January 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Richard Dunlap, Bill Marion, Donna Worley, Lyla Bienhoff, Irene Robbins, Dan Leach, Mike Robbins, Cathy Teague, Leo Pauley, Carolyn PauleyOld BusinessMinutes were read. Motion to approve by
Dan, seconded by Rocco. Scales - Bill researched the scales and presented the information to the club. New 40lb scale: $349.95, 50lb: 375.00, no tax, $15 shipping, comes with 1 year warrantee (1 yr extra - $30, 2yrs - $50, 3 yrs - $68); $39.95 for case; Used scales can be purchased for $100 less. Bill recommended 40lb used scale with carry case and 3 yr warrantee. Cal made the motion to accept the recommendation, Richard seconded, motion passed unanimously. Boater's Education Class - Bill gathered more information at the Boat Show regarding Boater's Education Classes. The Coast Guard Auxilliary provides 2, 7 hour classes every so often. The US Power Squadron offers the same class but 7, 2 hour classes starting on Weds the 21st of Jan. Both classes are free except for course material approx $5-10 and they both exceed the state requirements for certification. Lack's Christmas Tree - No One knew the status of the Christmas Tree. Trophies - Leo researched costs for trophies. Total cost of the trophies is $172 for 5 Top 6 trophies, Angler of the Year, Sportsman of the Year, and Big Bass. Discussion was held on possibly creating a pass-down trophy for either Big Bass or Sportsman of the Year. This would form a little club history. Cal made the motion to purchase the trophies, Rocco seconded, motion passed unanimously. Carolyn made a motion to have the Big Bass trophy passed down, Lyla seconded, motion passed 5 to 4. New BusinessStanding Committees (Casting Kids) - Bill volunteered to run a Casting Kids with some help. Irene volunteered, so Bill and Irene will co-chair a committee to run a Casting Kids project. Cal reiterated that we should work with Ricky Roberts and K-Mart and they will assist in setting everything up. Standing Committees (Conservation) - Dan volunteered to think of projects for conservation. He asked for another co-chair to help and Donna volunteered. New Meeting Location - Donna brought up an option of possibly moving the meetings to another location (one in which people can hear a little better), such as the VFW across the street. Donna will research if there is any cost involved and if they will support the fish fry. Tournament Committee will meet on Sat, Jan 24th at 0900am at Shoney's on 410 and Callaghan in order to set the 98 tournament calendar. Membership Drive - Members should attempt to bring in new members for the year (before too many tournaments pass by). Options for membership drive promotions were: Dan - give away grubs at tournaments with the Quality Bass logo and info; Irene - Express News advertisement; Richard - posters. Members are responsible for trying to bring in new members. The club welcomed a new member, Cathy Teaque. In the free draw, Cal Bienhoff won The new tournament director set the tournament times to be 0700-1530 on Lake Placid under the I-10 bridge.
February 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Richard Dunlap, Bill Marion, Donna Worley, Lyla Bienhoff, Irene Robbins, Steve Rickert, Dan Leach, Mike Robbins, Cathy Teague, Carolyn Pauley, George BarnesOld BusinessMinutes were read. Motion to approve by
Dan, seconded by Richard. Scales - the club purchased the used 40lb Equalizer scales. The tournament director has the scales. Boater's Education Class - Bill gathered more information on the TP&W video. Dan made a motion that the club buy the video, Richard seconded. Then there was discussion on if the video was copyrighted and whether we could order the manuals and tests separate from the video. 6 people expressed an interest in the class. The issue was tabled again for further research. Conservation Committee - Dan requested thoughts on a Conservation Project. Bill brought up a clean-up after a tournament. Carolyn brought up Monofilament line turn-in project. Casting Kids - Bill is waiting on the name of the regional director of Casting Kids. Moving the Club Meeting - Donna presented her findings on the possible move to the VFW across the street. The VFW is free of charge, it is closed on Mondays, they will support the fish fry, they have a separate meeting area (with a high ceiling, to lessen the smoke effect), and the canteen is an open club. Thus, the club would have to move its meeting to sometime other than Monday. Cal though it would be best to table the vote until Leo talked to Jenny about the possible move away from My House. Bill seconded, vote unanimous. Lack's Christmas Tree - Richard found out that our tree had very little under it. Needless to say, we did not win anything. Trophies - Mike, in the absence of Leo, handed out the trophies to the Top 6, Sportsman of the Year, and Big Bass of the Year. New BusinessMembership drive - Irene found that we can publish our meeting in the Community section of the newspaper for free. However, we will hold off on publication until the meeting place is solidified. New schedule - The tournament committee met and the tournament director presented the schedule to the club. Dan made a motion to move the April tournament to Choke Canyon since the Pest Control Company had their tourney there that weekend. Carolyn seconded. Passed 6 to 5. New schedule - Split weigh-ins. Richard thought that only the tournament director could set the weigh-in times. Mike said that he did set the times. Finally, Cal made a motion to accept the schedule, Carolyn seconded, passed unanimously. Club Shirts - Steve brought an example of a shirt that he proposed be the club shirt. It was purchased from Cabelas, costs $27.95, is olive green color, heavy cotton. The Quality Bass, a Bass logo, and name can be embroidered for $6. Vote: 7 for, 3 against. Also, Gillespie will pay for the Top 6 shirts. The Top 6 will get the same kinds of shirts but in a different color. In the free draw, Carolyn Pauley won The tournament director set the tournament times to be 0700-1500 on Saturday and 0700-1230 on Sunday at Falcon State Park.
