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2006 January Minutes
Called to order at 7:03 PM.
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Cal B, Mike R, Mike C, Mike A, George, Leo, Carolyn, Bill, Cal M, Carlito, Robert Dunlap, Clint, Jeff, Steve, Robert H, Robert Divin, Al, Travis and Cecil. Guest: Dave Stewart
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by George and seconded by Jeff.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $3214.80. There remains $504.04 in the charity fund.
Old Business:
The annual fish fry, raffle and auction "beg letters" still need to be coordinated and sent out. Cal will work. OPEN
The MinnKota Club of the Year nomination package was sent. Bill will provide a copy and Dan will post on the web. CLOSED
Mike R. brought in a sample shirt and pricing information for shirts and hats. Members were asked to sign up for items they want. CLOSED
New Business:
Mr Bryan Frazier from TPWD made a presentation to the club and offered State Park passes at a reduced price. FYI
Bill recommended that the club conduct one Fishing for Freedom event in 2006 and start planning for a September date. This will provide for enough lead time to acquire sponsors and plan for another successful event. OPEN
Dave Stewart, a previous member of Quality, requested rejoining. George motioned Dave be accepted, Dan seconded and the vote passed. CLOSED
Bill recapped current Federation news and happenings. FYI
Results of annual elections were announced. Carolyn was voted Sportsperson of the Year and Jeff Barnes, Steve Chafin, Chris Clark and Carlito Silvania were elected to the Tournament Committee. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo presented the proposed tournament schedule for 2006. After discussion and a change the schedule was voted on and approved (motion by Cal/seconded by Jeff). It is posted on the web under "Schedule". CLOSED
Leo conducted the draw for the tournament at Fayette. Click on "draw" on the home page to see pairings. CLOSED
Leo announced times for the Fayette tournament. Saturday will be 7:15 to 3:30 and Sunday will be 7:15 to 1:30. FYI.
Leo handed out 2005 Top Six, Sportsperson of the Year and Big Bass trophies. FYI
Mike Cowin won the free draw.
Cecil motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Jeff. Meeting adjourned at 8:14 PM.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 February Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present:
Mike Altes, George Barnes, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Stefen Brooks, Michael Cowin, Robert Haase, Mike Kinchen, Bill Marion, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Mike Robbins, Carlito Silvania, Mike Sinon, Dave Stewart, Chris Clark, Al Williams, and Travis Williams. Guests: Garrett Bridges, Matt Birkenhier, Mike and Melanie Hall, Raymond Leesberg, and Chris Heinning. All were guests of Dan Leach and all guests joined the club.
The minutes were read by Mike Kinchen in the absence of Secretary Dan Leach. The minutes were approved. Motioned by Robert H and seconded by Dave S.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2701.30. Balance in the charity fund is $239.44.
Old Business:
The annual fish fry, raffle and auction “beg letters” were
coordinated and sent out by Cal B. Copies of letters were handed out to
members at the meeting. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winner of the Fayette tournament: 3rd place
Divin; 2nd place Dave Steward and Big Bass (5.4 lb); 1st place
Chris Clark.
2006 March Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present:
Mike Altes, George Barnes, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Dan and Cathy Leach, Clint Baker, Stefen Brooks, Michael Cowin, Robert Haase, Mike Kinchen, Bill Marion, Leo Pauley, Mike Robbins, Dave Stewart, Chris Clark, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Mike and Melanie Hall, Raymond Leesberg and guests Karl Berry and Bryan Scarberry.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Cecil and seconded by Robert H.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1524.30. Balance in the charity fund is $239.44.
