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2009 December Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:31PM
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Bob Meder, Mike Robbins, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap, Mark Lachenauer, Randy Christensen, Adam Johanson, and Mike Kinchen. Guests Chuck Karas, Irene Robbins and Tiffany Lachenauer also attended.
The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved as amended (approved purchase of 3 boys and 3 girls bikes instead of 2 each). Motioned by Mike R. and seconded by Stefen.
The meeting was temporarily interrupted when the food was served and then continued after eating.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance is $3466.56 with $298.35 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
The bikes with safety equipment were purchased and will be delivered to McCombs Ford West for their Angel Tree. CLOSED
The results of the election of 2010 officers were announced: President - Robert Dunlap, Vice President - Randy Christensen, Secretary - Dan Leach, Treasurer - Bob Meder, Sergeant at Arms - Travis Dunlap, Members at Large - George Barnes and Mike Kinchen, Tournament Committee - Randy, Cal, Mike K., Robert D., Mike R. and Tournament Director Stefen Brooks. The 2009 Sportsman of the Year was Mike Robbins. CLOSED
New Business:
Dan introduced a prospective new member, Chuck Karas. After a brief introduction George called for a vote to allow Chuck membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report
Mike announced the results of the November tournament on Coleto Creek - Robert Dunlap was third with 11.99, Cal second with 12.19 and Bob Meder first with 15.42. Stefen's 5.14 was big bass.
Mike announced the results of the December tournament on Falcon - Adam was third with 19.17, Robert second with 30.07 and Mike R. was first with 39.98. George had big bass with a 7.42.
Mike announced the year's Top Six - sixth George Barnes, fifth Mike Kinchen, fourth Randy Christensen, third Bob Meder, second Stefen Brooks and first and Angler of the Year for 2009 is Mike Robbins. Robert Dunlap was first alternate. Robert also had big bass of the year with an 8.07#.
Carolyn motioned and Leo seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 November Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00PM
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Bob Meder, Mike Robbins, Ruben Arevalos, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap, Mark Lachenauer, Randy Christensen, Adam Johanson, and Mike Kinchen.
The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. Motion by Randy Christensen and seconded by Mark Lachenauer.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $4131.65. There is currently $718.79 in the charity fund. Lyla reminded members to please pay the 2010 dues prior to 31 December. Dues have increased to $55 per year. There was some general discussion about the raise and President George passed out a paper outlining the benefits and detailed financial information on BASS Federation Nation.
Old Business:
George thanked the members for their participation in Fishing For Freedom Six. Mike Kinchen gave a report on publicity and thank you plaques and letters of appreciation sent to major sponsors. News release, photos and captions were provided to Bassin’ and Bass Master Magazines, and to Bass Times. Publicity packages were sent to on line websites: ESPN, NCOA, VALERO, TP&W, and Texas BASS Federation Nation. Thank you letters and plaques were sent to CEOS of NCOA, VALERO, Texas Parks and Wildlife, and Alamo Cement Co. President George will send additional thank you letters to other sponsors and volunteers. Letter of Appreciation was sent to President of Texas BASS Federation Nation for use of the Tournament Trailer. Event results, story and pictures were provided immediately after the event and thank you plaques and letters dispatched within the first week after the event. (CLOSED)
New Business:
Christmas party will be held during the December meeting on 8 December at 7 p.m. in the Casa Real restaurant back meeting/dining room. A reduced price menu will be provided. Cal Bienhoff volunteered to be the Chairman of the Christmas Party committee and Randy Christensen volunteered to bring the cake for dessert. The club meeting will be after the Christmas dinner. CLOSED
The club discussed the buying of bicycles for Angel Tree this year. Mike Kinchen briefed that Rebecca Mather at McCombs Ford West said that they have an Angel Tree and that they would like to renew the agreement that the Club had with Gillespie Ford; bicycles for their Angel Tree and they will purchase meals from our fish fry. Lyla said that she would buy the bikes and contact Rebecca. The club agreed for Lyla to purchase three boys and three girls bikes with safety gear and use money from the charity funds. OPEN
Club officers for 2010 were nominated during the meeting. Club members nominated and elected by acclamation: President, Robert Dunlap; Vice President, Randy Christensen, Secretary, Dan Leach; Treasurer, Robert Meder, and Sergeant at Arms, Travis Dunlap. The Tournament Director, Tournament Committee and Member at Large will be elected at the December meeting. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report
Mike announced the winners of the October tournament on Choke: Ruben was third; Stefen second and Mike R was first and with big bass (3.40).
Mike announced times for the November tournament on Coleto: Sat 6:30 to 3; Sun 6:30 to1, weigh-in at ramp.
Times for the December tournament on Falcon: Sat 6:30 to 3, weigh-in at State Park Ramp; Sun 6:30 to 1, weigh-in at County Ramp.
Mark motioned and Rob seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:52PM.
(SIGNED) Vice President and Acting Secretary, Mike Kinchen
2009 October Minutes
Called to order at 7:05PM
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Bob Meder, Mike Robbins, Dan and Cathy Leach, Carolyn Pauley, Ruben Arevalos, Cecil Newberry, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap and Mark Lachenauer.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mike Robbins, seconded by Mark.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $4106.15. There is currently 718.79$ in the charity fund.
Lyla mentioned she will accept 2010 dues any time, but please pay 2010 dues prior to 31 December. Dues have raised to $55 per year.
Old Business:
George asked everyone to show up at the Fishing for Freedom event starting at 6:00AM. He was recently notified that the pavilion that was reserved for us was booked for some one else, so he will contact the park manager immediately to ensure they stand by their committment. Mike Kinchen has arranged for a photo-journalist to cover the event. Mark volunteered to ride down on the bus with the soldiers. CLOSED
Cecil read a letter from the NCOA and presented a sponsorship check for $6000 for Fishing for Freedom. He reiterated that we need to hire a professional PR person and provide event results and PR stories immediately following the event. CLOSED
New Business:
George handed out Texas BASS Federation Nation insurance forms. The free coverage for accidental death or dismemberment increased to $2500. FYI
Tournament Director's Report
Mike announced the winners of the September tournament on Belton and Stillhouse: Bob was third, Dan second and Mike R. was first with big bass.
Mike announced times for the October tournament on Choke. It will be a one day event following the Fishing for Freedom event and times on Sunday are 7:15 to 3:00 with weigh in at the Calliham Unit.
Mike motioned and Carolyn seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:52PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 September Minutes
Called to order at 7:03PM
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Jason LaQuey, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Bob Meder, Mike Robbins, Dan and Cathy Leach, Randy Christensen, Adam Johanson and Mark Lachenauer.
The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. Motioned by Randy; seconded by Bob.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $4089.15. There is $718.79 in the charity fund, making the club's working capital $3370.36. Motioned by Dan; seconded by Randy.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction brought in about $1600 even though the number of people attending and number of items for auction were down. We will have to see if there are enough funds in the Treasury to totally support the Top 6 team. CLOSED
George reported on the Texas BASS Federation Nation President's meeting that he attended. The State Presidents voted to raise State affiliation dues by $2.00 making it $20 per year. The National Federation unilaterally raised their affiliation dues to $30. The breakout now is State dues $20, National dues $30, Quality dues $5 for a total of $55 annual membership fees (plus BASS affiliation fees). George also announced that BASS will discontinue Casting for Kids at the national level. The State is also talking about a Top 40 event that would be one event instead of several regional events. Finally, the State is holding a Skeeter boat raffle. For every $5 raffle ticket sold by a club member, Quality Bass Club gets $1.50. This will help raise additional funds for the club. CLOSED
New Business:
Fishing for Freedom VI. Alamo Cement donated $500 towards the event and Army Anglers continue to provide donations. Need everyone to plan on attending and helping with the event. OPEN
Mark suggested getting servicemember's unit or base information and providing a public affairs story specific to that individual to his base or unit. We have members of Defense Media Agency associated with the club, so they may be able to provide assistance. FYI
Tournament Director's Report
Mike announced the results of the August tournament on Amistad: Bob Meder was third, Mike Robbins second and Stefan Brooks was first. Mike Kinchen had big bass with a 7.92.
Mike announced tournament times for the September tournament on Belton and Stillhouse. Saturday on Belton times will be 6:45 to 3:00 with weigh in at Temple Park and Sunday on Stillhouse Hollow times will be 6:45 to 2:00 with weigh in at Dana Peak Park.
Jason motioned and Randy seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 August Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Bob Meder, Mike Robbins, Mike Kinchen, Dan and Cathy Leach, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Randy Christensen, Dave Stewart and Cecil Newberry. Guest Mark Lachenauer
The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. Motion by Jason seconded by Cal.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2436.95. There remains $404.77 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
The State Youth Director contacted Travis and he attended the youth camp. FYI
New Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction coming up and Stefen is in charge. He will coordinate with club members. Lyla motioned and Cal seconded to expend $50 of club funds to purchase Texas lottery tickets as the raffle grand prize. The vote passed. Cal said he will donate the fish and he and Lyla will provide the cole slaw. Stefen asked everyone to show up at 2:00PM to start setting up. OPEN
Cecil announced that he attended the NCOA convention and presented them with a shadow box and CD from Fishing For Freedom V. The club needed the exposure to ensure continued support. He also recommended that we ensure that we provide a timely Thank You after our next event to keep their support. We should pay for professional PR. CLOSED
George announced that he will attend the state federation nation Presidents' meeting. One of the topics is raising dues. He will represent the club with the club's best interest in mind. OPEN
Mark Lachenauer presented himself to the club for membership. The club voted him in. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report
Mike R. announced the results of the July tournament on Ivie: Bob Meder 3rd, Jason LaQuay 2nd with big bass and Mike Robbins was first.
Mike announced times for the August tournament on Amistad. It will be a split on Saturday, 6:00AM til noon with weigh in at Box Canyon, 6:00PM til 8:30PM with weigh in at Diable East and Sunday 6:00AM til noon with weigh in at Box Canyon.
Cal motioned and Stefen seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:30PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 July Minutes
Called to order at 7:02PM.
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Bob Meder, Mike Robbins, Mike Kinchen, Dan & Cathy Leach, Randy Christensen, Dave Stewart and Troy Stinson.
The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. Motioned by Cathy seconded by Robert Dunlap.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2414.85. $404.77 remains in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Cathy contacted SAPCA and they indicated that they had carried over our sponsorship from previous years on the flyer, but they will contact us in the future for a donation to support their tournament. We will not be charged or asked to donate for this year's event. No official breakout of monies was provided. CLOSED
Dan will print dinner tickets and bring them along with raffle tickets to the Ivie tournament. He will also put the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction flyer on the home page so club members can download it. CLOSED
New Business:
Cal mentioned that the Texas Bass Federation State Directors and Club Presidents' meeting will held in Austin on August 15th (at Dave and Busters). That is the same date as our club tournament on Amistad. FYI
Robert Dunlap expressed concern that the State Youth Director had not replied to his queries about the Youth camp BASS application that was submitted for Travis. He will continue to try to contact the Director. FYI
Stefen advised everyone of a tournament that is being conducted on Ivie on Sunday during our club tournament weekend. Anyone wishing to fish both events can take their fish from our club weigh in and take them to the benefit tournament weigh in. A flyer for the event is on the home page. FYI
Tournament Director's Report
Mike announced the winners of the June tournament on Choke - Troy was third, Jason second and Robert Dunlap first. Dan had big bass.
Tournament times on Ivie for the July tournament were announced as Saturday 6:00-12:00 and back out in the evening 7:00-9:00 and Sunday 6:00-12:00. Weigh in will be at Elm Creek.
Mike reminded everyone of the lake exemptions to State fish harvest regulations for Ivie. All smallmouth bass must be 18" and only three may be kept. Only two largemouth bass may be kept under 18" and the club requires that they be a minimum of 14". Three largemouth over 18" may be kept. Total of all blackbass can be 5 fish.
Bob motioned and Dave seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:25PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 June Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Bob Meder, Mike Robbins, Mike Kinchen, Dan Leach, Randy Christensen, Dave Stewart, Troy Stinson, Michael Maxwell and Tom Piasecki. Guest: Cody Roberson.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2332.55. There is $404.77 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
There was no old business. Tabled item remained tabled.
New Business:
George reminded everyone to start beating the bushes for sponsors and support for the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. OPEN
Cody Roberson from Army Bass Anglers spoke to the club and provided an overview of Army Bass Anglers and also pledged support to Quality Bass Club efforts for Fishing for Freedom events. FYI
Tournament Director's Report
Mike R announced the winners of the May tournament on Falcon - Stefen was third, Robert Dunlap second and Jason was first with big bass.
Mike announced times for the June tournament on Choke - Saturday 6:00-2:00 and Sunday 6:00-1:00 with weigh in at Calliham.
Stefen motioned and Robert Dunlap seconded to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at 7:25.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 May Minutes
Called to order at 7:05PM.
Members present: Robert Divin, Chris Peel, Stefen Brooks, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Bob Meder, Cliff Ash, Mike Kinchen, Dan Leach, Randy Christensen, Dave Stewart, Ruben Arevalos, Troy Stinson and Adam Johanson.
The minutes were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2845.57. There is $404.77 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Information from the SAPCA was not provided because Cathy wasn't present at the meeting. TABLED
George is continuing to work Fishing for Freedom VI efforts and members were asked to keep soliciting sponsors and supporters.
Troy delivered the QBC shirts and hats. Shirts will sell for $15 and hats for $10. CLOSED
As a follow up to the information Mike Kinchen presented about the proposed lead ban, Mike presented the Bass Times article that retracts the proposed ban. FYI
New Business:
No new business was presented.
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the April tournament on Amistad: Stefen was third, Bob second and Bryan first. Ruben had big bass.
Stefen announced the times for the May tournament on Falcon: Saturday 6:30-3:00 with weigh in at State Park and Sunday 6:30-1:00 with weigh in at County ramp.
Jason motioned to adjourn, seconded by Randy. Adjourned at 7:20PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 April Minutes
Called to order at 7:02PM
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Mike Robbins, Bob Meder, Cliff Ash, Mike Kinchen, Dan & Cathy Leach, Leo & Carolyn Pauley, Randy Christensen, Dave Stewart, Ruben Arevalos, Bryan Scarberry, Clendon Taylor, Cecil Newberry and Adam Johanson.
The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved as read. Motion by Mike Robbins/second by Dave.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2888.22. There remains $404.77 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
George is continuing efforts to organize Fishing For Freedom VI. He will assign responsibilities to club members to assist him. OPEN
New Business:
Cathy mentioned that the San Antonio Pest Control Association tournament has been changed and conflicts with our club tournament weekend. She also mentioned that SAPCA didn't coordinate with us this year for sponsorship. There was some discussion on how the club sponsorship money is used (what percent to the Autistic Treatment Center and what percent to the SAPCA scholarship fund). She was asked to contact SAPCA to clarify these issues. OPEN
Mike Kinchen informed everyone of the impending ban on lead in National Parks which would include fishing weights and lures. He sent a letter to the Secretary of Interior on behalf of all club members. The State web site also has information and a letter template that club members can send to voice their opinion and stop the ban of lead in National Parks. FYI
Dan announced that he had submitted the quarterly report to the South Region and paid for the internet hosting account for the web site. He will get with Lyla to be reimbursed. FYI
Tournament Director's Report
Mike announced the winners of the March tournament on Choke. Troy was third with 16.99, Stefen was second with 17.01 and Dave Stewart was first with 21.40 pounds. Cal had big bass with a 6.11.
Mike announced times for the April tournament on Amistad - Saturday 7:00-3:00 and Sunday 7:00-2:00 with weigh in at Diablo East.
At this year's Top 6 at which Quality placed 29th out of 44 bass clubs, they announced that the 2010 State Championship will either be at Lake Ray Roberts or Belton Lake.
Carolyn motioned and Randy seconded to adjorn. The meeting adjorned at 7:26PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 March Minutes
Called to order at 7:01PM.
Members Present: (Every member except Adam) George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Travis Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Mike Robbins, Bob Meder, Cliff Ash, Mike Kinchen, Dan & Cathy Leach, Leo & Carolyn Pauley, Robert Divin, Chris Peel, Randy Christensen, Tom Piasecki, Dave Stewart, Troy Stinson, Ruben Arevalos, Bryan Scarberry, Clendon Taylor, Cecil Newberry and Luke Simpson. Guest: Michael Maxwell
The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved as amended. Motion by Chris/second by Leo.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4561.38. There is $404.77 in the charity fund.
