Called to order by George Barnes at 7:04 PM
Members present:
Dan, Cathy, Leo, Carolyn, Cal B, Lyla, Steve R, Bill M, Cecil, Mike R, George, Robert Dunlop, William, Cal M, Mark, Steve C, Bob R, Tim and Clint. Guests Carlito Silvania and Robert Richards
Read and approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The treasurer's report was read and approved. We have $200 in the charitable kitty. Balance in the treasury is $3307.23.
Old Business:
New Business:
Bill M talked about the Mathis Christmas Tree project to sink old Christmas trees. Project does not need volunteers to help sink the trees but needs funds to buy cinder blocks and materials. Cal B made a motion for the club to donate $24 from club funds, seconded by Carolyn - motion passed.
Dan brought up the need to expend funds to purchase plaques for annual award winners. Carolyn volunteered to purchase the plaques. Club authorized $175-200 for plaques.
Dan introduced Carlito Silvania as a prospective new member. Carlito introduced himself to the club. Cal seconded the motion to accept Carlito into the club - Carlito was voted in.
Mike R introduced Robert Richards as a guest and possible new member. Robert said he was just interested in observing for now.
Cal announced a CAST tournament on Bastrop April 9th and solicited boaters. He also announced plans to organize a CAST event in the South region this year. Cal plans to organize two Casting Kids events this year - one in the spring and one in the fall. He is also looking into hosting a Junior BASS Masters Tournament. A Cast For Kids event will also be organized in the Region by Jim Beacon. More to follow.
Bill motioned that the club provide $100 to Cal to support kid's events. Cathy seconded - motion passed.
Clint announced that the PVA will have an event on Lake Conroe April 1st. Volunteers are needed as boat captains.
Mike R brought up two tournament rule changes suggested by Mike K. The minimum length of Guadalupe bass is not specified in the rules. The club set 12" as the minimum length when the state law changed to no minimum length but this change was never incorporated into the rules. The rules on the web will be updated to reflect the 12" minimum. The rule regarding fishing within 100yds of the weigh in site were thought to be ambiguous. The members discussed possible changes, but determined that the current wording is sufficient.
Tournament Director's Report:
New Tournament Schedule was presented and voted on. Two changes to the proposed schedule were to change the January tournament to Jan 22nd (based on forecasted severe weather) and to swap the two-day tournament in Mar on Choke to a one-day and the one-day tournament on Choke in Oct to a two-day. The schedule was voted on and passed as amended.
Leo announced the draw tournament times on Fayette (Saturday, Jan 22nd) as 7:00 to 2:30.
Draw results:
Leo - Lyla
Mike R - Robert Divin
William - Dan
George - Tim
Bob R - Carolyn
Carlito - Cal
Mike K - Steve R
Lyla won the draw.
Cal motioned to adjourn meeting, 2nd by Cecil, meeting adjourned at 7:50pm
Respectfully submitted,
Dan Leach, Secretary