March 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Richard Dunlap, Bill Marion, Donna Worley, Lyla Bienhoff, Cal Bienhoff, Steve Rickert, Dan Leach, Mike Robbins, Cathy Teague, Carolyn Pauley, Joe RoccogliataOld BusinessMinutes were read. Motion to approve by
Dan, seconded by Rocco. Boater's Education Class - Bill did not gather any additional info on the TP&W video. Issue tabled. Conservation Committee - Donna made a motion to start a "Save-a-Line" project to collect old monofilament. Dan seconded. Casting Kids - Quality Bass will hold a Casting Kids in concert with Ronnie's Marine Tournament on April 5 from 1:00 PM to 5:00 PM. K-Mart and Ronnies will provide all of the advertisement and equipment, we simply provide the manning for the event. The tournament will also have a boat show and BBQ. Moving the Club Meeting - Leo spoke with Jenny on moving the meeting to the VFW. She understood why we were moving and was not upset. The club will still hold their fish fry at My House. Also, the meeting would be moved to Tuesday night instead of Monday. Bill made a motion to accept, Richard seconded, passed unanimously. New BusinessShirts - Steve passed out the Top 6 and Club shirts, to those who purchased them. Club hats - Steve presented a hat with Quality Bass Club embroidery on it, similar to the shirts. The hats cost $9 and the embroidery for Top 6 is $2. Most people ordered one. Master Marine - Richard handed out coupons from his job at Master Marine and Propeller for 10% off Prop repair or Labor. The coupon can be used as often as one likes. Pest Control Tournament - Cathy handed out entry forms for the April Pest Control Tournament. Gillespie Ford Sponsorship - Bill made a motion that each club member donate $2 in order to purchase a certificate and plaque to present to Gillespie Ford for their overwhelming support to the club. Cal seconded. Motion passed 10 to 1. By-Laws and Tournament Rules - Bill handed all club members a copy of the latest by-laws and tourney rules. After much discussion, members are to present, in writing at the next meeting, their suggestions for modifying the rules. Saturday tournaments - Rocco asked why the club had started having their one day tournaments on Saturday rather than Sunday. Richard stated that he wanted the days of the tournaments to be written in the tournament rules so that members would know which days the tournaments occurred on. In the free draw, Richard Dunlap won The tournament director set the tournament times to be 0630-1600 on at Red's Cove. After the meeting, Top 6 got together in order discuss the OH Ivie trip. No one had any further business and the meeting was adjourned at 08:00
PM. Motioned by Cal, seconded by Dan. |
April 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Richard Dunlap, Donna Worley, Lyla Bienhoff, Cal Bienhoff, Steve Rickert, Dan Leach, Mike Robbins, Irene Robbins, Cathy Teague, Joe Roccogliata, George BarnesOld BusinessMinutes were read. Motion to approve by
Dan, seconded by Rocco Boater's Education Class - Issue
tabled. Gillespie Ford Sponsorship - Plaque and certificate for Gillespie - Issue table since Leo was not present. Everyone is to come prepared with $2 next meeting. Cal thinks he has a certificate that we can mount. Steve reported that the visors are not in yet. New BusinessBy-Laws and Tournament Rules - the following areas were brought up at the meeting 1) Results of Meetings and Tournaments will be posted on the Internet at the Quality Bass Club Home Page. 2) Formalize a Fish Fry Committee 3) Document current point system in an attachment to the current tournament rules. Add "as voted on by the club." 4) Tournament committee will determine the club schedule by December. 