2004 Jan Minutes

Called to order by George Barnes at 7:00 PM


Members present:

Dan, Cathy, Leo, Carolyn, Cal B, Lyla, Steve, Bill M, Mike K, Cecil, Mike R, George, Robert, William, Cal M, Mark (new member)


Minutes of last meeting:

Not read since Secretary is missing.  Clint just returned from the tournament where he finished 13th.  Pres Dan mentioned that there wasn't much from the last meeting, just the Xmas party and elections.  He said they would formally announce the elections results when Clint returns.


Treasurer's Report:

The treasurer's report was read and approved.  We had $125 in the charitable kitty.  Balance in the treasury was $2904.04.


Old Business:

Gift certificate from Falcon Tackle.  Carolyn won this at the Xmas party, but Dan forgot to present it.  He'll do it later.


New Business:

Pres Dan discussed annual charitable donation and said we need to think about ideas on how to donate that money.


Bill M talked about upcoming Cast for Kids event at Canyon Lake 5 Jun 04.  One idea is to benefit Comal County Handicapped/Special Ed kids, but not decision yet.  The need club participants to step forward so they can develop a list.  Proceeds go to buy merchandise for the kids.  Steve cautioned about spending donations to freely and ran down the 2004 required cost.  Bill M motioned that we donate $100 to the Cast for Kids, Mike R seconded and it carried.


Bill M talked about Federation Schedules and passed out copies.  Reminded that if we help with weigh-in, club earns $100 per tourney.  The next Region Meeting will be at the Falcon Tourney on 22nd Feb.


Bill M said State is working on the tax issue.  They will try to become unincorporated and non-profit.  This could help federation clubs do the same.  Long discussion followed.


Bill M announced Top Six weigh-in is at the arm off Livingston, at Anchor Marina across from Peek-a-boo.


Cathy L announced the the Pest Control Tourney is 25 Apr with guaranteed minimum $3K first place.


Steve said he mailed the state dues, but they came back because the address changed.  He called and they said no problem, just resend.


New Member Mark Davis introduced himself.  The club voted him in unanimously.


Elections for 2004 Officers

President: Dan Leach

Vice President: Tim Toomey

Secretary: Clint Baker

Treasurer: Steve Rickert

Sergeant at Arms: George Barnes

Tournament Director: Mike R


Tournament Director's Report:

Outgoing Director, Leo said results for Dec Choke were announced at the Dec meeting, talked about Top Six.  Official Top Six to be announced when Secretary returns.


New Tournament Director, Mike R announced tournament time for Falcon: Sat 17th 7:15am-3pm, Sun 18th, 7:15am-1:00pm with weigh-in at State Park.

Announced the 2004 club schedule:

Feb 14th: Fayette, one-day draw

Mar 27-28: Amistad

Apr 18 Sun: Coleto, one-day w/Federation

May 16 Sun: Choke, one-day w/Federation

Jun 12-13: Limestone

Jul 17-18: Amistad w/split weigh-in

Aug 14 Sat: Roadrunner (Dunlap, McQueenie, Placid)

Sep 18-19: O.H. Ivie

Oct 16-17: LBJ / Buchanan

Nov 14 Sun: Austin

Dec 12 Sun: Coleto

Jan 15-16, 2005: Givens Creek (draw)


Club approved the schedule.


Dan Leach wins the draw


George motion to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Cecil, meeting closed at 7:41pm


Respectfully submitted to the Secretary

Member, Cal Miller



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2004 Mar Minutes

Meeting called to order 7:00pm


Members Present: Mike R, Tim, Cathy, Dan, Carolyn, Leo, Cal B, Lyla, Mike K, Steve, William, Rocco, Robert, Mark, Clint


Treasurer’s Report: Balance $679.68.  $455 in charitable kitty.


Old Business: Discussion about charitable donations.


New Business:

Cal B  said 8th of May or 22nd May for Casting Kids @ Academy for our club.

June 5th


Tournament Director’s Report:

Mike gives recap of State Tournament.

Mike Kinchen makes a formal thanks to Minnkota for all the help they provide to the Federation members.

Next State Championship 6-11 March on Richland Chambers

Mike said he would look into reservations this year.


Fayette results: 3rd Mike R 12.31, 2nd William 13.12, 1st Lyla 13.50.  Big Bass 3 way tie at 7.06 between Lyla, Leo, & Mike R


Next tournament Amistad: Sat 6:30-3:00, Sun 6:30-1:00; Weigh-In at Diablo East at the shoot.


2003 Awards presented by Leo Pauley:

6th place-Leo, 5th place-Mike K, 4th place-Carolyn, 3rd place-Cal M, 2nd place-Cal B, 1st place-Mike R.  Sportsman of the Year-Mike R, Big Bass 6.52 lbs-Mike K


Cal B won the draw.


Mike R made a motion to adjourn,  2nd by Carolyn

Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm


Respectfully submitted,

Clint Baker & Cathy Leach

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2004 April Minutes 

Meeting called to order 7:00pm


Members Present: Mike R, Tim, Cathy, Dan, Carolyn, Leo, Cal B, Lyla, Mike K, Steve, William,  Robert, Mark, Clint


Treasurer’s Report: Balance $708.18  $455 in charitable kitty.


Old Business:

Cal B  said our clubs Casting Kids event @ Academy Sports would be the 22nd May.  He was waiting for confirmation from coorprate HQ.


Jun 5th would be the Federations Cast event at Canyon Lake.  Times and details TBA


 New Business:

FYI:  The club's annual Fish-fry and auction will be 28th of August.

Cathy will make and distribute the beg letters.


Club members had a very heated debate / discussion about charitable donations vs. the club funds.  Suggestions were made for possibly cutting per dim at State tournament or changing percentage of club funds to be allocated for charities.  In the end, the club decided to keep options open and make final decisions after annual fish-fry.


The club brought up questions for ideas for new events.


FYI:  Bill M talked about ad space for the Federation "Tight Lines" magazine.


Tournament Director’s Report:


Amistad results:3rd Cal B 14.22, 2nd Steve 17.44, 1st Tim 19.15.  Big Bass 6.09lbs went to Tim.


Next tournament Coleto: Sun 6:45-3:15; Weigh-In with Federation.


Cal B wins the draw.


Robert made a motion to adjourn,  2nd by Cecil

Meeting adjourned at 7:37pm


Respectfully submitted, Secretary Clint Baker

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2004 May Minutes 

Meeting called to order 7:05pm by George Barnes.


Members Present: Mike R, Tim, Cathy, Dan, Carolyn, Cal B, Lyla, Mike K, Steve, William,  Robert, Clint, George, Bill M, Cecil, Rocco, and guest Steve Chapin.


Treasurer’s Report: Balance $721.58  $455 in charitable kitty.


Bill Marion makes a motion to accept the minutes as posted on the website, 2nd by Cecil, motion carries.


Old Business:

Bill Marion confirms our clubs Casting Kids event @ Academy Sports would be the 22nd May. 


The Federations Cast event at Canyon Lake had been moved to the 12 Jun, 2004.  Times and details TBA


FYI:  The club's annual Fish-fry and auction will be 28th of August.

Cathy will make and distribute the beg letters.


Club members had a very heated debate / discussion about charitable donations vs. the club funds.  Suggestions were made for possibly cutting per dim at State tournament or changing percentage of club funds to be allocated for charities.  In the end, the club decided to keep options open and make final decisions after annual fish-fry.


The club brought up questions for ideas for new events.


FYI:  Bill M talked about ad space for the Federation "Tight Lines" magazine.


New Business:

Federation Championship offering $175.00 to run weigh-in at Choke in October.  Club expressed interest. (Item Tabled)


FYI: Registration for Federation tournament on Choke will be Sat at 7:00 at the HQ Hotel.

FYI: Conservation Issues: Grass Carp in Lake Austin.  Need emails sent in.

FYI: Tight Lines Magazine should be coming out this month.


Mike R made a motion to change the clubs Jun tournament  on Lake Limestone to Richland Chambers.  Steve 2nd, motion passed.


Tournament Director’s Report:


Coleto Results:3rd Dan 2.90lbs, 2nd         3.43, 1st Cal B 5.88 lbs & Big Bass 2.91 lbs.


Next tournament Choke: Sun 6:30-3:15; Weigh-In at Calliham with Federation.


Dan wins the draw.


Tim made a motion to adjourn,  2nd by Robert

Meeting adjourned at 7:32pm


Respectfully submitted, Secretary Clint Baker

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2004 Jul Minutes

taken by Tim in Clint's absence.


Members Present: Tim, Bill M, Leo, Carolyn, Cathy, Mike K, Robert, Mark, Cal B, Dan, Mike R.

Guest: Steve Chafin & Robert Divin


Cathy said she has sent out 130 beg letters for the fish fry.  We have some positive responses, but lots of "NOs".  Bill M recommended calling intstead of cold mail.  Club voted and approved spending $50 (can't remember if it was $50 for each, or $50 total, will need to follow up) for Cal B to buy fish and for Cathy to buy condiments.  We will have raffle tickets and meal tickets available at the August meeting.


Bill announced that the Federation season is over, and all four of the QBC fishermen qualified for the Oct 9-10th Championship.  Bill is selling raffle tickets for various fishing stuff, drawing to be at the Federation Championship.


Bill introduced Robert Divin to the Club.  He lives in Houston but is in San Antonio all the time.  He was interested in joining.  Bill nominated him for membership, Mike K seconded.  Robert paid $35 to join.  Will bring his BASS membership# to the next meeting.


Dan introduced Steve Chafin to the club.  He just relocated here from Boston.  Carolyn called him a Yankee.  He's a life member of BASS and was interested in joining the club.  Dan nominated him for membership, Leo seconded.  He will pay later.


Discussion of the Club webpage came up and how it should include the weblinks to our sponsors.  Tabled until Clint returns.


Cal B won the draw.


Paid out for the Richland Chambers tournament in Jun:

3rd-Cal B (8+lb), 2nd-Steve R (11.16 lb), & 1st place & BB(5.12)-Cal M


Jul tournament is at Amistad.  It will be split with three weigh-ins.

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