2002 Minutes
Members present:
Mike K, Mike R, Bill M, Steve R, Cal M, Billy
C, Dan L, Cathy L, Carolyn P, Leo P, Cal B, Lyla B, George B, Cecil N, Robert D,
and Dave S.
Guests: Perspective member, Eric Stirm sponsored by Mike Roberts. Eric is
local fishing pro with lifetime achievement 7 lb catfish.
Called to
order at 7 p.m., Jan 8, 2002. Minutes of the December meeting were
read and approved (motion by Dan, seconded by Cathy).
Treasurer's report was read and approved with a balance of $3,633.49.
Old Business:
Club Banners: Bill updated the club on the information he had on banners but said that he will investigate further and get back to the club. Item Open.
Casting Kids Event: There was much discussion about different malls and the consensus was for holding the event at South Park Mall with alternate choice one of the Academy Sporting Goods stores on the Southwest or Northwest side of town. Bill said he would check with the Mall for an available date in May. Item Open.
New Business:
Robert Dunlap, previous member of the club, returned and wished to renew his membership. Club voted to bring him back in and he rejoined. Item Closed.
Tournament Director: Director Leo gave the times for the January tournament on Falcon. Fishing times will be Sat 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Sun 7 a.m. till 1 p.m., weigh in at County Park Ramp. Dave won the draw.
2002 Tournament Schedule was presented by the committee and discussed by the
members present. After some discussion about having all one-day tournaments on
Sunday vice Saturday, there was a motion by Cal M to have all on Sunday, except
the April Tourney on Choke, which would be on Sat April 13. Bill M seconded the
motion and the motion carried. Lyla B expressed serious concern about having the
December Tournament at Canyon and Mike K had reservations also. Cal B made a
motion to change Canyon to Coleto and Lyla seconded the motion and it carried.
The rest of the proposed schedule drew no comment. Dan made a motion to accept
the schedule as amended; Cal M seconded the motion and the motion carried.
Dan motioned and Lyla seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:55
Respectfully Submitted,
Mike Kinchen
Members present: Mike K, Mike R, Steve R, Cal M, Billy C, Dan L, Cathy L, Carolyn P, Cal B, George B, Robert D, Dave S, Clint B, and Jack Y.
Guests: None.
Called to order at 7:05 p.m., Feb 12, 2002. Minutes of the January
meeting were read and approved. (motion by Carolyn, seconded by Dan).
The Treasurer's report was read and approved with a balance of
Old Business:
Club Banners: Bill M was not present to update the club on banners so topic was tabled until next meeting. Item Remains Open.
Casting Kids Event: Bill M was to provide an update on the event but was not present. Tentative date is May at South Park Mall. Item Remains Open.
New Business:
Boysville Tournament Kids Casting Event: Mike K read letter from Dan Smith, Co-chairman of the Boysville Tournament sponsored by the Towne and Country Optimist Club. The optimist club thanked the membership of Quality Bass Club for unselfishly taking the time to reach out and touch the lives of a great bunch of kids from Boysville. Our club is invited to hold a kids casting event at this year’s 33rd annual event on July 28. There was some discussion about whether Quality would participate this year and then Carolyn made a motion to table the discussion until next meeting and Dan seconded the motion. The motion carried. Item Open.
Travis Federation Tournament Weigh In Assistance: Mike R asked the club if it would like to conduct the weigh in for the Federation Tourney at Travis Lake on Sunday March 13. Mike said that we could make $100. After some discussion, the consensus was that the club would do it but Dan made a motion that it be tabled for further discussion and Carolyn seconded the motion. The motion carried. Item Open
General Information: Mike R informed the club that the Fayette County ramp is now open all day and Steve R informed the club that at O.H. Ivy you are allowed to keep two fish under 18.
Question was asked about Top 6 Per Diem/ Room Expense, Mike K said both items were closed, but said he would research and provide information at next meeting.
Awards Presentation:
The 2001 Awards were presented to:
Top Six – 6 Mike K, 5 Mike R, 4 Leo P, 3 Bill M, 2 Cal B, and 1 Steve R
Big Bass Trophy – Billy C for 10.04lb lunker.
Sportsman of the Year – Cal M
Tournament Director:
Director’s Assistant (Carolyn) announced the winners of January tournament on Falcon. Dan L was third (1.39); Dave S was second (1.51); and Mike R (two fish 5.46) was 1st plus caught lunketette (2.93) for not so big bass.
The times were announced for the Feb and Mar tournaments:
Feb, Fayette 7: a.m. until 3 p.m. Weigh In at The Ramp. Lyla won the draw.
Mar, Coleto 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. Weigh In at The Ramp. Clint won the draw.
