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2010 Minutes




2010 December Minutes


Meeting called to order at 8:10PM after enjoying a "pot luck" dinner at the home of George and Pat Barnes.


Members present: Lyla and Cal, Dan & Cathy, Leo & Carolyn, Joe, George, Adam, Travis, Mark, Warren, Bob M, Mike R, Mike K, Jefferey and Trevor. Guests Mrs Flores, Terry Colwell, Becky Meder, Robert Divin, Chris Peel, Irene Robbins and Holly Johanson.




The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved; motion by Mark, seconded by Mike R.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $4067.57 with $633.64 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Bicycles and helmets were purchased, assembled and delivered to the McCombs Ford West Angel Tree. CLOSED


Mike Robiins will continue to investigate rooms for the 2011 State torunament. OPEN


New Business:


Robert Divin and Chris Peel, former members of Quality Bass Club, expressed interest in rejoining the club. George Barnes sponsored Robert for membership and Cathy Leach sponsored Chris. The vote passed. CLOSED


Voting results and 2011 Officers were announced. Robert Dunlap President, Mike Robbins Vice President, Dan Leach Secretary, Bob Meder Treasurer, Travis Dunlap Sergeant at Arms, Adam Johanson and Mike Kinchen Members at Large, Mark Lachenauer Tournament Director, and Cal Bienhoff was voted Sportsman of the Year. Members of the Tournament Committee are: Robert Dunlap, Mike Robbins, Bob Meder and Mike Kinchen.


Dan motioned and Bob seconded to expend up to $200.00 for Top 6, Sportsman of the Year and Big Bass plaques. The vote passed. Lyla volunteered to order and pick up the plaques. OPEN


Mike Robbins brought up that the January club tournament conflicts with the Federation Trail and Bass Champs. Mike motioned and Mark seconded to change the date to January 22 & 23. The vote passed. Mike Kinchen reminded the new Tournament Committee to take into consideration the South Region schedule when developing Quality's 2011 schedule. CLOSED 


Tournament Director's Report


Mike R. announced the winners of the November tournament on Bastrop: Bob third, Mike R. second and Mark first with big bass.


Mike announced the winners of the December tournament on Choke: Jeff thrid, Bob second with big bass and Trevor first.


Mike announced the Top Six for 2010: Cal sixth, Ruben fifth, Bob fourth, Mark third, Robert Dunlap second and Mike Robbins first. Mike will captain the Top 6 team at the State tournament. Bob Meder had the big bass for the year with a 9.96 pounder on Falcon.


Cal motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:35PM.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page





2010 November Minutes


Meeting called to order at 7:00PM.


Members present: Lyla and Cal, Dan & Cathy, Joe, George, Adam, Robert D, Travis, Mark, Randy, Warren, Bob M, Mike R, Mike K and Rudy.




The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mark seconded by George.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $4412.04. There is currently $997.55 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Fishing for Freedom: Cal thanked everyone for their support and cooperation and hard work to make this another successful event for the wounded warriors. CLOSED


501C7 Submission. The club received word from IRS that our request for tax-exempt status was approved. We are now a 501C7 organization. CLOSED


New Business:


Mike R. reminded that we need to submit our club points to the Region and all members need to "re-up" by Dec 31st. FYI


Angel Tree: Mark motioned and Travis seconded that the club should expend funds to purchase 6 bicycles (3 boys and 3 girls) with helmets to support the McCombs Ford West Angel Tree project. The motion passed. Mark and Bob volunteered to purchase, assemble (if needed) and deliver. CLOSED


Mike R. mentioned that the club needs to secure rooms for the State tournament on Rayburn. Staying at Lufkin will impose a 40 minute trip. There was discussion about locating trailers or cabins that would house the team. OPEN


George volunteered his home to host the December meeting and Christmas party. Mike K. motioned and Dan seconded to allow George to purchase turkey and ham and be reimbursed from club funds. Other are to bring a covered dish. The motion passed. CLOSED


Nominations were made for 2011 officers and ballots will be provided to the club membership at the December meeting to vote. All incumbents were nominated for another term unopposed except the Vice President nominee was Mike Robbins. Tournament Committee, Tournament Director, Sportsman of the Year and Members at Large will be listed on the ballot and decided by majority vote. OPEN


Tournament Director's Report


Mike R. announced the winners of the October tournament on Choke. Bob was third, Dan second and Mark was first with big bass.


The club discussed moving the December tournament from Falcon. After a showing of hands for different lakes, Choke Canyon was voted upon as the location for the December tournament.


Mark drew names for the draw tournament on Bastrop. Pairings are posted on the main page of the web site here.


