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2007 December Minutes
Meeting called to order at 8:15 PM
Members present: George Barnes, Stefen Brooks, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, Jason LaQuey, Steven Utz, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Mike Robbins, Bryan Scarberry, Bob Meder and Cal Miller. The club was joined by guests, spouses and friends. Everyone enjoyed a holiday meal prior to the meeting.
Minutes: The minutes of the November meeting were read and approved. Motioned by Mike Robbins and seconded by Bryan.
Treasurer's Report: The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $5474.58. The amount in the charitable kitty is $190.81.
Old Business:
The proposal that the club look for rental space was resolved without having to pay for the space. CLOSED
New Business:
George expressed his appreciation to club members for their support of the Casting for Kids, Fish Fry, Fishing for Freedom IV and all events the club was invovled in. Cal Bienhoff was especially thanked for coordinating and handling Fishing for Freedom IV. CLOSED.
Bryan Scarberry requested consideration for acquiring points for assembling the bicycles purchased for the Angel Tree project. The club approved that he would collect 10 points for this. CLOSED.
Cal has recorded points club members have acquired towards the club REPS system. Dan was asked to provide input to the regional and state federation for the points the club has acquired towards the state system. CLOSED
Four prospective new members were introduced. Dale Guillot, Becky Meder, Irene Robbins and Chris Peel. Each presented a quick self-introduction and then the club voted on them in one vote. They all were voted in. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal B announced tournament winners for the November tournament on Choke: Stefen Brooks was third, Cal Bienhoff second, and Mike Robbins was first. Robert Divin had big bass.
Cal B announced tournament winners for the December tournament on Falcon: Cathy Leach was third, Mike Robbins second and Bryan Scarberry was first with big bass.
Cal B announced the Top Six for 2007: sixth is Mike Kinchen, fifth is Jason LeQuey, fourth is Dan Leach, third is Cal Bienhoff, second is Bryan Scarberry and first, and Angler of the Year is Mike Robbins.
Meeting adjourned at 9:11 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 November Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:05 PM
Members present: Stefen Brooks, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, Jason LaQuey, Steven Utz, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Mike Robbins, Bryan Scarberry, Bob Meder and Dave Stewart.
Minutes: The minutes of the October meeting were read and approved. Motioned by Carolyn and seconded by Dave.
Treasurer's Report: The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4967.97. The amount in the charitable kitty is $430.00.
Old Business:
The proposal that tournaments not be held in July and August was discussed. It was determined that if the Tournament Committee presents such a schedule then the club can vote on it. No action was taken to amend by-laws or tournament rules to mandate restricting these months. CLOSED
New Business:
Cal expressed his appreciation to club members for their support of Fishing for Freedom IV. There were 40 GIs and 42 boaters. It was another big success. CLOSED.
Mike Robbins motioned to change the December tournament weekend from the second weekend to the first. That way club members can fish both the club tournament on Falcon and the Federation team tournament the next weekend at Amistad. Bryan seconded the motion. The vote passed. Dan will post the change on the club web site. CLOSED.
Nominations were taken for club officers. Voting will be held at the December meeting. Nominations were: President - Goerge Barnes and Stefen Brooks; Vice President - Mike Kinchen, Jason LaQuey and Cecil Newberry; Secretary - Dan Leach; Treasurer - Carolyn Pauley; Sergeant At Arms - Clendon Taylor. Voting for Tournament Director, Tournament Committee, Members at Large and Sportsman of the Year will be on the ballot and include all club members in good standing. CLOSED
Cal suggested renting a storage facility to keep club articles such as fish fry items, Fishing for Freedom items, Casting Kids gear, etc. The club decided to look for alternatives to paying for storage. OPEN
Cal motioned and Mike K. seconded to allow Cathy discretionary spending to purchase meat for the December meeting and Christmas party to be held at the Leach's. The vote passed. Dan will place a map to their house on the internet as well as a forum or evite to coordinate what dishes to be brought by club members. CLOSED.