5) Specify/don't specify the amount of one day versus two day tournaments. 6) New members should receive a package of club material. 7) Document the Free Draw in the By-Laws 8) Steve will provide scoring sheets to be used for paper tournaments. 9) Add discretionary spending line into the By-laws. 10) Need to have a standard weight and scale. Adopt the "Golden Rule" 11) Leave or remove the "vote new members in" 12) Meetings wll be the same unless changed by 2/3 vote. 13) Change "must pay before tournament" to "should pay before tournament." 14) Change "from 100 yds w/in weigh-in site and w/in buoys to "abiding state and federal laws." Saturday tournaments - Rocco made a motion that the Saturday tournaments be moved to Sunday so that he could attend them. George seconded. motion passed. Dan asked if we still had the 4+ pound catches patches... Where are they? Due to the Spring Open at Amistad, Cal suggested we move the tournament. Dan seconded. Move to Coleto Creek. Motion passed. Mike gave the Top 6 report (windy conditions)... The club did well, placing 23rd out of 46 teams. In the free draw, Donna Worley won. The tournament director set the
tournament times to be 0645-3:00 PM at Calliham Point. No one had any further business and the meeting was adjourned at 08:00 PM. Motioned by Dan, seconded by Mike. Respectfully submitted, |
May 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Richard Dunlap, Donna Worley, Lyla Bienhoff, Cal Bienhoff, Steve Rickert, Leo Pauley, Carolyn Pauley, Dan Leach, Mike Robbins, Irene Robbins, Cathy Teague, George BarnesOld BusinessMinutes were read by Lyla. Motion to
approve by Dan, seconded by Mike Boater's Education Class - Issue
tabled. 1) 1st meeting: Results of Meetings and Tournaments will be posted on the Internet at the Quality Bass Club Home Page. 2nd meeting: issue tabled until Bill returns. *** 2) 1st meeting: Formalize a Fish Fry Committee. 2nd meeting: 3) 1st meeting: Document current point system in an attachment to the current tournament rules. Add "as voted on by the club." 2nd meeting: add the dated sheet to the by-laws as an attachment. 4) 1st meeting: Tournament committee will determine the club schedule by December. 5) 1st meeting: Specify/don't specify the amount of one day versus two day tournaments. 2nd meeting: decided that nothing needs to be done with this. 6) 1st meeting: New members should receive a package of club material. 2nd meeting: not mentioned. 7) 1st meeting: Document the Free Draw in the By-Laws. 2nd meeting: decided to disregard. 8) 1st meeting: Steve will provide scoring sheets to be used for paper tournaments. 2nd meeting: see change #3. 9) 1st meeting: Add discretionary spending line into the By-laws. 2nd meeting: $25 per month and $150 per year and report at the following meeting with receipts. 10) 1st meeting: Need to have a standard weight and scale. Adopt the "Golden Rule" 2nd meeting: not mentioned. 11) 1st meeting: Leave or remove the "vote new members in". 2nd meeting: enforce the vote new members in. 12) 1st meeting: Meetings wll be the same unless changed by 2/3 vote. 2nd meeting: not mentioned. 13) 1st meeting: Change "must pay before tournament" to "should pay before tournament." 2nd meeting: keep this line. 14) 1st meeting: Change "from 100 yds w/in weigh-in site and w/in buoys to "abiding state and federal laws." 2nd meeting: not mentioned. 15) 2nd meeting: put in that paper tournaments must be a draw.