Old Business:
No updated information was presented regarding the annual fish
fry, raffle and auction. OPEN
New Business:
Mike R. provided a info on the State Tournament and announced that Quality Bass Club was selected the Texas Federation Nation Club of the Year for 2005. The club will receive two MinnKota trolling motors. A discussion ensued on how to best use these prizes to benefit the club. After club members proposed different ideas, Cecil motioned and Bill M seconded to auction the two motors off to club members. The vote passed. The auction will be conducted at the April meeting. OPEN
Mike R. announced that the Youth Club has been organized and chartered. They will meet the second Sunday of the month and fish the fourth Sunday of the month. Mike motioned and George seconded to use $250 of club funds to help the Youth Club "get off the ground". The vote passed. The club's name is "Quality Youth Bass Club". Members were asked to support to their fullest extent possible. CLOSED
Bill announced that the Texas Federation Nation will have an open meeting in Austin on 22 April. Club members are encouraged to attend to hear where the Federation Nation is going and to provide input to it's future. He also provided information on the Federation Nation's approach to Youth activity events and how clubs will receive credit for participating in supporting these events. FYI
Cal B. polled the club on the amount of support would be provided if the club held a Casting Kids event at the Bass Pro Shops grand opening in Oct-Nov. The majority of club members expressed interest and committed to supporting the event. OPEN
Chris Clark motioned and Cecil seconded to raise tournament fees from $15 to $20 (to breakout $17 going to place money and $3 going to the big bass pot). The vote passed. The new fees will become effective for the April tournament. CLOSED
Dan introduced two prospective new members - Karl Berry and Bryan Scarberry. Dan motioned and George seconded to allow them to join. The vote passed. CLOSED
Mike R. recommended adding a bulletin board to the Quality Bass Club web site to facilitate boaters and non-boaters pairing up for tournaments. Dan agreed to add the feature to the site. Dan will also add a page for the Youth Club. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winners of the Amistad tournament: 3rd
place and big
bass was Stefan Brooks; 2nd place Mike Robbins and 1st place Cal
Bienhoff. Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 April Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present:
Mike Altes, George Barnes, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Dan and Cathy Leach, Clint Baker, Steve Chafin, Robert Haase, Mike Kinchen, Cal Miller, Carolyn and Leo Pauley, Mike Robbins, Dave Stewart, Chris Clark, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Mike and Melanie Hall, Karl Berry, Carlito Silvania and Bryan Scarberry. Guests Shara Gremillion & Amanda Silvania.
The minutes were read and approved as amended. Motioned by George and seconded by Chris.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $1574.65. Balance in the charity fund is $239.44.
Old Business:
The annual fish fry, raffle and auction "beg
letters" are
prepared. Cal will provide a copy to Dan to post on the web
site so
members can download them. OPEN
Cal B. had no more information on organizing a Casting Kids event at the Bass Pro Shops grand opening in Oct-Nov. OPEN
New Business:
Carolyn mentioned that some club members are not receiving their Federation Nation membership cards. Mike R said he would check into it and get back to the club. OPEN
Austin Hall, Secretary/Treasurer, presented information on the Quality Youth Bass Club. Meetings will be held the second Sunday of the month at Sportsman's Warehouse at 3PM and tournaments will be conducted the fourth Sunday of the month. April's tournament will be on Medina, launching from Red Cove at safe light until noon. Boaters are wanted. More information is available on the QYBC web page. CLOSED
Based on the Youth club being formed, Dan asked about any age restrictions Quality Bass Club may have for membership. The Youth club will accept members up to the age of 17. Quality can accept members under 17 if they opt to join. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winners of the Falcon tournament: 3rd place
and big
bass was Mike Kinchen; 2nd place Cal Bienhoff and 1st place Dave
Stewart. Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 May Minutes
Called to order at 7:06 PM.
Members present:
Mike Altes, George Barnes, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Dan Leach, Robert Haase, Mike Kinchen, Cal Miller, Carolyn and Leo Pauley, Bill Marion, Dave Stewart, Raymond Leesberg, Chris Clark, Robert Dunlap, Mike Cowin, Mike and Melanie Hall, Karl Berry, Carlito Silvania and Bryan Scarberry. Guests Shara Gremillion & Felicia Rubino.
The minutes were approved as posted on the web site. Motioned by Robert and seconded by Chris.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2221.55. Balance in the charity fund is $89.44 after $150 donation to San Antonio Pest Control Association to support Altistic Research Center.
