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Called to order at 7:00 P.M., 12 Jan 99. Minutes were read and accepted as amended (motion by Leo, seconded by Richard). The Treasurer's report was also read and approved (motion by Leo, seconded by Donna).
Old Business:
- New Members: Several club members announced they had contacted
prospective new members, but none showed at the meeting. Steve provided
copies of a membership drive flyer that we can use to encourage additional
- Weigh Bags: Dan had not contacted Gillespie to ask them to
purchase the heavy weigh bags. The item remained open.
Trophies: The club has traditionally purchased seven trophies (one each
for Top 6 finishers and one for the Sportsman of the Year) and an engraved
plaque to mount on the "floating" Big Bass of the Year trophy. Bill
brought up buying an individual Big Bass trophy to be presented in addition to
the floating one. Cal motioned and Richard seconded that an individual Big
Bass trophy be purchased. The vote passed. Bill motioned and
Lyla seconded that the club limit the cost of trophies to $175. The vote
passed. Carolyn volunteered to order and pick up the trophies.
- Club
Logo: It was discussed and agreed (without vote) to keep the bass jumping
through the "Q" as the club logo.
- Angel Tree: The club bought four
bikes for the Gillespie Ford angel tree.
New Business:
- Associate Members: Leo brought up the topic of allowing associate
members, individuals who are dues paying but not active in the club. After
discussion, Cal motioned and Bud seconded that we do not allow associate members
in our club. The vote passed.
- Recipe Books: Lyla recommended
that club members compile their recipes and publish them in a book as a club
fund-raiser. Each member should submit five recipes, then we will print
and sell. No motion nor vote was taken. The idea remains open and
- Casting Kids: Mike mentioned we should organize another
Casting Kids competition. We need sponsorship from K-Mart, a Casting Kids
kit, determine a date, and advertise with flyers. Leo volunteered to head
a Casting Kids committee. Item remains open.
- Partners of the Year
Trophy: Mike presented an idea to add a new competition which pairs
members through use of a draw who combine their tournament scores throughout the
year to come up with a Partners of the Year trophy. Mike motioned and Cal
seconded to implement the idea. The vote passed. Names were drawn
and Mike and Cal will monitor the program. Bill said the issue of
committing money for the program should be readdressed in September.
- Federation Info: Cal stated that the Federation tournament trail is published. He had no specific Federation meeting minutes to pass on. The club expressed its concern with the way the Federation surprised us with an annual dues increase from $28 to $35. Cal said the new Southern Region Director is planning on visiting and speaking to region clubs.
- Fish Fry: George stated that we should start now to get sponsors for our annual fish fry, raffle, and auction. The letter needs to be prepared so it can be sent out with plenty of lead time. Cathy motioned and Leo seconded that we set August 21st as the date for the fish fry. Vote passed.
Tournament Director:
- No tournament report was given.
- The proposed 1999 tournament schedule
was presented, discussed, voted on, and accepted after minor changes.
- The draw was conducted for the January tourney on Bastrop. Paper
weigh slips were passed out and explained by Steve.
Times will be 7:30 to 3:30 with weigh-in at the South Shore ramp.
- Cal won the entry fee draw.
Steve motioned and Bud seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:35.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach
Called to order at 7:10 P.M., 9 Feb 99. Minutes were read and approved (motioned by Irene, seconded by Richard). The Treasurer's report was also read and accepted with a balance of $2212.93.
Old Business:
- Weigh Bags: Dan announced money was not forthcoming from Gillespie
Ford for weigh bags. Carolyn volunteered to research availability and cost
and commit the $150 the club voted on at the December meeting for the purchase.
- Recipe Books: Several members brought recipes to the meeting for the
recipe book. Irene said she has a computer kit for compiling and
publishing recipes. She volunteered to assist Lyla and Bill with the
project. It was requested members submit a total of at least ten recipes
each rather than the five each originally requested. Item remains active.
- Casting Kids: Leo had nothing new to report. He is continuing
to work the project. Item remains open and active.
