so please send word if you can't attend the meeting whether or not you plan to fish the tournament.
Mark motioned and Travis seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:48PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 September Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present: Dan, Lyla and Cal, Ruben, George, Adam, Robert D, Travis, Mark, Bob M, Mike R, Trevor, Mike K, Warren and Richard.
The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. Motion by Bob, seconded by Warren.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $3957.93. The fish fry, raffle and auction raised $2576.00. There is $1148.84 in the charity fund. That leaves 2809.09 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction - Robert thanked Mark for heding up the event and Mark thanked everyone for their support of the event. Dan will post a Thank You letter on the web site for members to download and tailor to thank the people who supported us. CLOSED
Fishing for Freedom – Cal said some Valero volunteers may assist us this year. The PA system and canopy are ready to go. T-shirts and hats are in the works. Travis showed a logo for this year's event that was designed by himself and his mother. Other particulars and assignments were discussed. OPEN
New Business:
Mark asked whether the club wanted to increase the number of bicycles we purchase for McCombs Ford West's Angel tree project. The concensus was to remain at 3 boys and 3 girls bikes with safety gear. Mark motioned to use funds from the charity fund to purchase 3 boys and 3 girls bikes with safety gear. Bob seconded. The vote passed. CLOSED
Dan presented a charitable contribution opportunity to the club. Wanda Oswalt, a Mary Kay distributor in the area is packaging and providing Mary Kay products (both men's and women's) to the Wounded Warrior program on BAMC. The club could purchase 4 sets for $100 to be presented in the club's name. Mike K requested more information be provided so Dan said he would ask Wanda to attend the next meeting. OPEN
Robert informed the club that Robert Divin had suggested another charitable effort to support the victims of the wild fires that affected Batrop. This project was also tabled until more information can be gathered. OPEN
Dan reminded everyone that they need to ensure their fishing licenses are current, because most expired 31 August. FYI
George advised everyone that he will be vying for the South Texas Region directorship. A teleconference will be conducted 8:00PM, September 21st. More information is available on the South Texas Region web site. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Mark announced the winners of the August tournament on Choke: Mike Robins third, Bob Meder second with big bass which was a new club record, and Adam was first.
Mark announced times for the September tournament on Falcon. Saturday, 7:00 A.M. to 3 P.M. with weigh in at State Park and 7:00 A.M.- 1:00 P.M. Sunday with weigh in at County ramp.
Mark motioned and Travis seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 August Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present: Lyla and Cal, Cathy and Dan, Ruben, George, Adam, Robert Dunlap, Travis, Robert Divin, Mark, Tevor, Bob and Mike R. Guests Mary Ellen Dunlap and Richard Sanchez.
The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mark, seconded by Travis.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1359.83. There remains $633.64 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction - Mark went through checklist and individuals volunteered or were assigned responsibilities. McCombs has reduced plates from 100 to 60 and Cal has reduced the fish order accordingly. Need to show up around 8-8:30 to deliver to McCombs by 11:00. Dan motioned and Robert seconded to expend $50 in club funds to purchase Texas scratch off lottery tickets as prizes for the raffle. The vote passed. OPEN
Fishing for Freedom - Mary Ellen has investigated the canopy which is only $233, but the stickler is the set up cost for applying designs (club logo and printed name). Not sure if applying only the name on the valances will require the entire set up fee. Mary Ellen will investigate further. Cal met with Metro and Universal City Bass Club and their membership is interested in volunteering. Need to design and print hats and t-shirts. BBQ meals will be handled by a store in Three Rivers. OPEN
New Business:
Prospective New Member: Richard Sanchez presented himself to the club and expressed interest in joining. Dan motioned and Robert Divin seconded to allow Richard membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report
Mark announced the winners of the July tournament on Falcon: Ruben 3rd, Robert Dunlap second with big bass and Trevor first.
Mark announed times for the August tournament on Choke Canyon. Saturday and Sunday will both be 6:30-2:00 with weigh in at Calliham.
Mark motioned and Travis seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 July Minutes
Called to order at 7:02PM.
Members present: Mike K, Lyla and Cal, Cathy and Dan, George, Mike R, Adam, Robert D, Travis, Mark, Bob and Trevor.
The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. Motioned by Cal seconded by Bob.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1341.13. $633.64 remains in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction: Mark went over what's needed for this year's event. George will get the flour, corn meal and styrofoam ice chests. Dan confirmed My House is available for the event. Cal and Lyla will do the cole slaw and once McCombs numbers are confirmed Cal will get the fish. Dan will prepare the meal tickets and flyer. OPEN
Fishing for Freedom: Robert D. is working the canopy. Planning efforts continue. OPEN
New Business:
Mike K. found a place in Del Rio that will house the 2012 Top 6 Team for the State Top 6 tournament. He reserved rooms for 24-31 March 2012 for a total of $660. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report
Mark announced the winners of the June tournament on Amistad: Robert D. third, Mark second and Bob first with big bass.
Mark announced times for the July tourney on Falcon: Split: Saturday 6:30 to 12:00 with weigh in at State Park, Saturday evening 6:00 to 8:30PM with weigh in at County ramp and Sunday 6:30 to 1:00 with weigh in at County.
