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2008 December Minutes
Meeting called to order at 8:18PM after club members enjoyed a 'pot luck' Christmas dinner
Members present: George Barnes, Jason LaQuey, Leo & Carolyn Pauley, Stefen Brooks, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, Randy Christenson, Adam Johanson, Mike Kinchen, Dan & Cathy Leach, Luke Simpson, Cal & Lyla Bienhoff, Troy Stinson, Chris Peel, and Robert Divin.
The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. After purchasing the bicycles and helmets for the Angel Tree and paying out November and December tournaments, the current balance in the treasury is $5052.14. The charity fund was recalculated to reflect income from the 2008 Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction and purchase of bikes and now equals $404.77.
Old Business:
Letters of Appreciation for Fishing for Freedom volunteers remains open. OPEN
The proposed by-law change was voted on. It did not pass. CLOSED
Troy Stinson brought a new Quality Bass Club banner. He will check into club hats and shirts. OPEN
New Business:
Troy Stinson motioned and Randy Christensen seconded to move the January tournament from Fayette to Amistad. The vote did not pass. CLOSED
Bryan Scarberry motioned and Robert Dunlap seconded to move the January tournament on Fayette from the 17th and 18th to the next weekend the 24th and 25th. The vote passed. CLOSED
Mike Kinchen introduced a prospective new member, Cliff. After a brief introduction the club voted to accept Cliff into the club. The vote passed. CLOSED.
The club voted on the 2009 club officers. Results were: President - George Barnes Vice President - Mike Kinchen Secretary - Dan Leach Treasurer - Lyla Bienhoff Sergeant at Arms - Clendon Taylor Members at Large - Robert Divin and Bob Meder Tournament Director - Mike Robbins Tournament Committee - Cal Bienhoff, Stefen Brooks, Robert Divin and Rober Dunlap Sportsman of the Year - Mike Robbins
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the November tournament on Choke: Troy Stinson was third, Robert Divin second and Luke Simpson was first. Cecil Newberry had big bass.
Stefen announced the winners of the December tournament on Falcon: Robert Dunlap was third, Cecil Newberry second with big bass and Mike Kinchen was first.
Stefen announced the Angler of the Year and Top Six results: Mike Kinchen was sixth, Stefen Brooks fifth, Rober Dunlap fourth, Cal Bienhoff third, Mike Robbins second and Angler of the Year was Jason LaQuey. Cecil Newberry had big bass for the year.
Dan motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting adjourned at 9:06PM
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2008 November Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:07PM
Members present: George Barnes, Jason LaQuey, Mike Robbins, Leo & Carolyn Pauley, Stefen Brooks, Clendon Taylor, Randy Christenson, Adam Johanson, Mike Kinchen, Dan & Cathy Leach, Luke Simpson, Cal & Lyla Bienhoff, Chris Peel, and Robert Divin. Guest: Troy Stinson.
The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $5339.41. There is currently $190.81 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
George announced the Fishing for Freedom event was another successful event and thanks all volunteers and contributors. He also read a letter from Major Cody Roberson of Army Bass Anglers who is currently deployed to Iraq. Mike Kinchen recommended the club provide letters of appreciation to volunteers. George will investigate. OPEN
Mike K presented a proposed by-law change that would formalize the Tournament Committee's responsiblity to deconflict QBC tournaments with Texas BASS Federation Nation tournaments. The proposed change is:
Article IV - Standing Committees, Item d. Add "The Tournament Committee will draft the annual club tournament schedule so as not to conflict with the Texas Federation Nation South Region tournament schedule and the scheduled annual State Top Six Championship tournament. The draft tournament schedule must then be approved by the general membership." The proposed change will be voted on at the December meeting. OPEN
New Business:
Troy Stinson was presented as a prospective new member. After a brief introduction, Dan motioned and Cathy seconded to allow Troy membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Nominations for 2009 QBC officers. Cathy motioned and Randy seonded that all current officers except Treasurer remain intact. The vote did not pass. The following nominations were made:
Elections will be held at the December meeting.