- Fish Fry
Letters: George was given a copy of our fish fry, raffle and auction
letter to potential sponsors and supporters. He will make copies and
distribute to everyone.
New Business:
- New Member: Cal introduced a prospective new member - Kris
Showalter. Kris briefly described his past fishing experiences and
requested membership. Cal motioned and Richard seconded that Kris be voted
into the club. The vote was unanimous.
- By-Law Changes: Dan
introduced two proposed changes to the club by-laws. One eliminates the
specific amount of B.A.S.S. and Federation fees and the other formalizes the
Sportsman of the Year award. After a brief discussion they were carried
forward for vote next meeting.
- Tournaments: Dan mentioned the Pest
Control Association tournament will be held May 2nd on Choke. It is a team
tourney with a guaranteed $5000 first prize and guaranteed hourly big bass
awards ($125/$75).
- Trophy Presentations: Past-President Leo handed
out the Top Six, Sportsman, and Big Bass trophies.
Tournament Director:
- Cal announced the winners of January's paper draw tournament on
Bastrop. Bill was first and had big bass, Steve was second and Carolyn
third. Checks were handed out.
- Cal announced times for February's
tournament at Coleto (7-4 and 7-1).
- Mike won the entry fee draw.
Irene motioned and Leo seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:55.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach
Called to order at 7:10 P.M., 9 Mar 99. Minutes were read and approved (motioned by Irene, seconded by George). The Treasurer's report was also read and accepted with a balance of $2039.68 (motioned by Leo, seconded by Cathy).
Old Business:
- Weigh Bags: Carolyn is still checking on purchasing the bags. Item open.
- Recipe Books: More recipes are needed from club members for the project.
Item remains active.
- Casting Kids: Leo is continuing to work with the
Regional Director on the project. Item remains open and active.
Tournaments: Dan provided an update on the Pest Control Association tournament
to be held May 2nd on Choke. It is a team tourney with a guaranteed $3000 first
prize and guaranteed hourly big bass awards ($125/$75).
- By-Law Changes:
The two proposed changes to the club by-laws that were submitted the previous
month were voted on. Richard motioned and Cathy seconded that we eliminate the
specific amount of B.A.S.S. and Federation fees and Richard motioned and George
seconded that we formalize the Sportsman of the Year award. Both amendments
passed unanimously.
New Business:
- Fish Fry: After a brief discussion on the fish fry, raffle and auction,
Cathy was appointed Committee Chairwoman. It was also suggested we have a
fishing weekend with a "winner-take-all money pot" to catch fish for the fish
fry. The item was tabled.
- Guest Speaker Program: Mike suggested we invite
different speakers to address the club on issues of fishing techniques,
conservation, or current events. Leo seconded. All members were asked to think
of potential invitees. Item open.
Tournament Director:
- Cal announced the winners of February's tournament on Coleto. Steve was
first, Mike was second and had big bass, and Leo was third. Checks were handed
- Cal announced times for March's tournament at Choke (6:30-3:00 at
South Shore).
- Cal won the entry fee draw.
Irene motioned and Richard seconded to adjourn the meeting at 7:50.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order at 7:03 P.M., 13 Apr 99. Minutes were read and accepted (motion by Carolyn, seconded by Lyla).
The Treasurer's report was also read and approved with a balance of $360.78 (motion by Cal, seconded by Cathy).
Old Business:
- Weigh Bags: Still checking. Item remains open.
- Recipe
Books: Lyla checked with different companies to research reproduction
costs for the recipe books. They ranged from over $900 to $380 for 200
copies. We currently have about 50 recipes submitted and need at least 150
to complete the books. Bill put a "drop dead" date of May 11th (the next
scheduled club meeting) to get recipes in so we can start organizing, compiling,
and printing the books. It was suggested we sell each book for $6.
Item remains open and active.
- Casting Kids: Leo continues to
check into the event. He will contact the regional Casting Kids director
to firm things up. Item open.