Gillespie Ford Sponsorship - tabled. Club Clothing: Steve reported that the visors will be in soon. Carolyn suggested that the club get a pull-over shirt for the hot days. New BusinessNone Choke Canyon Report: 1st Bill with 9.47 pounds; 2nd Richard with 7.39 pounds; 3rd Steve with 5.62 pounds; Big Bass: Irene with a 3.49 pounder In the free draw, Cal Bienhoff won. The tournament director set the
tournament times to be 0615-3:30 PM on Saturday and 0615-1:00 PM at the
only ramp on Coleto Creek. No one had any further business and the meeting was adjourned at 08:00 PM. Motioned by Leo, seconded by Cal. Respectfully submitted, |
June 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Richard Dunlap, Donna Worley, Cal Bienhoff, Robert Dunlap, Joe Roccogliata, Leo Pauley, Carolyn Pauley, Dan Leach, Cathy Teague, Bill Marion, Mike Robbins, Irene Robbins, George BarnesOld BusinessMinutes were read by Bill. Motion to
approve by Dan, seconded by Rocco Boater's Education Class - Issue
tabled. Gillespie Ford Sponsorship - 9X7 Plaque ordered from Lackland Trophy... cost $28.90 Club Clothing: The visors are in. Steve had a Quality Bass Club shirt made with a Bass and Quality Bass embroidered on it. Cost is $10... Members wanting a shirt should give Steve their size and $10 at the weekend tournament and he will order. Texas Federation: Cal noted several items that were going on in the Texas Federation Board of Directors. There have been several derogatory letters sent to the Federation regarding some of the directors and the president. There will probably be a vote to see if anyone is removed from office. Local Federation: Cal said that he is changing the rules to have partners rather than a draw format in order to try and bring in more fisherman. Cal also stated that Minn Kota will host a 2 day Regional Tournament the 31st of October. New BusinessSponsors for the Fish Fry: Cal will contact K-Mart; George will contact Anchor Marine; Bill and Steve will contact Northwest Tackle Fish Fry: Will be held the 22nd of August. Donna will chair the Fish Fry committee. Tickets and Flyers will be distributed. Attached is the Fish Fry letter (Word Document) to be given to companies. July Tournament reschedule: Due to the low level of Falcon, a motion was made to move the tournament to another lake. OH Ivie was chosen 7 to 6 over Amistad. August Casting Kids: Cal wants to hold two Casting Kids events before November. This will allow this region to hold a cast-off in order to go to State. Bill and Irene will arrange a Casting Kids in August. Tournament Report: 1st Bill; 2nd Steve; 3rd Leo; Big Bass: Bill In the free draw, Carolyn Pauley won. The tournament director set the
tournament times to be 0600-3:00 PM on Saturday at the LBJ's Lion's Park
and 0600-1:00 PM at the Dam County Park at Buchanan. No one had any further business and the meeting was adjourned at 08:25 PM. Motioned by Cathy, seconded by Rocco. Respectfully submitted, |
July 1998 Meeting Minutes
JULY 13,1998 Members present: Dan, Cathy, Donna, Richard, George, Carolyn, Lyla, Leo, Robert, Mike, Cal and Rocco The meeting was called to order by President Leo Pauley. Minutes from the June meeting were read and approved with a motion by Dan and seconded by Carolyn. The suggested amendments to the by-laws and tournament were voted on as circled on the ballot. Dan introduced the guest speakers, George Marin and Art Madden. They explained the kids fishing day for the children at Boystown that would be held at Canyon Lake on Sun, 26 July, and asked our club members to participate. They expect approximately 90 boys and girls and need people to take them out in boats. They will fish for any legal fish and explained the thrill of getting these kids on the lake for fun and competition. They also invited anyone that wanted, to come camp with them on Fri and Sat nights and breakfast at 5:00 Sunday morning. They fish from 6:00 till 11:00, have weigh-in and when the kids leave, there are prizes and beer for those assisting. A good time is guaranteed. OLD BUSINESS: Donna reported that she has arranged for: Fryers - Cal and Richard; Hush Puppies, beans - Richard; Cole Slaw - Carolyn & Lyla; Red & Tartar sauce - Donna; George has a cooler full of fish We’ll have pies, cookies and etc. for baked goods.
Respectfully submitted in the absence of the secretary, Lyla Bienhoff |
August 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Lyla, Cal, Leo, Carolyn, Mike, Irene, Donna, Cathy, Steve, Richard, George, Dan and guest Cecil Newbury attended.Called to order at 7:05 by Leo. Minutes were unavailable, and the unofficial treasurer's report was $298.00. Old Business
New Business: Tournament director report:
Respectfully submitted, |
September 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Bill, Lyla, Cal, Leo, Carolyn, Mike, Irene, Donna, Cathy, Steve, Richard, George, and Dan attended.Called to order at 7:05 by Leo. Minutes were unavailable, and the unofficial treasurer's report was $2268.92. Old Business
New Business: Tournament director report:
Respectfully submitted, |
October 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Bill, Lyla, Leo, Carolyn, Mike, Irene, Cathy, Steve, Rocco, George, and Dan attended.Called to order at 7:10 by Leo. Minutes were read and accepted (motion by Dan, seconded by Rocco), and the treasurer's report was $2128.98 (which is before the previous tournament was deposited. Old Business
New Business: Tournament director report:
Respectfully submitted, |
November 1998 Meeting Minutes
Members Present : Bill, Cal, Lyla, Leo, Carolyn, Mike, Irene, Cathy, Steve, George, and Dan attended.Called to order at 7:05 by Leo. Minutes were read and accepted (motion by Dan, seconded by Lyla), and the treasurer's report was was not given. Old Business
New Business:
Tournament director report:
Respectfully submitted, |