Mark motioned and Travis seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:47PM.




Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


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2010 October Minutes


Called to order at 7:00PM.


Members present: Lyla and Cal, Dan & Cathy, Ruben, George, Adam, Robert D, Travis, Mark, Randy, Warren, Jeff, Bob M, Mike R, Mike K, Rudy and Antonio. Guests Cody Roberson, Warren's family and Trevor Rogge also attended.




The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved as amended. Motion by Mark and seconded by Cal.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $4373.14. There is currently $997.55 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Cal stated the required forms and fees for the club's 501C7 status had been submitted. CLOSED


Cal went over preparations for Fishing for Freedom, including who would organizae the kitchen workers, who would bring desserts, reminder about the key board and other particulars. He wants everyone in place at 6:00AM. We're expecting about 55 soldiers. Our event will conflict with a Rebel Bass Club Big Bass tournament staged out of Calliham. OPEN


New Business:


Warren queried whether the club would be interested in re-vitalizaing the youth club. Basic requirements are at least six youth must participate, so more members need to be recruited. TABLED


Trevor Rogge introduced himself and expressed interest in joining the club. Dan motions adn Warren seconded to allow membership. The vote passed. CLOSED


Tournament Director's Report


Mike R. announced the results of the September tournament on Amistad: Lyla 3rd, Jeff 2nd with big bass and Mike R. first.


Mike announced times for the one-day tournament on Choke on Sunday, October 17th as 7:00 to 3:00 with weigh in at Calliham.


randy motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:50PM.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page



2010 September Minutes

Called to order at 7:00PM.
Members present:  Lyla and Cal, Ruben, George, Adam, Robert D, Travis, Mark, Randy, Stefen, Jeff, Bob M, Mike R, Joe, Rudy. 
The minutes of the August meeting were not available at the meeting.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4746.04. There 
remains $997.55 in the charity fund.  The fish fry resulted in $3496.00
Old Business:
Fishing for Freedom – Cal has received a number of boat and volunteer  commitments, he 
didn’t have the exact number with him.  OPEN
501C7 - Cal the research is complete and the application should be in the hands of the 
IRS by the end of September. OPEN
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction - Mark thanked everyone for their support of the event. CLOSED
New Business:
Ernst Murphy and Alidor Thienpoint, past members of the club had passed away.

Mark made a motion and second by Mike R that the $400.00 for the C7 application should come 
from the general fund.  Motion Passed.

Two new members were introduced and voted into the club.  Warren Colwell and Antonio Nunez.

Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the August tournament on Choke: Stefen 1st, Mike K 2nd
and Rubin 3rd.
Stefen announced times for the September tournament on Amistad. Saturday, 
7:00 A.M. to 3 P.M. Saturday weigh in at Box Canyon and 7:00A.M.-1:00P.M. Sunday with weigh
in at Box Canyon.
Stefan motioned and Lyla seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.

Minutes taken by Cal in Dan's absence.


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2010 August Minutes


Called to order at 7:00PM.


Members present: Mike K, Lyla and Cal, Cathy and Dan, Carolyn and Leo, Ruben, George, Adam, Robert D, Travis, Mark, Randy, Bob, Stefen and Jeff.




The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mark, seconded by Travis.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1226.24. There remains $298.35 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Fishing for Freedom - Cal has received sponsor package goodies from Army Bass Anglers and other sponsors. Mike K. received a committment from NCOA for a donation of $4000. Planning continues. OPEN


501C7 - Cal should have research done and be ready to submit application next month. Looking for original charter. OPEN


Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction - Mark went through checklist and individuals volunteered or were assigned responsibilities. Dan motioned and Robert seconded to expend $50 in club funds to purchase Texas scratch off lottery tickets as prizes for the raffle. The vote passed. OPEN


New Business:




Tournament Director's Report


Stefen announced the winners of the July tournament on Amistad: Stefen 3rd, Mike R. second with big bass and Adam first.


Stefen announed times for the August tournament on Choke Canyon. Saturday will be a split, 6:30-11:30AM and 6:00-9:00PM with weigh in at Calliham. Sunday will be 6:30 to noon with weigh in at Calliham.


Ruben motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary


top of page



2010 July Minutes


Called to order at 7:00PM.


Members present: Mike K, Lyla and Cal, Cathy and Dan, Ruben, George, Mike R, Adam, Robert D, Travis, Mark, Randy, Chris O, Stefen, Rudy, Jeff and Joe. Guest Dicy O. 