New Business:
- Top Six Report: Steve talked about the results of the Top Six
tournament held at Lake O' the Pines. The club placed 22nd overall out of
40-plus clubs. The trials and tribulations of the trip were also
- New Members: Gerald and Anita Naugle were introduced by
Cathy. They expressed interest in joining the club. After a brief
discussion they were voted into the club unanimously. Richard introduced
Jack Yankay, a former member who expressed interest in rejoining the club.
Jack was voted in unanimously also.
- San Antonio Pest Contol 10th Annual
Open Tournament: Cathy handed out entry forms for the "bug
tournament". She gave a brief rundown on entry fees, prize monies, and
Tournament Director:
- Tournament Report: Cal announced the results of the Choke tourney -
Leo third, Steve second, and Bill first with big bass.
- Cal announced the
next tournament on Medina Lake would launch from and weigh-in at Goat Hill and
times would be 7-4:00.
- Carolyn won the entry fee draw.
Carolyn motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach
The Treasurer's report was also read and approved with a balance of $374.98 (motion by Cal, seconded by Carolyn).
Members present: Bill, Mike, George, Richard, Dan, Cathy, Steve, Leo, Carolyn, Kris, Jack, Cal and Lyla.
Old Business:
- Weigh Bags: Carolyn reported that Academy had weigh bags on sale for
about $12.00 each. After a discussion about buying with club funds, Leo
motioned and Steve seconded that we rescind the previous vote to buy with club
funds. The vote passed. Carolyn volunteered to go to Academy and buy
bags if individual club members wanted to pay for their own. Item closed.
- Recipe Books: Lyla handed out the tentative Table of Contents.
More recipes are still needed. Graphics also have to be determined.
The publisher (Morris Press) will allow up to ten mistakes, typos or changes,
then the club will have to pay for additional ones. Item remains open and
- Casting Kids: Leo continues to check into the event.
Item open.
- San Antonio Pest Control Association Open Tournament:
Cathy reported on the open tournament held May 2nd on Choke. Leo and
Carolyn placed 17th. The tourney was a success. Item closed.
New Business:
- Conservation Issue: Kris raised a concern about size limits, creel
limits, and general conservation practices on military installations in the
area. He asked if the club would want to raise the issue to the
bases. After a brief discussion, Bill suggested we investigate more before
the club gets involved. Individually, though, members were encouraged to
bring their concerns up to base officials. Item open.
- Fish Fry,
Raffle, and Auction: Bill showed a revised "beg letter" he wrote to show
club involvement in local charities and activities. Everyone was reminded
to get out and beat the bushes to get items for the raffle and auction - fishing
related or not. Cal and Richard wanted to confirm where and when the fish
fry was. Richard suggested using the VFW facilities. Leo motioned
and Cathy seconded that we remain at My House Lounge. The vote
passed. Leo will check with Ginny at My House to confirm August 21st is a
suitable and clear date for her. Item open.
- Second Fund
Raiser: Carolyn mentioned she might be able to get airline tickets
to raffle off. It was suggested that we have a separate raffle not
in conjunction with the fish fry to bring in additional money. It will be
investigated and discussed further. Item open.
Tournament Director:
- Tournament Report: Cal announced the results of the Medina tourney -
Cal third, Steve second, and Bill first with big bass.
- Cal announced the
next tournament on Richland-Chambers would launch from and weigh-in at Clear
View Marina and times would be 6:30-4:00 Saturday and 6:30-12:30 Sunday.
Bill won the entry fee draw.
Cal motioned and Richard seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:20.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach, Secretary
Called to order at 7:05 P.M., 8 Jun 99. Minutes were read and accepted (motion by Carolyn, seconded by Cal).
The Treasurer's report was also read and approved with a balance of $436.98 (motion by Cal, seconded by Richard).
Old Business:
- Recipe Books: Lyla announced that the recipe books are done and ready
for publishing. 200 books would cost $390 + .20 ea shipping and
handling ($430 total). Discussion included how many books need
to be sold to break even, how many to make money, how many each member should
sell and how to market them. Graphics and final design layouts still
needed to be finalized. Dan motioned and Cathy seconded that Bill and Lyla
be given carte blanc to prepare the books for publication. The vote
passed. Richard motioned and George seconded that the club commit funds
and order the books. The vote was unamimous. Item remains open and
- Casting Kids: Leo reported that the local Casting Kids
Director is not scheduling any events until the October timeframe. Leo
motioned and Steve seconded that the item be tabled until September. The
vote passed. Item tabled.