Old Business:
The annual fish fry, raffle and auction "beg
letters" are
posted on the web site for download. Cal also provided a
sign up sheet to meet Net Craft sponsorship requirement for a mailing
list. OPEN
Cal B. said the Casting Kids event at the Bass Pro Shops grand opening in Oct-Nov was put off until the spring of 07. Bass Pro Shops thought the event would not go over well because of limited room during the grand opening. OPEN
Bill Marion said the Federation Nation membership cards and publications were all handled by one administrative assistant who is overwhelmed with inputs. It was recommended that individual members contact the Federation Nation directly Dan will provide contact information on the web site. CLOSED
New Business:
Mike K pointed out that Sportsman's Warehouse had remodeled their cupboards and the Quality Bass Club plaques that were hanging on the wall were missing. He volunteered to check into it. OPEN
Carolyn motioned and Dan seconded to changed the standing $150 donation to SAPCA to an annual vote. The vote passed. CLOSED
Carolyn asked about writing the check voted on to support the Youth Bass Club. Austin Hall (QYBC Secretary/Treasurer) asked that she wait until the club establishes their bank account. TABLED
Bill provided info from the Texas Federation meeting held in Austin. More info is available in this Power Point presentation. FYI
Mike Cowin mentioned that the tournament committee should deconflict club fishing tournaments with established holidays, such as Easter and Mother's Day. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winners of the Choke tournament: 3rd place
was Dan Leach; 2nd place was Chris Clark and 1st place with big
bass was Cal Bienhoff. Cal's one day string, two day string and
big bass are current club records. Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 June Minutes
Called to order at 7:01 PM.
Members present:
Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Dan and Cathy Leach, Robert Haase, Mike Kinchen, Cal Miller, Dave Stewart, Raymond Leesberg, Chris Clark, Robert Dunlap, Cecil Newberry, Mike Cowin, Mike and Melanie Hall, Karl Berry, Carlito Silvania, Steve Chafin and Bryan Scarberry.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Mike C. and seconded by Mike K.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was not read because the Treasurer was not present.
Old Business:
Cal reminded everyone to continue to "beat the bushes" to get
support. Mike C. motioned and Dave seconded to raise the cost of
the fish
fry plate to $5.00. The vote passed. Dan will contact
Gillespie to
confirm they will purchase 100 lunch plates. Cathy said she
didn't have
the time to acquire all the necessary plates and utensils as in the
past an
asked for someone to take this on. The Halls volunteered.
Club check for QYBC remains Tabled until they establish their checking account. TABLED
Mike K pointed out that the Quality Bass Club plaques are hanging on the wall in the bait section of the retail store. CLOSED
New Business:
Robert Dunlap said he had a buyer for the second trolling motor. The club agreed the second motor would be sold at the same cost as the first ($600). No one in the club was interested in purchasing it for $600 so Robert will sell it to the prospective buyer. CLOSED
Mike Cowin presented a check for $250 from the 37CES for the upcoming Fishing for Freedom event. CLOSED
Mike Kinchen participated in the CAST for Kids event on Calaveras on behalf of Quality Bass Club June 10th. He provided boat rides for some of the kids. FYI
Mike Robbins reminded members to provide feedback to Bill Marion on the proposed Texas Federation Nation new proposals. FYI
Dan introduced two new prospective members, Will and Clay. Dan motioned and Chris seconded to allow them club membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Cal requested a volunteer to conduct a Casting for Kids event at Sportsman's Warehouse in the September-October timeframe. Carlito volunteered. More info to follow. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Dan announced the winners of the Amistad tournament: 3rd place and
Big Bass
went to Mike Kinchen; 2nd place to Mike Robbins and 1st place was Karl
Mike Robbins mentioned that the water level on Mathis is too low to
the July tournament on that lake and suggested moving the July
tournament to
O.H. Ivie. Robert H made the motion and Chris seconded. The
passed. Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 July Minutes
Called to order at 7:05 PM.
Members present:
Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Dan and Cathy Leach, Robert Haase, Dave Stewart, Raymond Leesberg, Chris Clark, Mike Cowin, Karl Berry and Bryan Scarberry. Guest Clendon.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by George and seconded by Carolyn.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2181.51.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. Dan contacted Gillespie and
they will purchase 100 lunch plates. Mike Cowin will donate
utensils. Plans will be finalized at the August
Club check for QYBC remains Tabled until they establish their checking account. TABLED
New Business:
Ray brought club shirts ordered by members. FYI
Dave announced that Clint was in the VA hospital. Dan motioned and Chris seconded to send a get well basket of lures and club hat. The vote passed. Cathy will put together. CLOSED
Bryan introduced prospective new member Clendon. He opted to wait until next month to join. OPEN
Carlito wasn't present to provide an update on the Casting for Kids event at Sportsman's Warehouse in the September-October timeframe. More info to follow. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winners of the Canyon tournament: 3rd place
went to
Dan Leach; 2nd place to Dave Stewart and 1st place and Big Bass
was Mike
Robbins. Lyla won the free tournament draw. Mike C. motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Leo. Meeting adjourned at 7:34 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 August Minutes
Called to order at 7:03PM.