Mike K motioned and Cal seconded to authorize Carolyn discretionary spending to purchase six bicycles (with helmets) to donate to the Angel Tree project. Since Gillespie Ford has been sold to McCombs Automotive, we need to check to see if McCombs will participate in the Angel Tree project or if we need to contact the Salvation Army to find an alternative location. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal B announced the winners of the October tournament on Amistad: Mike K was third, Robert Dunlap second and Cecil Newberry was first with big bass.
Cal B announced tournament times for the November tournament on Choke: Saturday will be 6:45-3:00 and Sunday 6:45-1:00. Weigh in at Calliham.
Cal B announced tournament times for the December tournament on Falcon: Saturday will be 6:45-3:00 and Sunday 6:45-1:00. Weigh in will be at the county ramp.
Mike Kinchen motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Dave Stewart. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 October Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:04 PM
Members present: George Barnes, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, Jason LaQuey, Steven Utz, Brian Wells, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, and Bob Meder.
Minutes: The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved. Motioned by Cal and seconded by Robert.
Treasurer's Report: The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4941.67. The amount in the charitable kitty is $430.00.
Old Business:
Fishing for Freedom event. Cal brought the club up to date on plans for the Fishing for Freedom event to be held November 3rd. All appears to be on track. CLOSED
Cecil motioned and Leo seconded to require club members wear club colors (t-shirt or hat) to club functions and fine those that don't a dollar. After some discussion and a show of hands the motion failed to carry. CLOSED
Cecil again proposed that tournaments not be held in July and August, but these two dates be made up another time of the year, either spring or fall. The discussion was tabled again for more research. OPEN
New Business:
George reminded everyone that next month nominations will be taken for club officers. The vote will be in December. CLOSED.
George asked if anyone wanted to host the December meeting and Christmas party. Dan and Cathy Leach volunteered their house. Directions will be on the Quality Bass Club website next month. CLOSED.
On Robert Divin's behalf, George brought up the possibility of changing the December tournament from Falcon to Amistad or changing it from the second weekend to the first weekend so members could fish the Federation Team tournament. After some discussion the issue died on the vine. CLOSED.
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal B announced the winners of the September tournament on Choke: Robert Divin was third with 12.01 lbs, Brian Wells was second with 19.14 lbs, and Cal Bienhoff was first and with 19.54 lbs. Mike Kinchen had big bass with a 5.68 lbs.
Cal B announced tournament times for the October tournament on Amistad: Saturday will be 7:15-3:00 and Sunday 7:15-1:00. Weigh in will be at Black Brush both days.
Carolyn motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Cathy. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 September Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:00 PM by Stefen Brooks, acting president.
Members present: Mike Kinchen, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Jason LaQuey, Stefen Brooks, Mike Hulett, Steven Utz, Brian Wells, Ben Smith, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, and Cal Miller.
Minutes: The minutes of the August meeting were read and approved. Motion by Stefan and seconded by Bryan.
Treasurer's Report: The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4260.67.
Old Business:
November 3rd will be the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. Cal announced that 7 a.m. is the time that all club members should be there to start setting up for the tournament. There are enough registered boat owners for the tournament without Quality Club members; there is no need for club members to bring their boats. Cecil said that the Corpus Christi Bass Club has offered to help Quality with the tournament; Cal said he would call and talk to the president of the club. OPEN.
New Business:
Visitor Steven Utz was voted in to be member of the club. Steve has a boat and has recently moved to San Antonio wants to go fishing. CLOSED.
Bryan made a motion to move Sep Tournament from Colleto to Choke and Cal seconded the motion. After some discussion the club voted and approved the change. Cecil recommend that absent club members be apprised of the change and Mike H agreed to send an email to all club members notifying them of the change. CLOSED.