- Conservation Issue: Kris withdrew
his item from club consideration. Item closed.
- Fish Fry, Raffle, and
Auction: Cathy reminded everyone to keep soliciting local
sponsors. Leo reported that Ginny Kim said August 21st was a good date for
use of her establishment. Dan was assigned to print meal tickets, and the
club agreed to keep the cost of the meal at $4.50. Bill and Steve were
assigned to print flyers. Cathy will inventory supplies to determine what
needs to be purchased. Bill reported that he sent letters to Academy,
Cabela's, Berkley, Stren, and Bass Pro Shops. Academy and Cabela's will
donate. Berkley and Stren will not donate but will offer significant
discounts. Bass Pro has yet to reply. Item open.
- Second Fund
Raiser: After a brief discussion, Carolyn motioned that this item be
tabled. Item tabled.
New Business:
- Line Conservation: Bill asked the status of last year's line conservation project headed up by Donna and Dan. Dan reported what line was collected had been turned into Academy. Some members still had line to recycle, so members were asked to bring it to the next meeting. Item open.
Tournament Director:
- Tournament Report: Cal announced the results of the
Richland-Chambers tourney - Cathy third, Bill second with big bass, and
Steve first.
- Cal announced the next tournament on Mathis would launch from
and weigh-in at State Park ramp across the cove from the fish cleaning station
and times would be 6:00-3:00 Saturday.
- Cal also gave a heads up on the
July tournament on Ivie. Elm Creek will be the club site because Concho is
all booked up. He asked everyone planning to go to call Elm Creek early
for reservations.
- Lyla won the entry fee draw.
Leo motioned and Steve seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:20.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach
(amended copy)
Called to order at 7:13 P.M., 13 Jul 99. Minutes were read and accepted
as amended (motion by Carolyn, seconded by Cal).
The Treasurer's report was
also read and approved with a balance of $409.78 (motion by Cal, seconded by
Old Business:
- Recipe Books: Lyla updated everyone on the order. The company received it on June 28th and they should send them out within 45 days. Item open.
- Fish Fry, Raffle, and Auction: Cathy gave an update on progress, inventory, and actions still to be done. George motioned and Mike seconded to raise the price of meal tickets to $4.50, with the stipulation that Gillespie Ford be offered tickets at $4.00. The vote passed. Dan motioned and Cal seconded to commit $50.00 of club funds to buy 50 scratch-off lottery tickets as the raffle grand prizes. Bill gave an update on responses from companies he has contacted. Luhr-Jensen has offered a 50% discount on their merchandise and a free smoker-grill if the club buys over $200 ($100 after discount). Bill will bring the catalog to the next tournament. Cathy will run off meal tickets and bring them to the next tournament. Item open.
- Line Conservation: Everyone was asked to take their line to Academy. Item closed.
New Business:
- State Tournament: Cal reminded the club that it's not too early to start making arrangements for next year's State tourney. Bill motioned and Leo seconded that Cal make reservations and continue to find out information. Item open.
Tournament Director:
- Tournament Report: Cal announced the results of the Mathis tourney -
Steve third with big bass, Cal second, and Bill first.
- Cal announced the
next tournament on O.H. Ivie will be a spit on Saturday, with times 6:00-11:00
and 4:30-9:00 Saturday and 6:00-12:00 Sunday.
- Bud won the entry fee draw.
George motioned and Carolyn seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:16.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach
Called to order at 7:05 P.M., 10 Aug 99. Minutes were read and accepted (motion by Carolyn, seconded by Richard).
The Treasurer's report was also read and approved with a balance of $433.68.
Old Business:
- Recipe Books: Lyla updated everyone on the order. Proofs were received,
reviewed, and returned. The company estimated 30 August as a delivery date.