Members present:
Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Dan and Cathy Leach, Robert Haase, Dave Stewart, Cal Miller, Robert Dunlap, Stefan Brooks, Carlito Silvania and Bryan Scarberry. Guests Clendon Taylor, Jason Laquey, and Bob Meder.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Cal B. and seconded by George.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $2282.15.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. The club discussed final plans for the event. OPEN
Carlito is organizing the Casting for Kids event at Sportsman's Warehouse in the September-October timeframe. More info to follow. OPEN
Club check for QYBC remains Tabled until they establish their checking account. TABLED
New Business:
Clendon Taylor, who expressed interest to join last month, reaffirmed his intent to join. George introducted Bob Meder as a prospective new member and Jason Laquey also introduced himself and asked to join. They were all voted into the club. CLOSED
Robert Dunlap mentioned that the individual who was going to buy the second trolling motor (see June minutes) backed out, so Leo offered to buy it for $600. CLOSED
Mike Robbins mentioned that there may be a conflict with the proposed date selected for the next Fishing for Freedom event (tentatively October 7th). Other South Texas Bass Federation activities may impact the availability of the weigh in trailer and Federation member participation. We will post information on the Quality web site to keep everyone updated on the event. OPEN
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winners of the O.H. Ivie tournament: 3rd place went to Cal Bienhoff with 6.50#; 2nd place to Leo with 7.47# and 1st place and Big Bass was Stefan Brooks with 7.92# (3.05# BB).
Leo announced times for the Amistad tournament: Saturday will be split with fishing times of 6:30AM to 11:00AM and 5:00PM to 8:30PM and Sun 6:30AM to 12:00PM. Weigh-in at the Diablo East fish cleaning station.
Dave Stewart won the free tournament draw.
Leo motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Cal Miller. Meeting
adjourned at 7:33PM.
Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 September Minutes
Called to order at 7:10PM.
Members present:
Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Bill Marion, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike and Melanie Hall, Mike Kinchen, Robert Haase, Dave Stewart, Cecil Newberry, Robert Dunlap, Steve Chafin, Mike Cowin, Chris Clark, Bob Meder, Jason Laquey, and Bryan Scarberry.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Robert H. and seconded by George.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $5160.18.
Old Business:
Fish Fry, Raffle and Auction. The event was another rousing success and brought in over $1800. CLOSED
Carlito was not present to provide an update. He is organizing the Casting Kids event at Sportsman's Warehouse in the September-October timeframe. More info to follow. OPEN
Club check for QYBC remains Tabled until they establish their checking account. TABLED
Bill Marion provided an update on the progress of planning for the next Fishing for Freedom event (confirmed for October 28th at Choke). To date we have 31 confirmed boaters and about 20 volunteers. Cecil will coordinate with NCOA for their sponsorship. Mike Cowin said Nolan Ryan will check his schedule to see if he's available to make an appearance. We will continue to post information on the Quality web site to keep everyone updated on the event. OPEN
New Business:
Bill briefed the club on State Federation Nation items. Next year's club registration may be available to complete on line. He reminded the club that the next regional meeting will be held October 20th (evening before the Regional Championships) at the Pizza Hut in Three Rivers. He also reminded everyone that Bass Insider is free access to Club/Federation members. FYI
Mike Robbins provided an update on the Youth Club. The last tournament on Choke Canyon was another successful event. The next event will be on Medina Lake September 24th. Club boaters are encouraged to participate to take the young anglers out fishing. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
In Leo's absence, Dan announced the winners of the Amistad tournament: 3rd place went to Chris Clark; 2nd place and Big Bass to Robert Dunlap and 1st place was Mike Robbins.
The club decided times for the Choke tournament: Saturday will be 6:30AM to 3:00PM and Sun 6:30AM to 1:00PM. Weigh-in at Calliham.
Melanie Hall won the free tournament draw.
Dave motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Robert Hasse. Meeting
adjourned at 7:35PM.
Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 October Minutes
Called to order at 7:05PM.
Members present:
Mike Robbins, George Barnes, Bill Marion, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike and Melanie Hall, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Mike Kinchen, Robert Haase, Dave Stewart, Cecil Newberry, Robert Dunlap, Steve Chafin, Mike Cowin, Chris Clark, Bob Meder, Jason Laquey, Carlito Sylvania, Clendon Taylor and Bryan Scarberry. Guest: Aaron Sandoval.
The minutes were read and approved. Motioned by Cecil and seconded by Mike Hall.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer’s report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $5202.18.
Old Business:
Carlito announced that a Casting Kids event is scheduled at Sportsman's Warehouse on November 11th. Event times will be 11:00-2:00, and those helping should show up at 10:00 for set up. OPEN
Club check for QYBC remains Tabled until they establish their checking account. TABLED
Bill Marion provided an update on the progress of planning for the Fishing for Freedom event to be held October 28th at Choke. To date we have 52 confirmed boaters and about 60 volunteers. Cecil coordinated with NCOA for their sponsorship. More info will be distributed via e-mail, to include park passes for volunteers. OPEN
New Business:
Cecil reminded everyone about boat ramp courtesy - have your boat ready, do not block the ramp and dim headlights for others backing down. Other safety issues (running lights and life jackets) were discussed by club members. Think Safety! FYI
Aaron Sandoval expressed interest in joining the club. After a brief introduction, Dan motioned and Mike Cowin seconded to accept him for membership. The vote passed. CLOSED
Mike Robbins and Bill Marion reminded everyone that the South Region needs a new Director. Bill also provided info on the STX Region raffle and the upcoming Championship on Choke. Quality was offered $200 plus motel rooms to run the weigh in. Volunteers committed and the club will take it on. FYI
Cal Bienhoff solicited more diverse participation by all club members for events and activities that Quality runs or participates in. In the past the same individuals have typically been involved. FYI
Cecil announced a family fishing trip to Mexico in 2007 and offered it up to all those interested. More info will be available as plans are finalized. FYI
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winners of the Choke tournament: 3rd place went to Carlito; 2nd place to Mike Robbins and 1st place and Big Bass went to Dave Stewart.
Times for the Coleto tournament were announced: Saturday will be 7:15AM to 3:15PM and Sun 7:15AM to 1:15PM. Weigh-in will be at the park ramp.
Mike R. reminded everyone that nominations for 2007 officers will be solicited at the next meeting.
Cal B. won the free tournament draw.
Mike Cowin motioned to adjourn the meeting, 2nd by Mike Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 7:45PM.
Dan Leach, Secretary
2006 November Minutes
Called to order at 7:10PM.
Members present:
Bill Marion, Stefen Brooks, Robert Divin, Cecil Newberry, Robert Dunlap, Jason La Quey, Carlito Silvania, Clendon Taylor, Robert Haase, Melissa Haase, Tyler Wiggins, Shora Clark, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Mike Hall, Mike Robbins, Mike Kinchen, George Barnes, Bob Meder. Guests: Mike Hulett and Dixie Richards.
The October minutes were read and approved. Motioned by George and seconded by Stefen.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $5,283.18.
Old Business:
Carlito announced that the Casting Kids event on Nov 11th was a success. In spite of the windy day, we had 12 kids sign up and participate. Younger casting kids practiced for experience. CLOSED
Bill Marion briefed that Fishing For Freedom III was a big success. Over 200 volunteers and military members from BAMC, Wilford Hall, and Foster House. Plenty of positive feedback. Shadow boxes presented to big sponsors. Plenty of Pictures on QBC website. CLOSED
Club check for QYBC remains Tabled until they establish their checking account. TABLED
Special Guest Speaker: Charles Harkless, President of Texas Federation Nation spoke to the club about the state of the Federation. He said that the future is good and that there is growth with more new clubs signing up. He encouraged members to purchase raffle tickets for the Skeeter SX 180 & Yamaha 130 HP rig. It is a good deal, but more importantly ticket sales bring money into the TX Federation to support its programs such as new weigh-in equipment and the new tournament trailer. He would like to make enough this year to give each Region $500 for Youth Programs. He provided answers to questions from members and put to bed rumors that the Federation was going away.
New Business:
Robert Haase made a motion that the club buy ten tickets and if it wins to sell the boat and use the funds for the club programs. Motion was seconded by Robert Divin and the motion carried. CLOSED.
After some discussion, Mike K made a motion that Carolyn buy 3 boys and 3 girls bikes along with safety gear for the Angel Tree. Robert Divin seconded the motion and motion carried. CLOSED
Mike R reminded the club that the QYBC would hold their tournament on Canyon Lake (Cranes Mill launch) on 26 Nov, first light. FYI
December Meeting and Christmas Party will be a Bill Marion's house. Club agreed to reimburse Bill for cost of turkey and ham. Members are to bring a covered dish. President Mike R asked for Secretary Dan L to post a list of things to bring on the website. It was suggested that we use the forum to let everyone know who is bringing what to the party. OPEN
Mike Robbins asked for nominations for Club Officers for 2007. Carolyn volunteered to continue as Treasurer and said that Dan Leach volunteered to continue as Secretary. Club unanimously agreed. CLOSED
Bill Marion nominated George Barnes to be elected President by acclamation and Cal Bienhoff seconded the motion. The club elected George by acclamation. CLOSED
The club nominated Mike Kinchen and Stefen Brooks for Vice President; Cecil Newberry and Carlito Silvania for Sergeant at Arms. There will be a runoff election at December meeting along with write in voting for Tournament Director, members at large, and the tournament committee. OPEN
Mike Robbins recognized Mike Hulett and Dixie Richards as visitors.
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winners of the Coleto tourney: 3rd Jason La Quey, 5.25lbs; 2nd Mike Robbins, 8.36 lbs; and first place Robert Divin, 12.97 lbs.
Times for the Choke tournament were announced: Sat will be 0630 to 1500 and Sun will be 0630 to 1300. At Calliham ramp.
Times for the Falcon tournament were announced: Sat will be 0630 to 1500 and Sun will be 0630 to 1300. At County Park ramp.
Meeting adjourned at around 8 p.m.
Reluctantly submitted by stand-in,
CobraMike Kinchen
2006 December Minutes
Called to order at 8:24PM after enjoying a delicious meal.
Members present:
Bill Marion, Stefen Brooks, Robert Divin, Cecil Newberry, Robert Dunlap, Jason Laquey, Carlito Silvania, Clendon Taylor, Cal and Lyla Bienhoff, Leo and Carolyn Pauley, Dan and Cathy Leach, Mike Robbins, Mike Kinchen, George Barnes, Bob Meder, Mike Hulett, Dave Stewart and Mike Cowin. Guests: Spouses and family members.
The November minutes were approved as posted on the Quality Bass Club web site.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. Balance in the treasury is $4979.60. There is $187.86 in the charitable fund.
Old Business:
Club check for QYBC remains Tabled until they establish their checking account. TABLED
New Business:
Dan presented a proposed amendment to require club members to acquire points for participating in club events. After some discussion Cecil made a motion to have the Tournament Committee finalize the particulars and present a final version for club vote. Motion was seconded by Bill and the motion carried. OPEN.
Bill mentioned there are still STX raffle tickets for the Skeeter boat still available. FYI
Mike Cowin reminded the club that the Youth club is looking to expand and also the club needs boaters from the club to help take the kids out for tournament fishing. FYI
The results of voting for 2007 officers was announced: President - George Barnes, Vice President - Stefen Brooks, Secretary - Dan Leach, Treasurer - Carolyn Pauley, Sergeant at Arms - Carlito Silvania, Tournament Director - Cal Bienhoff and Members at Large- Bill Marion and Robert Divin. Tournament Committee members are: Stefen Brooks, Robert Divin, Robert Dunlap and Mike Robbins. Dan Leach was voted Sportsman of the Year. CLOSED
Tournament Director's Report:
Leo announced the winners of the November tourney on Choke: 3rd Jason Laquey, 22.44lbs with Big Bass; 2nd Robert Dunlap, 27.47 lbs; and first place Mike Robbins, 31.03 lbs.
Leo announced the winners of the December tourney on Falcon: 3rd Cal Bienhoff, 18.25lbs; 2nd Robert Dunlap, 23.69 lbs; and first place Mike Robbins, 23.99 lbs with Big Bass.
Leo announced the 2006 Top Six: Mike Robbins, Dave Stewart, Dan Leach, Mike Kinchen, Leo Pauley, and Robert Divin. Cal Bienhoff was first alternate and also had Big Bass for the year - 10.20 lbs.
Mike Cowin motioned and Cecil seconded to adjourn 9:20 p.m.
Respecfully submitted,
Dan Leach
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