Cecil proposed that club members wear the club colors (hats or shirts) to all club events including meetings to help publicize the club and that members should get points for wearing the colors; after some discussion, Robert D recommended that the discussion be tabled until the next meeting. OPEN.
Cecil proposed that the tournament rules be changed from monthly tournaments to not conducting tournaments during the summer months and to conduct double tournaments during the spring months. Club officers present were not sure if it would require a club constitution/by laws/or tournament rules change. It was agreed that the club secretary would look into what would be required to make the change and discussion was tabled until the next meeting. OPEN.
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal B announced the winners of the August tournament on Mathis: Mike Robbins was third with 3.55 lbs, Dan Leach was second with 4.04 lbs, and Bryan Wells was first and with 12.11 lbs and big bass 6.29 lbs.
Cal B announced tournament times for the Sep tournament on Choke: Saturday will be 6:45-3:00 and Sunday 6:45 -1:00. Weigh in will be at Calliham ramp.
Cecil motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Stefen. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Recorded under duress sitting in for Dan Leach, Secretary, Mike Kinchen, Club Member
2007 August Minutes
Called to order at 7:04 PM.
Members present:
George Barnes, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Hulett, Bob Meder, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Stefen Brooks, Mike Robbins, Brian Wells, Clendon Taylor and Bryan Scarberry.
The minutes of the July meeting were read and approved. Motion by Carolyn and seconded by Stefen B.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2757.39.
Old Business:
Dan confirmed with Gillespie Ford that they will support the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction by buying lunch plates. CLOSED
November 3rd will be the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. George received a letter from TPWD exempting participants from requiring fishing licenses and paying park entry fees. OPEN
New Business:
The annual fish fry and auction will be August 25th. Cecil will bring 25 pounds of filets. Dan motioned and Cathy seconded that the club allow Cal to buy the remaining fish and be reimbursed. The vote passed. Dan motioned and Bob Meder seconded that the club expend $50 to buy Texas lottery scratch off tickets for the raffle "grand prize". The vote passed. Leo announced that Cal Miller volunteered to be the auctioneer. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal announced the winners of the July tournament on Choke: Stephen Brooks was third, Mike Robbins second and Robert Divin was first with big bass.
Cal B announced tournament times for the August tournament on Mathis: Saturday will be 6:30-3:00 and Sunday 6:30-1:00. Weigh in will be at the steep launch ramp at the State Park (left side of cove when entering the cove from the lake).
Dan motioned to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Cal B. Meeting adjourned at 7:28 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 July Minutes
Called to order at 7:01 PM.
Members present:
Mike Kinchen, Robert Haase, George Barnes,Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo Pauley, Bob Meder, Jason LaQuey, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Stefen Brooks, Brian Wells, Clendon Taylor and Bryan Scarberry.
The minutes of the June meeting were read and approved. Motion by Lyla B and seconded by Stefen B.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2722.79.
Old Business:
Dan will try one more time with Gillespie Ford to see if they will support the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction by buying lunch plates Will contact the General Sales Manager. OPEN
Stefen said that the Casting for Kids event at Bass Pro Shops on June 30th was a success. “Lots of Kids!” He recommended that we have some sort of food or drink booth next time, there was a good chance to make some money for the club. CLOSED.
November 3rd will be the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. Cecil did coordinate with the NCOA and has a pledge for money. He asked that they provide Senior NCO to appear and speak at the event. He has not received a reply on that request. OPEN
New Business:
The annual fish fry and auction will be August 25th. Members were encouraged by Prez George to use the beg letters from the Club website and try and get donations for the auction. George has pledge from Sportsman Warehouse, Cal B has pledge from Outdoor World, and Mike K will contact Corporate Academy . Leo P volunteered to be the Chairman of the FF&A this year. Dan L was tasked to bring the fish fry tickets to the next meeting.
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal announced that the July tournament would be on Choke, Sat 14th and Sun 15th, with weigh-in at Callihan. Sat 6:30-3:00 and Sun 6:30 to 1:00.
Cal B motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Leo. Meeting adjourned at 7: 19 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Mike Kinchen, Acting Secretary
2007 June Minutes
Called to order at 7:02 PM.
Members present:
Jason Laquey, Brian Wells, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Mike Kinchen, Bob Meder, Stefan Brooks, Cecil Newberry and Mike Hulett.
The minutes of the May meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mike R. seconded by Lyla.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2722.79.
Old Business:
Dan will check back with Gillespie Ford to see if they will support the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction by buying lunch plates. OPEN
Stefen reminded everyone about the Casting for Kids event at Bass Pro Shops on June 30th. The event will be from 9:30-2:00. Volunteers are asked to show up at 7:00AM. OPEN
November 3rd will be the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. Cecil will coordinate with the NCOA. Other sponsors have already stepped up. OPEN
New Business:
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal announced the winners of the Coletto tournament in May. Third was Mike Robbins, second was Bryan Scarberry and was Dan Leach. Clendon Taylor had big bass.
Cal announced the winners of the June tournament on Amistad. Third was Bryan Scarberry, second was Mike Robbins and first with big bass was Cal Miller.
Bryan motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Carolyn. Meeting adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 May Minutes
Called to order at 7:00 PM.
Members present:
Jason Laquey, Brian Wells, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, Mike Cowin, George Barnes, Bob Meder, Stefan Brooks, and Mike Hulett.
The minutes of the April meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mike C. seconded by Bryan.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2660.79.
Old Business:
Bryan purchased 25 weigh bags for approximately $25. CLOSED
Bryan's presentation on Catch and Release was dropped as an agenda item. CLOSED
New Business:
Dan advised the club that there will be a CAST for Kids event on Calaveras on June 9th. Club members can volunteer to help and give boat rides. Cal pointed out that the June tournament for the club was moved to that weekend so there's a conflict. FYI
Dan also notified the club that Gillespie Ford, a perennial sponsor of the Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction has been sold to Red McCombs and that may affect their sponsorship. He will contact the new owners to determine what impact the new ownership will have on club sponsorship OPEN
Cal and George announced that Saturday, November 3rd will be the date for the next Fishing for Freedom event. October 20th was originally targetted but it conficts with the OPEC tournament on Falcon which would take away a lot of boaters. Valero and the Metro League of Bass Clubs have offered their help. OPEN
Cal announced that Brush Country Bassmasters will conduct a Casting for Kids event at Bass Pro Shops on June 30th. They would like to know if Quality Bass Club would like to assist/cohost. Although no formal vote was taken, concensus was that the club would participate. OPEN
Due to Carlito moving, an emergency election for Sergeant at Arms was conducted. Clendon Taylor was nominated and then elected to fill the position. CLOSED
Mike Cowin discussed Youth Club status. The club has been in a lull. He will work to revive it. FYI
George reminded everyone to start beating the bushes for the annual Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal announced the winners of the Choke tournament in April. Third was Jason, second was Dan and first with big bass was Brian Wells.
Cal announced the times for the May tournament on Coleto on the 12th: Saturday (one-day only) 6:30 to 3:00 with weigh in at the park ramp parking lot.
Cal announced the times for the June tournament on O.H. Ivie on the 9th and 10th: Saturday 6:30 to 3:00 and Sunday 6:30 to 1:00 with weigh in at Elm Creek.
Mike Robbins motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Cal. Meeting adjourned at 7:27 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 April Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present:
Jason Laquey, Carlito Silvania, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, Mike Cowin, George Barnes, Bob Meder, Stefan Brooks, Robert Dunlap, Brian Wells, Bill Marion, Cecil Newberry and Mike Hulett. Guest Travis Reeves.
The minutes of the March meeting were read and approved. Motion by Carolyn. seconded by Stefan.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2811.05. Balance in the charity fund is $187.86.
Old Business:
In response to Carlito announcing that he is getting ready to move in the summer and needs someone to take over as Youth Director, Mike Cowin accepted the position. CLOSE
After coordinating with Bill, the club picked Sunday, April 22nd, 5:30PM at Acadiana Cafe for the going away dinner for Bill and Lynette. CLOSED
Bryan checked prices on the handled, heavy-duty weigh bags and reported a box would be about $250. The club clarified that the weigh bags only need to be the lightweight plastic. He'll recheck. OPEN
Bryan didn't bring the presentation on Catch and Release. Item remains open. OPEN
New Business:
Carlito announced that Sportsman's Warehouse agreed to support a Casting Kids in conjunction with other activities they had planned for May 12th. It was pointed out that May 12th is the club fishing weekend. Carlito will resked. OPEN
Mike Hulett informed everyone that the Friday night bass tournaments on Medina Lake will begin this Friday night. These tournaments are from 7:30-midnight and the series runs through October with a chance to participate in a championship. It's team format and runs $35 per team. FYI
Cathy informed everyone that the annual San Antonio Pest Control Association tournament will be held May 6th on Choke. This tournament supports the San Antonio Autistic Treatment Center. Mike Robbins motioned and Lyla seconded to expend $150 of club funds to support this event. The vote passed. CLOSED
Travis Reeves presented himself as a prospective new member. After a brief introduction, Cathy motioned and Dan seconded to allow Travis membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal announced the times for the April tournament on Choke on the 28th and 29th: Saturday 6:30 to 3:00 and Sunday 6:30 to 1:00 with weigh in at Calliham.
Leo motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Dan. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 March Minutes
Called to order at 7:06 PM.
Members present:
Jason Laquey, Carlito Silvania, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Bob Meder, Mike Kinchen, Robert Divin, Brian Wells and Dave Stewart. Guest Ken Dawson.
The minutes of the February meeting were read and approved. Motion by Mike R. seconded by Carolyn.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2811.05. Balance in the charity fund is $187.86.
Old Business:
As a follow up to last month's FYI item about fishing tournaments and a request to take some mentally challenged individuals fishing, Dan sent an e-mail to the lady requesting that we take her clients out expressing the club's concern about liability and responsibilities. No response has been received back. FYI
New Business:
George reminded the club that plans for the next Fishing for Freedom should begin and Bill Marion is leaving so he won't be available to help, although he has continuity info to pass on. George will get with Bill. FYI
Members of the Top Six team discussed their State Tournament experiences. FYI
Carlito announced that he is getting ready to move in the summer and needs someone to take over as Youth Director. George will check with Mike Cowin who expressed interest earlier. OPEN
Ken Dawson introduced himself as a prospective new
member. He
found our club on the web. He decided to wait until the
meeting to commit. FYI
Carolyn motioned and Cal seconded to have a going away dinner for Bill and Lynette. The motion was tabled until the April meeting to coordinate with them. OPEN
Lyla motioned and Mike K. seconded for the club to buy 25 weigh bags. Bryan S. will check with Bass Pro Shops. OPEN
Bryan Scarberry will give a presentation on Catch and Release at the April meeting. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal announced the winners of the Falcon tournament in February. Third was Jason, second was Cal B and first with big bass was Mke R.
Cal announced the winners of the Amistad tournament in March. Third was Leo, second was Brian Wells and first was Mike K. Bryan S. had big bass.
Cathy motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Dan. Meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 February Minutes
Called to order at 7:03 PM.
Members present:
Stefen Brooks, Cecil Newberry, Jason Laquey, Carlito Silvania, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Bob Meder, Mike Hulett, Mike Kinchen, Bill Marion, Robert Dunlap, William and Jeannie Howard, Ray Leesberg and Dave Stewart. Guest Brian Wells.
The minutes of the January meeting were read and approved as amended.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4176.26. Balance in the charity fund is $187.86.
Old Business:
New Business:
Carolyn explained to the club about how the Williams paid last year and could not participate fully because of Ms. Williams' illness and proposed that they be refunded their 2007 dues and the club pay for their membership this year. Club members agreed. CLOSED
Cal motioned and Mike C. seconded to expend club funds to send flowers to the funeral home for Clint Baker. The motion passed. CLOSED
Mike Robbins motioned and Bill Marion seconded to expend $300 of club funds to donate to the Children's hospital in Clint's name. The vote passed. CLOSED
Mike Cowin brought the club up to speed on the activities of
the youth club. The club is still looking for support and looking to
expand. FYI
Carlito said he's looking at the March timeframe for another Casting Kids event. FYI
Dan passed on info received from individuals who e-mailed the Quality Bass Club Webmaster. There will be an event for kids at Live Oak on June 2nd. You can contact Wayne Trammell, Park Foreman, 210-653-9140 x 178 or 210-789-5635 cell. Coleto Creek Bassmasters will have an open tournament on March 31st. You can get an entry form here. There was also a request to take some mentally retarded individuals fishing, but more info is needed to support this effort. FYI
Because of the Top Six conflicting with the March meeting date, Cal motioned and Bob seconded to move the March meeting to the 20th. The vote passed. CLOSED
Stefan motioned and Bryan S seconded for the club to expend $15 per day per person for per diem for the Top Six. The vote passed. CLOSED
Prospective new member Brian Wells introduced himself and requested membership into the club. Mike C motioned and Dan seconded to allow membership. The vote passed. CLOSED.
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo presented the plaques for the 2006 Top Six, Big Bass and Sportsman of the Year.
Cal announced the winners of the Fayette tournament in January. Third was Bryan Scarberry, second was Cal Bienhoff and first with big bass was George Barnes.
Cal announced times for the Falcon tournament: Sat 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. with weigh in at State Park and Sun 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. with weigh in at County Park.
Because the March tournament will be held prior to the March club meeting, Cal announced times for the March tournament on Amistad: Sat 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sun 7 a.m. to 1 p.m. with weigh in both days at Black Brush.
Mike C motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Dave. Meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2007 January Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present:
Stefen Brooks, Cecil Newberry, Jason Laquey, Carlito Silvania, Clendon Taylor, Bryan Scarberry, Robert Haase, Al and Travis Williams, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Bob Meder, Mike Hulett and Dave Stewart. Guest Josh.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Lyla and seconded by Carlito.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4834.60. There is $187.86 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
Cal presented the revised amendment to the Tournament Rules which requires club members to gather participation points during the year to qualify to represent the club at the State Top Six tournament. After some discussion and a further revision to exempt club officers the amendment was voted on. The vote passed. Dan will update the Tournament Rules. CLOSED
New Business:
Mike Robbins announced that Quality Bass Club qualified for the World Bass Club Championship tournament to be held on Amistad the end of January. Members who were in the Top Six for 2005 will represent the club in this tournament. He will get with team members to finalize plans. FYI
Mike R also announced that the South Texas Federation has a new director, Rick Rickman. Ron Castle will be the Assistant Director. FYI
A prospective new member, Josh, introduced himself to the club. He decided to wait before joining. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Cal presented the proposed tournament schedule for 2007. After discussion and voting on a change to make the May tournament a one day event, the schedule was voted on and approved (motion by Cecil/seconded by Dan). It is posted on the web. CLOSED
Cal conducted the draw for the tournament at Fayette. Click on "draw" on the home page to see pairings. CLOSED
Cal announced times for the Fayette tournament. Saturday will be 7:15 to 3:00 and Sunday will be 7:15 to 1:00 with weigh in at the Park Prairie Park ramp. FYI.
Bob Meder won the free draw.
Carolyn mentioned that the club is losing money because not enough members are participaing in the free draw. Lyla motioned and Bryan seconded to discontinue the free draw. The vote passed.
Cecil motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Dan. Meeting adjourned at 7:57 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
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