Posters advertising the sale of the cookbooks were passed out. Item open.
Fish Fry, Raffle, and Auction: Cathy handed out meal tickets, raffle tickets and
flyers. Status of donations was reviewed. Newspaper, radio, and TV advertising
was discussed. Lyla motioned and Irene seconded that the club expend funds for
needed fish fry items (reimbursement with receipts). The vote passed
unanimously. Item open.
- State Tournament: Cal said reservations were made
at the Alpine Inn for the 2000 Top Six Tournament. Item closed.
New Business:
- New Member: Dan introduced (or reintroduced) Cecil
Newberry to the club as a prospective member; Irene seconded and the vote passed
unanimously. Item closed.
- Federation Raffle: Cal announced that the State
Federation is having a raffle for a new trolling motor. Each ticket sold for
$1.00 brings $.50 back to the club. Cal will get tickets for club members to
sell. Item open.
- Roster Update: The club roster was passed around for
corrections and additions. Item closed.
Tournament Director:
- Tournament Report: Cal announced the results of the O.H. Ivie tourney -
only two people caught fish, so thrid place money stays in the till; second went
to Bill and Carolyn won first and big bass with her 9.24.
- Cal announced
the next tournament on Lake JBJ will be 6:30-1:30 Saturday with weigh in at the
public ramp on Wurtz Dam Road.
- Carolyn won the entry fee draw for LBJ.
- Cal also announced times for the September tourney on Amistad because the
tournament date is prior to the meeting date. Times will be 7-4 Saturday and 7-2
Sunday, with weigh in at Diablo East.
- Lyla won the entry fee draw for
Irene motioned and George seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:16.
Respectfully submitted, Dan Leach
Called to order a 7:05 P.M., 14 Sep 99. Minutes were read and accepted (motion by Carolyn, seconded by Lyla).
The Treasurer's report was also read and approved with a balance of $2279.19. A breakdown of fish fry income was given. Steve announced that Cathy had donated $81.00 worth of goods to the fish fry. Kudos were passed out to Cathy for Chairing the event and Bill for his efforts soliciting sponsors and donations.
Old Business:
- Recipe Books: Carolyn acknowledged Lyla's efforts for typing all the
recipes. The club gave Lyla a well-deserved applause. The books were
received prior to the fish fry, so some were sold and some were raffled at that
event. Cal motioned, and Carolyn seconded, that 20 books be set aside for
the club to give away to select sponsors and deserving individuals.
Everyone was reminded to keep selling. Item open.
- Fish Fry, Raffle,
and Auction: Cathy gave a report on the fish fry, raffle and
auction. She prepared an inventory of items on hand and items needed for
next year's event (see attached). She also prepared a continuity letter
with notes and reminders for next year's event (also attached). Thank you
letters were passed out. Leo mentioned that we should consider a cat fish
tournament prior to next year's fish fry so the club will have sufficient fish
for next year. As evidenced by the treasurer's report, this was the
best event so far. Item closed until next year.
- Federation
Raffle: Cal did not have a chance to get tickets from the
Federation. Item tabled.
New Business:
- State Federation Report: Bill read a report sent from the State
Federation. The Top Six tourney will be Wednesday through Friday, April
5-7, 2000. This is a change from the Thursday through Saturday format of
previous year's. Bill will check on dates for practice days. Another
change is the reintroduction of the use of landing nets. Other items of
interest from the Federation were brought up. Item closed.
Topo-Log: Bill mentioned the club had an opportunity to receive a discount
on a computer software that provides maps of area lakes that can be manipulated
to show level changes and other features. If five members purchase the
software at approximately $50 per order, we can receive a free one.
Item for information only.
- Minutes and Tourney Standings: Bill asked
whether monthly minutes and tournament results should be posted on the web site
prior to or after the meetings. It was generally agreed that posting
should wait until after the meetings. Item closed.
- Virtual
Mall: Irene announced that she and Mike are involved in an on-line
buying organization called QuixStar (@QUIXSTAR.COM) that offers items from
several sporting goods stores, including Bass Pro Shops. She will provide
access numbers to those interested. Item for information only.