Mark motioned and Lyla seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 June Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present: Mike K, Lyla and Cal, Dan and Cathy, Bob M, Antonio, George, Mike R, Adam, Robert D, Tavis D, Mark, Trevor, and Warren
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mark seconded by Cal
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1,322.43. There remains $633.64 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Mark contacted McCombs Ford West to see if they will order lunch plates this year but the point of contact was not available so he left a voice mail. Dan will double check with My House Lounge to ensure availability of the facility. Among items needed to be replaced this year is styrofoam ice chests. The club also decided to not raise the price of meal tickets from $5.00. Planning continues. OPEN
Fishing for Freedom. Mike K read a strong committment letter from the NCOA who donated $6000 to support the event. Cal suggested using $500 of the donated money for a canopy with Quality Bass Club markings. There was some talk about having a banner produced with sponsors' names but that was tabled. Adam made initial contact with USAA to see if they would provide sponsorship money. OPEN
New Business:
Robert may be working at Del Rio and would be unable to attend monthly meetings so he raised a query about telecommuting to the meetings. After some discussion to address whether anyone could call into the meetings a motion was made by Cal and seconded by Travis that specifically Robert be allowed to attend the meeting distantly via phone and conduct business as President and receive 5 attendance points. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report
Mark announced the winners of the May tournament on Choke: Bob third; Mike R. second and Trevor first place plus big bass.
Mark announced times and weigh in locations for the June tournament on Amistad. Saturday will be a split with times 6:30AM to 11:00AM with weigh in at Box Canyon and Saturday 6:00PM to 9:00PM with weigh in at Black Brush. Sunday will be 6:30AM to 1:00PM with weigh in at Black Brush.
Antonio motioned to adjourn, seconded by Travis. Meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 May Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present: Robert, George, Bob, Dan, Mark, Mike K., Ruben, Joe, and Adam
The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. Motion by Adam seconded by Mark.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1296.93. There remains $633.64 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Mark will inventory what's currently on hand to determine what needs to be purchased for this year's event. He emphasized that everyone needs to beat the bushes to seek sponsors and supporters. OPEN
Fishing for Freedom. Mike K. contacted the NCOA representative and he committed $6000 to the event. Mike also contacted Dick's Sporting Goods and Academy for support for both Fishing for Freedom and the Fish Fry. Planning efforts continue. OPEN
Club canopy. Robert reported that his source for a canopy quoted him $280 for a 10x10 canopy. Even if the vendor doesn't come down on the price or donate it, the club should look at expending club funds to purchase. A high quality digitized logo is required to be applied to the canopy so Bob is going to contact the vendor who Troy Stinson set us up with a few years back. OPEN
New Business:
Bob reminded everyone that the South Region Director's position will come up to be filled at the end of the year and the current Director Mike Tennant is having a teleconference on May 18th at 8:00PM to discuss the situation and solicit candidates. Contact Mike for dial in number and PIN (STX Web site contact page). FYI
Tournament Director's Report
Mark announced the winners of the April tournament on Amistad: Mike R. third, Trevor second with big bass and Ruben first.
Mark announced times and weigh in locations for the May tournament on Choke. Saturday times will be 6:30 to 3:00 and Sunday times will be 6:30 to 2:00 with weigh in at Calliham State Park.
Bob motioned to adjourn, seconded by Dan. Adjourned at 7:35PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 April Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present: Cal and Lyla, Mark, Mike R, Robert, Travis, Trevor, Bob, Adam, Dan, Warren, Randy, Antonio, and Mike K
The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved as amended. Motion by Mark, seconded by Adam.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1221.53. There remains $633.64 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction - Mark will touch base with McCombs Ford West to confirm their participation this year. Mark asked that a discussion forum be created on the Quality web site so members can submit who they've contacted and what they are bringing for the raffle/auction. OPEN
Fishing for Freedom - TPWD has granted free park entrance and waived fishing license requirements for soldier participants. Cal has coordinated with Fort Sam to give them a heads up on the event. The bus has been reserved. Cal has notified Metro, Universal Bass Cub and TABC. There is a conflict with dates of the Fishing for Freedom at Belton and ours. Army Bass Anglers will not be participating in ours but will provide merchandise to support our effort. Mike K is having some difficulty contacting the NCOA representative but will continue to attempt contact. Planning efforts continuing. OPEN
Beg letter and IRS letter posted to web site. CLOSED
Mike Robbins provided a run down on Top 6 results and activities. Robert Dunlap placed tenth at the tournament. Mark's performance was influenced by bananas in his boat. CLOSED
New Business:
Dan provided copies of Bass Club Digest magazine and a flyer on a Fisher House fund raiser fishing tournament on Choke, June 25th. FYI
Dan presented some estimates on 8X10 canopies with Quality Bass Club graphics. Robert Dunlap mentioned he knew someone in Houston that might provide the club canopy and graphics at cost. He will research. It was suggested that charity fund monies could be used toward the purchase of a canopy to support Fishing for Freedom. Lyla proposed that approximately $300 in the charity fund be held back for McCombs bicycles. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report
Mark announced the times for the April tournament on Amistad: Saturday 7:00-3:00 with weigh in at Box Canyon and Sunday 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at Box Canyon.