The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. Motioned by Mike R. seconded by Randy.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1294.14. $298.35 remains in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction: Mike K provided a run down of sponsors he's approached and also the amount of lunch plates being ordered by McComb's Ford West and Caliber Collision. Plans will be finalized next month. Mike has donated a MinnKota 70lb thrust trolling motor which has been refurbished under warranty if the club receives a minimum bid of $500. OPEN


Fishing for Freedom: Mike received a donation from Dick's Sporting Goods for both the raffle and auction and also Fishing for Freedom. The bus has been arranged and paid for. Still working to get some pros from the BASS tournament trail to attend. Mike discovered that our dealings with the NCOA have been misrouted. The organization that provides us a donation (National Defense Foundation of the NCOA) is not the organization that receives our tokens or gratitude and acknowledgement. Mike is dealing with the proper individual now. OPEN


Cal is continuing to investigate 501C7 status. OPEN


New Business:




Tournament Director's Report


Stefen announced the winners of the June tournament on Coleto: Dan third, Ruben second with big bass and Robert first.


Stefen announced times for the July tourney on Amistad: Saturday 6:30 to 3:00 with weigh in at Box Canyon and Sunday 6:30 to 1:00 with weigh in at Diable East.


Cathy motioned and Mike R. seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary 


top of page



2010 June Minutes


Called to order at 7:02PM.


Members present: Mike K, Lyla and Cal, Cathy, Bob M, Ruben, George, Mike R, Adam, Robert D, Mark, Randy, Christopher and Chris O, Stefen, and Joe




The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. Motion by Robert seconded by George


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1,255.34. There remains $298.35 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Mark reported on the inventory on hand and what needed to be purchased for this year's event. Members volunteered to bring items needed including Cal B who said he would get the fish for the fry and Randy who said he would take care of the plates, cups, and napkins. Mike K said he would touch base with Red McCombs on their orders for the take out meals at $5 per plate. Members were reminded to continue to try and get sponsors and donations for the auction. OPEN


Fishing for Freedom. Robert said he would check on the NCOA donation for this year’s event Planning efforts continue. OPEN


501C7 Status. Cal has the financial history for the last four years and has reviewed one and will continue to review the other years to provide that necessary information. OPEN


Mark continued discussion on how to raise more money for the club. He provided a summary of increases of 25, 30, 35, and 40 percent entry fees to show amounts to be paid out and how much the club could make from the various raise option. After much discussion, the club decided to hold off on making a raise until after the Fish Fry, Raffle, and Auction to determine how much the club would need to cover operating costs. There was also discussion about conducting a garage sale/flea market event. Mark checked into cost of renting a booth at the HWY16 flea market and said that the cost would be $40 for one booth for two days. CLOSED


New Business:


Perspective members were voted into club: Jeffery Kanevsky; Rudy Falcon; and Mark Sobkoviak. (CLOSED)


Tournament Director's Report


Stefen announced the winners of the May tournament on Belton/Stillhouse: Randy third; Dan second, plus big bass; and Christopher first place.


Stefen announced times and weigh in locations for the June tournament on Coleto. Saturday times will be 6:15 to 3:00 and Sunday 6:15 to 1 with weigh in at the park ramp.


The club voted to change the July tournament from Falcon to Amistad.


Cal motioned to adjourn, seconded by Adam. Meeting adjourned at 8:01 PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Mike Kinchen, deputy, Secretary  


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2010 May Minutes


Called to order at 7:01PM.


Members present: Robert, Travis, Randy, George, Bob, Dan, Cathy, Mark, Cal, Lyla, Mike K., Ruben, Joe, and Mike R.




The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mark seconded by George


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1088.84. There remains $298.35 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Mark will inventory what's currently on hand to determine what needs to be purchased for this year's event. He emphasized that everyone needs to beat the bushes to seek sponsors and supporters. OPEN


Fishing for Freedom. TPWD approved the club's request to waive license fees and part entry fees for the wounded warriors. Planning efforts continue. OPEN


501C7 Status. Cal has the financial history for the last four years and will review and provide that necessary information. OPEN


New Business:


George presented the club with a check for $141.00 from the Texas Bass Federation Nation for our participation in the raffle ticket sales. CLOSED


Mike R. announced that after the meeting Cal would provide information on drop shot fishing. Club members are invited to stay to listen. He also announced that next month Robert would provide information on spinner bait techniques. FYI


Mark generated discussion on how to raise more money for the club. He suggested instituting a quarterly "dues" increase of $20-25, increasing tournament fees, or conducting a garage sale/flea market event. After some discussion the President asked Mark to formulate different tournament fee scenarios that the club could vote on. OPEN


Cathy invited all club members to a summer back yard party at the Leach's on May 29th. FYI


Tournament Director's Report


Mike R. announced the winners of the April tournament on Amistad: Cal third and big bass, Mike R. second and Stefen first.


Mike R. announced times and weigh in locations for the May tournament on Belton and Stillhouse. Saturday times will be 6:45 to 3:00 with weigh in at Rogers Park (note this is a different location than years past). Sunday times will be 6:45 to 1:00 with weigh in at Dana Peak Park.


Randy motioned to adjourn, seconded by Bob. Adjourned at 7:37PM.


Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary 


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2010 April Minutes


Called to order at 7:00PM.


Members present:  Robert, Travis, Randy, George, Bob, Dan, Mark, Stefen, Cal, Lyla, Mike K., Ruben, Joe, and Mike R. Guests Mary Ellen Dunlap, Chris Ormiston and Christopher Ormiston.




 The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mark, seconded by Joe.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1048.24. There remains $298.35 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction - Mike K. said he's approached Travis, Anchor and Dick's Sporting Goods. Others were encouraged to start asking for donations for both the Fish Fry and Fishing for Freedom. Dan said Cathy had a sponsor list from years past and will have her provide that to Mark. Also, it was suggested that if sponsors do not support our efforts we should not support maintaining their names and web site links on our sponsors page on the QBC web site. OPEN


Fishing for Freedom - efforts continuing. OPEN


501.c.7 number - Cal researched further and found that if the club doesn't exceed $10K in the treasury then the application fee would be $400. We have to provide a four year financial history and once we get a number it will require an annual tax filing. We will continue to research. OPEN


New Business:


Mike R. informed everyone that he would like to institute a post-meeting forum for members to talk about fishing tips and techniques. After this meeting he would talk about sight fishing. Anyone interested was invited to remain behind and participate. CLOSED


Dan introduced two prospective new members - Chris Ormiston and his son, Christopher. After a brief introduction and discussion Dan motioned and George seconded to allow both membership. The vote passed. CLOSED


Tournament Director's Report


Stefen announced the times for the April tournament on Amistad: Saturday 7:00-3:00 with weigh in at Box Canyon and Sunday 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at Diablo East. Everyone was reminded to get their lake permits prior to fishing because there isn't a machine at the Box Canyon launch site.



Travis motioned and Joe seconded to adjorn. The meeting adjorned at 7:43PM. 



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary 


top of page




2010 March Minutes


Called to order at 7:00PM.


Members present: Cal and Lyla. Mark, Mike R, Robert, Travis, Ruben, George, Randy, Adam, Bob, Stefen, Joe, and Mike K.


Minutes: The February minutes were read and approved as read. Motioned by Mark and seconded by Adam.


Treasurer's Report: The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $3,177.99. There is $298.35 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


George finished collecting raffle stubs and money for the drawing at the State Championship Tournament and said he would take the remaining tickets and money collected to the State Tournamentsaid. (Closed)


Club was reminded that the "beg letter" for this year's fish fry, raffle and auction are on the web site for download. Members should start begging for contributions now. (OPEN)


Coordination and planning for the October 16th Fishing for Freedom event is ongoing. Cal said that Valero guaranteed volunteer participation. (OPEN)


There was much discussion about what should be done about acquiring a 501.c.7 number. There was general agreement that the club should pursue applying for the number. The cost of application is $400. Robert made a motion that the club use the money put aside for charity be used for the fee and that the difference be taken from the general fund. Randy seconded the motion, the club voted and the motion carried. Cal agreed to research what needed to be done to make the application. (OPEN)


New Business:


Randy purchased shirts for Top Six members to wear at the State Tournament and the Top Six competitors agreed to each pay for their shirt. Randy also paid $129.75 for the sewing fee to put the club name and member name on each shirt, he asked if the club would reimburse him for his out of pocket expense. There was also discussion about the club providing hats for the Top Six to wear along with the shirts during the tournament. Mike Robbins made a motion that the club provide the hats and reimburse Randy for the sewing expenses. Stefen seconded the motion and the motion carried. After much discussion about cost of rooms for the tournament and amount of per diem, there was general agreement to pay $20 per person per diem. Mike R made a motion for the club to approve the combined cost of lodging and per diem, $2,000.58 to come from the general fund. Randy seconded the motion and the motion carried. (CLOSED)


Tournament Director's Report:


Stefen announced the results of the February tournament on Falcon: third, Bob; second, Robert and Stefen first place. Bob had Big Bass weighing in at 9.96 lbs.


Stefen announced the results of the March tournament on Choke: third, Adam; second Joe; and first Robert. Lyla had Big Bass weighing in at 8.10 lbs.


Cal motioned and Mark seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.



Respectfully submitted,

Mike Kinchen, Acting Secretary


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2010 February Minutes


Called to order at 7:00PM.


Members present: Randy, Travis, George, Bob, Dan, Mark, Stefen, Cal, Lyla, Chuck, Mike K., Ruben, Adam, Joe, Leo and Carolyn. Guest Mary Ellen Dunlap.




 The January minutes were read and approved as read. Motioned by Mark and seconded by Lyla.


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $3751.84. There is $298.35 in the charity fund.


Old Business:


Stefen passed out the plaques for the 2009 Top Six, big bass and Sportsman of the Year. CLOSED 


George said the STX Region director (Mike Tennant) said to bring the boat raffle stubs and money to the State Championship tournament in March. Everyone was reminded to continue to sell their tickets. OPEN 


Dan said the "beg letter" for this year's fish fry, raffle and auction are on the web site for download. Members should start beating the bushes now. Mike K. said he would coordinate the meals for McCombs as we get closer to the event. OPEN


Calliham State Park has committed for the October 16th Fishing for Freedom event. Still coordinating. OPEN


Cal found the Quality Bass Club Federal ID number (742523821) on an old correspondence. The club will continue to discuss what should be done about acquiring a 501.c.7 number. OPEN 


New Business:


Cal motioned to allow Top 6 members to get meeting points when they go to State. The meeting will be held prior to Top 6ers going to the State tournament, so the motion was unnecessary and withdrawn. CLOSED


Stefen asked for a replacement for Mike K for the Top 6 team. Mark volunteered and will go. CLOSED


Tournament Director's Report:


Stefen announced the results of the January tournament on Fayette: Robert third, Mike R. second and Stefen first with big bass. 


Stefen announced the times for the Falcon tournament. Saturday 7-3 with weigh in at State Park and Sunday 7-1 with weigh in at County ramp.  


The March tournament will be before the March meeting so Stefen announced times for the Choke tournament. Saturday 7-3 and Sunday 7-2 with weigh in at Calliham.


Mark motioned and Joe seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:15PM.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary 



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2010 January Minutes


Called to order at 7:01PM


Members present: Robert, Travis, Randy, George, Bob, Dan, Cathy, Mark, Stefen, Cal, Lyla, Chuck, Mike K., Mike R., Ruben, Adam, and guest Joe Flores.




The December minutes were read and approved as amended. Motion by Mark and seconded by Randy.. 


Treasurer's Report:


The treasurer's report was read and approved.  Balance in the treasury is $3556.56.  There is $298.35 in the charity fund.


Old Business:




New Business:


Lyla volunteered to order and pick up plaques for the 2009 Top six, sportsman of the Year and Big Bass. OPEN


George reminded everyone to sell the raffle tickets so the club can benefit from this fund raiser. He will check with Mike Tennant to find out the cut off date for returning the collected money and raffle stubs. The drawing is scheduled for March 19th. OPEN


The membership agreed on August 21st for the date of the 2010 Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Mark was appointed Chairman of the event. McCombs Ford West has expressed interest in purchasing 100 plates at $5.00 per plate. OPEN


The membership agreed on October 16th for the date of the next Fishing for Freedom event. Cal and Robert will co-chair and start intial coordination. OPEN 



There was discussion again about the club applying for a tax exempt number to present to prospective sponsors and supporters. TABLED 



Joe Flores presented himself as a prospective new member. After a brief introduction, Dan motioned and George seconded to allow Joe membership. The vote passed. CLOSED 


Tournament Director's Report:


Stefen presented the 2010 proposed schedule (see Schedule). The club voted to approve it. CLOSED 


Stefen conducted the draw for the January tournament on Fayette. Following are the pairings:

Saturday    Sunday
Robert  George    Robert  Joe
Dan  Mark    Stefen  Travis
Stefen  Joe    Mike K.  Mark
Cal  Chuck    Dan  Chuck
Bob  Randy    Cal  Randy
Mike K.  Travis    Mike R.  George
Mike R.  Ruben    Bob  Ruben


Stefen announced times for the Fayette tournament.  Saturday will be 7:00-3:00 and Sunday will be 7:00-1:00 with weigh in at the Park Prairie Park ramp.


Cathy motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Mark.  Meeting adjourned at 7:45.



Respectfully submitted,

Dan Leach, Secretary 


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Quality Bass Club

San Antonio, TX

B.A.S.S. Federation Nation Affiliated

A Foundation Chapter 



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