Fund-Raiser: Richard mentioned that the VFW was having a fund-raising
barbeque on Sep 25 for those interested. Item for information only.
Prospective New Member: Irene announced she might have a prospective new
member. Mr Bill Howard had shown interest in joining. Item open.
Tournament Director:
- Tournament Report: Cal announced the results of the LBJ tourney -
Cecil third, Lyla second and Cal first. Dan had big bass.
- Cal also
announced the results of the Amistad tourney - Bill third, Richard second, and
Mike first with big bass.
- No entry fee drawing was conducted because the
next tournament will be after the next meeting.
- Cal reminded
everyone that once off the water for weight-in, bring your fish to the scales
and don't slow weigh-in down by lolly-gagging around.
Irene motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:05.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach
Called to order a 7:07 P.M., 12 Oct 99. Minutes were read and
accepted (motion by Carolyn, seconded by Lyla).
The Treasurer's
report was also read and approved with a balance of $2381.18.
Old Business:
- Recipe Books: Everyone was reminded to see Steve if they need
additional books to sell. Item closed.
- Federation Raffle:
Raffle came and passed. Item closed.
- Topo-Log: Bill reminded
everyone about the availability of the topo-log software. Item closed.
New Business:
- Prospective New Member: Mr William Howard was introduced to the
membership and expressed interesting in joining the club. Carolyn
sponsored his request. Item open.
- Fish Fry Income: Discussion
was held on how best to budget, ear-mark and spend money made from our annual
fund raiser. Concensus was we should continue to place emphasis on
charitable donations, for the good of the club and the good of worthy
charities. Suggestions included forming a committee to identify and
prioritize spending or allowing members to bring up causes on a case-by-case
basis for vote by the entire membership. Item was tabled to allow members
to think about alternatives. Item open.
- End-of-Year Reminder:
Everyone was reminded that club dues, year 2000 officer nominations and input to
the 2000 tournament schedule (1 and 2 day tournaments and Saturday or Sunday
tournaments) will be discussed at the November meeting. Everyone
should be prepared. Item open.
- Christmas Party: Bill offered
to host the Christmas party at his house this year on December 14th. Item
Tournament Director:
- Tournament Report: No tournament report was given this month.
Cal announced times and weigh-in sites for the October tournament.
Saturday times will be 7:00-4:00 with weigh-in at Temple Park on Lake Belton and
Sunday times will be 7:00-1:00 with weigh-in at Dana Park on Stillhouse Hollow.
- Cathy won the entry fee draw.
George motioned and Lyla seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:03.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach
Guests present: Will, Gene and Brent
Called to order a 7:05 P.M., 9 Nov 99. Minutes were read and accepted (motion by Carolyn, seconded by Lyla).
The Treasurer's report was also read and approved with a balance of $2408.68.
Old Business:
- Prospective New Members: Will Howard was voted unanimously into the
club. He also introduced two new prosepctive members who expressed
interest in joining. Item Closed.
- Fish Fry Income: Cal
submitted a written proposed by-law change to address spending money
raised by club fund-raising activities. The change reads, "add new
paragraph titled: Distribution of fund-raising proceeds. A
minimum of 20% of fund-raising proceeds will be designated to a selected
charity by the club membership annually by vote." After a brief discussion
and minor amendments, Richard motioned and George seconded that the change
be accepted and voted upon at the next general membership meeting.
Item open.
- Tournament Schedule: Cal motioned and Steve
seconded that the club have 6 one-day and 6 two-day tournaments on the year 2000
schedule. Additionally it was proposed that three of the one day
tournaments be on Saturday and three be on Sunday. The vote passed.
Item closed.
New Business:
- Christmas Party: There was a conflict with the date for the Christmas
party and club meeting. Irene motioned and Steve seconded that the date be
changed to Wednesday, December 15th at Bill's house. The vote passed
unanimously. Lyla motioned and Richard seconded that the club spend $50.00
to buy the meats for the party. The vote passed unanimously. A sheet
was passed around for club members to indicated what they would bring as a
covered dish. Item closed.