Cal motioned and Mark seconded to adjorn. The meeting adjorned at 7:35PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 March Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present: Cal and Lyla, Mark, Mike R, Robert, Travis, Trevor, Bob, Dan and Cathy, Warren, Joe, and Mike K.
Minutes: The February minutes were read and approved as read. Motioned by Mark and seconded by Warren.
Treasurer's Report: The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $3460.25. There is $633.64 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Mike R. reserved rooms at the LaQuinta Inn in Lufkin. CLOSED
Robert will submit the letter to TPWD for park entry fee and fishing license waivers for the Fishing for Freedom event. Mike K. is still working with NCOA. There is approximately $3300 in the "kitty" as operating capital. OPEN
Cal went over some information he received from an IRS representative concerning our 501(c)(7) status. FYI
Fish fry, raffle and auction plans continue. OPEN
Dan will post a copy of the 2011 beg letter and the IRS tax-exempt approval letter for use as necessary. OPEN
New Business:
Dan motioned and Joe seconded to provide $20 per person per diem for 6 days ($720) plus give each member of the Top Six team a club hat and shirt. The motion carried. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Mark announced the winners of the March tournament on Lake LBJ. Antonio was third, Mike R. second and Trevor was first with big bass.
Cal motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 February Minutes
Called to order at 7:05PM.
Members present: George, Bob, Dan, Cathy, Mark, Cal, Lyla, Antonio, Mike K., and Adam.
The January minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Mark and seconded by Cathy.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4039.80. There is $633.64 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Investigations continue for lodging at State Top 6. OPEN
Do not believe Trevor's friend will join. CLOSED
Cal announced that the Calliham Unit pavilion is reserved for the Fishing for Freedom event on October 15th. Working to get park entry and fishing license fees for soldiers waived. Mike K. is working with NCOA for sponsorship. OPEN
Dan will post beg letter and incorporate the tax exempt information. It will address both the Fishing for Freedom and Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. OPEN
New Business:
Mark presented TPWD paper tournament sheets that are specific to Fayette and Bastrop. Dan motioned and Mike K. seconded to allow Mark to edit the sheets and have them printed on card stock and be reimbursed for the printing. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Mark announced the results of the January tournament on Fayette: Rubin third, Mark second and Mike R. first. Chris had big bass.
Mark announced the results of the February tournament on Falcon: Mike K third, Robert Dunlap second and Trevor first. Adam had big bass.
Mark announced the times for the Lake LBJ tournament. Saturday 7-3 and Sunday 7-2 with weigh in at Wurtz park by the dam.
Mark motioned and Lyla seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2011 January Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM
Members present: Robert, Travis, George, Dan, Cathy, Mark, Cal, Lyla, Mike K., Mike R., Antonio (and son), Adam, Joe, Trevor and Warren. Guests Wayne and Sheryl Power.
The December minutes were read and approved. Motion by Mike R. and seconded by Mark.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4047.57. There is $633.64 in the charity fund leaving $3413.93 in the general fund.
Old Business:
Mike R and Robert Dunlap are continuing to investigate lodging for the 2011 Top Six State tournament. Mark motioned and Cal seconded that they be authorized to commit/expend club funds up to $1400 and tender a deposit if they locate suitable facilities. Motion carried. OPEN
Mark passed out trophies to the 2010 Top Six, Sportsman of the Year and Big Bass winner. CLOSED
New Business:
Robert Dunlap asked if the club intended to conduct a Fishing for Freedom event and fund raising event and proposed dates of October 15th for the Fishing for Freedom and August 20th for the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Club concensus was to support these events. Cal Bienhoff and Mark Lachenaur volunteered to head up the Fishing for Freedom and Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction, respectively. OPEN
Trevor announced that he had a friend who was interested in joining the club, but he lived in Houston and was unable to attend this month's meeting. He offered to pay Brett Brandstrom's club fees in that Brett was going to pay State and National fees at the upcoming Federation Nation tournament on Amistad. Robert Dunlap suggested membership be deferred until the club meets Brett at the Fayette tournament which he can fish as a guest. TABLED
Dan introduced Wayne Power as a prospective new member. After a brief introduction and a second by Mark the club voted on Wayne's membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Cal asked if anyone knew what number from IRS represents our tax-free status. Bob has the paperwork from IRS so the answer was delayed until we ask Bob. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Mark presented the 2011 proposed schedule (see Schedule). The club voted to approve it. CLOSED
Mark conducted the draw for the January tournament on Fayette. Following are the pairings:
Mark announced times for the Fayette tournament. Saturday will be 7:00-3:00 and Sunday will be 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at the Park Prairie Park ramp.
Because the February tournament will be prior to the February meeting, Mark announced times for the Falcon tournament. Saturday will be 7:00-3:00 with weigh in at County ramp and Sunday will be 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at State Park.
Joe motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Travis. Meeting adjourned at 7:50.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
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