Carolyn motioned and Billy seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:45 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mike Kinchen
Members present: Mike R, Bill M, Steve R, Billy C, Dan L, Cathy L, Carolyn P, Leo P, Cal B, Lyla B, Robert D, Dave S, Clint B, and Jack Y.
Guest: Bill Cool (introduced by Bill Marion)
Called to order at 7:08 p.m., March 12, 2002. Minutes of the
February meeting were read and approved, as amended. (motion by Carolyn,
seconded by Jack). An addendum (in the form of an e-mail message to club
members) concerning a special vote to allocate $100.00 for the San Antonio Pest
Control Association (SAPC) annual charity bass tournament was also
The Treasurer's report was read and approved. After paying national
and state federation fees, the SAPC contribution, awards plaques, Top 6 per diem
($450), and making a deposit of $506.00, the balance was $2539.52. Money for
rooms for Top 6 (~$1500.00) has yet to be allocated.
Old Business:
Club Banners: Bill M advised the club that vinyl banners will cost the club approximately $7 per square foot (e.g. 2X5’ banner = ~$70). This figure did not include a computer-artwork set up fee. Cal motioned and Leo seconded to expend club funds and order a 2X5’ banner with the club logo and "Quality Bass Club" for use at Casting Kids events, our annual fish fry, and other functions. The vote passed. Item Closed.
Casting Kids Event: Bill M advised the club that the Academy Sports and Outdoors store at US281 and 1604 offered to provide support for a Casting Kids event at that location. The club opted for April 11th from 1PM to 4PM as the primary date. Bill will coordinate further and provide final details. Item Remains Open.
Boysville Tournament Kids Casting Event: Bill motioned and Dan seconded to hold a kids casting event at this year’s 33rd annual event on July 28. The vote passed. Item Closed.
Federation Tournament Weigh In Assistance: The March event on Lake Austin was cancelled. Item Closed
New Business:
Golden Rule: Dan motioned and Leo seconded to expend club funds to purchase a golden rule for the tournament director’s use. The vote passed. Carolyn volunteered to buy the golden rule and then be reimbursed. Item Closed
Proposed Tournament Rules Change: Dan presented a proposed written change to the tournament rules. He proposed Section 8, Scoring, sub-para g. be changed from "Member results will be penalized 1 pound for each under legal length fish." To "Member bringing in an under legal length fish will be disqualified." Club members will vote on the amendment at the April general membership meeting. Item Open
O.H. Ivie Lake Report: Jack informed the club that golden algae is becoming a problem in West Texas lakes and Ivie may be affected. He suggested we keep abreast of the potential problem with an eye towards changing the May tournament. For Information Only
May Tournament: Since TPWD changed the creel and length limit on Ivie to two fish under 18" and three over 18" may be retained, it was asked if Ivie will be a paper tournament (and thus draw) or a regular tournament. Leo said he would research the tournament committee’s original proposal and inform the club at the next meeting. Item Open
Internet Voting: Mike asked if the club was comfortable with internet voting, such as was conducted for the $100 charitable donation to the SAPCA, and queried whether we should amend the by-laws to formalize procedures. After some discussion, no motions were presented and the item was left for further discussion and resolution. Item Tabled
Standing Charitable Donation: Leo motioned and Dan seconded to identify the San Antonio Pest Control Association bass tournament donation as a standing annual donation that will be maintained for the life of that tournament or until discontinued by separate vote. The vote passed. Item Closed.
Annual Charitable Donations: The President asked that the Secretary research past minutes to provide the club with how much in charitable contributions have been approved by the club so far this calendar year, how much is available or earmarked for donation and provide a running reminder each month. Item Open
Tournament Director:
Leo announced the winners of February tournament on Fayette. Steve R. was third; Leo P. was second; and Bill M. was 1st. Billy C. had big bass.
Leo also announced the winners of the March tournament on Coleto. Cathy L. was third (6.38); Bill M. was second (6.50) and Steve R. was first (13.19). Cathy had big bass (5.44).
Cal B. motioned and Jack Y. seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary Pro Tem
Members present: Clint B, George B, Cal and Lyla B, Billy C, Robert D, Mike K, Cathy and Dan L, Bill M, Cal M, Carolyn and Leo P, Steve R, Mike R, and Jack Y.
Guest: Bill Cool (2nd Visit) and Larry Ferguson (Clint B’s father in law)
Meeting called to order at 7:05 p.m., April 9, 2002. Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved, as amended. (Motion by Steve, seconded by Dan).
The Treasurer's report was read and approved. After paying for the Top 6 Rooms ($1335.60) the balance was $1203.92. The Secretary reported that for 2001, the club had $680 from the fish fry, raffle, and auction. The club donated $200 in December 2001 to the Gillespie Ford Angel Tree project. In March 2002, the club approved $100 to the SAPCA. The club has $380 available for charitable donations.
Old Business:
Club Banners: During the March meeting, the club approved the purchase of a 2’X5’ banner with the club logo and “Quality Bass Club” for use at Club events. During this meeting, Bill M offered several different designs and Mike K also presented a suggested design. After much discussion, the club by show of hands picked the basic design offered by Mike K and Bill M asked for a final draft design in the 2X5 ratio be brought before the club for final approval.. Robert D made a motion to table the decision and Dan seconded the motion. Item tabled.
Casting Kids Event: Bill M advised the club that the Academy Sports and Outdoors store at US281 and 1604 will host the Casting Kids event. The event is scheduled for May 11th from 1PM to 4PM. Item Open.
Proposed Tournament Rules Change: Club voted on member Dan L’s proposal to change the Club’s tournament rules to disqualify a member bringing in an under legal length fish. After much discussion, the club voted not to change the rules. Item Closed.
Tournament Director Leo, directed that the May tournament on O.H. Ivie remain a draw tournament. No change in the scheduled tournament was made because of the creel and length limit changes on O.H. Ivie. Note: TPWD changed the creel and length limit on Ivie to two fish under 18” and three over 18” may be retained. Item Closed.
Internet/telephone Voting: Bill M said that the current by laws do not address how/when a motion is passed. President Mike R, after much discussion by members present, said that voting procedures would be addressed when the by laws are reviewed and updated. Item Tabled pending review of by laws.
Annual Charitable Donations: The Secretary reported on the status of the club’s charitable donations to date and will provide a running reminder at each month’s meeting. Item Closed.
New Business:
Fishabilities Unlimited” Bill M informed the club about a story in the San Antonio Express News telling about kids at the Warm Springs Rehabilitation System, many in a wheelchair, that will be offered an opportunity to land a few fish during the third annual Fishabilities Unlimited event on April 20 at Canyon Lake’s Fisherman’s Corner. He said, sponsors are being sought for each of the youngsters, with a $100 sponsorship covering all costs of the trip. Bill made a motion that the club provide $100 sponsorship. Dan L seconded the motion. The vote passed. Item Closed. (Leaves $280 in theCharitable kitty)
Renewal of “Qualitybass.org” as an internet domain name. Bill M informed the club that it is time to renew the current service. Cost is $35 for one year and $55 for two. After some discussion, Bill M made motion to renew for two years and Steve R seconded the motion. The vote passed. Item Closed
President Mike asked for volunteers to help at the Association weigh-in at Coleto Tourney on Sunday. Members Dan and Cathy L, Lyla B, Carolyn P, and Bill M volunteered. (Club will receive $100 for helping out)
The 13th Annual San Antonio Pest Control Association Open Team Bass Tournament is scheduled for Sunday, May 5, 2002 at Choke Canyon (Calliham launch) Registration begins at 5 a.m. at Calliham Park.
Tournament Director:
Leo announced that the tournament on Choke Canyon would be Sat 13 April, from 7 a.m. until 3 p.m. Weigh-in at Calliham. Jack Y won the draw.
Cal B made a motion that the meeting be closed, Dan seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Quality Bass Club, Secretary
Tournament Director:
Leo announced the winners of February tournament on Fayette. Steve R. was third; Leo P. was second; and Bill M. was 1st. Billy C. had big bass.
Leo also announced the winners of the March tournament on Coleto. Cathy L. was third (6.38); Bill M. was second (6.50) and Steve R. was first (13.19). Cathy had big bass (5.44).
Cal B. motioned and Jack Y. seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:05 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary Pro Tem
Members present: Clint B, George B, Cal B, Billy C, Robert D, Mike K, Cathy and Dan L, Cal M, Carolyn and Leo P, Steve R, Mike R, David S, and Jack Y.
Meeting called to order at 7:04 p.m., May 8, 2002. Minutes of the April meeting were read and approved, as amended. (Motion by Billy, seconded by Dave).
The Treasurer's report was read and approved. Did not pay Fishabilities Unlimited the $100 for the sponsorship approved at the April meeting, Bill Marion did not contact him for payment before the event (Leaves $380 in the Charitable kitty). Balance in the treasury was $1,184.47.
Old Business:
Club Banners: Mike Kinchen presented a final draft design in the 2X5 ratio for the banner. He explained that a professional graphic designer at no charge produced the logo. Dan L made motion to accept the design and get the banner made, Clint B seconded the motion, and the motion carried. President Mike R said that he would take care of delivering the design to have the banner made. (Item Open.)
Casting Kids Event: President Mike advised the club that the date for the event was changed to June 1, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., at the Academy Sports and Outdoors store located at US281 and 1604. (Item Open.)
New Business:
Annual Fish Fry. President Mike announced that Aug 24 is the date of the Fish Fry and asked club members to start saving fish for the event. Robert D volunteered to ask the Federation for dead fish brought in at their tournaments. Dan L volunteered to check on orders from Gillespie Ford. (Item Open)
Tournament Director:
Leo announced that the Choke Canyon tournament winners: 1st Bill M, 2 fish, 4.64 lbs; 2nd Mike R, 2 fish, 2.79 lbs; and 3rd Steve R, 1 fish, 2.72 lbs. Bill M had big bass at 2.87 lbs. Since the O.H. Ivy rules have changed to allow two fish under 18,” Leo asked for a show of hands on whether to make the May tournament a draw or paper tournament. Majority voted for a straight tournament. Weigh-In to be at Elm, 0630 to 1430 on Sat and 0630 to 1230 on Sunday. Dave won the draw.
Cal M made a motion that the meeting be closed and Lyla seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 8:05 p.m.
Mike Kinchen, Club Secretary
Members present: George B, Cal B, Billy C, Robert D, Mike K, Cathy
L, Cal M, Carolyn and Leo P, Steve R, Mike R, David S, and Jack Y. Guest: Bill
Wolfarth (Guest of Bill M)
Meeting called to order at 7:03 p.m., June
11, 2002. Minutes of the May meeting were read and approved, as amended. (Motion
by Billy, seconded by Carolyn).
The Treasurer's report was read and approved. We have $380 in the charitable
kitty. Balance in the treasury was $1311.47.
Club Banners: Bill M got the new banner made and brought it
to the Casting Kids event. President Mike says, “It looks really good and we
will use it next at the Fish Fry. (Item Closed)
Casting Kids Event: The Casting Kids event was a great success. We had 32 kids register and compete and several more under age children practice. Club volunteers were: Bill M, Leo and Carolyn, Cal and Lyla, Mike K, Mike R, Clint, Dave, and Steve. Bill Gallows from another Federation Club helped out. (Item Closed)
Annual Fish Fry. President Mike reminded members the event would be Aug 24. Robert D asked the Federation for dead fish brought in at their tournaments. None brought in to date. Cathy reported that Dan L checked on orders from Gillespie Ford and they said they would participate as they have done in the past. (Item Open)
New Business:
Visitor Bill W expressed desire to join the
club. Mike R made motion that club accept his membership, Leo P seconded the
motion. The motion carried. The club welcomes new member Bill Wolfarth who will
fish in our June tournament. (Closed)
Tournament Director:
Cal M made a motion that the meeting be closed and Robert seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:30 p.m.
Members present: Clint B, Cal B, Lyla B, Robert D,
Mike K, Cathy L, Dan L, Cal M, Carolyn and Leo P, Mike R, David S, and Bill W.
Meeting called to order at 7:17 p.m., July 9, 2002. Minutes of the June
meeting were read and approved, as amended. (Motion by Dan, seconded by Cathy).
The Treasurer's report was read and approved. We had $380 in the charitable
kitty. Balance in the treasury was $1,287.71.
Annual Fish Fry: President Mike passed out copies of the
letter to be given to perspective donors of prizes/items to be sold at the
annual fish fry and auction on Aug 24. He said that copies were also available
on the Quality web site. Prez Mike asked all club members to be in place at the
fish fry by 3 p.m. Early Volunteers to help set up and cook: Clint B, Dave S,
Leo P, Cal B, and Mike R. Robert D volunteered services of Richard D to prepare
the Hush Puppies. Dan L said that he would bring the meal tickets. This year the
fishplates will be $4.50 and the raffle tickets will be $1.00 (Item Open)
New Business:
Flood Donation: Mike K read a proposal from
Bill M for the club to donate $250 dollars towards a clean-up and relief fund
set up for the July flood victims. Prez Mike accepted the proposal as a motion
and Dan L seconded the motion. After much discussion the members present agreed
on the Salvation Army fund for flood victims to be the relief fund of choice.
Prez Mike said that he would get the check to the Salvation Army. Note: After
donation club will have $130 in the charitable kitty. (Item Open)
FYI: KAST Tournament at Amistad on Oct 19 with a tournament for the volunteers on the 20th.
Tournament Director:
Cal B made a motion that the meeting be closed and Mike R seconded the motion. Meeting adjourned at 7:53 p.m.
Members present:
Old Business:
Tournament Director:
Members present:
Old Business:
Tournament Director:
Members present:
Old Business:
Tournament Director:
Members present:
Old Business:
Tournament Director:
Members present:
New Business:
Date last modified:2 Feb 2002 by TheWebmaster