- Angel Tree: Dan motioned and
Richard seconded that the club donate $200.00 to buy gifts for the annual
Gillespie Ford Angel Tree project. The vote passed unanimously. Item
- Federation and Club Tournaments: Mike proposed the club
consider drafting its 2000 tournament schedule to coincide with State Federation
tournaments in order to allow club members to participate in both and save on
multiple weekend fishing expenses. Several members were interested
in participating in both tournaments. Bill suggested allowing the
tournament committee to consider this approach, prepare a schedule and allow the
membership to vote on the final product. Item open.
- Nomination of
Officers for Y2K: The following individuals were nominated for year 2000
officer positions:
President: Bill, Carolyn, Mike
Vice President:
Mike, Lyla
Secretary: Dan, Irene
Sgt at Arms: George
As a reminder, all members' names will be on the ballot for tournament committee (with the individual receiving the most votes being designated trounament director), members at large (with the two individuals with the most votes being selected), and Sportsman of the Year. Nominations were closed. Item closed.
Tournament Director:
- Tournament Report: Cal announced the winners for the
Belton-Stillhouse tourney. Leo was third with big bass, Cathy second and
Bill first.
- Cal announced times and weigh-in site for the November
tournament on Canyon Lake. Times will be 6:30-3:30 on Sunday with weigh-in
at Cranes Mill Park.
- Steve won the entry fee draw.
- Because the
December tournament on Falcon will be prior to the meeting/party, Cal announced
times for it. They are 7-3:30 Saturday and 7-12:30 Sunday with weigh-in at
State Park. No entry fee draw was conducted for the December tourney.
Irene motioned and Cathy seconded to adjourn the meeting at 8:10.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach
Guests present: Spouses accompanied club members for the annual Christmas party.
Called to order 8:05 P.M., 15 Dec 99. Minutes were read and accepted (motion by Richard, seconded by George).
The Treasurer's report was also read and approved with a balance of $2698.81. Steve also reminded club members that National Federation dues had increased by $3.00.
Old Business:
- New Member: Gene Cherry was voted unanimously into the club.
Item closed.
- By-law Amendment: Additional discussion on the wording
of the proposed amendment to the by-laws concerning the spending of fund-raising
money resulted in changing the word charity to plural. The amendment was
voted on and passed. Item closed.
- New Member: Cal
motioned and Steve seconded that the club have 6 one-day and 6 two-day
tournaments on the year 2000 schedule. Additionally it was proposed that
three of the one day tournaments be on Saturday and three be on Sunday.
The vote passed. Item closed.
- Federation and Club Tournaments:
After additional discussion on aligning club tournaments to coincide with state
federation tournaments, it was decided to let the committee present the proposed
schedule for club members to vote on. Item closed.
New Business:
- Federation Notes: Bill passed on information from the state fereration,
including a reminder that Top Six fees need to be paid by March 19, 2000.
Item closed.
- Election of Officers for Y2K: The following individuals
were elected for year 2000 officer positions:
President: Bill
Vice President: Lyla
Secretary: Dan
Treasurer: Steve
Sgt at
Arms: George
Members at Large: Cecil and Cathy
Tournament Committee: Leo (Director), Cal, Carolyn, Steve, and
- Sportsman of the Year: Bill was voted Sportsman of the Year.
Year-end Plaques: Bill suggested purchasing ceramic bass figurines
mounted on a wooden base as an alternative to plaques. Consensus was to
remain with plaques. Cal motioned and Cecil seconded to authorize up to
$200 from club funds to purchase plaques. The vote passed. Carolyn
offered to acquire them. Item closed.
Tournament Director:
- November Tournament Report: Cal announced the winners for the Canyon
tourney. Bill was third, Mike second with big bass and William first.
- December Tournament Report: On Falcon, Gene placed third, Bill
second, and Steve was first. Dan had big bass.
Richard motioned and Cecil seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:00.
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach