April 2006 MinutesThose attending: Josh Iltis, Tom Robbins, Austin Hall and Michael Cowin.
Guests: Michael Iltis, Michael Cowin, Irene Robbins, Melanie & Michael Hall.
Minutes: Austin moved Michael C seconded the motion that minutes be accepted. Passed
Treasures report: no report.
Old business: conservation projects-Michael C will out if there’s anything that Red Cove Marina would like us to do. Open
T-shirts/hats: members discussed having both, Austin will work w/QBC about new shirts/hats. Open
New business
New secretary: Tom nominated Michael seconded, Austin Hall will be new secretary. Closed
April tournament: April 30th Austin moved Tom seconded entry fee, Michael amended to include Medina Lake safelight till noon,$4 entry $1 big bass
Irene explained the Texas fed youth program
Discussion for prizes Big bass will accumulate for the end of the year + each tourn winner gets next tournament entry for ½ price. Michael moved Austin seconded passed
Michael moved Travis seconded that the meeting be adjourned Meeting adjourned @ 3:40
March 2006 Minutes (Mar 6, 06)Those attending: Josh Iltis, BJ Gonzales, CJ Perales, Tom Robbins, Katie Robbins
Meeting began at 3PM. Those present discussed the suggested bylaws provided by B.A.S.S. BJ moved and CJ seconded that the group accept the bylaws, with the amendment that the secretary and treasurer positions be combined. Motion was amended to include that terms of office will be for 6 months. Motion carried, the bylaws as amended were accepted.
Nominations for office were accepted. Voting was conducted by ballot. The results were: Josh Iltis - President, Katie Robbins - Vice President, CJ Perales - Secretary/Treasurer. President Josh Iltis conducted the remainder of the meeting.
Action Items:
Name of Club: members generated a list of possible names. Members approved the name Quality YBC (Youth Bass Club).
Club Dues: Katie moved the local club dues be $5 each year, CJ seconded. Motion passed.
Meeting Dates: CJ moved and Tom seconded that the club hold meetings the 2nd Sunday of each month, and tournaments be held the 4th Sunday of every other month.
Club members brainstormed ideas for activities and projects: guest speakers for meetings, helping with Casting Kids events, conservation projects such as cleanups at area lakes, a trip to a local fish hatchery, Boater Safety Course, and joining QBC for activities. CJ proposed the club have t-shirts. The members discussed posting the YBC bylaws on the QBC website.
CJ moved the meeting adjourn at 4PM. Katie seconded. Motion passed.
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