Old Business:   George has contacted TPWD and established Saturday, October 17th as the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. The club tounrament scheduled for that weekend will be a one day event on Sunday. He encouraged everyone to talk to potential sponsors to donate to the cause. Approximately $3000 is in a Fishing for Freedom account. Dan is to write a letter to ask for donations. This is besides the one for the annual Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. OPEN    George is also finalizing the thank you letters and momentos for the Fishin For Freedom V event. CLOSED   Troy presented the prices for hats and shirts and took orders. Cecil motioned that the club purchase the hats and shirts and members buy from the club. New members will be provided a club hat. The vote passed. CLOSED   New Business:
Lyla made a motion that the Top 6 team be given $15/day per diem for the State torunament. The vote did not pass. Carolyn motioned that the Top 6 team be given $20/day per diem for six days. The vote passed. CLOSED    Michael Maxwell presented himself to the club for membership. George motioned and Stefen seconded to allow membership. The vote passed. CLOSED    Tournament Director's Report
Mike announced the results of the February tournament on Falcon: third with 28.32 pounds was Tom Piasecki, second with 35.02 and big bass of 8.07 pounds was Robert Dunlap and first place with 36.66 pounds was Mike Robbins.
Mike announced March tournament times on Choke as Saturday 7:30-3:00 and Sunday 7:30-2:00 with weigh in at Calliham.
Bob motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn the meeting. Meeting adjourned at 7:28PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2009 February Minutes
Called to order at 7:01.
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Jason LaQuey,Robert Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Mike Robbins, Bob Meder, Cliff Ash, Mike Kinchen, Adam Johanson, Randy Christensen, Tom Piasecki, Dave Stewart and Luke Simpson.
The January minutes were read and approved as read. Motioned by Dave Stewart and seconded by Jason LaQuey.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4609.87. There is $404.77 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
George continues to work on letters of appreciation for Fishing for Freedom V; has shadow boxes for Valero, Texas Parks and Wildlife, and NCOA. OPEN
Troy showed samples of hats and shirts at the January meeting. He is investigating pricing and will report back. OPEN
George reported on plans for Fishing for Freedom VI. He is asking BAMC to let patients that cannot go on the water to attend an on land picnic only event. OPEN
Lyla bought and delivered trophies for the 2008 top anglers. Trophies were presented to Top Six: Jason LaQuey, Mike Robbins, Cal Bienhoff, Robert Dunlap, Stefen Brooks, and Mike Kinchen. Big Bass: Cecil Newberry. Sportsman of the Year: Mike Robbins. CLOSED.
New Business:
Perspective members Rubin Arevalos and Travis Dunlap introduced themselves and expressed desire to join the club. Membership present voted unanimously to accept them as new members. CLOSED.
Mike Robbins proposed that the club take on a conservation project to save used fishing line and turn it into Academy for recycling. Mike said that members could bring line to the meeting or to a tournament and give to him; he said that he turn it in for recycling. Mike Kinchen seconded the motion. Club voted and motion carried. CLOSED.
Tournament Director's Report:
Mike Robbins announced the winners of the January tournament at Fayette: 3rd Adam 24.75 lbs; 2nd Bryan Scarberry 27.19 lbs; and 1st place Stephen Brooks (with heaviest pencil) 27.63 lbs. Big Bass tie: Lyla Bienhoff, Bryan Scarberry and Bob Meder 5.25 lbs.
Mike R announced times for the Falcon tournament. Saturday will be 7:00 to 3:00 and Sunday will be 7:00 to 2:00 with weigh in at the County ramp.
Dave S motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Cliff A. Meeting adjourned at 7:25 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Mike Kinchen, acting Secretary and Vice President
2009 January Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Cecil Newberry, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, Bob Meder, Cliff Ash, Mike Kinchen, Adam Johanson, Randy Christensen, Chris Peel, Rober Divin, Tom Piasecki, Troy Stinson and Dave Stewart.
The December minutes were read and approved as amended. Motioned by Mike K. and seconded by Stefen.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4976.14. There is $404.77 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
George is still working on letters of appreciation for Fishing for Freedom V. OPEN
Troy showed samples of hats and shirts that the club could purchase. He will investigate pricing and report back. OPEN
George expressed the club's thanks to Dan and Cathy for opening their house for the December meeting and holiday meal. FYI
New Business:
George asked if the club was interested in sponsoring another Fishing for Freedom event. The club confirmed they want to conduct another event and George will begin working on Fishing for Freedom VI. OPEN
Lyla will coordinate on purchasing trophies for the 2008 top anglers. OPEN
Mike Robbins presented the proposed 2009 tournament schedule. The club voted to accept the schedule. The schedule is posted on the QBC web site. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Mike and Cal conducted the draw for the January tournament on Fayette.
Mike announced times for the Fayette tournament. Saturday will be 7:00 to 3:00 and Sunday will be 7:00 to 1:00 with weigh in at the Park Prairie Park ramp.
Cecil motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Stefen. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
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