The December club meeting will be held at Dan and Cathy Leach's house. The club will furnish the meat (turkey and ham) and members are asked to bring dishes. Cathy will coordinate what's neeted and Dan will open a discussion thread on the QBC Discussion Board. Dan will also provide a map to their house on the QBC web page. CLOSED
Cathy asked about the club's support for the Angel Tree project. The club decided to support the Angel Tree at Ingram Mall and purchase six bicycles (3 boys and 3 girls). Carolyn said she would handle. CLOSED
Robert Divin thought the club should do more toward club visibility. After a brief discussion, we'll look into purchasing a new club banner and reorder club hats and shirts. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the October tournament on Amistad: Stefen was third, Clendon second and Mike Robbins was first. Luke had big bass.
Stefen announced the winners of the September tournament on Choke: Chris was third, Cal second and Stefen was first with big bass./p>
Tournament times for the November tournament on Choke are 6:45-3:00 on Saturday and 6:45-1:00 Sunday with weigh in at Calliham.
Tournament times for the December tournament on Falcon are 6:45-3:00 on Saturday and 6:45-1:00 Sunday with weigh in at County ramp.
Dan motioned and Carolyn seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:50PM
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2008 October Minutes
Called to order at 7:00 PM
Members present: George Barnes, Jason LaQuey, Mike Robbins, Leo/Carolyn Pauley, Stefen Brooks, Robert Dunlap, Mike Kinchen, Cecil Newberry, Bob Meder, Luke Simpson, Cal/Lyla Bienhoff, Chris Peel, and Robert Divin.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Current balance in the treasury is $5078.21. There is currently $190.81 in the charity fund..
Old Business:
Fishing For Freedom -- George updated the club on preparation for the FFF tournament. Cecil discussed that the NCOA is looking for a senior NCO to speak at the event. George visited the Universal City bass club and they pledged support with boaters. He said that we have 19 rods and 3 reels for prizes. He said the Army Bassmaster Club will provide five boaters. He encouraged all participants to bring sunscreen lotion for the injured warriors going out. He also asked all QBC members helping with the tournament to be in place by 6:30 a.m. to help with setup. OPEN
Proposed tournament rules changes were presented for vote. Following are results of the vote. CLOSED
Proposed rule 5. CARRIED
5. SAFETY: Life vests must be worn and fastened when the outboard engine is in use. Running/navigational lights will be on until sunrise. Any person deemed under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be disqualified from the tournament.
Proposed rule 13. CARRIED
13. TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: The Tournament Committee will consist of the Tournament Director and four assistants. The Director, or designated acting Director, is responsible for weighing all fish. Upon reasonable request, he will measure fish to confirm length. The assistants will aid in weighing and measuring fish, recording weights, collecting tournament fees, and settling grievances/disputes, as required. The Committee’s decisions on grievances/disputes are final.
Proposed rule 14. DID NOT CARRY
14. PAPER TOURNAMENTS: All paper tournaments must be a draw format. Partners will measure and verify their partners's fish. Scoring sheets for paper tournaments is located in attachment 1.
Proposed rule 15. CARRIED
15. PROTESTS: Protests on any rulings must be submitted to the Director, or Acting Director, in writing, within 15 minutes of weigh-in.
New Business:
Robert Divin opened discussion on conflict of QBC tournament schedule with federation South Division tournament schedule. After much discussion no proposal was made pending review of QBC by-laws. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen said that the September tournament was postponed until this month and would be held in conjunction with the Fishing For Freedom event, the next day on the 26th from 0700 to 1400 with weigh in at Calliham.
The regularly scheduled October tournament at Amistad will go on as planned, with weigh in at Diablo East. Sat 0700 to1515 and on Sun 0700 to 1400.
Carolyn motioned and George seconded to adjourn at 8:10 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Mike Kinchen, Vice President
2008 September Minutes
Called to order at 7:02PM
Members present: George Barnes, Jason LaQuey, Adam Johanson, Mike Robbins, Dan and Cathy Leach, Carolyn Pauley, Stefen Brooks, Robert Dunlap, Mike Kinchen, Cecil Newberry and Bob Meder. Guest Luke Simpson.
The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Gross income from the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction came to $2491.76. Current balance in the treasury is $5078.21. Carolyn is waiting to deduct expenditures and then the 20% earmark for charities will be calculated. There is currently $190.81 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Cathy reiterated that she needs information from club members so that thank you letters can be sent out to sponsors. CLOSED
Dick's Sporting Goods still has not officially provided consent for using their meeting room. Cathy checked with the owner/manager of the Casa Real Restaurant and he offered their meeting room for the club for no fee. Cathy motioned and Cecil seconded to move the meeting to Casa Real. The vote passed. A map to Casa Real (6844 Ingram Rd) will be posted on the QBC web site. The October meeting will be held at Casa Real. CLOSED
George stated all is going well for planning for the Fishing For Freedom event scheduled for 25 October on Choke. Cecil read a letter from the NCOA expressing their desire to support the event and gave a check for $6000 from the NCOA. George will continue to line things up and keep members informed on how things are going via email. OPEN
Stefen reviewed the proposed tournament rules changes and presented them in writing as required. They will be voted on at the October meeting. OPEN
Current rule 5. 5. SAFETY: Life vests must be worn and fastened when the outboard engine is in use and the boat is on plane. Any person deemed under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be disqualified from the tournament. Proposed rule 5. 5. SAFETY: Life vests must be worn and fastened when the outboard engine is in use. Running/navigational lights will be on until sunrise. Any person deemed under the influence of alcohol or drugs will be disqualified from the tournament.
Current rule 13. 13. TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: The Tournament Committee will consist of the Tournament Director and four assistants. The Director is responsible for weighing all fish. Upon reasonable request, he will measure fish to confirm length. The assistants will aid in weighing and measuring fish, recording weights, collecting tournament fees, and settling grievances/disputes, as required. The Committee’s decisions on grievances/disputes are final. Proposed rule 13. 13. TOURNAMENT COMMITTEE: The Tournament Committee will consist of the Tournament Director and four assistants. The Director, or designated acting Director, is responsible for weighing all fish. Upon reasonable request, he will measure fish to confirm length. The assistants will aid in weighing and measuring fish, recording weights, collecting tournament fees, and settling grievances/disputes, as required. The Committee’s decisions on grievances/disputes are final.
Current rule 14. 14. PAPER TOURNAMENTS: All paper tournaments must be a draw format. Scoring sheets for paper tournaments is located in attachment 1. Proposed rule 14. 14. PAPER TOURNAMENTS: All paper tournaments must be a draw format. Partners will measure and verify their partners's fish. Scoring sheets for paper tournaments is located in attachment 1.
Current rule 15. 15. PROTESTS: Protests on any rulings must be submitted to the Director, in writing, within 15 minutes of weigh-in. Proposed rule 15. 15. PROTESTS: Protests on any rulings must be submitted to the Director, or Acting Director, in writing, within 15 minutes of weigh-in.
New Business:
Carolyn motioned and Robert Dunlap seconded to move this month's tournament due to Hurricane Ike. It was proposed to postpone the tournament until October 26th, the day after the Fishing for Freedom event. The vote passed. CLOSED
George introduced a prospective new member Luke Simpson. After a brief introduction George motioned and Dan seconded to allow Luke membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the August tournament on Amistad: Lyla was third, Jason second with big bass and Mike Robbins was first.
Due to the September tournament being postponed, no tournament times were announced. Next tournament times will be announced at the October meeting.
Cathy motioned and Robert D. seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 8:05PM
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2008 August Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM
Members present: George Barnes, Randy Christensen, Jason LaQuey, Adam Johanson, Mike Robbins, Dan and Cathy Leach, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Stefen Brooks, Robert Dunlap, Mike Kinchen, Bryan Scarberry, Clendon Taylor, Cecil Newberry, Bob Meder and Tom Piasecki. Guests Randy and Leslie Johnson.
The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2847.55. There remains $190.81 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
George and Mike K visited Dick's Sporting Goods to ask about support for our Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction, the Fishing for Freedom event and inquired about the club meeting there. They said the individuals they spoke to thought it would be okay to use their facility and it would be free but they would confirm that. Bryan motioned and Dan seconded to move the meeting to Dick's. The vote did not pass. Carolyn motioned and Leo seconded to table the item until the club receives firm word that Dick's is available to us. The vote passed. TABLED
Cathy reminded everyone that the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction is coming up in two weeks. Everyone was asked to show up to set up at 3:00PM. Serving will begin at 5:00PM. Final arrangements were discussed. CLOSED
George confirmed October 25th as the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. Planning is going well. Cecil mentioned that the NCOA is not only sending a representative, but also plans on accompanying the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force. Plans are ongoing. OPEN
New Business:
Dan introduced two prospective new members, Randy and Leslie Johnson. After a brief introduction, Dan motioned and Bryan seconded to allow them membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Mike K reported on the Texas Bass Federation Nation Club Presidents meeting he and George attended. The Federation Nation web page has slides and details. FYI
Stefen went over the Tournament Rules and suggested some changes. He will e-mail the proposed changes so that they can be voted on at the next meeting. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the July tournament on Buchanan: Dan Leach was third, Mike Kinchen second and Mike Robbins was first. Clendon Taylor had big bass.
Stefen announced the times for the August tournament on Amistad as (split) 6:45AM to 11:00AM and 5:30PM to 8:30PM on Saturday and 6:45AM to 11:30AM on Sunday with weigh in at Diablo East. This tournament will impose a three fish limit as a measure to help reduce stress on fish in the summer months.
Cecil motioned and Leo seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:57PM
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2008 July Minutes
Called to order at 7:02PM
Members present: George Barnes, Randy Christensen, Jason LaQuey, Adam Johanson, Mike and Irene Robbins, Dan and Cathy Leach, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Stefen Brooks, Robert Dunlap, Steve Utz, Mike Kinchen, Rusty Wright, Jeremy Wright, Bryan Scarberry, Clendon Taylor and Mark Samaniego. Guest Carlos Sanchez.
The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2763.75. $190.81 remains in the charity fund.
George announced that Josh Iltis, a Quality Youth Bass Club member, placed first at the State youth tournament and then went on to place third at the regional event in South Dakota. Way to go, Josh! FYI
George also announced that the Acadiana Cafe manager informed him that a minimum gratuity of $35 was a requirement for using the meeting room. A discussion ensued on how to collect the money and whether we should look for alternative locations to meet that don't impose a fee. Alternatives will be investigated. OPEN
Old Business:
Cathy clarified whether the $400 Stefen and Robert Divin had pledged to donate was going to be 'free and clear' or if it carried with it a requirement to cook and deliver fish fry plates to an alternative location other than McCombs Ford. After discussing with Stefen, it was agreed that rather than cook and deliver the food to an alternate location, a percentage of their pledge would go directly to a worthy charity such as the Baptist Children's Home or Medina Children's Home. Irene motioned and Dan seconded to donate 20% of the $400 to the charity. The vote passed. OPEN
Cal didn't have any specific updates to the upcoming Fishing for Freedom event, other than to request that Carolyn head up the kitchen crew and investigate the cost to cater the event. OPEN
New Business:
Mark and Will (in abstentia) who attended last month's meeting and fished last month's tournament requested membership. Dan motioned and Stefen seconded to allow them membership. The vote passed. Carlos Sanchez introduced himself to the club and expressed interest in joining. Dan motioned and Cathy seconded to allow him membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Irene Robbins motioned and Mike Kinchen seconded that the club purchase a congratulations card and a $50 gift certificate from Academy Sports and Outdoors to present to Josh Iltis for his outstanding achievements at the State and Regional youth tournaments. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the June tournament on Choke: Mike Robbins was third, Dan Leach second and Jason LaQuey was first and also had big bass.
Stefen announced the times for the July tournament on Buchanan as 6:15AM to 3:00PM on Saturday and 6:15AM to 1:00PM on Sunday with weigh in at Llano County/Blackrock Park. Park information and directions can be found here.
Cathy recommended that club members get together for a BBQ Saturday evening. All members are invited. FYI
Dan motioned and Stefen seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:45PM
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2008 June Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM
Members present: George Barnes, Randy Christensen, Jason LaQuey, Adam Johanson, Mike Robbins, Dan and Cathy Leach, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Stefen Brooks, Cecil Newberry, Robert Dunlap, Steve Utz, Mike Kinchen, Rusty Wright, Jeremy Wright, Joe Konchan and Bob Meder. Guests Tara Christensen, Marques, Will and Mark.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. Motioned by Stefen and seconded by Leo.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2536.85. There is $190.81 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Cathy announced that Stefen Brooks and Robert Divin had committed to make up the $400 that the additional 100 food plates would have brought in. She also announced that she will bring flyers, raffle tickets and meal tickets to the next meeting. Continue to drum up sponsors. OPEN
Cal confirmed October 25th as the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. Valero is working on the t-shirts The date conflicts with the South Texas championship on Amistad and the OPEC tournament on Falcon, but we should still have sufficient boaters to take the soldiers out fishing. OPEN
New Business:
Lyla reminded everyone about the article in the BASS Times that stressed that club members ensure they keep their boat insurance current. Not having insurance could jeopardize the club, the State Federation Nation and BASS. FYI
Three prospective new members, Marques, Will and Mark, introduced themselves to the club. They decided to fish a tournament as guests before committing to join the club. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the May tournament on Choke: Cecil was third with big bass and Jason LaQuey and Robert Dunlap tied for first place. Money and points were split.
Stefen announced the times for the tournament on June 14th and 15th on Choke as 6:30AM to 3:00PM on Saturday and 6:30AM to 1:00PM on Sunday with weigh in at Calliham.
Stefen motioned and Cecil seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:29PM
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2008 May Minutes
Called to order at 7:00PM
Members present: George Barnes, Randy Christensen, Jason LaQuey, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, Adam Johanson, Mike and Irene Robbins, Dan and Cathy Leach, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Stefen Brooks, Cecil Newberry, Robert Dunlap, Steve Utz, and Dave Stewart. Guests Pat Barnes, Rusty Wright, Jeremy Wright, Gary Konchan and Joe Konchan.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Stefen and seconded by Robert.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2363.55. There is $190.81 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Cathy reminded everyone to beat the bushes for the fish fry, raffle and auction to get sponsors. Dan announced that McCombs Ford West has pulled their support for the 100 lunch plates. There was some discussion about changing the raffle 'grand prize' from scratch off lottery tickets to gas gift cards. Consensus seemed to be that the potential for winning money with the scratch offs outweighed the fixed amount that would be provided on the gift card. Everyone was asked to think about ways to make up for the lost $400 income that the lunch plates would have brought in. OPEN
Cal confirmed October 25th as the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. TPWD has waived license requirements for the soldiers and park enty fees for all participants. He is continuing to work with sponsors. OPEN
Cal presented plaques for the 2007 Top Six, Sportsman of the Year and Big Bass. FYI
New Business:
Leo questioned whether the club should change the location of the May tournament based upon gas prices. After some discussion, Cecil motioned and Bryan seconded to change the May tournament to Choke Canyon. The vote passed. CLOSED
Three prospective new members, Joe Konchan, Rusty Wright and Jeremy Wright, introduced themselves to the club and expressed interest in joining. All were voted into the club. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the April tournament on Amistad: Mike Robbins was third, Cal Bienhoff second and Adam Johanson was first. Carolyn Pauley got big bass with her 7.73 pounder.
Stefen announced the times for the tournament on May 17th and 18th on Choke as 6:45AM to 3:00PM on Saturday and 6:45AM to 1:00PM on Sunday with weigh in at Caliham.
Cecial motioned and Robert seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:27PM
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2008 April Minutes
1. Called to order by Stefen Brooks at 7:15PM.
2. Cal B. made a motion to spend $250.00 for Trophies for end of year 2007. Motion seconded and
3. Stefen Brooks made motion to award 5 meeting points to the folks at top 6, motion seconded and carried.
4. New member Randy Christiansen was introduced, motion was made and seconded to admit Randy as a member.
5. Tournament at Amistad is 19 & 20 April, with weigh in at Diablo East.
Saturday 7:15 to 3:30
Sunday 7:15 to 1:00
6. Lyla made motion to adjourn and seconded at 7:36PM
Notes taken by: Cal Bienhoff
2008 March Minutes
Called to order at 7:02 PM.
Members Present: Stefen Brooks, Cecil Newberry, Jason LaQuey, Bryan Scarberry, Clendon Taylor, Robert Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Marcus Mlcak, Mike Robbins, Bob Meder, Steven Utz and Dave Stewart. Guest Adam Johanson.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Carolyn and seconded by Bryan.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $5007.98. There is $190.81 in the charity fund.
Old Business: Cathy announced the date for the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction as August 23rd. "Beg letters" are available for download on the Quality web site. She said Dan will check with McCombs Ford West to se if they will support again this year. OPEN   Cal had no immediate update for the Fishing for Freedom event, but wanted to leave the item open. OPEN
New Business:
Mike Robbins requested the Top Six State tournament fees ($590.00). Dan motioned and Cal B. seconded to allot club funds for $20.00 per day per team member as per diem plus the motel bill. The vote passed. CLOSED
Dan presented information on the Hank Parker/Al Lindner Club Crashers program and asked club members to register at clubcrashers.com. FYI
Dan introduced Adam Johanson, a prospective new member. Adam introduced himself to the club and expressed interest in joining. Dan motioned and Bob Meder seconded to allow Adam membership. The vote passed. Although he was not present at the meeting, Tom Piasecki sent word that he was looking for a boating partner for the March tournament on Choke. FYI
Tournament Director's Report
Stefen announced the winners of the February tournament on Falcon: Stefen was third, Cecil second with big bass and Robert Dunlap was first with almost forty pounds over two days.
Stefen announced the times for the one day (Saturday) tournament on March 22nd on Choke as 7:15AM to 3:30PM with weigh in at Caliham.
Dan motioned and Leo seconded to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 7:17PM
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2008 February Minutes
Called to order at 7:02 PM.
Members present:
Stefen Brooks, Cecil Newberry, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Mike Kinchen, Steven Utz, Dave Stewart, and Marcus Mlcak.
The minutes were read and approved as amended. (Change balance in treasury to $5689.58) Motioned by Cecil N and seconded by Leo P.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4887.68. There is $190.81 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Sportsman Warehouse closed and club met at Acadiana restaurant. President George said that we could meet there through November. Cecil made motion that club meet at the Acadiana through November and Leo seconded the motion. Motion carried. (CLOSED)
New Business:
1. 2008 Fish Fry/Auction. George said that we need to get started early and get our beg letters out. He asked that the secretary post the letters on the web site. Leo nominated Cathy Leach to head the Fish Fry/Auction committee and Ceil seconded the motion. Motion carried. (OPEN)
2. Fishing For Freedom. Member Cal Bienhoff asked the club if they would like to sponsor the event again this year, President George asked for a show of hands and it was unanimous that we would sponsor the event again this year. Cal said that the tentative date is October 25th. He said that Velero and Daisy Tours would sponsor again and Cecil said that the NCOA would also be a sponsor. Cal volunteered to head the Fishing For Freedom committee. (OPEN)
Aaron “Bubba” Spivey, FOUNDER/PRESIDENT of the RedNeck Yacht Club spoke about the RNYC “where adventure awaits around each corner.” He promoted the Red Neck Yacht Club’s annual Spring Bass tournament at Medina Lake on March 8th and invited our club out participate in the event.
Tournament Director's Report:
Stefen announced the results of the January Fayette tournament. 3rd Place 17.13 lbs Mike Robbins, 2nd Place 18.6 lbs Jason LaQuey, and 1st Place 21.6 lbs Robert Dunlap. Big Bass 7.06 lbs Mike Kinchen.
Feb Tournament at Falcon: Saturday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. weigh in at State Park ramp and Sunday 7 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the County Ramp.
Cecil motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Leo. Meeting adjourned at 7:46 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Mike Kinchen Vice President and Acting Secretary
2008 January Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present:
Stefen Brooks, Cecil Newberry, Jason LaQuey, Bryan Scarberry, Robert Dunlap, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike and Irene Robbins, George Barnes, Bob Meder, Mike Kinchen, Cal Miller, Steven Utz and Dave Stewart. Guests Tom Piasecki and Marcus Mlcak.
The minutes were read and approved as amended. Motioned by Mike K. and seconded by Carolyn.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4853.58. There is $190.81 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Stefen presented the proposed schedule for the year to the club. After some discussion and alterations it was voted on ans approved. It is posted on the web site. CLOSED
New Business:
George announced that Sportsman's Warehouse is closing at the end of January and we will have to find a new place to meet. Several locations were recommended by club members. George will investigate, decide on a location for the February meeting, have the location posted on the web site and then have the membership vote at the February meeting. OPEN
Dan introduced two prospective new members, Tom Piasecki and Mrcus Mlcak. Both introduced themselves to the club and expressed interest in joining. Dan motioned and Cal Miller seconded to allow them membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Stefen conducted the draw for the January Tournament.
Stefen announced times for the Fayette tournament. Saturday will be 6:45 to 3:00 and Sunday will be 6:45 to 1:00 with weigh in at the Park Prairie Park ramp.
Cecil motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Dan. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
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